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Aston University Partner

Ngôi trường được xếp hạng Vàng về chất lượng giảng dạy

Total students
Tuition fee

Aston University được thành lập từ năm 1895 và trường chính thức trở thành trường Đại học vào năm 1966. Aston University nổi tiếng trên thế giới bởi chất lượng nghiên cứu và giảng dạy với tỷ lệ sinh viên tốt nghiệp có được việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp luôn nằm trong top đầu Anh Quốc. Trường cung cấp các chương trình cử nhân và cao học thuộc các lĩnh vực như Kinh doanh, Kĩ thuật và Khoa học Ứng dụng, Y tế, Ngôn ngữ và Khoa học Xã hội.

Aston University được xếp hạng Vàng về chất lượng giảng dạy. Trường luôn nằm trong Top 30 trường đại học hàng đầu tại Anh và nằm trong Top 20 trường đại học có tỉ lệ sinh viên có việc làm sau khi tốt nghiệp cao, được xếp hạng thứ 25 tại Vương quốc Anh (theo The Guardian University Guide, 2024). Một số ngành học nổi bật của trường như: Kinh doanh, Tài chính ngân hàng, Kế toán, Kinh tế, Quản lý, Marketing. Đặc biệt, Aston Business School nằm trong top 1% các trường kinh doanh hàng đầu trên thế giới và được công nhận bởi 3 tổ chức uy tín là AMBA, AACSB và EQUIS.

Sở hữu các khoá học chất lượng cao, môi trường học tập hiện đại, thân thiện… Aston University luôn trở thành một trong những lựa chọn hàng đầu cho du học sinh quốc tế từ hơn 120 quốc gia. Aston University có sứ mệnh trở thành trường đại học hàng đầu của Vương quốc Anh dành cho sinh viên mong muốn thành công trong tương lai.

Thành phố

Birmingham B4 7ET, Vương quốc Anh

Birmingham là một thành phố rộng lớn, sôi động và thú vị để sinh sống và học tập. Chi phí sinh hoạt tại đây thấp hơn London nhưng vẫn có đầy đủ những lợi ích chính của một thành phố quốc tế lớn

Xem trên bản đồ

Các thông tin nổi bật

  • Xếp hạng 25 các trường Đại học tốt nhất UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng thứ 446 trong Bảng xếp hạng Đại học Thế giới, đưa trường vào top 30% các tổ chức hàng đầu toàn cầu (theo QS World University Rankings 2024)
  • Top 10 tại Anh và top 66 trường Đại học tốt nhất thế giới về ngành Business and management (QS World Rankings by Subject for Business and Management Studies 2024)
  • Các khóa học ngành giải giải phẫu và sinh lý học xếp thứ 4 tại Vương quốc Anh (Theo Guardian University Guide, 2024)
  • Các khóa học xây dựng Xếp thứ 7 tại Vương quốc Anh (Theo Guardian University Guide, 2024)
  • Aston Business School là một trong duy nhất 75 trường kinh doanh trên thế giới nhận được “triple-crown” từ AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS
  • Xếp thứ 20 tại Vương quốc Anh về Triển vọng nghề nghiệp sau đại học (Theo Complete University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp vị trí thứ 38 trên toàn quốc, tăng bảy bậc so với năm 2023 và xếp vị trí thứ 22 về tỷ lệ tiếp tục học sau tốt nghiệp (The Times và Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024)
  • Trường Đại học của năm về Việc làm cho sinh viên sau đại học (theo The Times và Sunday Times University Guide 2024)
  • Đạt giải Triple Gold - đánh giá cao nhất trong bảng xếp hạng The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023
  • Xếp thứ 3 ở West Midlands về mức độ hỗ trợ học tập cho sinh viên (theo National Student Survey 2023)
  • Sinh viên tốt nghiệp Đại học Aston có việc làm có mức lương trung bình lớn thứ 16 trong tổng cộng 5 năm sau khi tốt nghiệp ở mức 33.400 bảng Anh (theo Dữ liệu về Kết quả Giáo dục LEO năm 2022)

Cơ sở vật chất


Aston University tọa lạc tại trong khuôn viên rộng 60 mẫu Anh tại Gosta Green, trung tâm của Birmingham. Trường cung cấp cho sinh viên của mình một số môi trường học tập và nghiên cứu tốt nhất trên thế giới từ các giảng đường và phòng khám hiện đại để sinh viên thực hành:

  • Trung tâm Trí não Aston và Phòng khám Mắt Aston – đến một loạt các phòng thí nghiệm chuyên môn, bao gồm cả cơ sở thực tế ảo trị giá 3,9 triệu bảng Anh
  • Viện Nghiên cứu Năng lượng & Sản phẩm Sinh học (EBRI) tại Đại học Aston trị giá 21 triệu bảng Anh có bảy phòng thí nghiệm, không gian hội họp và một nhà máy thí điểm khí hóa, kết hợp với động cơ Nhiệt và Điện kết hợp (CHP) có thể cung cấp nhiệt, điện và nhu cầu làm mát cho tòa nhà và một phần khuôn viên trường Đại học. Đây là nhà máy đầu tiên thuộc loại này ở Anh, sự phát triển độc đáo này mang lại nhiều ứng dụng từ cung cấp năng lượng cho xe điện đến mạng lưới carbon thấp cho các thành phố.
  • Phòng thí nghiệm Kỹ thuật tập thể thông minh (ALICE) của Aston Lab với robot và máy in 3D
  • Phòng thí nghiệm Z Space với các máy tính hỗ trợ 3D
  • Phòng thí nghiệm Aston Interactive Media (AIM) để nghiên cứu và phát triển phương tiện truyền thông tương tác sáng tạo
  • Phòng thí nghiệm của Viện nghiên cứu phân tích hệ thống (SARI) với máy chủ GPU (GPU - sử dụng bộ xử lý đồ họa (GPU) cùng với CPU để tăng tốc các ứng dụng kỹ thuật, phân tích và học sâu)
  • Phòng thử nghiệm động cơ (năm phòng thử nghiệm động cơ, với động lực kế thủy lực và điện, máy phân tích quá trình đốt cháy Kistler, máy phân tích khí thải)
  • Trang thiết bị tiên tiến trong lĩnh vực Vật liệu và Năng lượng sinh học phục vụ cho sinh viên trong quá trình nghiên cứu: Bộ thử nghiệm cơ học với khả năng mỏi theo chu kỳ và DMA; Kính hiển vi điện tử quét; Quang phổ quang điện tử tia X; Biến đổi Fourier hồng ngoại; Hưởng từ hạt nhân;

Không chỉ phục vụ học tập, khuôn viên Aston University còn có vô vàn tiện ích phục vụ đời sống sinh viên phải kể đến như: trung tâm thể thao, hồ bơi, thư viện, quán cà phê, nhà hàng, quán rượu, cửa hàng, tiệm làm tóc, nha sĩ, bác sĩ nhãn khoa, ngân hàng, máy rút tiền tự động… và hơn 130 câu lạc bộ, hội, nhóm do sinh viên thành lập và tổ chức:

Library Service

Thư viện của Aston University nằm trên bốn tầng và chứa hơn 250.000 cuốn sách, 800 ấn phẩm định kỳ. Nơi đây cung cấp khả năng truy cập trực tuyến vào hơn 40 cơ sở dữ liệu điện tử và hơn 3.400 tạp chí điện tử. Đồng thời, thư viện luôn mở cửa 24/7 cho sinh viên và nhân viên Aston trong thời gian thi và trung bình khoảng 12 giờ một ngày trong thời gian học kỳ.

Sport Aston

Đây là nơi lý tưởng để rèn luyện sức khỏe. Trung tâm có một phòng tập thể dục đầy đủ chức năng, nhiều studio và sân thể thao cùng với hồ bơi hoạt động lâu đời nhất nhưng tuyệt đẹp nhất của Birmingham. Sport Aston cũng quản lý Trung tâm Giải trí Đại học Aston ở Great Barr, nơi cung cấp các sân cỏ cho thuê và sân có đèn chiếu sáng trong mọi thời tiết. Nơi này nằm trên diện tích 48 mẫu cây xanh, mang lại tầm nhìn tuyệt đẹp trong một môi trường thư giãn. Trung tâm còn có các phòng chức năng và khu vực nghỉ ngơi cho công chúng thuê.

Trung tâm Đa tín ngưỡng Martin Luther King

Nằm ở trung tâm khuôn viên trường và phục vụ cho những người thuộc mọi tôn giáo hoặc không theo tôn giáo nào, tại đây sinh viên sẽ được trò chuyện, tâm sự và lắng nghe những lời khuyên về cuộc sống.

Đại học Aston có 2.117 chỗ ở tiện nghi, thuận tiện ngay tại ký túc xá, phân bố ở 3 toà tháp, 4 toà nhà thấp tầng cũng như các khu cư xá bên hồ Lakeside. Tất cả các chỗ ở đều gồm các phòng đơn trong các căn hộ cho sinh viên tự nấu ăn, với các phương án lựa chọn chỗ ở tiêu chuẩn hoặc căn hộ khép kín. Kí túc xá của Aston nằm ở trung tâm khuôn viên trường.

James Watt

  • Chỉ mất vài phút đi bộ để tới các giảng đường
  • Bao gồm các tiện nghi tuyệt vời như phòng có phòng tắm riêng, máy giặt theo tiêu chuẩn, Wi-Fi tốc độ cao miễn phí và an ninh 24/7.
  • Tất cả các hóa đơn được bao gồm trong tiền thuê nhà
  • Nội thất phòng ngủ và bếp đầy đủ tiện nghi
  • Kho chứa xe đạp
  • Máy bán hàng tự động - đồ ăn nhẹ tại chỗ!
  • Trung tâm liên lạc khẩn cấp 24/7
  • Premium One Ensuite (7 bed): Undergraduate - £158/tuần
  • Premium Two Ensuite (5 bed): Undergraduate - ££164/tuần; Postgraduate - £163/tuần

William Murdoch

  • Chỉ mất vài phút đi bộ để tới các giảng đường
  • Bao gồm các tiện nghi tuyệt vời như phòng có phòng tắm riêng,máy giặt theo tiêu chuẩn, Wi-Fi tốc độ cao miễn phí và an ninh 24/7.
  • Tất cả các hóa đơn được bao gồm trong tiền thuê nhà
  • Nội thất phòng ngủ và bếp đầy đủ tiện nghi
  • Kho chứa xe đạp
  • Máy bán hàng tự động - đồ ăn nhẹ tại chỗ!
  • Trung tâm liên lạc khẩn cấp 24/7Bao gồm các tiện nghi tuyệt vời như phòng có phòng tắm riêng theo tiêu chuẩn, Wi-Fi tốc độ cao miễn phí và an ninh 24/7.
  • Premium One EnSuite (7 bed): Undergraduate - £158/tuần
  • Premium Two EnSuite (5 bed): Undergraduate - £164/tuần; Postgraduate - £163/tuần

Chương trình giảng dạy

Aston University có 8 ngành học thuộc top 30 toàn châu Âu và 2 ngành thuộc top 20 trên toàn thế giới (theo bảng xếp hạng Eduniversal 2018). Các khoa giảng dạy tại trường bao gồm: 

Đặc biệt, Aston Business School là một trong duy nhất 75 trường kinh doanh trên thế giới nhận được “triple-crown” từ AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS, đồng thời thường xuyên có mặt trong các bảng xếp hạng của Financial Times và Economist. Đặc biệt, Aston University còn là một trong 12 học viện duy nhất được nhận Regius Professorship – giải thưởng hiếm gặp và cao quý, chỉ mới được trao thưởng 14 lần từ khi Nữ hoàng Victoria lên ngôi để đánh dấu sinh nhật lần thứ 90 của Nữ Hoàng.

Học phí

Đại học
Sau đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí £18,250
Nhà ở £7,500
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí £20,700
Nhà ở £8,000
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500

Học bổng

Gold Partner - KingStudy's Scholarship (£9,000)

What is it? This ONCAMPUS Aston Scholarship is exclusively awarded to students coming from our esteemed Gold Partner - KingStudy

Who is it for? KingStudy's students applying for Foundation, International year 1, pre-master courses

How much is it worth? With the total of £9,000, this includes £4,500 for the first year of study at ONCAMPUS and £4,500 for the next progression year of study

How do I apply? To apply for the scholarship, you will need to do an interview

GREAT Scholarships 2024 (£10,000 )

What is it? In partnership with the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign, Aston University is offering £10,000 towards tuition fees for one-year postgraduate-level taught courses to one student from each of the following countries who enrol at Aston University in 2024 (Please note - excluded courses are the MBA and Postgraduate Diploma for Overseas Pharmacists (OSPAP))

Who is it for?

Course: One-year postgraduate-level on-campus taught course (excluding the MBA and OSPAP).

Nationality: India, Pakistan, and Vietnam (you must also be a current resident of your country)

Minimum academic qualification: equivalent of a UK 2:1 degree qualification

How much is it worth? £10,000

How do I apply? You will need to answer the following question in no more than 500 words. You will be also need to create a one-minute video introducing yourself and why you applied for Aston University for your postgraduate studies. Please upload your video to YouTube (or an alternative video sharing platform) and share the link to this video in the relevant field of the application form.

Deadline: 23:59 UK time on Friday 24th May 2024.

Aston Enterprise Scholarship (up to 100% full fee)

What is it? Aston University is here to help future entrepreneurs and is offering a full scholarship and two partial scholarships to students who demonstrate that they have the potential to be successful entrepreneurs in the future. These scholarships are for students who plan to study a one-year master's course beginning in September 2024.

Who is it for? The Aston Enterprise Scholarship is open to UK, EU and International applicants on all full-time postgraduate courses.

How much is it worth? Full scholarship (100% reduction in tuition fees) for a Master's course beginning in September 2024

The two runners-up will both receive a partial scholarship (40% reduction in tuition fees) for a Master's course beginning in September 2024.

How do I apply? To apply for the scholarship, you will need to upload a short (1-minute) video of a pitch for your business idea.

MBA Scholarships (up to £12,000)

What is it? We offer MBA scholarships at gold (£12,000) and silver (£6,000) level to candidates who demonstrate the potential to make a transformational impact on the MBA cohort and a global impact through their subsequent career.

Who is it for? MBA applicants only

How much is it worth? We offer MBA scholarships at gold (£12,000) and silver (£6,000) level to candidates who demonstrate the potential to make a transformational impact on the MBA cohort and a global impact through their subsequent career.

How do I apply? There is no application for an MBA scholarship. You will be assessed for the scholarship as part of your MBA interview. It is therefore important that you fully prepare for your interview and consider the scholarship criteria when giving your answers.

Sir Adrian Cadbury Chancellor’s Scholarship (£7,000)

What is it? This scholarship recognises Sir Adrian’s values and contributions. As a Civic University we are looking for students who are committed to making a difference, who will take the learning and experience gained on their degree to make a positive impact in their communities internationally.

Who is it for? They are a new applicant to and have received an offer for a full-time Postgraduate Taught programme at Aston University

How much is it worth? £7,000, including opportunities to meet VIP business leaders, attend exclusive events with the Vice-Chancellor Professor Aleks Subic and attend games at Aston Villa FC.

If you also accept your place and pay your deposit before your deadline you can also claim your £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount, bringing the total fee reduction to £10,000.

How do I apply? To be considered for this scholarship you must submit an application in the form of a one minute video, introducing yourself, and explaining why you should be considered for the scholarship. Deadline 31 March 2024 23:59 (UK Time)

Automatic Global Solutions Scholarship (£5,000)

What is it? As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and interdependent, the need for effective global solutions to pressing challenges becomes more evident. Crisis management, Cyber Security, business development, and sustainable operations are four key areas where global cooperation and innovation are crucial.

Who is it for? We are offering automatic scholarships to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:

MSc Business Enterprise Development

MSc Cyber Security Management

MSc Crisis and Disaster Management

MSc Sustainable Business Operations

How much is it worth? £5,000 combine with £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount bringing the total fee reduction to £8,000.

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Automatic Revolutionary Technologies Scholarship (£5,000)

What is it? Emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and smart manufacturing are rapidly changing the world around us. From the way we travel to the way we work, these technologies have the potential to transform our lives.

Who is it for? We are offering automatic scholarships to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:

MSc Future Vehicle Technologies

MSc Robotics and Autonomous Systems

MSc Smart Manufacturing

How much is it worth? £5,000 combine with £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount bringing the total fee reduction to £8,000.

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Automatic Healthcare Innovation Scholarship (£4,000)

What is it? Aston University is at the forefront of healthcare innovation and committed to transforming the delivery of care to patients worldwide and improving patient outcomes.

Who is it for? We are offering automatic scholarships to students wishing to study on one of the following courses:

MRES Biosciences

MSc Neuroscience for Drug Discovery

MRES Neuropharmacology

MSc Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

How much is it worth? £4,000 combine with £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount bringing the total fee reduction to £7,000.

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Automatic Merit Scholarship (£3,000)

What is it? We aim to attract the brightest and best students to our practical, industry relevant degrees.

Who is it for? This scholarship is available to all international students who achieve overall of 70% or higher; 7.5 out of 10 or higher

How much is it worth? £3,000 combine with £3,000 Early Acceptance Discount bringing the total fee reduction to £6,000.

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Automatic Early Acceptance Discount (£3,000)


What is it? We are offering all students an automatic discount, if you accept your place and pay your deposit by the deadline stated in your first offer letter, which should be six weeks from receiving your original offer.

Who is it for? They are a new applicant to and have received an offer for a full-time Postgraduate Taught programme at Aston University (MSc for Overseas Pharmacists (OSPAP) programme is excluded from the scheme), which will start in the Autumn Term commencing September 2024 into the first year of study oncampus in Birmingham, UK.

How much is it worth? £3,000

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Scholarships for September 2024 undergraduate taught course(£2,000 - £5,000)


What is it? For September 2024 we are offering students an automatic scholarship at gold and silver

Who is it for? International students who receive an offer for any of our Bachelor's courses in September 2024

How much is it worth?

ABB or equivalent entry grade point - £5,000 tuition fee discount in the first year of study

BBB or equivalent entry grade point - £2,000 tuition fee discount in the first year of study

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Automatic Regional Scholarship (£3,000)

What is it? For April 2024 we are offering an automatic to students from South Asia.

Who is it for? Residents or nationals of any South Asian country who receive an offer for any of our taught Master's courses in April 2024. This scholarship is only applicable for full-time courses which are taught on campus (applicants for online courses are not eligible for this scholarship).

How much is it worth? £3,000 scholarship

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this scholarship, it will appear as a tuition fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Please note - the £3,000 Automatic Regional Scholarship will supersede the Automatic 10% April Scholarship. Please refer to our scholarship terms & conditions, which outline that you can only receive one Aston University scholarship - the highest-value scholarship that you are eligible for will be awarded to you.

Automatic April Scholarship (10%)

What is it? For April 2024 we are offering students an automatic scholarship which is a 10% discount off your tuition fees.

Who is it for? International students who receive an offer for any of our taught Master's courses in April 2024

How much is it worth? 10% discount off your tuition fees

How do I apply? There is no need to submit a separate application for this discount, it will appear as a fee reduction when you enrol onto your course.

Khóa học

Tất cả
Đại học
Sau đại học
Cao đẳng

Accounting and Finance MSc

This fast-paced masters course will equip you with the fundamentals of accountancy and business finance. You’ll develop an advanced understanding and learn the practical skills needed for graduate roles in the financial sector.

Advanced Clinical Practice in Ocular Health MSc

Our School of Optometry is offering an exciting new masters programme for allied health professionals working in the field of ophthalmology who wish to to progress to advanced clinical practitioners . The programme is part of the Ophthalmic Common Clinical Competency Framework (OCCCF) and is open to optometrists, orthoptists and nurses working within the field of ophthalmology.

Advanced Dental Implantology MSc

The MSc Advanced Dental Implantology is a Level 7 postgraduate qualification awarded by Aston University, delivered in collaboration with Cambridge Academy of Dental Implantology. Our 12 month part time course is the ideal academic progression pathway for those holding 90 credits at PG Cert or PG Dip level in Dental Implantology from CAofDI (accredited by EduQual).

Advanced Hearing Therapy Practice MSc

Enhance your understanding and practice of hearing rehabilitation and research as an audiologist or healthcare science practitioner. Studying the Advanced Hearing Therapy Practice MSc here at Aston University will develop your existing knowledge and expertise.

Applied Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) MSc

If you want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but don’t have a computer science background, this conversion course could be for you. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Applied Artificial Intelligence MSc

If you want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but don’t have a computer science background, this conversion course could be for you.

Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) MSc

If you’re a computer science graduate and want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), our interactive course could be for you. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Artificial Intelligence MSc

If you’re a computer science graduate and want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), our interactive course could be for you

Artificial Intelligence with Business Strategy MSc

This course gives you the skills to devise and develop artificial intelligence solutions alongside broader business strategy - a strong combination.

Biosciences MRes

Study Biosciences MRes at Aston University, Birmingham and develop hands-on, lab-based, research experience, in the specialist area of biosciences with our extended research project.

Business Analytics MSc

In a data-rich society, every organisation needs analytical planning and big data analysis. This course has been designed to meet the growing demand from employers and will equip you with the skills to extract meaningful information from data to inform strategic decision-making.

Business and Management MSc

Become a business leader of the future and get set for a rewarding career with our MSc Business and Management degree. Develop your management skills and techniques and gain an extensive understanding of how companies operate.

Business Enterprise Development MSc

Want to DO business rather than just learn about it? Do you like working with others and pooling ideas and resources? Are you excited by a challenge and self-motivated? Our Business Enterprise Development MSc could be for you.

Business Psychology MSc

Understand human behaviour in the work place on our MSc Business Psychology course. What makes individuals thrive at work, how do we improve organisational performance and how can we make the workplace a healthier, happier environment?

Civil Infrastructure Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

Engineers and engineering skills are in very high demand across a range of sectors around the world. Our programme has been designed to provide cutting-edge specialist knowledge in Civil Engineering Infrastructures. Aiming to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in analysis, design, construction, operation and management aspects. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Civil Infrastructure Engineering MSc

Engineers and engineering skills are in very high demand across a range of sectors around the world. Our programme has been designed to provide cutting-edge specialist knowledge in Civil Engineering Infrastructures. Aiming to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in analysis, design, construction, operation and management aspects.

Clinical Neurophysiology Practice MSc

The MSc in Clinical Neurophysiology is a level 7 postgraduate qualification designed for individuals already working in clinical neurophysiology or related services who want to progress in their role by developing a deeper understanding of the theory, methods, and practice in neurophysiology.

Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) MSc

Embark on the career pathway for Healthcare Scientists, accredited by the National School of Healthcare Science by studying the MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) at Aston University. The scheme aims to provide an appropriately trained workforce to work in the NHS through clinical science training. Please note, this course is commissioned by the National School of Healthcare Science, therefore, you do not apply directly to the Aston University for this course.

Clinically Enhanced Independent Prescribing PgCert

Study the Clinically Enhanced Independent Prescribing Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) at Aston University, Birmingham to enhance your practice as a clinician and delivery of care to your patients while gaining a General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) accredited qualification.

Clinically Enhanced Prescribing in Acute and Emergency Medicine – Standalone module

Build on your existing knowledge by studying the Health Education England approved, Clinically Enhanced Prescribing in Acute and Emergency Medicine standalone module at Aston University, Birmingham. Taught prominently online, you will expand your clinical skills and ability to identify diagnoses in acute and emergency medicine.

Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience MSc

Gain specialist training and transferable research skills with our specialised MSc Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience at Aston University, Birmingham. Benefit from access to leading researchers and state-of-the-art facilities within the Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment and School of Psychology.

Computer Science (including Professional Practice) MSc

This course has been developed specifically for those who haven't studied Computer Science at undergraduate level, and also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Computer Science MSc

As a non-computing graduate on our Computer Science masters course, you’ll have the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and experience you need to build an exciting career.

Construction Management and Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

Deepen your knowledge or change careers into the construction industry with our Construction Management and Engineering masters. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Construction Management and Engineering MSc

Deepen your knowledge or change careers into the construction industry with our Construction Management and Engineering masters.

Crisis and Disaster Management MSc

This course will prepare you to understand decision-making approaches and develop the necessary skills to prepare for and manage crisis and disaster specialising either in business crisis or in humanitarian operations.

Work Psychology and Business MSc

Build on your psychology qualifications and learn advanced psychology concepts and how they apply to various business issues, such as the assessment of individuals in the workplace, organisational behaviour as well as strategy and leadership.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (Distance Learning)

Study the MA Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) via distance learning with Aston University. Gain a substantial postgraduate qualification in the field of TESOL and put your learning into practice in an exciting and enriching multicultural environment.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA

Study the MA in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) at Aston University to gain a substantial postgraduate qualification in the field of TESOL and put your learning into practice in an exciting and enriching multicultural environment.

Sustainable Engineering MSc

This multi-disciplinary programme embeds sustainability and sustainable development deep within the mind-set of engineers, providing them with the skills to design and construct new technologies, and envision engineering solutions that embrace the challenges of global sustainable development.

Sustainable Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

This multi-disciplinary programme embeds sustainability and sustainable development deep within the mind-set of engineers, providing them with the skills to design and construct new technologies, and envision engineering solutions that embrace the challenges of global sustainable development.

Sustainable Business Operations Management MSc

The latest events such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed companies to look at their global operations and supply chains more strategically, including how to digitise their products, advance towards services, and produce more sustainably, and as a result sustainable business operations management has quickly become business-critical areas of expertise in modern business.

Supply Chain Management MSc

If you want to build a career in an area that’s critical to societal wellbeing, this course could be for you. This course is triple accredited by the three important industry bodies in the UK; CILT, CIPS and CMI.

Strategy and International Business MSc

A unique combination of strategy, management consulting and international business, our MSc Strategy and International Business course can kick-start your career.

Strategic Marketing Management MSc

Stand out from the crowd and kick-start your career in marketing on our MSc Strategic Marketing Management course. Learn the core concepts, discover how to develop and deliver successful strategy and explore specific areas, such as brand management or consumer behaviour including their aspects.

Strategic Digital Marketing MSc

This contemporary course will equip you with the creative and strategic skills needed to work in digital marketing. The emergence of the circular economy and digital transformation has led to the creation of significant career opportunities worldwide ranging from small business to larger enterprise level. The dual qualification from Aston Business School and the Digital Marketing Institute offers significant added value to students who aspire to become digital professionals and transformational leaders of the future.

International Commercial Law LLM

Globalisation has made international commercial law more relevant than ever. Examine the relationship between law and business within an international context and prepare yourself for a range of careers in law or a management position in another area of business.

Data Analytics (including Professional Practice) MSc

Develop your skills in the various methods used to analyse big data sets and build a career in this exciting area where your knowledge and experience will be in high demand. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Data Analytics MSc

Develop your skills in the various methods used to analyse big data sets and build a career in this exciting area where your knowledge and experience will be in high demand.

Drug Delivery MSc

Gain hands-on experience of pharmaceutical formulation and knowledge of the drug development process from concept to market with the Drug Delivery MSc at Aston University, Birmingham.

Economics MSc

Designed in collaboration with experts from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), our MSc Economics degree offers an applied economics programme that focuses on skills and knowledge that are required from graduates who want to work as professional economists in the private, public or non-profit sector.

Engineering Management MSc

If you want to build an exciting career in engineering management, this could be the course for you.

English MA

Study our MA English programme, designed to allow you to specialise in either language, literature or to take a more integrated pathway. Our modules will develop your research expertise and apply your skills in real world contexts.

Entrepreneurship MSc

Whether you want to start your own company, lead a family business or gain entrepreneurial skills that are in demand from employers, our MSc Entrepreneurship course is for you.

Europe and the World Double MA

Study the innovative Europe and the World Double MA course at Aston University and Sciences Po Lille, to get an internationally-oriented understanding of European and global affairs.

Finance MSc

Develop your understanding of corporate finance, asset valuation, investment management and risk management techniques. Enhance your analytical and quantitative skills and you’ll gain valuable experience using industry-leading software in our state-of-the-art trading room.

Forensic Linguistics MA

Study MA Forensic Linguistics with Aston University, home of the world-leading Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics. Take your linguistics skills to the next level and improve the delivery of justice through the analysis of language.

Future Vehicle Technologies (including Professional Practice) MSc

This multidisciplinary programme bridges knowledge gaps, enabling new graduates and experienced engineers to lead the modern automotive industry in the production of intelligent, zero and ultra-low emission vehicles. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Future Vehicle Technologies MSc

This multidisciplinary programme bridges knowledge gaps, enabling new graduates and experienced engineers to lead the modern automotive industry in the production of intelligent, zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.

Governance and International Politics Double MA

Study the Governance and International Politics Double MA at Aston University, UK, and University of Bamberg, Germany, to gain an unparalleled understanding of key issues in governance and international politics, enriched by both British and German perspectives.

Health Psychology MSc (on-campus)

Study our British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Health Psychology MSc at Aston University, Birmingham and discover more about how biology, psychology, behaviour, and social factors influence health and illness.

Human Resource Management MSc

Learn the complex yet subtle art of managing people in organisations, and develop skills for analysis and in-depth policy formation as well as the broader discipline of management on our fully accredited Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) course.

Information Systems and Business Analysis MSc

Understand information systems and how they empower business operations and develop technical skills in building and maintaining ICT systems and project management skills that are in huge demand.

International Accounting and Finance MSc

Take your accounting and finance skills to the next level and enhance your international employability on our MSc International Accounting and Finance course. Understand the crucial role accounting and finance plays in organisations and strategic decision making.

International Business MSc

Masters of International Business provides you with the highly sought-after global mindset, skills, and knowledge that are required for doing business in rapidly changing global context and prepares you to tackle the business challenges across the world confidently.

International Relations MSc

Study the International Relations MSc course at Aston University – a leading centre for research on politics and international relations – to give you a head start in your future career. The programme offers opportunities to specialise in the areas of “Conflict and Cooperation” and “Development and Governance”. Students will also have the option to complete Aston Global Advantage – our professional development programme.

Investment Analysis MSc

Discover how to undertake security valuation and portfolio management by studying equity, debt and derivative markets in domestic and international sectors, and learn about the key techniques used by financial traders.

Marketing and Analytics MSc

Develop your understanding and application of core theories in marketing analytics and how different methods can inform strategic decision-making and interventions in a breadth of business settings.

Mechanical Engineering MSc

Join our masters course and develop the skills you need to build a successful career in mechanical engineering.

Medical Retina – Standalone module

The Medical Retina standalone module at Aston University, Birmingham, forms part of our postgraduate Optometry Flexible Framework. This module aims to equip you with enhanced knowledge and clinical skills in the in the field of medical retina.

Optometry / Ophthalmic Science MSc

The flexible Aston University Optometry / Ophthalmic Science MSc will equip you with up-to date knowledge of clinical techniques, advanced instrumentation, ocular abnormality and the latest innovations relevant to your discipline, while you continue to work full-time in professional practice.

Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc

Develop your skills and knowledge in the design, development and production of medicines with our Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc at Aston University, Birmingham and prepare yourself for an exciting industrial or academic career in pharmaceutics or industrial pharmacy.

Pharmacist Independent Prescribing - Practice Certificate

The Pharmacist Independent Prescribing Practice Certificate is a 45 credit level 7 General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) accredited qualification delivered by Aston University, Birmingham. Taught predominantly online, this programme will enable you to evaluate and challenge prescribing practice with reference to evidence based practice, equality and diversity and clinical governance.

Pharmacokinetics MSc

Study Pharmacokinetics MSc at Aston University, Birmingham to develop the technical skills needed for an exciting career within either the pharmaceutical industry or clinical sciences, applying the principles of in-vitro and in-silico pharmacokinetics to allow improved dosing of drugs to different populations of patients within clinical trials or clinics.

Professional Accounting and Finance MSc

This course aims to meet the needs of exam qualified home accounting professionals, with relevant employment experience, who wish to obtain a masters degree and gain the skills to complete a substantial, rigorous piece of research on a work related or broader issue in order that they may exploit their accounting qualification and progress in their chosen careers.

Psychology (Conversion) MSc

This masters programme is a conversion course for those who wish to obtain a qualification in psychology with British Psychology Society (BPS) accreditation. This programme is ideal if you have a Bachelors degree with some element of psychology, and wish to achieve British Psychology Society (BPS) accreditation. Your study will be an intellectually rigourous one of contemporary education, developing an understanding of the theory, practice, and methods of psychology.

Public Health MPH

Our Master of Public Health (MPH) programme aims to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to address public health challenges at local, national and international level.

Skills Bootcamp in Cyber Security Fundamentals

A flexible 8-week course in cyber security fundamentals, perfect for those looking to upskill, or change their career path to a growing area by learning about the modern cyber security landscape.

Smart Manufacturing MSc

This programme will embed technological revolution deep within the mind-set of engineers and teach you the skills enabling you to design and develop new technologies that embrace the challenges of future manufacturing.

Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MSc

Study Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MSc at Aston University, Birmingham, and develop the skills and knowledge for a rewarding career in one of the most crucial and exciting areas of medical research.

Accounting and Finance MSc

This fast-paced masters course will equip you with the fundamentals of accountancy and business finance. You’ll develop an advanced understanding and learn the practical skills needed for graduate roles in the financial sector.

Advanced Clinical Practice in Ocular Health MSc

Our School of Optometry is offering an exciting new masters programme for allied health professionals working in the field of ophthalmology who wish to to progress to advanced clinical practitioners . The programme is part of the Ophthalmic Common Clinical Competency Framework (OCCCF) and is open to optometrists, orthoptists and nurses working within the field of ophthalmology.

Advanced Dental Implantology MSc

The MSc Advanced Dental Implantology is a Level 7 postgraduate qualification awarded by Aston University, delivered in collaboration with Cambridge Academy of Dental Implantology. Our 12 month part time course is the ideal academic progression pathway for those holding 90 credits at PG Cert or PG Dip level in Dental Implantology from CAofDI (accredited by EduQual).

Advanced Hearing Therapy Practice MSc

Enhance your understanding and practice of hearing rehabilitation and research as an audiologist or healthcare science practitioner. Studying the Advanced Hearing Therapy Practice MSc here at Aston University will develop your existing knowledge and expertise.

Applied Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) MSc

If you want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but don’t have a computer science background, this conversion course could be for you. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Applied Artificial Intelligence MSc

If you want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) but don’t have a computer science background, this conversion course could be for you.

Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) MSc

If you’re a computer science graduate and want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), our interactive course could be for you. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Artificial Intelligence MSc

If you’re a computer science graduate and want to build a career in the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), our interactive course could be for you

Artificial Intelligence with Business Strategy MSc

This course gives you the skills to devise and develop artificial intelligence solutions alongside broader business strategy - a strong combination.

Biosciences MRes

Study Biosciences MRes at Aston University, Birmingham and develop hands-on, lab-based, research experience, in the specialist area of biosciences with our extended research project.

Business Analytics MSc

In a data-rich society, every organisation needs analytical planning and big data analysis. This course has been designed to meet the growing demand from employers and will equip you with the skills to extract meaningful information from data to inform strategic decision-making.

Business and Management MSc

Become a business leader of the future and get set for a rewarding career with our MSc Business and Management degree. Develop your management skills and techniques and gain an extensive understanding of how companies operate.

Business Enterprise Development MSc

Want to DO business rather than just learn about it? Do you like working with others and pooling ideas and resources? Are you excited by a challenge and self-motivated? Our Business Enterprise Development MSc could be for you.

Business Psychology MSc

Understand human behaviour in the work place on our MSc Business Psychology course. What makes individuals thrive at work, how do we improve organisational performance and how can we make the workplace a healthier, happier environment?

Civil Infrastructure Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

Engineers and engineering skills are in very high demand across a range of sectors around the world. Our programme has been designed to provide cutting-edge specialist knowledge in Civil Engineering Infrastructures. Aiming to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in analysis, design, construction, operation and management aspects. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Civil Infrastructure Engineering MSc

Engineers and engineering skills are in very high demand across a range of sectors around the world. Our programme has been designed to provide cutting-edge specialist knowledge in Civil Engineering Infrastructures. Aiming to broaden and deepen students' knowledge in analysis, design, construction, operation and management aspects.

Clinical Neurophysiology Practice MSc

The MSc in Clinical Neurophysiology is a level 7 postgraduate qualification designed for individuals already working in clinical neurophysiology or related services who want to progress in their role by developing a deeper understanding of the theory, methods, and practice in neurophysiology.

Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) MSc

Embark on the career pathway for Healthcare Scientists, accredited by the National School of Healthcare Science by studying the MSc Clinical Science (Neurosensory Sciences) at Aston University. The scheme aims to provide an appropriately trained workforce to work in the NHS through clinical science training. Please note, this course is commissioned by the National School of Healthcare Science, therefore, you do not apply directly to the Aston University for this course.

Clinically Enhanced Independent Prescribing PgCert

Study the Clinically Enhanced Independent Prescribing Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) at Aston University, Birmingham to enhance your practice as a clinician and delivery of care to your patients while gaining a General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) accredited qualification.

Clinically Enhanced Prescribing in Acute and Emergency Medicine – Standalone module

Build on your existing knowledge by studying the Health Education England approved, Clinically Enhanced Prescribing in Acute and Emergency Medicine standalone module at Aston University, Birmingham. Taught prominently online, you will expand your clinical skills and ability to identify diagnoses in acute and emergency medicine.

Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience MSc

Gain specialist training and transferable research skills with our specialised MSc Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience at Aston University, Birmingham. Benefit from access to leading researchers and state-of-the-art facilities within the Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment and School of Psychology.

Computer Science (including Professional Practice) MSc

This course has been developed specifically for those who haven't studied Computer Science at undergraduate level, and also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Computer Science MSc

As a non-computing graduate on our Computer Science masters course, you’ll have the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and experience you need to build an exciting career.

Construction Management and Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

Deepen your knowledge or change careers into the construction industry with our Construction Management and Engineering masters. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Construction Management and Engineering MSc

Deepen your knowledge or change careers into the construction industry with our Construction Management and Engineering masters.

Crisis and Disaster Management MSc

This course will prepare you to understand decision-making approaches and develop the necessary skills to prepare for and manage crisis and disaster specialising either in business crisis or in humanitarian operations.

Work Psychology and Business MSc

Build on your psychology qualifications and learn advanced psychology concepts and how they apply to various business issues, such as the assessment of individuals in the workplace, organisational behaviour as well as strategy and leadership.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA (Distance Learning)

Study the MA Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) via distance learning with Aston University. Gain a substantial postgraduate qualification in the field of TESOL and put your learning into practice in an exciting and enriching multicultural environment.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA

Study the MA in Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) at Aston University to gain a substantial postgraduate qualification in the field of TESOL and put your learning into practice in an exciting and enriching multicultural environment.

Sustainable Engineering MSc

This multi-disciplinary programme embeds sustainability and sustainable development deep within the mind-set of engineers, providing them with the skills to design and construct new technologies, and envision engineering solutions that embrace the challenges of global sustainable development.

Sustainable Engineering (including Professional Practice) MSc

This multi-disciplinary programme embeds sustainability and sustainable development deep within the mind-set of engineers, providing them with the skills to design and construct new technologies, and envision engineering solutions that embrace the challenges of global sustainable development.

Sustainable Business Operations Management MSc

The latest events such as Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic have pushed companies to look at their global operations and supply chains more strategically, including how to digitise their products, advance towards services, and produce more sustainably, and as a result sustainable business operations management has quickly become business-critical areas of expertise in modern business.

Supply Chain Management MSc

If you want to build a career in an area that’s critical to societal wellbeing, this course could be for you. This course is triple accredited by the three important industry bodies in the UK; CILT, CIPS and CMI.

Strategy and International Business MSc

A unique combination of strategy, management consulting and international business, our MSc Strategy and International Business course can kick-start your career.

Strategic Marketing Management MSc

Stand out from the crowd and kick-start your career in marketing on our MSc Strategic Marketing Management course. Learn the core concepts, discover how to develop and deliver successful strategy and explore specific areas, such as brand management or consumer behaviour including their aspects.

Strategic Digital Marketing MSc

This contemporary course will equip you with the creative and strategic skills needed to work in digital marketing. The emergence of the circular economy and digital transformation has led to the creation of significant career opportunities worldwide ranging from small business to larger enterprise level. The dual qualification from Aston Business School and the Digital Marketing Institute offers significant added value to students who aspire to become digital professionals and transformational leaders of the future.

International Commercial Law LLM

Globalisation has made international commercial law more relevant than ever. Examine the relationship between law and business within an international context and prepare yourself for a range of careers in law or a management position in another area of business.

Data Analytics (including Professional Practice) MSc

Develop your skills in the various methods used to analyse big data sets and build a career in this exciting area where your knowledge and experience will be in high demand. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Data Analytics MSc

Develop your skills in the various methods used to analyse big data sets and build a career in this exciting area where your knowledge and experience will be in high demand.

Drug Delivery MSc

Gain hands-on experience of pharmaceutical formulation and knowledge of the drug development process from concept to market with the Drug Delivery MSc at Aston University, Birmingham.

Economics MSc

Designed in collaboration with experts from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), our MSc Economics degree offers an applied economics programme that focuses on skills and knowledge that are required from graduates who want to work as professional economists in the private, public or non-profit sector.

Engineering Management MSc

If you want to build an exciting career in engineering management, this could be the course for you.

English MA

Study our MA English programme, designed to allow you to specialise in either language, literature or to take a more integrated pathway. Our modules will develop your research expertise and apply your skills in real world contexts.

Entrepreneurship MSc

Whether you want to start your own company, lead a family business or gain entrepreneurial skills that are in demand from employers, our MSc Entrepreneurship course is for you.

Europe and the World Double MA

Study the innovative Europe and the World Double MA course at Aston University and Sciences Po Lille, to get an internationally-oriented understanding of European and global affairs.

Finance MSc

Develop your understanding of corporate finance, asset valuation, investment management and risk management techniques. Enhance your analytical and quantitative skills and you’ll gain valuable experience using industry-leading software in our state-of-the-art trading room.

Forensic Linguistics MA

Study MA Forensic Linguistics with Aston University, home of the world-leading Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics. Take your linguistics skills to the next level and improve the delivery of justice through the analysis of language.

Future Vehicle Technologies (including Professional Practice) MSc

This multidisciplinary programme bridges knowledge gaps, enabling new graduates and experienced engineers to lead the modern automotive industry in the production of intelligent, zero and ultra-low emission vehicles. This course also features the opportunity to undertake a professional placement in its second year.

Future Vehicle Technologies MSc

This multidisciplinary programme bridges knowledge gaps, enabling new graduates and experienced engineers to lead the modern automotive industry in the production of intelligent, zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.

Governance and International Politics Double MA

Study the Governance and International Politics Double MA at Aston University, UK, and University of Bamberg, Germany, to gain an unparalleled understanding of key issues in governance and international politics, enriched by both British and German perspectives.

Health Psychology MSc (on-campus)

Study our British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Health Psychology MSc at Aston University, Birmingham and discover more about how biology, psychology, behaviour, and social factors influence health and illness.

Human Resource Management MSc

Learn the complex yet subtle art of managing people in organisations, and develop skills for analysis and in-depth policy formation as well as the broader discipline of management on our fully accredited Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) course.

Information Systems and Business Analysis MSc

Understand information systems and how they empower business operations and develop technical skills in building and maintaining ICT systems and project management skills that are in huge demand.

International Accounting and Finance MSc

Take your accounting and finance skills to the next level and enhance your international employability on our MSc International Accounting and Finance course. Understand the crucial role accounting and finance plays in organisations and strategic decision making.

International Business MSc

Masters of International Business provides you with the highly sought-after global mindset, skills, and knowledge that are required for doing business in rapidly changing global context and prepares you to tackle the business challenges across the world confidently.

International Relations MSc

Study the International Relations MSc course at Aston University – a leading centre for research on politics and international relations – to give you a head start in your future career. The programme offers opportunities to specialise in the areas of “Conflict and Cooperation” and “Development and Governance”. Students will also have the option to complete Aston Global Advantage – our professional development programme.

Investment Analysis MSc

Discover how to undertake security valuation and portfolio management by studying equity, debt and derivative markets in domestic and international sectors, and learn about the key techniques used by financial traders.

Marketing and Analytics MSc

Develop your understanding and application of core theories in marketing analytics and how different methods can inform strategic decision-making and interventions in a breadth of business settings.

Mechanical Engineering MSc

Join our masters course and develop the skills you need to build a successful career in mechanical engineering.

Medical Retina – Standalone module

The Medical Retina standalone module at Aston University, Birmingham, forms part of our postgraduate Optometry Flexible Framework. This module aims to equip you with enhanced knowledge and clinical skills in the in the field of medical retina.

Optometry / Ophthalmic Science MSc

The flexible Aston University Optometry / Ophthalmic Science MSc will equip you with up-to date knowledge of clinical techniques, advanced instrumentation, ocular abnormality and the latest innovations relevant to your discipline, while you continue to work full-time in professional practice.

Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc

Develop your skills and knowledge in the design, development and production of medicines with our Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc at Aston University, Birmingham and prepare yourself for an exciting industrial or academic career in pharmaceutics or industrial pharmacy.

Pharmacist Independent Prescribing - Practice Certificate

The Pharmacist Independent Prescribing Practice Certificate is a 45 credit level 7 General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) accredited qualification delivered by Aston University, Birmingham. Taught predominantly online, this programme will enable you to evaluate and challenge prescribing practice with reference to evidence based practice, equality and diversity and clinical governance.

Pharmacokinetics MSc

Study Pharmacokinetics MSc at Aston University, Birmingham to develop the technical skills needed for an exciting career within either the pharmaceutical industry or clinical sciences, applying the principles of in-vitro and in-silico pharmacokinetics to allow improved dosing of drugs to different populations of patients within clinical trials or clinics.

Professional Accounting and Finance MSc

This course aims to meet the needs of exam qualified home accounting professionals, with relevant employment experience, who wish to obtain a masters degree and gain the skills to complete a substantial, rigorous piece of research on a work related or broader issue in order that they may exploit their accounting qualification and progress in their chosen careers.

Psychology (Conversion) MSc

This masters programme is a conversion course for those who wish to obtain a qualification in psychology with British Psychology Society (BPS) accreditation. This programme is ideal if you have a Bachelors degree with some element of psychology, and wish to achieve British Psychology Society (BPS) accreditation. Your study will be an intellectually rigourous one of contemporary education, developing an understanding of the theory, practice, and methods of psychology.

Public Health MPH

Our Master of Public Health (MPH) programme aims to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to address public health challenges at local, national and international level.

Skills Bootcamp in Cyber Security Fundamentals

A flexible 8-week course in cyber security fundamentals, perfect for those looking to upskill, or change their career path to a growing area by learning about the modern cyber security landscape.

Smart Manufacturing MSc

This programme will embed technological revolution deep within the mind-set of engineers and teach you the skills enabling you to design and develop new technologies that embrace the challenges of future manufacturing.

Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MSc

Study Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine MSc at Aston University, Birmingham, and develop the skills and knowledge for a rewarding career in one of the most crucial and exciting areas of medical research.

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dự bị Đại học
International Year 1
Đại học
Sau Đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 11
GPA 7.0+ (7 in Maths)
IELTS 5.5 (minimum 5.5)
TOEFL 73 (Reading 12, Writing 20, Listening 11, Speaking 17)
PTE 42 (minimum 42)
OCTOE (ONCAMPUS Test of English) 50%
Tổ chức đào tạo Cambridge Education Group


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 12
GPA 7.0+, incl.Maths
IELTS 5.5 (minimum 5.5)
TOEFL 73 (Reading 12, Writing 20, Listening 11, Speaking 20)
PTE 42 (minimum 42)
OCTOE (ONCAMPUS Test of English) 50%
Tổ chức đào tạo Cambridge Education Group


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình cấp 3
GPA 7.5+
IELTS 6.0 (minimum 5.5)
TOEFL 78 (Reading 12, Writing 20, Listening 11, Speaking 17)
PTE 64 (minimum 59)
KITE (Kaplan International Tools for English) 495 - 526
Oxford ELLT 6 (minimum 5)


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình Đại học
GPA 7.5+
IELTS 6.5 (Engineering and Physical Sciences 6.0)
TOEFL 78 (Reading 12, Writing 21, Listening 11, Speaking )
PTE 64 (minimum 59)
KITE (Kaplan International Tools for English) 426 - 458
Oxford ELLT 6 (minimum 5)


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