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University of Northampton Partner

Trường Đại học năng động và hiện đại hàng đầu Anh Quốc

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Tuition fee

University of Northampton là một trong những trường đại học trẻ nhất ở Vương quốc Anh nhưng luôn dẫn đầu trong việc gia tăng giá trị cho xã hội. Với tiền thân là Northampton Technical College được thành lập vào năm 1924. Đến năm 1937, trường chính thức mở cửa giảng dạy. Đến năm 1999, đại học Northampton trải qua sự thay đổi lớn khi chính thức sáp nhập một số trường cao đẳng. Cho đến năm 2005, trường Northampton chính thức được đổi thành trường đại học và được biết đến với tên gọi như hiện nay. Trường luôn được đánh giá cao về chất lượng đào tạo và giảng dạy.

Hiện nay, số lượng sinh viên của trường đã lên tới hơn 14,000 sinh viên, trong đó có đến hơn 1000 sinh viên quốc tế. Trường luôn chú trọng đến sinh viên, đảm bảo sinh viên tốt nghiệp có cơ hội ghi dấu ấn trên thế giới. Đó là lý do tại sao UoN là trường đại học đầu tiên ở Vương quốc Anh được vinh danh là "Cơ sở tạo ra thay đổi" vào năm 2012. Waterside Campus được khai trương vào tháng 9 năm 2018, trở thành một trong những Campus xịn xò nhất UK.

Thành phố

64J7+56 Northampton, Vương Quốc Anh

Northampton là một thị trấn lớn và là thị trấn của quận Wisconsinshire ở vùng Trung du nước Anh, nằm trên sông Nene Northampton yên bình với môi trường học tập lý tưởng

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Các thông tin nổi bật

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  • Được trao Giải Bạc cho trải nghiệm của sinh viên và kết quả đầu ra của sinh viên (TEF 2023)
  • Xếp hạng 29 trên thế giới theo Mục tiêu phát triển bền vững "giảm bất bình đẳng" của Liên hợp quốc và thứ 25 trên thế giới về "cuộc sống trên đất liền" (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023)
  • Top 30 các trường Đại học hàng đầu thế giới về giải quyết vấn đề bất bình đẳng (Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2021)
  • Nghiên cứu của trường được đánh giá là 'hàng đầu thế giới' hoặc 'xuất sắc quốc tế' (REF 2021)
  • Khóa học Luật xếp ở vị trí thứ 87 vào năm 2022 trong bảng xếp hạng Complete University Guide
  • Top 46 trường Đại học được chứng nhận Vàng (TEF Gold) về chất lượng giảng dạy do Chính Phủ Anh trao tặng năm 2017.
  • Xếp hạng thứ #1 tại Anh ở hạng mục “Value Added” theo bảng xếp hạng quốc gia của Guarduan League Tables 2012 và trong top 10 vào năm 2015
  • Trường đại học đầu tiên ở Vương quốc Anh được vinh danh là "Cơ sở tạo ra thay đổi" vào năm 2012.

Cơ sở vật chất


Từ năm 2018, đại học Northampton được chuyển đến khu học xá mới Waterside Campus. Chỉ một vài phút đi bộ từ trung tâm thành phố, khu học xá nằm bên bờ song Nene và sẽ mang đến một không gian đầy đủ tiện nghi cho việc học tập và sinh sống của sinh viên.
Waterside Campus được thiết kế nhằm mang đến cho từng cá nhân sinh viên một trải nghiệm trong môi trường học tập sáng tạo với các trang thiết bị tiên tiến nhất, đảm bảo cho sinh viên có cơ hội tiếp cận với các khu thư viện rộng rãi, trung tâm công nghệ thông tin 24/7 cùng các cửa hàng tiện ích, quán café, nhà hàng, trung tâm y tế, thể thao… và đa dạng chủng loại phòng ở.

  • Creative Hub - nằm cạnh bến du thuyền tuyệt đẹp bên bờ sông Nene. Trong hub có các phòng thí nghiệm, nghiên cứu và nhiều không gian học cùng chuyên gia - một trung tâm sáng tạo thực sự trong khuôn viên trường.
  • Learning Hub - Được bao quanh một tiền sảnh đầy ánh sáng, lấy cảm hứng từ mô hình của một quảng trường nơi mọi người gặp gỡ, thư giãn, làm việc và học tập. Learin Hub gần đây đã giành được Giải thưởng Thiết kế Sáng tạo RICS. Nhà ở thư viện 24/7, khu vực giảng dạy, quản lý sinh viên, không gian làm việc học tập, quán cà phê và nhà hàng, nó thể hiện University’s rethink về không gian giảng dạy, học tập, làm việc cho sinh viên và nhân viên.
  • Snate - Được xây dựng theo kiến ​​trúc bằng gỗ hiện đại, Thượng viện dành cho bậc sau đại học, một phòng diễn thuyết / phòng hội thảo theo phong cách Harvard và các văn phòng của Phó hiệu trưởng. Không gian tại đây khá linh hoạt cho các hoạt động nghiên cứu và giảng dạy.
  • Engine Shed - Hội sinh viên của trường base tại Engine Shed, một tòa nhà được xếp hạng II đã được tân trang lại khá đẹp mắt. Đây là một địa điểm độc đáo để dành thời gian cùng bạn bè trong campus. Tại đây đăng ký tham gia các môn thể thao và xã hội miễn phí.
  • Sports Dome, Sports Pavilion and Pitches - dành cho nhiều môn thể thao, bao gồm cầu lông, bóng chuyền và bóng rổ và bổ sung cho ba khu vực trò chơi ngoài trời và sân thể thao tràn ngập thời tiết. Nó cũng là nơi có các phòng thí nghiệm hiệu suất thể thao chuyên nghiệp và phòng giảng dạy cho sinh viên thể thao.
  • Energy Centre - cung cấp năng lượng cho UoN, được thiết kế an toàn và bảo vệ môi trường - cụ thể hạn chế được 2.200 tấn CO2 mỗi năm - tương đương với lượng CO2 431 xe oto chạy bên ngoài thải ra/năm.
  • Sunley Hotel and Conference Centre - là nơi tiếp đón gặp gỡ và phòng nghỉ dành khách quốc tế. Sinh viên ngành quản trị khách sạn sẽ có cơ hội thực tập tại đây.
  • The Institute for Creative Leather Technology (ICLT)- Northampton có hơn 900 năm lịch sử về da và là thủ phủ đóng giày của Anh. UON nổi tiếng trên toàn thế giới chất lượng giáo dục và nghiên cứu trong lĩnh vực này, ICLT xây dựng như xưởng thuộc da riêng.

Trường cung cấp một số loại chỗ ở có thể được tìm thấy trong khuôn viên trường tại Waterside và ngoài khuôn viên trường tại St Johns Halls và Scholars Green Student Village. Tùy thuộc vào vị trí, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các loại phòng khác nhau phù hợp với các nhu cầu và ngân sách khác nhau bao gồm Phòng studio, Phòng tắm riêng, Phòng 2 giường đơn và Phòng đơn.

Kí túc xá thuộc sở hữu của trường bao gồm đội an ninh 24 giờ tại chỗ, camera quan sát và kiểm soát ra vào bằng nhiều điểm ra vào chính. Ngoài ra còn có một đội cảnh sát tại chỗ có sẵn trên mỗi trang web.



  • Đa dạng các loại phòng:

Small en-suite, Large en-suite, Accessible: Có phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa tay, nhà vệ sinh và bếp chung. Wifi có sẵn.

Single studio: Phòng không gian mở cho 1 người có bếp nhỏ và phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa, bồn rửa tay và nhà vệ sinh. Wifi có sẵn.

Standard single: Phòng ngủ đơn, 1 phòng tắm giữa 2 phòng ngủ. Nhà bếp và không gian sinh hoạt chung. Wifi có sẵn.

  • Mức giá: £150 - £195/tuần


  • Đa dạng các loại phòng:

Single en-suite: Phòng đơn có phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa tay, nhà vệ sinh, bếp chung. Wifi có sẵn.

Single studio: Phòng không gian mở cho 1 người có bếp nhỏ và phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa, bồn rửa tay và nhà vệ sinh. Wifi có sẵn.

Standard room, Twin room: Có phòng tắm chung và nhà bếp.

Twin studio: Căn hộ có 2 người ở với 1 phòng ngủ 2 giường đơn, phòng tắm và khu vực nhà bếp. Wifi có sẵn.

  • Mức giá: £98 - £163/tuần


  • Đa dạng các loại phòng:

Single en-suite: Các phòng đơn có phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa tay, nhà vệ sinh và bếp chung. Wifi có sẵn.

Single studio: Phòng không gian mở cho 1 người có bếp nhỏ và phòng tắm riêng bao gồm vòi sen, bồn rửa, bồn rửa tay và nhà vệ sinh. Wifi có sẵn.

Twin en-suite: Căn hộ có 2 người ở với 1 phòng ngủ 2 giường đơn, phòng tắm và khu vực nhà bếp. Wifi có sẵn.

  • Mức giá: £88 - £141/tuần

Chương trình giảng dạy

Trường có 4 khoa chính:
Kinh doanh và Luật – Faculty of Business and Law
Khoa Kinh doanh và Luật có uy tín cao. Khoa không chỉ là một trong những đơn vị đào tạo kinh doanh hàng đầu đất nước mà có bám rễ sâu rộng trong cộng đồng qua những dịch vụ như Phòng Tư vấn tình nguyện (Pro Bono Advice Clinic). Sinh viên trong Khoa được học các giảng viên chia sẻ kinh nghiệm đào tạo, kinh doanh và thực tiễn trong ngành khi du học Anh cũng như có hiểu biết sâu sắc về tình hình trong nước và thế giới quan toàn cầu.
Sức khỏe và Xã Hội – Faculty of Health and Society
Khoa Sức khỏe và Xã hội không chỉ có môi trường học tập dành cho sinh viên - đội ngũ cán bộ của Khoa còn chú trọng nâng cao sức khỏe thể trạng của mọi người đang sinh sống và làm việc khắp vùng Northamptonshire. Với các dịch vụ như Phòng khám chuyên khoa chân và Healthwatch Northamptonshire (theo dõi sức khỏe vùng Northamptonshire), Khoa đóng vai trò là một bộ phận tích cực, không thể tách rời của cộng đồng địa phương.
Giáo Dục và Nhân Văn – Faculty of Education and Humanities
Khoa đào tạo ra những nhà giáo dục hoạt động tích cực và có tư duy sâu sắc. Khoa xác định rõ quan điểm là luôn đổi mới trong học tập và giảng dạy. Các chương trình luôn có nội dung cập nhật, tổ chức các khóa Phát triển chuyên môn nghiệp vụ thường xuyên, tất cả đều được giảng dạy bởi các cán bộ đào tạo với trình độ cao và giàu kinh nghiệm trong ngành.
Nghệ thuật, Khoa học và Công nghệ – Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology
Trường kế thừa một phần di sản từ thời thành phố còn là thủ phủ đóng giầy của nước Anh. Nhưng những năm gần đây thành phố đã có uy tín quốc tế về kỹ thuật oto và công nghệ cao. Khoa nghệ thuật, Khoa học và Công nghệ của trường kết hợp tinh thành sáng tạo và táo bạo khi quy tụ các ngành nghệ thuật sáng tạo, kỹ thuật và máy tính trong cùng một môi trường sôi động và đầy hứng khởi.

Học phí

Đại học
Sau đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí  £15,200
Nhà ở £3,758
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí  £16,500
Nhà ở £4,186
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500

Học bổng

50% Scholarship (50%)

What is it? The award has been set up to support students with the same passion and ambition throughout their time at university.

Who is it for? Scholarship will be opent to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos passport holders only

How much is it worth? 50%

How do I apply? Scholarships are evaluated based on 2 rounds of application and interview. Have completed a 50% Scholarship 2024 application form.

The International Graduate Scholarship (30%)

What is it? This scholarship is available to you if you are wishing to study a Master’s course and have achieved a second class degree from a three or four year Bachelor’s degree.

Who is it for? The International Graduate Scholarship offers a 30% fee discount to graduates of the University of Northampton who studied on campus in the UK.

How much is it worth? 30%

How do I apply? You do not have to apply for this scholarship separately from your initial application and you will be informed of the outcome in your offer letter.

The University of Northampton International Scholarship (10%, 20%, or 30%)

What is it? The University of Northampton is proud to welcome students from across the globe and to recognise the high academic achievements of many of our international student body, we are pleased to offer the International Scholarship. There is no limit to the number of awards, made automatically to students who qualify

Who is it for? You must hold an offer to study a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught programme (BA, BSc, BEng, MEng, LLB, MA, MSc, LLM or MBA).

How much is it worth? Any award will take the form of a 10%, 20%, or 30% reduction in the cost of tuition fees for the full length of the programme of study, with the exception of all Nursing programmes, where the maximum scholarship available is 10% for each year.

How do I apply? Applicants are not required to make a separate application for a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on the merit of each individual’s application and academic eligibility.

UNO Graduate Scheme (20%)

What is it? The discount scheme is open to graduates of the University of Northampton (UON) who enrol on a full Master’s or doctoral programme with us.

Who is it for? UK, EU and International students are eligible for the discount.

How much is it worth? 20%

How do I apply? Applicants are not required to make a separate application for a scholarship.

Early Bird Discount (£500)

What is it? We're offering eligible international students an early bird discount of £500 on course fees, called the “Early Bird Discount”, in relation to certain courses.

Who is it for? To be eligible for the Early Bird Discount you must: - be an international student - be required to pay full tuition fee before the dates provided

How much is it worth? £500

How do I apply? You do not need to make an application for the Early Bird Discount – if you are eligible as described below, the Early Bird Discount will automatically be applied to your university account.

Khóa học

Tất cả
Đại học
Sau đại học
Cao đẳng

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)

Accounting and Finance BSc provides you with the skills and knowledge to take on any role within this field of work after graduation.

Acting BA (Hons)

This practical Acting training programme is designed to develop the high-level skills and knowledge required to enter the profession of a working actor on stage and screen.

Acting for Contemporary & Devised Performance BA (Hons)

Acting for Contemporary & Devised Performance BA (Hons) gives you the knowledge, skills and training to work successfully on stage, screen and in collaborative performances.

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Our nursing course will give you the ability to cope with a demanding and satisfying profession leading to BSc Adult Nursing (Hons) and registration with the NMC.

Advertising & Digital Marketing BA (Hons)

Advertising & Digital Marketing BA (Hons) teaches you the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and gives you real experiences.

Animation BA (Hons)

Our Animation BA (Hons) programme focuses on preparing students for a career in animation

Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)

Our Architectural Technology BSc course will empower you to deliver projects, from early feasibility studies to design development, construction and in-use lifecycle.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science BSc (Hons)

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science BSc (Hons) equips students with design, and programming skills to apply artificial intelligence concepts and techniques in the context

Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry BSc (Hons) underpins the very nature of our existence and acquiring skills and knowledge of this subject will help you solve key biological problems.

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) develops your scientific skills and knowledge to understand the interaction between biological sciences, the natural world and human activity.

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Our Biomedical Science degree is designed to equip you with a fundamental understanding of how science underpins the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Business Computing BSc (Hons)

Business Computing BSc (Hons) approaches computing from a professional perspective and is designed to tackle the application of technology in a commercial context.

Business Management BA (Hons)

Our Business Management course covers a variety of subject areas to ensure our graduates will have the skills and knowledge to gain employment in a number of sectors.

Certificate of Higher Education in Leather Technology

This one year full-time course is the perfect introduction to help you go straight into the leather industry.

Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc (Hons)

Children and Young People’s Nursing will provide you with the capability to cope with a demanding and satisfying profession, leading to a registration with the NMC.

Commerce and International Business (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

The course will help international students to develop knowledge, language and skills in trade and commerce in an international business context.

Computer Networks Engineering BSc (Hons)

The Computer Network Engineering programme enables students to develop a range of analytical techniques and problem-solving skills to real-world computer networking scenarios.

Computer Science BSc (Hons)

Our Computer Science degree BSc (Hons) gives you the opportunity to explore different ideas and develop innovative solutions to current issues in the computing industry.

Creative Film, Television and Digital Media Production (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Top-Up course is designed to enable you to play a full role in the modern digital media world, benefiting from our excellent equipment and editing facilities. Apply now

Creative Film, Television and Digital Media Production BA (Hons)

Explore media production through masterclasses with industry practitioners and benefit from broadcast recording equipment and editing facilities. Apply now

Criminal and Corporate Investigation BA (Hons)

Our Criminal and Corporate Investigation course has been designed and developed with input from leading investigation, intelligence, security and financial specialists.

Criminology BA (Hons)

Studying Criminology with us gives you a distinctive approach to learning, drawing on the disciplines of sociology, psychology, history and law.

Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons)

The course is able to offer students access to excellent facilities and resources for research in social, cognitive, biological, developmental and personality psychology.

Diploma of Higher Education in Leather Technology

The knowledge and experience you will gain from this course will allow you to find work in the leather industry at various stages of the leather supply chain.

Early Childhood Studies (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

You will consolidate your knowledge of the holistic development of young children and have opportunities to apply your learning in the workplace or in a placement setting.

Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)

The Early Childhood Studies degree takes a holistic approach to the development of young children, from birth to the age of eight.

Early Years, Childhood and Family Studies (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

The Early Years, Childhood and Family Studies (Top Up)* programme provides a creative, inter-disciplinary community of learning and research.

Economics BSc (Hons)

Studying our BSc Economics course will enable you to develop excellent problem solving skills that will allow you to solve real world challenges.

Education Studies BA (Hons)

A degree in Education Studies will help you to understand the key issues, policies and debates that are in education today.

Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng (Hons)

Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng (Hons) degree equips students with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and competencies required to enter a range of careers.

Engineering (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Our Engineering course will build on your previous studies at HND or FdSc level to give you the foundations and professional skills you need in modern engineering.

Engineering BSc (Hons)

Our Engineering course will give you the foundations, key principles and professional skills you need in modern engineering and related industries.

Engineering HNC

If you are already working in the engineering sector, this course will develop your knowledge and skills relative to the fundamentals of engineering.

English BA (Hons)

This dynamic and diverse BA English course provides a thorough exploration of English Literature from the Early Middle Ages to the present day.

Environmental Science BSc (Hons)

Environmental Science is a broad field that encompasses aspects of ecology and physical science to evaluate environmental issues and propose appropriate solutions.

esports BSc (Hons)

As an esports BSc (Hons) student, you will study disciplines around competitive live and on-line video gaming.

Events Management BA (Hons)

Throughout this course you will learn the principles and theoretical frameworks related to events management and how to apply this theory in practice.

Fashion Design BA (Hons)

Over the course of our Fashion degree, you will develop all of the design skills and technical knowledge you need to be successful in the fashion industry.

Fashion Marketing & Promotion BA (Hons)

A practical and multi-disciplinary industry-led degree to prepare you for exciting careers in the rapidly evolving fashion sector.

Film and Screen Studies BA (Hons)

Film and Screen Studies is a dynamic programme that allows you to explore the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic, and political implications of a wide range of media.

Finance BSc (Hons)

BSc Finance provides you with the rigorous and essential financial, quantitative and analytical skills.

Fine Art (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Our Fine Art (Top-Up) BA (Hons) gives you the chance to explore contemporary approaches across a range of disciplines, making use of our excellent facilities.

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Explore contemporary approaches to fine art across a range of disciplines making use of our excellent facilities for printmaking, painting, photography and more.

Fine Art Painting and Drawing (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Study a specialist Painting and Drawing degree and explore contemporary approaches in a lively and intellectually challenging atmosphere.

Fine Art Painting and Drawing BA (Hons)

This specialist course offers you the chance to explore painting and drawing in a breadth and depth not possible on a multi-disciplinary fine arts course.

Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)

Understand how psychological knowledge informs forensic practice and gain hands-on experience of conducting scientific research on forensic topics.

Games Art BA (Hons)

Our Games Art course is an introduction to the creative aspects of the gaming industry, giving you experience of the key points in the creative process.

Games Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Third Year Games Design Top-Up programme is aimed at converting HND, FDA or FDSc grades into a full BA.

Games Design BA (Hons)

Games Design BA is a course created to give you the opportunity to develop the skills required to design and build games for multiple platforms.

Games Programming BSc (Hons)

This course is designed in such a way as to provide students with all the knowledge and skills required to have a successful career in the Computer Games industry.

Geography BSc (Hons)

Our Geography BSc degree explores a range of topics within human geography and physical geography.

Global Business Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This course provides an outlook on contemporary business management, and will equip you for a facing global competition, economic uncertainties, and changing markets.

Graphic Communication Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Graphic Communication Design (Top-Up) provides you with all the skills and knowledge you will need to work in the creative industries, or progress onto a postgraduate course.

Graphic Communication Design BA (Hons)

Graphic Communication Design is all about creatively sharing ideas, you will learn a range of techniques on this course to help you do just that.

Hair, Make-Up and Prosthetics for Stage and Screen BA (Hons)

Designed to cultivate a varied practical skills-set to prepare you for a career within the make-up and special effects sector of the ever-growing creative industries.

Health and Social Care Practice BA (Hons)

A global perspective of current and emerging health and social care issues and approaches through theory and practice.

Health Sciences BSc (Hons)

This programme is designed to prepare students to work in the health sector. Develop an understanding of the determinants of health and strategies for health enhancement.

History BA (Hons)

Our History degree mixes academic study with field trips and opportunities to go on placements with local museums, heritage organisations and other relevant employers.

Human Resource Management BA (Hons)

Human Resource Management (HRM) is attractive, to those who wish to study business and have a particular interest in the people who work for organisations.

Illustration (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This top-up course will help you to enhance your existing illustration and design skills including drawing, painting, design and 3D.

Illustration BA (Hons)

This course will help you to develop a range of illustration and design skills including drawing, painting, industry software for print and moving image, design and 3D.

Interior Architecture & Spatial Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

On our Top-Up course, students are well-equipped to work with light, material and surface qualities in developing their broader understanding of interior architectural design.

Interior Architecture & Spatial Design BA (Hons)

The Interior Architecture and Spatial Design programme is focused on developing professional and design skills.

International Accounting (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Our International Accounting top-up focuses on the global business environment and provides you with the skills you need to work in an international organisation.

International Banking and Finance (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

This course is specifically designed for holders of HND qualifications or similar UK and international qualifications.

International Business Management BA (Hons)

Our International Business teaching recognises the ethnocentric nature of management theory and practice and embraces an understanding of business activity and communications

International Education (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Prepare for work in international education or TEFL, by studying education theory, English language teaching and models of communication.

International Finance (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Prepare for work in finance and banking roles with multinational companies by studying theories and practices of international finance, international trade and banking.

International Tourism & Hospitality Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This course is designed to enable holders of HND/FdA Travel and Tourism Management qualifications to gain a full honours degree in one year.

International Tourism Management BA (Hons)

This course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of tourism employers and to provide you with the qualifications and skills necessary for real-world success.

Law (Two-Year Accelerated) LLB (Hons)

This intensive LLB allows you to condense three years of study into two years, accelerating your career development.

Law LLB (Hons)

If you are intending to qualify as a solicitor or barrister then this is the course for you.

Law with Criminology BA (Hons)

This course undertakes a comprehensive study of the law and combine this with the study of crime, social order and social control that is central to the study of Criminology.

Learning Disability Nursing BSc (Hons)

Our course course will develop your understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities to enable you to work in a range of settings in health and social care.

Leather Technology BSc (Hons)

This course is based around a backbone of advanced leather technology and we have three options from which students can choose: Leather Science, Marketing and Business.

Lift & Escalator Technology HNC

If you are already working in the lift engineering sector, this HNC course will develop your knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering.

Lift & Escalator Technology HND

If you are already working in the lift engineering sector, this HND course will develop your knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering.

Marketing BSc (Hons)

Develop the skills and experience you need to for a career in marketing and benefit from our close links to the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Apply now

Marketing Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Top up your HND or diploma with this one year intensive course, designed to give you a direct route into management and marketing careers. Apply today.

Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) / MEng

Your degree, your way. Opt to take a placement year or maybe add the integrated postgraduate year and open up a range of engineering careers. Apply today.

Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)

See the service from the patient’s perspective and learn how you can make positive changes through evidence-based knowledge and practical skills. Apply now

Multimedia Journalism BA (Hons)

Multimedia Journalism BA will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need for a career in journalism be it in print, online or in radio and television.

Multimedia Sports Journalism BA (Hons)

This course aims to make graduates match-fit for the growing employment areas of sports journalism, broadcasting, club media and PR. Apply today.

Music Production (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Top-Up will hone your existing skills across a variety of disciplines including professional music production, studio engineering, live sound and composing for media.

Music Production BA (Hons)

This course will develop your skills across a variety of music disciplines including professional music production, studio engineering, live sound and composing for media.

Non-Destructive Testing (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Top-up your Non-Destructive Testing FdSc qualification to a full Bsc Honours degree. Apply today.

Non-Destructive Testing FdSc

This FdSc course will give you a solid grounding in subjects relevant to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and related industries. Apply Now.

Nursing Associate FdSc

This is a 2 year full time FdSc with a 50/50 split between theory and practice learning.

Occupational English Test (OET) Language Preparation Course

The course is designed to help trained health professions, or those wanting to enter the health procession, develop their English.

Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)

The BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy degree prepares you to work as a registered occupational therapist in the UK and overseas.

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

On Pharmacology BSc (Hons) you will learn how drugs are made into medicines. How drugs and other chemicals interact at the molecular, cellular and systems levels in the body.

Photography (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Our Photography Top-Up takes a practical approach to exploring the photograph within a range of contemporary practices and contexts. Apply now.

Photography BA (Hons)

Our Photography degree takes a practical approach to exploring the photograph within a range of contemporary practices and contexts. Apply now.

Physical Education and Sport BA (Hons)

This BA (Hons) degree explores the ways that sport, physical education and physical activity is delivered and organised across schools and local communities.

Podiatry BSc (Hons)

Our Podiatry course aims to produce graduates who are fit for practice within the NHS or private sectors within the UK and overseas. Apply today.

Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)

This course provides you with an excellent grounding for careers across the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Popular Music (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Develop and hone your skills in music performance and music technology with our Top-Up programme. Apply now.

Popular Music BA (Hons)

Develop your musical creativity and recording skills in our facilities, including a recording studio with Audient ASP8024 DLC and full patchbay. Apply now.

Pre-sessional English Programme (PEP)

Develop your competence and confidence using English in an academic setting, so you can study any of our undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Apply today

Product Design BA (Hons)

We challenge ideas of functionality, aesthetics, materials, sustainability, social contexts and ethics so you can design products that work and make a difference to society.

Professional Accounting (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

This is a research driven programme focusing on contemporary issues in accounting and their implications for organisational performance.

Professional Policing BA (Hons)

If you are interested in entering the police force, preparing for a non-operational role or considering positions in the military or security services then this may be for you

Psychology (Counselling) BSc (Hons)

If you want to become a counsellor, counselling psychologist or develop transferable counselling skills, this course is one of only a few that is designed specifically for you

Psychology (Developmental and Educational) BSc (Hons)

Our Developmental and Educational course is a specialist psychology programme that allows you to focus on human development and educational issues alongside general psychology

Psychology BSc (Hons)

The Psychology course is embedded within a highly flexible modular system, enabling you to choose modules from a range of options.

Social Care and Community Practice BA (Hons)

The degree is designed using real-world material that equips you for employment either within Social Care or working with specific communities.

Social Work BA (Hons)

Our Social Work BA (Hons) aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for work in a variety of social work settings.

Sociology BA (Hons)

Our Sociology course allows you to develop your understanding of how humans shape and are shaped by the society they live in.

Software Engineering BSc (Hons)

Our specialist Software Engineering degree focuses on the impact that software engineering has on the functionality and performance of products.

Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)

A pathway for careers in the field of sport and exercise psychology; you will cover all the core areas of psychology required for BPS accreditation.

Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)

Our course is practical-based, stimulating, well-structured and research-informed, covering a range of topic areas including biomechanics, physiology and psychology.

Sport Coaching BSc (Hons)

The Sport Coaching degree will develop your expertise in sport coaching, to understand participants and their sport and how to plan, deliver and review training programmes.

Sport Management and Leadership BSc (Hons)

Explore a variety of business and leadership disciplines from elite to grass roots including digital media, applied marketing, PR, brands, management, coaching and leadership.

Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning BSc (Hons)

The Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning BSc (Hons) will develop you with the skills to prevent, assess, manage and rehabilitate people from sport related injuries.

Three month Professional Leather Development course

If you are already working in the leather industry, this course will help you to develop your skills.

University Certificate in Lift & Escalator Technology

This Certificate provides an introduction for those new to the lift and escalator industry, and a useful refresher for those who have been in the industry for some while.

Web Development and Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Learn about the design and development of Web-based Software and the importance of putting Cyber Security at the heart of your design considerations.

Working with Children, Young People and Families BA (Hons)

Develop your knowledge and understanding of the lives and experiences of children, young people and their families through study and work-based learning.

Accounting and Finance (Top-Up) MSc

Our MSc Accounting and Finance (Top-up) aims to extend and enhance the understanding and competence gained via professional qualification.

Accounting and Finance MSc

This postgraduate Accounting and Finance programme is ideal if you are working within or are looking to gain further knowledge of the field.

Advanced Design and Manufacturing MSc

This programme covers a broad range of topics such as advanced product design, digital & sustainable manufacturing, industry 4.0, modelling and simulation.

Advanced Occupational Therapy MSc

Our MSc Advanced Occupational Therapy course will allow you to develop and enhance your professional practice.

BIM-Enabled Sustainable Buildings MSc

A BIM-Enabled Sustainable Buildings MSc gives graduates interested in environmentally responsible buildings the knowledge and skills needed to work in AEC sectors.

Business Analytics MSc

Our MSc Business Analytics has been designed to help you acquire the skills and qualifications you need to pursue a career in business analytics.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) MSc

Our CAMH MSc is a multidisciplinary course which aims to develop your understanding of child development and mental health difficulties in children and adolescents.

Computing (Computer Networks Engineering) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Computer Networks Engineering) MSc allows you develop your research and analytical skills and complete an individual thesis investigating.

Computing (Internet Technology and Security) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Internet Technology and Security) course allows you to study cyber security at a greater depth and develop your research and analytical skills.

Computing (Software Engineering) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Software Engineering) course allows you to study the design of software systems at a greater depth and develop your research and analytical skills.

Computing MSc

Our postgraduate Computing course allows you to study computing at a greater depth, develop your research and analytical skills and complete an individual thesis.

Design, Communication and Experiences MA

On MA Design, Communication and Experiences we welcome students from backgrounds in art, design, and technology, who wish to explore their practice.

Digital Marketing MSc

Investigate the debates around Virtual Reality, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Digital skills with Digital Marketing.

Doctor of Business Administration DBA

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional doctorate with the same status as a PhD.

Education MA

This Education MA is ideal for teachers, education professionals and recent graduates looking to enhance their practice.

English – Contemporary Literature MA

This exciting MA course examines the role of contemporary literature in a number of different contexts.

Executive Master of Business Administration (Top-Up) MBA

Our Executive MBA Top-Up course is designed to enable holders of DMS (or equivalent UK and international qualifications) to gain an MBA qualification in just one year.

Executive Master of Business Administration MBA

The Executive Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated professionals.

Financial and Investment Analysis MSc

This course is ideal for you if you want to take up challenging roles in investment banking, risk management and fund management.

Fine Art MA

The Fine Art MA enables you to evaluate and develop your creative practice to the highest standards.

History MA

This postgraduate course is designed for those who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of history across a range of periods, regions and theoretical perspectives

History MPhil/PhD/PhD by Published works

This History MPhil, PhD and PhD by Published Works programme offers an excellent route to expand your knowledge and research skills.

Human Resource Management (Top-Up) MA

This course offers you the opportunity to meet your continuing professional requirements as a human resource practitioner and enrich your career prospects.

Human Resource Management MA

The aim of this course is to develop you as an HR professional.

Interior Architecture MA

MA Interior Architecture course is a creative programme that provides a postgraduate route for design professionals and academics to enter a global design community.

International Business Management MSc

Hone your studies from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds and explore the skills and knowledge you need to pursue careers in management. Apply now

International Hotel Management MA

This course is designed to support your aspirations to be the next generation of international hotel manager.

International Marketing Strategy MSc

Our course is specifically designed to provide you with a strong foundation for a successful career in the exciting and fast-paced world of international marketing.

International Relations MA

Our course is designed for those who wish to fully comprehend core issues and approaches within International Relations post 9/11.

International Tourism Development MA

This course is designed to provide you with a substantial theoretical and practical understanding of the role and contribution of the tourism industry.

Leather Technology (Professional) MSc

This MSc course is an excellent route in if you have a science or technology background, or are already employed in the leather industry.

Leather Technology MPhil / PhD/ PhD by Published Works

This PhD programme is a great way to enter or develop your knowledge of the leather production and associated industries.

Lift Engineering MSc

This MSc course will benefit lift engineers and consultants as well as members of senior management in the lift industry.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

International Logistics MSc you will develop your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts affecting Logistics and Supply Chain Management today.

Master of Business Administration – Finance MBA

This course is ideal for individuals who are progressing to finance-related positions at management and board level.

Master of Business Administration (with Work Placement) MBA

The Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated graduates.

Master of Business Administration Distance Learning MBA

Develop a broad range of skills required for careers in business and management, business strategy, finance, marketing, operations management and human resources management.

Master of Business Administration MBA

The Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated graduates.

Molecular Medicine MSc

Our Molecular Medicine masters enables you to focus on molecular medicine, genetics and genomics.

PGCE (Top-Up) Primary/Early Years/Secondary

The PGCE Top-up course enables you to achieve award of Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) if you have already successfully completed a Graduate Teacher Programme.

Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc

Suitable for those with a relevant first degree and who wish to study physiotherapy via a combination of theoretical, practical and simulated sessions with clinical practice.

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice in Infant Mental Health and Wellbeing

Develop expertise in the field of infant mental health and wellbeing.

Postgraduate Certificate in Leather Finishing – Automotive

This 6 week PGCert course, delivered in 2 week blocks throughout the year, helps develop your existing knowledge of automotive leather finishing.

Postgraduate Certificate in Leather Technology (Professional)

Six weeks of intense delivery aimed at developing existing knowledge of leather making and finishing.

Postgraduate Diploma in Leather Technology (Professional)

12 weeks of intense delivery aimed at developing existing knowledge of leather making and related issues such as problem solving and sustainability.

Postgraduate Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusion

This programme replaces the OCR Level 5 and 7 qualifications which have been discontinued by OCR.

Project Management MSc

If you are already working in Project Management or if you are considering a career within this discipline, then this course is ideal.

Psychology MSc

This programme is designed for those without an undergraduate degree in Psychology, who have an interest in the subject of Psychology or are looking for a new career in Psycho

Public Health MSc

This course has been designed to provide you with an integrated, coherent and multidisciplinary approach to public health activity.

Social Innovation MA

The Social Innovation Master’s degree has been designed to offer a distinctive, innovative qualification that builds skills and competence within the social enterprise sector.

Social Work MA

The course will provide you with the opportunity to develop and enhance key skills in working with service users, colleagues and professionals from a range of backgrounds.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (Autism Pathway) MA

This course will help you to develop your knowledge and skills in the field of Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, specialising in the autism spectrum.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion MA

This course is designed to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of issues relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusions in a greater depth.

Strength and Conditioning MSc

Develop your knowledge and understanding of the key physiological, biomechanical and psychological aspects underpinning sport and exercise performance. Apply now.

Teaching English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) MA

MA TEAP is a unique online programme that allows you flexibility in your study. At any level on this MA you will develop as a TEAP practitioner and researcher.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA

Gain knowledge and skills to be an effective teacher of English with our MA TESOL.

Youth and Community Leadership MA

Gain a professional qualification and learn how to lead and manage complex work with young people and communities

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)

Accounting and Finance BSc provides you with the skills and knowledge to take on any role within this field of work after graduation.

Acting BA (Hons)

This practical Acting training programme is designed to develop the high-level skills and knowledge required to enter the profession of a working actor on stage and screen.

Acting for Contemporary & Devised Performance BA (Hons)

Acting for Contemporary & Devised Performance BA (Hons) gives you the knowledge, skills and training to work successfully on stage, screen and in collaborative performances.

Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)

Our nursing course will give you the ability to cope with a demanding and satisfying profession leading to BSc Adult Nursing (Hons) and registration with the NMC.

Advertising & Digital Marketing BA (Hons)

Advertising & Digital Marketing BA (Hons) teaches you the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and gives you real experiences.

Animation BA (Hons)

Our Animation BA (Hons) programme focuses on preparing students for a career in animation

Architectural Technology BSc (Hons)

Our Architectural Technology BSc course will empower you to deliver projects, from early feasibility studies to design development, construction and in-use lifecycle.

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science BSc (Hons)

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science BSc (Hons) equips students with design, and programming skills to apply artificial intelligence concepts and techniques in the context

Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry BSc (Hons) underpins the very nature of our existence and acquiring skills and knowledge of this subject will help you solve key biological problems.

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons) develops your scientific skills and knowledge to understand the interaction between biological sciences, the natural world and human activity.

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Our Biomedical Science degree is designed to equip you with a fundamental understanding of how science underpins the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Business Computing BSc (Hons)

Business Computing BSc (Hons) approaches computing from a professional perspective and is designed to tackle the application of technology in a commercial context.

Business Management BA (Hons)

Our Business Management course covers a variety of subject areas to ensure our graduates will have the skills and knowledge to gain employment in a number of sectors.

Certificate of Higher Education in Leather Technology

This one year full-time course is the perfect introduction to help you go straight into the leather industry.

Children and Young People’s Nursing BSc (Hons)

Children and Young People’s Nursing will provide you with the capability to cope with a demanding and satisfying profession, leading to a registration with the NMC.

Commerce and International Business (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

The course will help international students to develop knowledge, language and skills in trade and commerce in an international business context.

Computer Networks Engineering BSc (Hons)

The Computer Network Engineering programme enables students to develop a range of analytical techniques and problem-solving skills to real-world computer networking scenarios.

Computer Science BSc (Hons)

Our Computer Science degree BSc (Hons) gives you the opportunity to explore different ideas and develop innovative solutions to current issues in the computing industry.

Creative Film, Television and Digital Media Production (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Top-Up course is designed to enable you to play a full role in the modern digital media world, benefiting from our excellent equipment and editing facilities. Apply now

Creative Film, Television and Digital Media Production BA (Hons)

Explore media production through masterclasses with industry practitioners and benefit from broadcast recording equipment and editing facilities. Apply now

Criminal and Corporate Investigation BA (Hons)

Our Criminal and Corporate Investigation course has been designed and developed with input from leading investigation, intelligence, security and financial specialists.

Criminology BA (Hons)

Studying Criminology with us gives you a distinctive approach to learning, drawing on the disciplines of sociology, psychology, history and law.

Criminology with Psychology BA (Hons)

The course is able to offer students access to excellent facilities and resources for research in social, cognitive, biological, developmental and personality psychology.

Diploma of Higher Education in Leather Technology

The knowledge and experience you will gain from this course will allow you to find work in the leather industry at various stages of the leather supply chain.

Early Childhood Studies (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

You will consolidate your knowledge of the holistic development of young children and have opportunities to apply your learning in the workplace or in a placement setting.

Early Childhood Studies BA (Hons)

The Early Childhood Studies degree takes a holistic approach to the development of young children, from birth to the age of eight.

Early Years, Childhood and Family Studies (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

The Early Years, Childhood and Family Studies (Top Up)* programme provides a creative, inter-disciplinary community of learning and research.

Economics BSc (Hons)

Studying our BSc Economics course will enable you to develop excellent problem solving skills that will allow you to solve real world challenges.

Education Studies BA (Hons)

A degree in Education Studies will help you to understand the key issues, policies and debates that are in education today.

Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng (Hons)

Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng (Hons) degree equips students with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and competencies required to enter a range of careers.

Engineering (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Our Engineering course will build on your previous studies at HND or FdSc level to give you the foundations and professional skills you need in modern engineering.

Engineering BSc (Hons)

Our Engineering course will give you the foundations, key principles and professional skills you need in modern engineering and related industries.

Engineering HNC

If you are already working in the engineering sector, this course will develop your knowledge and skills relative to the fundamentals of engineering.

English BA (Hons)

This dynamic and diverse BA English course provides a thorough exploration of English Literature from the Early Middle Ages to the present day.

Environmental Science BSc (Hons)

Environmental Science is a broad field that encompasses aspects of ecology and physical science to evaluate environmental issues and propose appropriate solutions.

esports BSc (Hons)

As an esports BSc (Hons) student, you will study disciplines around competitive live and on-line video gaming.

Events Management BA (Hons)

Throughout this course you will learn the principles and theoretical frameworks related to events management and how to apply this theory in practice.

Fashion Design BA (Hons)

Over the course of our Fashion degree, you will develop all of the design skills and technical knowledge you need to be successful in the fashion industry.

Fashion Marketing & Promotion BA (Hons)

A practical and multi-disciplinary industry-led degree to prepare you for exciting careers in the rapidly evolving fashion sector.

Film and Screen Studies BA (Hons)

Film and Screen Studies is a dynamic programme that allows you to explore the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic, and political implications of a wide range of media.

Finance BSc (Hons)

BSc Finance provides you with the rigorous and essential financial, quantitative and analytical skills.

Fine Art (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Our Fine Art (Top-Up) BA (Hons) gives you the chance to explore contemporary approaches across a range of disciplines, making use of our excellent facilities.

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Explore contemporary approaches to fine art across a range of disciplines making use of our excellent facilities for printmaking, painting, photography and more.

Fine Art Painting and Drawing (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Study a specialist Painting and Drawing degree and explore contemporary approaches in a lively and intellectually challenging atmosphere.

Fine Art Painting and Drawing BA (Hons)

This specialist course offers you the chance to explore painting and drawing in a breadth and depth not possible on a multi-disciplinary fine arts course.

Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)

Understand how psychological knowledge informs forensic practice and gain hands-on experience of conducting scientific research on forensic topics.

Games Art BA (Hons)

Our Games Art course is an introduction to the creative aspects of the gaming industry, giving you experience of the key points in the creative process.

Games Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Third Year Games Design Top-Up programme is aimed at converting HND, FDA or FDSc grades into a full BA.

Games Design BA (Hons)

Games Design BA is a course created to give you the opportunity to develop the skills required to design and build games for multiple platforms.

Games Programming BSc (Hons)

This course is designed in such a way as to provide students with all the knowledge and skills required to have a successful career in the Computer Games industry.

Geography BSc (Hons)

Our Geography BSc degree explores a range of topics within human geography and physical geography.

Global Business Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This course provides an outlook on contemporary business management, and will equip you for a facing global competition, economic uncertainties, and changing markets.

Graphic Communication Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Graphic Communication Design (Top-Up) provides you with all the skills and knowledge you will need to work in the creative industries, or progress onto a postgraduate course.

Graphic Communication Design BA (Hons)

Graphic Communication Design is all about creatively sharing ideas, you will learn a range of techniques on this course to help you do just that.

Hair, Make-Up and Prosthetics for Stage and Screen BA (Hons)

Designed to cultivate a varied practical skills-set to prepare you for a career within the make-up and special effects sector of the ever-growing creative industries.

Health and Social Care Practice BA (Hons)

A global perspective of current and emerging health and social care issues and approaches through theory and practice.

Health Sciences BSc (Hons)

This programme is designed to prepare students to work in the health sector. Develop an understanding of the determinants of health and strategies for health enhancement.

History BA (Hons)

Our History degree mixes academic study with field trips and opportunities to go on placements with local museums, heritage organisations and other relevant employers.

Human Resource Management BA (Hons)

Human Resource Management (HRM) is attractive, to those who wish to study business and have a particular interest in the people who work for organisations.

Illustration (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This top-up course will help you to enhance your existing illustration and design skills including drawing, painting, design and 3D.

Illustration BA (Hons)

This course will help you to develop a range of illustration and design skills including drawing, painting, industry software for print and moving image, design and 3D.

Interior Architecture & Spatial Design (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

On our Top-Up course, students are well-equipped to work with light, material and surface qualities in developing their broader understanding of interior architectural design.

Interior Architecture & Spatial Design BA (Hons)

The Interior Architecture and Spatial Design programme is focused on developing professional and design skills.

International Accounting (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Our International Accounting top-up focuses on the global business environment and provides you with the skills you need to work in an international organisation.

International Banking and Finance (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

This course is specifically designed for holders of HND qualifications or similar UK and international qualifications.

International Business Management BA (Hons)

Our International Business teaching recognises the ethnocentric nature of management theory and practice and embraces an understanding of business activity and communications

International Education (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Prepare for work in international education or TEFL, by studying education theory, English language teaching and models of communication.

International Finance (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Prepare for work in finance and banking roles with multinational companies by studying theories and practices of international finance, international trade and banking.

International Tourism & Hospitality Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This course is designed to enable holders of HND/FdA Travel and Tourism Management qualifications to gain a full honours degree in one year.

International Tourism Management BA (Hons)

This course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of tourism employers and to provide you with the qualifications and skills necessary for real-world success.

Law (Two-Year Accelerated) LLB (Hons)

This intensive LLB allows you to condense three years of study into two years, accelerating your career development.

Law LLB (Hons)

If you are intending to qualify as a solicitor or barrister then this is the course for you.

Law with Criminology BA (Hons)

This course undertakes a comprehensive study of the law and combine this with the study of crime, social order and social control that is central to the study of Criminology.

Learning Disability Nursing BSc (Hons)

Our course course will develop your understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities to enable you to work in a range of settings in health and social care.

Leather Technology BSc (Hons)

This course is based around a backbone of advanced leather technology and we have three options from which students can choose: Leather Science, Marketing and Business.

Lift & Escalator Technology HNC

If you are already working in the lift engineering sector, this HNC course will develop your knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering.

Lift & Escalator Technology HND

If you are already working in the lift engineering sector, this HND course will develop your knowledge of the fundamentals of engineering.

Marketing BSc (Hons)

Develop the skills and experience you need to for a career in marketing and benefit from our close links to the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Apply now

Marketing Management (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Top up your HND or diploma with this one year intensive course, designed to give you a direct route into management and marketing careers. Apply today.

Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) / MEng

Your degree, your way. Opt to take a placement year or maybe add the integrated postgraduate year and open up a range of engineering careers. Apply today.

Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons)

See the service from the patient’s perspective and learn how you can make positive changes through evidence-based knowledge and practical skills. Apply now

Multimedia Journalism BA (Hons)

Multimedia Journalism BA will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need for a career in journalism be it in print, online or in radio and television.

Multimedia Sports Journalism BA (Hons)

This course aims to make graduates match-fit for the growing employment areas of sports journalism, broadcasting, club media and PR. Apply today.

Music Production (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

This Top-Up will hone your existing skills across a variety of disciplines including professional music production, studio engineering, live sound and composing for media.

Music Production BA (Hons)

This course will develop your skills across a variety of music disciplines including professional music production, studio engineering, live sound and composing for media.

Non-Destructive Testing (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

Top-up your Non-Destructive Testing FdSc qualification to a full Bsc Honours degree. Apply today.

Non-Destructive Testing FdSc

This FdSc course will give you a solid grounding in subjects relevant to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and related industries. Apply Now.

Nursing Associate FdSc

This is a 2 year full time FdSc with a 50/50 split between theory and practice learning.

Occupational English Test (OET) Language Preparation Course

The course is designed to help trained health professions, or those wanting to enter the health procession, develop their English.

Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)

The BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy degree prepares you to work as a registered occupational therapist in the UK and overseas.

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

On Pharmacology BSc (Hons) you will learn how drugs are made into medicines. How drugs and other chemicals interact at the molecular, cellular and systems levels in the body.

Photography (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Our Photography Top-Up takes a practical approach to exploring the photograph within a range of contemporary practices and contexts. Apply now.

Photography BA (Hons)

Our Photography degree takes a practical approach to exploring the photograph within a range of contemporary practices and contexts. Apply now.

Physical Education and Sport BA (Hons)

This BA (Hons) degree explores the ways that sport, physical education and physical activity is delivered and organised across schools and local communities.

Podiatry BSc (Hons)

Our Podiatry course aims to produce graduates who are fit for practice within the NHS or private sectors within the UK and overseas. Apply today.

Politics and International Relations BA (Hons)

This course provides you with an excellent grounding for careers across the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Popular Music (Top-Up) BA (Hons)

Develop and hone your skills in music performance and music technology with our Top-Up programme. Apply now.

Popular Music BA (Hons)

Develop your musical creativity and recording skills in our facilities, including a recording studio with Audient ASP8024 DLC and full patchbay. Apply now.

Pre-sessional English Programme (PEP)

Develop your competence and confidence using English in an academic setting, so you can study any of our undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Apply today

Product Design BA (Hons)

We challenge ideas of functionality, aesthetics, materials, sustainability, social contexts and ethics so you can design products that work and make a difference to society.

Professional Accounting (Top-Up) BSc (Hons)

This is a research driven programme focusing on contemporary issues in accounting and their implications for organisational performance.

Professional Policing BA (Hons)

If you are interested in entering the police force, preparing for a non-operational role or considering positions in the military or security services then this may be for you

Psychology (Counselling) BSc (Hons)

If you want to become a counsellor, counselling psychologist or develop transferable counselling skills, this course is one of only a few that is designed specifically for you

Psychology (Developmental and Educational) BSc (Hons)

Our Developmental and Educational course is a specialist psychology programme that allows you to focus on human development and educational issues alongside general psychology

Psychology BSc (Hons)

The Psychology course is embedded within a highly flexible modular system, enabling you to choose modules from a range of options.

Social Care and Community Practice BA (Hons)

The degree is designed using real-world material that equips you for employment either within Social Care or working with specific communities.

Social Work BA (Hons)

Our Social Work BA (Hons) aims to equip you with the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for work in a variety of social work settings.

Sociology BA (Hons)

Our Sociology course allows you to develop your understanding of how humans shape and are shaped by the society they live in.

Software Engineering BSc (Hons)

Our specialist Software Engineering degree focuses on the impact that software engineering has on the functionality and performance of products.

Sport and Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)

A pathway for careers in the field of sport and exercise psychology; you will cover all the core areas of psychology required for BPS accreditation.

Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)

Our course is practical-based, stimulating, well-structured and research-informed, covering a range of topic areas including biomechanics, physiology and psychology.

Sport Coaching BSc (Hons)

The Sport Coaching degree will develop your expertise in sport coaching, to understand participants and their sport and how to plan, deliver and review training programmes.

Sport Management and Leadership BSc (Hons)

Explore a variety of business and leadership disciplines from elite to grass roots including digital media, applied marketing, PR, brands, management, coaching and leadership.

Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning BSc (Hons)

The Sport Rehabilitation and Conditioning BSc (Hons) will develop you with the skills to prevent, assess, manage and rehabilitate people from sport related injuries.

Three month Professional Leather Development course

If you are already working in the leather industry, this course will help you to develop your skills.

University Certificate in Lift & Escalator Technology

This Certificate provides an introduction for those new to the lift and escalator industry, and a useful refresher for those who have been in the industry for some while.

Web Development and Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Learn about the design and development of Web-based Software and the importance of putting Cyber Security at the heart of your design considerations.

Working with Children, Young People and Families BA (Hons)

Develop your knowledge and understanding of the lives and experiences of children, young people and their families through study and work-based learning.

Accounting and Finance (Top-Up) MSc

Our MSc Accounting and Finance (Top-up) aims to extend and enhance the understanding and competence gained via professional qualification.

Accounting and Finance MSc

This postgraduate Accounting and Finance programme is ideal if you are working within or are looking to gain further knowledge of the field.

Advanced Design and Manufacturing MSc

This programme covers a broad range of topics such as advanced product design, digital & sustainable manufacturing, industry 4.0, modelling and simulation.

Advanced Occupational Therapy MSc

Our MSc Advanced Occupational Therapy course will allow you to develop and enhance your professional practice.

BIM-Enabled Sustainable Buildings MSc

A BIM-Enabled Sustainable Buildings MSc gives graduates interested in environmentally responsible buildings the knowledge and skills needed to work in AEC sectors.

Business Analytics MSc

Our MSc Business Analytics has been designed to help you acquire the skills and qualifications you need to pursue a career in business analytics.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) MSc

Our CAMH MSc is a multidisciplinary course which aims to develop your understanding of child development and mental health difficulties in children and adolescents.

Computing (Computer Networks Engineering) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Computer Networks Engineering) MSc allows you develop your research and analytical skills and complete an individual thesis investigating.

Computing (Internet Technology and Security) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Internet Technology and Security) course allows you to study cyber security at a greater depth and develop your research and analytical skills.

Computing (Software Engineering) MSc

Our postgraduate Computing (Software Engineering) course allows you to study the design of software systems at a greater depth and develop your research and analytical skills.

Computing MSc

Our postgraduate Computing course allows you to study computing at a greater depth, develop your research and analytical skills and complete an individual thesis.

Design, Communication and Experiences MA

On MA Design, Communication and Experiences we welcome students from backgrounds in art, design, and technology, who wish to explore their practice.

Digital Marketing MSc

Investigate the debates around Virtual Reality, Metaverse, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Digital skills with Digital Marketing.

Doctor of Business Administration DBA

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional doctorate with the same status as a PhD.

Education MA

This Education MA is ideal for teachers, education professionals and recent graduates looking to enhance their practice.

English – Contemporary Literature MA

This exciting MA course examines the role of contemporary literature in a number of different contexts.

Executive Master of Business Administration (Top-Up) MBA

Our Executive MBA Top-Up course is designed to enable holders of DMS (or equivalent UK and international qualifications) to gain an MBA qualification in just one year.

Executive Master of Business Administration MBA

The Executive Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated professionals.

Financial and Investment Analysis MSc

This course is ideal for you if you want to take up challenging roles in investment banking, risk management and fund management.

Fine Art MA

The Fine Art MA enables you to evaluate and develop your creative practice to the highest standards.

History MA

This postgraduate course is designed for those who wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of history across a range of periods, regions and theoretical perspectives

History MPhil/PhD/PhD by Published works

This History MPhil, PhD and PhD by Published Works programme offers an excellent route to expand your knowledge and research skills.

Human Resource Management (Top-Up) MA

This course offers you the opportunity to meet your continuing professional requirements as a human resource practitioner and enrich your career prospects.

Human Resource Management MA

The aim of this course is to develop you as an HR professional.

Interior Architecture MA

MA Interior Architecture course is a creative programme that provides a postgraduate route for design professionals and academics to enter a global design community.

International Business Management MSc

Hone your studies from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds and explore the skills and knowledge you need to pursue careers in management. Apply now

International Hotel Management MA

This course is designed to support your aspirations to be the next generation of international hotel manager.

International Marketing Strategy MSc

Our course is specifically designed to provide you with a strong foundation for a successful career in the exciting and fast-paced world of international marketing.

International Relations MA

Our course is designed for those who wish to fully comprehend core issues and approaches within International Relations post 9/11.

International Tourism Development MA

This course is designed to provide you with a substantial theoretical and practical understanding of the role and contribution of the tourism industry.

Leather Technology (Professional) MSc

This MSc course is an excellent route in if you have a science or technology background, or are already employed in the leather industry.

Leather Technology MPhil / PhD/ PhD by Published Works

This PhD programme is a great way to enter or develop your knowledge of the leather production and associated industries.

Lift Engineering MSc

This MSc course will benefit lift engineers and consultants as well as members of senior management in the lift industry.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc

International Logistics MSc you will develop your knowledge and understanding of the key concepts affecting Logistics and Supply Chain Management today.

Master of Business Administration – Finance MBA

This course is ideal for individuals who are progressing to finance-related positions at management and board level.

Master of Business Administration (with Work Placement) MBA

The Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated graduates.

Master of Business Administration Distance Learning MBA

Develop a broad range of skills required for careers in business and management, business strategy, finance, marketing, operations management and human resources management.

Master of Business Administration MBA

The Master of Business Administration is a globally recognised postgraduate qualification for ambitious, motivated graduates.

Molecular Medicine MSc

Our Molecular Medicine masters enables you to focus on molecular medicine, genetics and genomics.

PGCE (Top-Up) Primary/Early Years/Secondary

The PGCE Top-up course enables you to achieve award of Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) if you have already successfully completed a Graduate Teacher Programme.

Physiotherapy (pre-registration) MSc

Suitable for those with a relevant first degree and who wish to study physiotherapy via a combination of theoretical, practical and simulated sessions with clinical practice.

Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Practice in Infant Mental Health and Wellbeing

Develop expertise in the field of infant mental health and wellbeing.

Postgraduate Certificate in Leather Finishing – Automotive

This 6 week PGCert course, delivered in 2 week blocks throughout the year, helps develop your existing knowledge of automotive leather finishing.

Postgraduate Certificate in Leather Technology (Professional)

Six weeks of intense delivery aimed at developing existing knowledge of leather making and finishing.

Postgraduate Diploma in Leather Technology (Professional)

12 weeks of intense delivery aimed at developing existing knowledge of leather making and related issues such as problem solving and sustainability.

Postgraduate Diploma in Specific Learning Difficulties and Inclusion

This programme replaces the OCR Level 5 and 7 qualifications which have been discontinued by OCR.

Project Management MSc

If you are already working in Project Management or if you are considering a career within this discipline, then this course is ideal.

Psychology MSc

This programme is designed for those without an undergraduate degree in Psychology, who have an interest in the subject of Psychology or are looking for a new career in Psycho

Public Health MSc

This course has been designed to provide you with an integrated, coherent and multidisciplinary approach to public health activity.

Social Innovation MA

The Social Innovation Master’s degree has been designed to offer a distinctive, innovative qualification that builds skills and competence within the social enterprise sector.

Social Work MA

The course will provide you with the opportunity to develop and enhance key skills in working with service users, colleagues and professionals from a range of backgrounds.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion (Autism Pathway) MA

This course will help you to develop your knowledge and skills in the field of Special Educational Needs and Inclusion, specialising in the autism spectrum.

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion MA

This course is designed to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of issues relating to Special Educational Needs and Inclusions in a greater depth.

Strength and Conditioning MSc

Develop your knowledge and understanding of the key physiological, biomechanical and psychological aspects underpinning sport and exercise performance. Apply now.

Teaching English for Academic Purposes (TEAP) MA

MA TEAP is a unique online programme that allows you flexibility in your study. At any level on this MA you will develop as a TEAP practitioner and researcher.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA

Gain knowledge and skills to be an effective teacher of English with our MA TESOL.

Youth and Community Leadership MA

Gain a professional qualification and learn how to lead and manage complex work with young people and communities

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dự bị đại học
Đại học
Sau Đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp lớp 11
GPA 7.0
IELTS UKVI 5.5 (minimum 5.0)
TOEFL iBT 46 (Reading 8, Writing 18, Speaking 16, Listening 7)
PTE 59 (minimum 59)
Tổ chức đào tạo Navitas


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình Dự bị Đại học/ THPT/ Năm 1 Đại học

50% Pass (Dự bị Đại học)

8.0 (Học bạ lớp 12)

7.0 (Năm nhất Đại học)

IELTS 6.0 (minimum 5.5)
ESOL SELT B2 and C1 33/50
MET 58 (minimum 54)
PTE 65 (minimum 59)
TOEFL (iBT) 70 ( Listening 17, Reading 18, Writing 17, Speaking 20)
CBSE and CISCE Standard 12 English at least 60%


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình bậc Đại học
GPA 6.5 (6.0 + kinh nghiệm làm việc có liên quan)
IELTS 6.5 (minimum of 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in each other band)
ESOL SELT B2 and C1 33/50
MET 61 (minimum 58)
PTE 70 (minimum 59)
TOEFL (iBT) 88 ( Listening 17, Reading 18, Writing 17, Speaking 20)
CBSE and CISCE Standard 12 English at least 70%


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