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Nottingham Trent University Partner

Trường Đại học truyền cảm hứng với chất lượng giảng dạy hàng đầu.

Total students
Tuition fee

Được thành lập vào năm 1843, Nottingham Trent University có một lịch sử lâu đời trong việc khai phá những tiềm năng, phá vỡ các rào cản và tạo nên sự khác biệt thực sự cho cuộc sống ở khắp nơi trên thế giới.

Nottingham Trent University (NTU) là một trong những trường đại học lớn nhất và có ảnh hưởng nhất Vương quốc Anh, với hơn 40.000 sinh viên và đội ngũ giáo viên trên tổng cộng năm cơ sở giảng dạy khác nhau bao gồm: City Campus, Clifton Campus, Confetti Campus, Brackenhurst Campus và Mansfield & Ashfield.

Nottingham Trent University duy trì mối quan hệ chặt chẽ với hơn 6.000 doanh nghiệp lớn như Microsoft, Toyota, Boots, Experian và Rolls-Royce,... và có đến 94% sinh viên có việc làm hoặc tiếp tục bậc học sau đại học trong vòng sáu tháng sau khi tốt nghiệp. Với môi trường học tập năng động, sáng tạo và những chính sách hỗ trợ sinh viên từ đội ngũ giáo viên và nhân viên, trường luôn tạo điều kiện để giúp đỡ sinh viên trang bị đầy đủ những kiến thức và kỹ năng, gặt hái được thành công trong tương lai.

Thành phố

Nottingham NG1 4FQ, Vương quốc Anh

Nottingham nổi tiếng là một trong những điểm đến tuyệt vời của sinh viên, là ngôi nhà chung của hơn 60.000 sinh viên và là một trong những thành phố có dân số trẻ nhất tại Vương quốc Anh. Có rất nhiều hoạt động ở Nottingham phù hợp để bạn khám phá. Với nhiều điểm tham quan, địa điểm mua sắm, cuộc sống về đêm sôi nổi với giá cả phải chăng, cuộc sống ở Nottingham mang lại cảm giác yên bình nhưng vẫn sôi động và náo nhiệt.

Xem trên bản đồ

Các thông tin nổi bật

  • Xếp hạng 42 các trường Đại học tốt nhất UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Nằm trong Top 40% các trường Đại học hàng đầu Thế giới (Theo QS World University Rankings 2024)
  • Xếp hạng thứ 501 xếp hạng Trường Đại học toàn cầu theo tạp chí THE (Times Higher Education 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 5 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Forensic science tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 13 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Animal science and agriculture tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 14 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Construction, surveying and planning tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 16 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Marketing and public relations tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 19 về chất lượng đào tạo Economics tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 21 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Journalism tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 25 về chất lượng đào tạo ngành Accounting and finance và Pharmacy and pharmacology tại UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 56 các trường Đại học tốt nhất UK (Theo The Complete University Guide, 2023)
  • Đại học quốc tế số 1 tại Vương quốc Anh (Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2022)
  • Top 140 trường Đại học trẻ Thế giới (Time Higher Education Young University Xếp hạng 2022)

Cơ sở vật chất


Trường có các cơ sở giảng dạy trên khắp Nottingham và các khu vực lân cận từ City Campus nằm tại trung tâm nhộn nhịp của Nottingham đến Brackenhurst Campus bình dị, yên tĩnh. Trường liên tục đầu tư vào các cơ sở giảng dạy, kí túc xá và cơ sở vật chất để tạo ra một môi trường học tập sáng tạo và toàn diện cho tất cả mọi người trải nghiệm và phát triển kỹ năng cần thiết.
City Campus
Toạ lạc tại trung tâm của thành phố Nottingham, City Campus là ngôi nhà của hơn 17,000 sinh viên đến từ các ngành Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Law School, School of Architecture, Design and the Built Environment, School of Art & Design, School of Social Sciences và đây cũng là Trung tâm Phát thanh & Báo chí, nơi có Newton và Arkwright, hai trong số những tòa nhà thuộc sở hữu lớn nhất và lâu đời nhất của trường.
Clifton Campus
Là nhà của hơn 9000 sinh viên từ School of Arts and Humanities, School of Science và Technology and School of Education. Cách trung tâm thành phố khoảng 6km, khuôn viên Clifton là một khu đất xanh, khép kín. Nơi đây có Anthony Nolan Trust Cord Blood Bank và Trung tâm nghiên cứu ung thư John van Geest. Khuôn viên Clifton đã nhận được sự đầu tư từ Trung tâm Thể thao Lee Westwood. Khuôn viên Clifton được liên kết với địa điểm Thành phố bằng dịch vụ xe buýt sinh viên (số 4) do NCTX điều hành.
Brackenhurst Campus
Là ngôi nhà của hơn 1,000 sinh viên từ School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences. Nằm cách trung tâm thành phố khoảng 24 km trong khu vực Southwell của Nottinghamshire, khuôn viên Brackenhurst tọa lạc tại Brackenhurst Hall, vùng thị trấn với rừng cây, hồ nước và những khu sinh thái.
Confetti Nottingham
Tòa nhà có năm tầng nổi bật là trung tâm của Khuôn viên Confetti và là ngôi nhà của hơn 2.000 sinh viên công nghệ sáng tạo, có các studio chuyên nghiệp, phòng thí nghiệm, bộ chụp chuyển động, cơ sở vật chất lớp học và bộ máy tính Mac. Phần mềm và phần cứng tiêu chuẩn công nghiệp cũng có sẵn để bạn sử dụng trong suốt khóa học của mình.
Confetti London
Khai trương vào năm tới, trung tâm chuyên môn mới về nghệ thuật kỹ thuật số, sản xuất và biểu diễn này sẽ cung cấp một loạt các khóa học ở cấp độ đại học và sau đại học, bắt đầu tuyển sinh vào tháng 9 năm 2023. Confetti London sẽ kết nối bạn với trung tâm sáng tạo hàng đầu thế giới - xếp hạng sinh viên thành phố.
Mansfield Hub
Cùng với các đối tác trên khắp Mansfield và Ashfield, Trường cam kết mang lại cơ hội phát triển cho khu vực. Trường đã đầu tư 6,5 triệu bảng vào một loạt các cơ sở giảng dạy và học tập chuyên biệt sẽ hỗ trợ người dân địa phương nâng cao kỹ năng, đào tạo lại và tiếp cận việc làm trong các lĩnh vực có nhu cầu cao, chẳng hạn như điều dưỡng, trợ lý y tế, kỹ thuật, kinh doanh, tư pháp hình sự, giáo dục , .... Sinh viên và đội ngũ nhân viên tại Mansfield Hub có thể dễ dàng đi đến nhiều cửa hàng, nhà hàng, quán cà phê và quán bar, cũng như bảo tàng, rạp chiếu phim, điểm tham quan và vùng nông thôn.

Có ba loại chỗ ở

  • NTU, UPP and Private.
  • Chỗ ở NTU do NTU sở hữu và quản lý và thỏa thuận trực tiếp với nhà trường.
  • Chỗ ở được liệt kê bởi UPP có nghĩa là NTU làm việc cùng với UPP, đơn vị vận hành tòa nhà và đây là người có thỏa thuận cấp phép với học sinh.
  • Chỗ ở Private có nghĩa là bạn đặt trực tiếp với nhà cung cấp chỗ ở bên thứ ba.

Brackenhurst Campus

  • Cung cấp bởi NTU
  • Ensuite room
  • Tiện ích: Có phòng tắm riêng, hỗ trợ 24/7, có dịch vụ vệ sinh, có chỗ đỗ xe, ...
  • Giá phòng: £112,00 - £141,20/tuần

City Campus

  • Cung cấp bởi UPP, Private
  • Đa dạng các loại phòng: Studio, Ensuite room
  • Tiện ích: Có phòng tắm riêng, hỗ trợ 24/7, có dịch vụ vệ sinh, có chỗ đỗ xe, ...
  • Giá phòng: £125,.00 - £311,00/tuần


  • Cung cấp bởi UPP, NTU
  • Đa dạng các loại phòng: Studio, Ensuite room, Shared, One Bed Flat
  • Tiện ích: Có phòng tắm riêng, hỗ trợ 24/7, có dịch vụ vệ sinh, có chỗ đỗ xe, ...
  • Giá phòng: £99,96 - £225,96/tuần

NTU at Mansfield

  • Cung cấp bởi NTU
  • Đa dạng các loại phòng: One Bed Flat, Shared
  • Tiện ích: Hỗ trợ 24/7, có dịch vụ vệ sinh, có chỗ đỗ xe, ...
  • Giá phòng: £102,97 - £123,55

Chương trình giảng dạy

Nottingham Trent University có 8 cơ sở học thuật chính bao gồm:

Our business is nature: specifically, the environment, animal health and welfare, ecology and conservation, and agriculture and food production. That covers everything from biodiversity and agri-tech to nutrition and climate change.

We’re a nationally renowned stage for talent in making and design. We investigate the physicality of tools and tech, glass and grass, bricks and mortar; we explore the abstract excitement of ideas and creative philosophies.

The School of Arts and Humanities is a diverse, supportive and collaborative community in which to innovate, explore and create. Our curiosity about languages, histories and global cultures drives our insight and learning and it’s the place to develop your intellectual and practical skills.

At Nottingham Business School we aim to provide a challenging, hands-on and rewarding educational experience in a world class environment. Our mission is to provide education and research in business, management and economics that combines academic excellence with impact

We are one of the UK's largest and most established law schools. Delivering first-class teaching, fantastic facilities and flexible courses, we support legal professionals at every stage of their careers.

We are one of the world’s leading art and design schools and we have been influencing, inspiring and innovating for over 175 years. We are guided by our past, focused on our future, and proud to be shaping what comes next.

Study or work with the School of Science and Technology in an environment that is inspiring, innovative and relevant to business and society. Our students leave us inspired by what they have learned, proud of their achievements and believing they have had the ideal preparation for their future lives and careers.

The School of Social Sciences is recognised nationally and internationally for our theoretically informed and applied research. We foster a culture that values the diversity of all our communities and publicises and celebrates excellence in all we do.

Học phí

Đại học
Sau đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí đại học £17,150
Nhà ở £7,000
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí đại học £17,500
Nhà ở £7,000
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500

Học bổng

NTU Excellence Scholarships (25% - 50%)

What is it? These are awarded to undergraduate and postgraduate students who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement and the potential to contribute to the university community.

Who is it for? You must have an offer to study a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at NTU (including Confetti courses) before applying for a scholarship.

How much is it worth? 50% or 25% of your tuition fees, excluding placement years. Undergraduate students will receive a subsequent £3000 each year of their course.

How do I apply? Applications for our September 2024 scholarship scheme are now open. Complete the online application form below and we'll assess you for all scholarships open to you.

LLM Scholarships (50%)

What is it? These are awarded to postgraduate students who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement and the potential to contribute to the university community.

Who is it for? You must have an offer to study a full-time LLM course at NTU before applying for a scholarship.

How much is it worth? 50% of your tuition fees

How do I apply? Applications for our September 2024 scholarship scheme are now open. Complete the online application form below and we'll assess you for all scholarships open to you.

Postgraduate Scholarship for Vietnam (£5,000)

What is it? These are awarded to postgraduate students who can demonstrate excellent academic achievement and the potential to contribute to the university community.

Who is it for? In order to be eligible for this award, you must be:

- living in Vietnam at the time of application

- self-funding your course

- holding an offer to study an postgraduate course in September 2024.

How much is it worth? £5,000

How do I apply? Applications for our September 2024 scholarship scheme are now open. Complete the online application form below and we'll assess you for all scholarships open to you.

International Scholarships (£2,000 - £3,000)

What is it? Our International Scholarships are awarded competitively to students who show a strong commitment to their studies.

Who is it for? You must have an offer to study a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at NTU (including Confetti courses) before applying for a scholarship.

How much is it worth? £2,000 - £3,000

How do I apply? Applications for our September 2024 scholarship scheme are now open. Complete the online application form below and we'll assess you for all scholarships open to you.

Khóa học

Tất cả
Đại học
Sau đại học
Cao đẳng

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)

Accounting and Finance is an integral function within the global business environment. This course enables you to make sense of a range of important real-world issues affecting our everyday lives and improve your decision-making skills in ways that are distinctive to the disciplines of accounting and finance. Taught by experienced staff from the profession, this degree not only looks at the theories and practices of accounting and finance, but also their context in a business setting and significance within contemporary society.

Business Management and Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)

Our Business Management and Accounting and Finance course is designed to meet the needs of an ever-changing business world. It will provide you with a broad based understanding of business, while teaching you the importance of accounting and finance functions within an organisation.

Animal Science FdSc

This course teaches a combination of scientific knowledge and animal management skills. It is vocational in nature, with strong industry links utilised during work experience and career planning. It aims to develop graduates with strong scientific knowledge and technical skills that are sought by the animal industry. You’ll focus on key themes in animal management, including animal nutrition, animal reproduction, animal behaviour and animal health and disease. These key themes are strengthened through on-site lectures and practical field activities. Your experience is further enhanced by the use of visiting speakers and alumni. The FdSc involves a slightly different pace of learning compared to our BSc (Hons) courses, combined with a greater emphasis on applied aspects.

Equine Behaviour, Health and Welfare BSc (Hons)

This course reflects the growing awareness of the need to develop a greater understanding of equine behaviour. This course covers all areas of equine behaviour, health and welfare, offering an extensive range of subjects from anatomy and physiology to equitation science. The course will help you build the fundamental knowledge of behaviour and physiology – as well as the laboratory skills – needed to optimise the welfare of horses in our care, allowing them to thrive and perform as required in industry.

Equine Sports Science BSc (Hons)

This course will give you a sound knowledge and understanding of the physiological principles of equine sports science, and enable you to relate them to different equestrian disciplines. It is specifically designed for students wishing to further their knowledge of the science behind the production, management and training of performance horses, and will develop their practical application of key scientific principles.

Veterinary Nursing FdSc

This foundation degree combines a solid grounding in scientific theory with technical and practical learning. It is accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), enabling successful graduates to register as fully qualified veterinary nurses. The course covers all elements of a veterinary nurse’s role, including the provision of skilled supportive care for sick animals; undertaking theatre work, laboratory diagnostic tests and radiography; assisting in consultation rooms; ordering medication; and ward work, including the general care and treatment of in-patients.

Veterinary Nursing Science (final year top-up) BSc (Hons)

This course is designed to provide FdSc Veterinary Nursing graduates and experienced veterinary nurses the opportunity to develop their academic qualification to the level of an honours degree. You’ll be introduced to the concepts of critical thinking and reflection on the knowledge and experience you have gained in prior learning. You’ll study the effects of global disease on animal health and welfare, rehabilitation strategies, and anaesthetic techniques.

Zoo Biology BSc (Hons)

This course represents a unique opportunity for you to study a wider range of species than those covered in traditional animal science degrees. Your learning will focus on the biology of exotic species, namely non-domestic and non-UK wildlife. Your lectures will cover major scientific principles, including anatomy and physiology, behaviour, genetics, ecology and nutrition. You’ll apply these principles to the management and conservation of zoo species.

Zoology BSc (Hons)

Zoology is a fundamental biological discipline that forms the basis of many applied animal science subjects. You will explore the animal kingdom and study a range of topics such as physiology, genetics, evolution, ecology, animal behaviour and data interpretation along with animal taxonomy and phylogenetics.

Biochemistry Master of Biology

We’ll bring together biology and chemistry in this course and we’ll support you as you discover disease prevention, diagnosis and treatments and how you can turn these into solutions for global challenges. And through studying the processes in living organisms you’ll be advancing your understanding of the underlying data with bioinformatics and how to communicate your finding.

Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry is the chemistry of life and on this course we bring it off the page. You’ll not only discover how this subject is vital to humanity, but even play a part in applying it to global challenges. Your journey will start with discovery of disease at a molecular level – preventing, diagnosing and treating – before looking at drug development, biological tools and genetically modified products. We show you how this fascinating subject can be applied in everyday life in from diabetes to cancer.

Biochemistry (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry is the chemistry of life and on this course we bring it off the page. You’ll not only discover how this subject is vital to humanity, but even play a part in applying it to global challenges. Your journey will start with discovery of disease at a molecular level – preventing, diagnosing and treating – before looking at drug development, biological tools and genetically modified products. We show you how this fascinating subject can be applied in everyday life in from diabetes to cancer.

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)

You’ll start by building a strong foundation of the fundamental principles of biosciences. From there, you can take your degree anywhere you want - whether that’s microbiology, environmental studies, physiology, or biochemistry. Regardless of your interests in biosciences, we have you covered.

Biological Sciences (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

During the foundation year, you’ll develop core bioscience and study skills using an active and collaborative approach. This boosts your skills and knowledge before moving onto BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences in Year Two.

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Biomedical science is the application of science to health. It is focused on studying the human body in health and disease, including the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and complex health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. At NTU we focus on teaching you the practical skills you’ll need to be successful in this field.

Biomedical Science (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

Biomedical science is the application of science to health. It is focused on studying the human body in health and disease, including the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and complex health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. At NTU we focus on teaching you the practical skills you’ll need to be successful in this field.

Level 6 Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Applied Biomedical Science)

This course offers existing staff in a relevant job role the opportunity to study BSc (Hons) Applied Biomedical Science alongside working full-time. Applicants may already have practical experience but wish to improve their theoretical understanding, want to develop their skills further and obtain an academic qualification, whilst also gaining professional recognition. You are required to hold a position in an IBMS-approved training laboratory in order to apply for this course.

Microbiology Master of Biology

Microbiology focuses on the amazing hidden world of microorganisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Microbes are everywhere and influence all aspects of our lives - their activities underpin the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even our own bodies are "mostly microbe"!

Microbiology BSc (Hons)

Microbiology focuses on the amazing hidden world of microorganisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Microbes are everywhere and influence all aspects of our lives - their activities underpin the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even our own bodies are "mostly microbe"!

Microbiology (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

During the foundation year, you’ll develop core bioscience and study skills using an active and collaborative approach to your learning. This will enable you to build your confidence as you move onto BSc (Hons) Microbiology in Year Two. Learn about the micro-organisms associated with global health issues such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and influenza. Focusing on microbes of medical importance, you’ll explore their impacts on food safety, biotechnology and infection diagnostics.

Pharmacology Master of Biology

Discovering new medicines: More effective drugs: Safer treatments. Sounds impressive? It’s exactly what we’ll train you for at NTU. Not only will you develop advanced knowledge of clinical pharmacology and science communication skills but we’ll prepare you for the world of research by giving you time to really get to know your way around a pharmacology lab.

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

You’ll get a deep understanding of the drug discovery process, through industry guest lectures, including our very own NTU pharmacology alumni, and through practical classes that mirror assays performed in the pharmaceutical industry. As well as giving you loads of practical experience, you’ll get an extra qualification recognised by industry and backed by the UK Government to address the shortage of pharmacological expertise.

Pharmacology (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

You’ll develop core bioscience and study skills during your foundation year using an active and collaborative approach to your learning. This builds your confidence before you move onto BSc (Hons) Pharmacology in Year Two. You’ll learn the science of drugs and how they have an impact on living systems and help to fight and control disease. Through guest lectures and practical classes that mimic assays performed in the pharmaceutical industry, you’ll develop a deep understanding of the drug discovery process.

Chemistry MChem (Hons)

An MChem course is a completely different way of learning. It’s about deeper chemistry knowledge and research.

Chemistry BSc (Hons)

Chemistry is a practical subject and we know there’s just no substitute for doing it yourself. That’s why on this course, you’ll get to use our analytical equipment and facilities including mass specs and x-ray crystallography, all in our state-of-the-art labs.

Chemistry (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

This course is an integrated foundation degree, where you'll progress onto our BSc (Hons) Chemistry course, once you successfully complete your foundation year. If your interests lie in medicinal chemistry, you can also transfer to our BSc (Hons) Medicinal Chemistry course after your foundation year.

Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons)

To help you stand out in the pharmaceutical industry, this course gives you both a solid understanding of the theory and practical skills required to succeed. For working in big pharma, it’s everything you need it to be.

Computer Science BSc (Hons)

Programming is a fundamental part of being a computer scientist and at NTU we’re committed to developing graduates who have the right programming skills for industry.

Computer Science MComp (Hons)

Successful managers in the industry need graduates with the right balance of knowledge and experience. That’s why you’ll start with the fundamentals of computer science, develop your programming skills in the areas of AI and Cloud computing, and then take your studies to the next level with Master's level modules to give you a deeper understanding and the edge in the workplace.

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc (Hons)

This course is aimed at students who are interested and inspired by the new AI technologies and want to work to become a leader in meeting the challenges posed by AI and big data. This course will support students with a broad range of skills required to work in the field of AI - including machine learning, natural language processing, problem solving and other cognitive techniques, as well as an understanding of the professional and ethical considerations that surround AI.

Computer Science (Games Technology) BSc (Hons)

The course builds on and shares many modules with our Computer Science degree. We then combine this with specialised games technology modules to produce a distinct and unique course – perfect if you are interested in creative applications of computer technology.

Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons)

Mathematics underpins the core features of computing and coding. This course focuses on this fascinating subject and supports you to develop a broad knowledge of mathematics and science in your foundation year. It provides you with a solid foundation from which to move on to BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Mathematics in your second year.

Computing BSc (Hons)

We’ll give you the best of both worlds by bringing together internet-based development with computing skills vital to supporting businesses.

Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Protecting organisations from cyber-attacks is a valuable skill and graduates are highly sought after and it’s one we’ll prepare you for.

Level 6 Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship BSc (Hons)

The Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship is suitable for individuals who have an interest in collecting, organising and studying data to provide new business insight that explores and visualises complex problems within industrial contexts. The apprenticeship leads to a BSc (Hons) in Data Science.

Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional (Software Engineering) Degree Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons)

The Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship is suitable for individuals who have an interest in creating digital and technology solutions that enable businesses to develop new products and services and increase productivity. The apprenticeship leads to a BSc (Hons) in Digital and Technology Solutions with the opportunity to specialise in Software Engineering.

Software Engineering BSc (Hons)

Software is critical to the industry. It can save lives, improve performance and help us predict future events. We’ll give you the skills and the knowledge to create high-quality software with plenty of opportunities to access our industry-standard facilities to test it.

Construction Management BSc (Hons)

This course is designed for students who want to undertake a leadership role in the global building construction process. With an emphasis on sustainability, technology and management, you’ll develop a wealth of knowledge and wide range of professional skills needed to successfully manage complex construction projects.

Future Homes Design and Construction - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

his new course is centred on modern methods of construction. Its focus is on sustainable and low carbon methods of future homes design and construction that help reduce the industry's carbon footprint. Through applied and practical work, you'll explore the technical, social, and economic challenges that need to be overcome in transitioning to zero carbon.

Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management - BSc (Hons)

Quantity surveyors are needed to manage the commercial aspects of construction and civil engineering projects, from the initial calculations to the final figures. Their role is to minimise costs and enhance value for money, delivering projects on time and to the required quality.

Costume Design and Construction - BA (Hons)

This specialist degree focuses on developing both your costume design and costume construction skills. You will learn how to translate your creative ideas into professional costumes for theatre, film and television, dance, opera and other performance areas.

Design for Theatre and Live Performance - BA (Hons)

Explore all aspects of contemporary design practice for theatre and the live performance, including set and costume design; construction; digital technologies and design; lighting design and audio visual; site-specific design; puppetry; heritage installation; and design for community and education. The course is facilitated by the highly skilled team of staff and technicians who have years of professional and academic knowledge.

Economics BSc (Hons)

You’ll study the key concepts of modern economics, learning how these principles are applied by individuals, businesses and governments. You’ll work with professionals and industry experts and test your knowledge in a range of real-world business environments.

Economics with Business BSc (Hons)

This course provides a solid grounding in the threshold concepts underpinning economic analysis, using its distinctive perspectives to critically analyse business decision-masking. You will learn about the industry and regulatory contexts surrounding decisions in an international setting as well as develop crucial employment skills.

Economics with International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons)

Our BSc (Hons) Economics with International Finance and Banking course uses the threshold concepts of economics to critically analyse decisions involving instruments of finance and banking. You will learn about the important role of finance and banking in affecting investment and growth and develop crucial employment skills in the tools and techniques of financial analysis.

Aerospace Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Among the fastest-growing industries in the UK, aeronautical and aerospace engineering offers a range of career prospects in research and development, testing, and maintenance. So we’ll train you up in everything you need to know, looking outside of traditional aerospace boundaries, and focusing on the future flight where you’ll explore novel propulsion and drone technology.

Aerospace Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Sustainability is a particularly pertinent issue for engineers as many products are designed to have short life-span. That’s why we teach you sustainable design which facilitates the re-use, re-purposing or recycling of materials and components – it’s the focus of one of your first year projects and we have a whole module dedicated to it in your final years.

Aerospace Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Mathematics underpins every great engineering solution. That’s why, in your first year, we focus on mathematics and support you to develop a broad knowledge of engineering and science. You’ll be ready for anything once you move on to BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering in your second year.

Biomedical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Finding solutions to current and future health issues is tough, but at NTU we’ll support you to gain the right skills to face the challenge. Biomedical engineering is a very diverse field which is also developing rapidly. To help you to become a bioengineer of the future, we work closely with industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Biomedical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Applied learning is the heartbeat of our teaching. As well as live projects and placements. Our end of year Grand Challenge is a great opportunity – a company sets a group industry challenge for you and your team to work on. Biomedical engineering is a very diverse field which is also developing rapidly. To help you to become a bioengineer of the future, we work closely with the industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Our Biomedical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry and medicine. On this course you’ll look at current health issues and develop materials, processes and devices that help prevent or treat disease or rehabilitate patients. Areas of bioengineering covered on this course are biomaterials, bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, medical imaging, rehabilitation, and cellular, tissue, and genetic engineering.

Civil Engineering - BSc (Hons)

Civil engineers find creative ways to solve real-world problems by developing the physical infrastructure society needs to exist – from bridges to houses, through to roads, hospitals and train stations.

Civil Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Civil engineers find creative ways to solve real-world problems by developing the physical infrastructure society needs to exist – from bridges to houses, through to roads, hospitals and train stations.

Civil Engineering Design and Construction - MEng (Hons)

Course content will enhance your knowledge and skills in architectural and building technology, sustainability in the built environment, health and safety, computer-aided design (CAD), hydraulics, ground engineering, structural engineering, and operational management in civil engineering.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

During this course, you will develop your knowledge and engineering skills by participating in several industry-led projects. These are set by external industry experts to make you think, work and behave like a professional engineer. You’ll learn to use the latest digital technologies to deliver creative and effective solutions for a wide range of engineering problems in electronic and electrical domains. We’ve embedded sustainability as a core part of our curriculum and you’ll spend time looking at solutions for environmental-related issues.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

We believe in putting theoretical knowledge to the practical test by giving you hands-on opportunities you need to really embed your skills. You’ll have opportunities to take part in our industry Grand Challenge, go on a work placement and learn how to develop creative and effective solutions for engineering problems – these all go towards developing you as a rounded, work-ready engineering graduate.

Engineering Management (top up) - Mansfield - BEng (Hons)

To maintain competitiveness in the current challenging environment, companies need effective leaders who understand both technology and business. Engineers with management training have opportunities to make valuable and lasting contributions. Therefore, there is an increasing global demand for specialists in engineering management, supply chain, continuous improvement techniques and sustainable development in both mechanical and manufacturing industry sectors.

General Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

General Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Level 6 Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship - BEng (Hons)

Our Level 6 Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree, whilst developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage.

Manufacturing Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Manufacturing Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Our Mechanical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry. In this course, you’ll be guided on how to analyse and solve mechanical engineering problems by producing your own creative and innovative solutions using the latest technology.

Mechanical Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Our Mechanical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry. In this course, you’ll be guided on how to analyse and solve mechanical engineering problems by producing your own creative and innovative solutions using the latest technology.

Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Mechanical engineering is a large, established field of engineering. It covers the design and manufacture of small components and devices right through to large scale items and systems. Also, recent, rapid developments in technology, such as 3D printing, have changed the face of mechanical engineering. To help you to keep up-to-date with these changes and to become a mechanical engineer of the future, we work closely with industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Sport Engineering - BEng (Hons)

On this course, you’ll design and develop sport technology concepts and devices. You’ll be working on real projects set by organisations that could be looking at helping athletes get the most out of their training programmes, maximising sporting performance, or developing sports equipment and technology that gains advantages over competitors.

Sport Engineering - MEng (Hons)

The sport engineering industry looks to help solve problems associated with sports, health and exercise. It is a relatively new but rapidly expanding area which is attracting large interest and investment from professional sports clubs, sportswear and equipment manufacturers as well as health and wellbeing app and wearable technology developers.

Sport Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

On this course you’ll design and develop sport technology concepts and devices. You’ll be working on real projects set by organisations that could be looking at helping athletes get the most out of their training programmes, maximising sporting performance, or developing sport equipment and technology that gains advantages over competitors.

Creative Writing - BA (Hons)

In this Creative Writing degree you will develop your skills as a writer, through work-like projects involving writing, editing, publishing and pitching, supported by the study of English literature.

English - BA (Hons)

English at Nottingham Trent University is a future-facing course that interrogates the past. We encourage our students to think creatively about real world issues and focus on how knowledge of literature matters in today’s world. Flexibility and creativity in expression and thought is central to our teaching, learning, and assessment, all of which is carried out via a range of methodologies embracing both the traditional and the digital. The course team are all active researchers and writers, whose expertise in new developments in the discipline feeds directly into your modules. You will study texts from the Renaissance to the present and be encouraged to stretch yourself intellectually and imaginatively by exploring literature both as practitioners and critics.

English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics is a practical course designed to develop you into a highly skilled communicator. If you wish to specialise in English language teaching you can also gain the prestigious Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), a professional qualification that will open doors to employment worldwide.

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Explore what it means to be an artist in the 21st Century, considering the role of contemporary art in modern society. Develop your artistic work across the full range of contemporary fine art media, including drawing, installation, painting, sculpture, performance, photography, film, video, sound, and print.

Forensic Science - BSc (Hons)

Crime is evolving — and so are our ways of fighting it. Today, forensic specialists are the heroes of criminal investigations all around the world. It’s a subject that’s launched a thousand books, TV shows and true-crime podcasts, but there’s even more to forensics than you’ve read, heard, and seen.

Forensic Science - FdSc

It’s all about the way you learn. Not just in lectures or out of textbooks, but by getting hands-on in our state-of-the-art forensic science facilities.

Forensic Science - MSci (Hons)

This flexible MSci shares two common years with our popular BSc (Hons) Forensic Science, before branching into a host of advanced modules. You’ll secure a postgraduate (as opposed to undergraduate) degree, and you can choose the study path that best-suits your professional ambitions.

Climate Change - BSc (Hons)

The climate crisis is the most pressing issue of our time. This course isn’t just about you and your career – it’s about the future of life on Earth itself. It’s for the activists and the visionaries; those itching for change and searching for solutions. The world is in danger. It’s time for you to intervene.

Environmental Science - BSc (Hons)

This multidisciplinary course includes the scientific study of the physical, chemical and biological processes operating on and within the Earth. It is fully accredited by the Institution of Environmental Sciences. You will explore environmental issues including natural resources, waste management, conservation and sustainability. Other areas of focus include climate change, renewable energies, environmental hazard management, and law and policy.

Geography - BSc (Hons)

Disaster relief, the climate crisis, diminishing resources, and social inequity: where others see questions, geographers find answers. Our course attracts everyone from the environmentally curious to the ecologically inspired; people who are naturally passionate about how humans interact with the environment, and vice versa. With us, you won’t just learn how the world works — you’ll find out how to make a meaningful difference to it.

Business Law - LLB (Hons)

This LLB Business Law degree has specialist Business Law modules designed to give you sound legal and commercial awareness.

International Law - LLB (Hons)

Our LLB International Law degree enables you to study both domestic and international law with the option to remain at the Law School throughout your degree or to spend either the second half of your second year or the whole of your third year studying abroad (returning to the Law School for your final year).

Law (Distance Learning) - LLB (Hons)

Let us come to you. Join our internationally recognised degree, and study from anywhere in the world.

Law (Flexible Learning) - LLB (Hons)

This course has a flexible timetable designed to fit around your existing commitments.

Law (Sandwich) - LLB (Hons)

This course combines practical skills with academic learning by offering you the chance to spend your third year on a paid legal work placement, allowing you to apply what you have learnt and gain a valuable insight into professional practice. The year on placement will give you a head start in the jobs market after graduation.

Law Senior Status - LLB (Hons)

If you are a graduate who wants to gain a law degree, this course is for you. This compact degree is completed in just two years and is compliant with the requirements of the Bar Standards Board (BSB) for the purposes of professional qualification as a solicitor or barrister in England and Wales.

Law with Business - LLB (Hons)

This course will combine your study of Law with Business modules delivered by Nottingham Trent University's renowned Business School, ideal if you wish to broaden your knowledge by developing your commercial awareness and other skills highly valued by employers.

Law with Criminology - LLB (Hons)

A fascinating degree that combines our expertise in Law and Criminology to prepare you for employment in the legal profession and criminal justice system.

Law with Psychology - LLB (Hons)

A fascinating degree that draws upon the relationship between Law and Psychology with modules that are of real topical interest.

Computer Science and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and computer science go hand in hand, especially in an increasingly digital world. Being able to code someone else’s algorithms is useful but we’ll teach you to design and implement your own – taking your skills to the next level.

Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics underpins the core features of computing and coding. This course focuses on this fascinating subject and supports you to develop a broad knowledge of mathematics and science in your foundation year. It provides you with a solid foundation from which to move on to BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Mathematics in your second year.

Data Science - BSc (Hons)

Big data. Machine learning. Artificial intelligence. Data science underpins them all and at NTU we have one goal – to make you an expert.

Data Science (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and science – the building blocks you’ll focus on during your foundation year, preparing you to move on to BSc (Hons) Data Science in your second year.

Financial Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Every journey starts with a single step and your foundation year is just the start. You’ll focus on mathematics while exploring science. This combination gets you off to a flying start as you move on to BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics in your second year.

Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

Support. That’s what you’ll get from us – and lots of it. We know that mathematics is a beautiful subject, but it can also be challenging. Our staff are not only experts in a range of mathematical fields they’re also here to guide you on your journey and even inspire you to develop your research areas.

Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

You’re right at the start of your exciting mathematics journey and we’re here to build your mathematics and science skills. These will provide you with the foundations to excel when you move on to BSc (Hons) Mathematics in your second year.

Event Management (London) - BA (Hons)

The methodical planning; the long hours; the people managing; the last-minute changes and challenges; followed by the relief and excitement as thousands of event goers go home satisfied. Event management can be a rollercoaster ride, and not for the fainthearted. We know, because at Confetti we do it day-in, day-out.

Music Performance - BA (Hons)

This course is for active and passionate musicians and is designed to cultivate your continuing pursuit of excellence in your musical expression. It is a programme designed as a means of developing all areas of your craft and relating them directly to the industry in which you will find yourself.

Music Performance (London) - BA (Hons)

Develop your technical mastery of instrumental and vocal skills whilst broadening your understanding and experience in songwriting, composition, performance, and music management at Confetti – a specialist in music education.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production - BSc (Hons)

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Music Performance - FdA

Study our foundation degree in Music Performance and you’ll be equipped with a broad set of practical skills, while being given the opportunity to focus on your personal development as a professional musician. At key points during the course you’ll also have direct access to Confetti’s sister company - record label, Denizen - for advice and guidance.

Event Production - FdSc

This course sees you study in a real live event venue, working with industry-standard hardware and software and alongside well-connected tutors and guest speakers. By the end of the course you’ll have gained the technical, organisational, creative and professional skills needed to work successfully in the technical events industry.

Physics with Astrophysics - BSc (Hons)

Studying the universe is a pretty tall order but we’ll support you every step of the way. Not only will you study underpinning core physics but you’ll get to apply it to fascinating astronomy concepts including extragalactic astronomy, stellar evolution, cosmology and space science.

Product Design - BA (Hons)

Products, services, systems: three small words with a galaxy of applications. From TVs to trainers, we’ll help you navigate the evolving world of product design, growing your technical, practical, and interpersonal skills along the way.

Animal Biology BSc (Hons)

Explore the fascinating animal kingdom and the scientific principles that underpin this important and wide-ranging subject area. The course will give you a sound knowledge and understanding of animal biology. Your lectures will cover major scientific principles, including anatomy and physiology, behaviour, genetics, ecology, and nutrition. The course focuses on the study of companion and livestock species. Core scientific study is supported by practical animal handling in our specialist unit.

Law (Full-time) - LLB (Hons)

This course provides the intellectual, legal and practical skills you'll need for a successful career.

Financial Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

This course provides the perfect blend of learning. We’ll build your business and finance knowledge through real-world scenarios focusing on the accountancy, financial modelling and economics while underpinning this with a sound mathematics base in statistics, algebra and calculus.

MMath (Hons) Mathematics

We know that a Master's degree in Mathematics is never an easy option, but it’s a worthwhile journey and one that we’ll support you on every step of the way.

Mathematics with Statistics - BSc (Hons)

It’s all about applying your learning. Starting with algebra, calculus and statistics - the foundations of mathematics – before moving on to advanced topics like statistical modelling and computational statistics.

Mathematics with Statistics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Think of your foundation year as a springboard – developing your base mathematical and science skills before leaping into BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Statistics, ready to face the challenge.

Physics and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

This course provides a combination of benefits – helping develop the crucial lab skills you’ll require as a physicist alongside a thorough understanding of the theories involved. When blended with mathematics, the study of physics becomes a powerful tool that you can use to explore the biggest questions known to humanity.

Physics and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

We’re here to support you as you set out on your journey. We’ll build your mathematics and science skills and knowledge so you’re ready for the challenge of moving on to BSc (Hons) Physics and Mathematics in your second year.

Sport Science and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

We’ll give you the mathematics skills to unlock the complexities of the sport. It’s a powerful combination. You’ll develop the building blocks of mathematics – algebra, calculus and statistics while exploring sports psychology, physiology and biomechanics.

Sport Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

We know that people come onto a foundation year from a wide range of backgrounds and ability levels. That’s why in your first year you’ll work through the basics, building up solid foundations of understanding and practical applications of mathematics through supporting science modules.

Event Management - BA (Hons)

The methodical planning; the long hours; the people managing; the last-minute changes and challenges; followed by the relief and excitement as thousands of event goers go home satisfied. Event management can be a rollercoaster ride, and not for the fainthearted. We know, because at Confetti we do it day-in, day-out.

Music Business (London) - BA (Hons)

If you’re serious about building a career in the music industry, you need to train in the industry. Where better to do that than in London, one of the world's leading music cities.

Music Business - BA (Hons)

If you’re serious about building a career in the music industry, you need to train in the industry. It’s at Confetti where you’ll get the best industry connections, real-life work experience and unrivalled facilities.

Music Production (London) - BA (Hons)

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Music Production - BA (Hons)

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Event Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

For those wanting to forge an exciting career in the live event production industry, Confetti is the place to study.

Event Production - BSc (Hons)

On this three-year degree, you’ll learn and explore the technology that goes into live event production. This course is delivered at our contemporary music hub - Metronome - which houses a 300-capacity live event space and a 93m2 live events production workshop space.

Music Production - FdA

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production - FdSc

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Medical Physics - BSc (Hons)

Medical physics is the application of physics to the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. It is a vast and expanding field covering everything from the physics of the human body, nuclear medicine, and medical scanning and diagnosis using tools such as MRI, x-rays and ultrasound. Studying this course gives you the opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly growing area, contributing to improvements in human healthcare and well-being.

Physics - BSc (Hons)

This course is perfect for you if you have a keen interest in physics. It really is the perfect blend of learning, both in the classroom and in the lab. We'll build your knowledge and theory whilst developing your hands-on skills in our well-equipped laboratories.

Physics - MSci (Hons)

If you want to be at the forefront of human knowledge we’ll teach you about the latest advances in physics. You’ll be part of our cutting-edge research teams during your final year project when you will be attempting to discover something that no one has ever understood before.

Physics (with foundation year) - BSc (Hons)

We believe in learning by doing – that’s why you’ll be building practical skills alongside an exploration of fundamental physics topics, such as the ideas of motion and mathematical techniques. During your foundation year we’ll build your physics skills and mathematics knowledge, and application of these concepts, so you are ready to move onto BSc (Hons) Physics in your second year.

Physics with Nuclear Technology - BSc (Hons)

Nuclear technology is the wonder of our age, and you’ll discover how it can power our cities and help cure illnesses.

Furniture and Product Design - BA (Hons)

The world is changing — and so are the private and professional spaces we live, learn, eat, sleep, work and relax in. If you’re a hands-on, experimentative designer who’s curious about furniture and product design, you’ve found the perfect course!

Product Design - BSc (Hons)

This course has both eyes (and hands) on the technological side of design — the making and manufacturing of products, systems, and services. It’s a great option if you’re naturally curious about design engineering, and looking for a practical, hands-on approach.

Building Surveying - BSc (Hons)

Building surveyors are advisors to the property and construction industry, identifying defects and suggesting options for maintenance and repair. They work on the development of new buildings, as well as restoring properties across residential, commercial, industrial and heritage projects.

Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship (Building Surveyor Pathway) - BSc (Hons)

Our Chartered Surveyor (Building Surveyor pathway) Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree while developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage*.

Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship (Real Estate) - BSc (Hons)

Our Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Real Estate) Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree, while developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage.

Property Development and Planning - BSc (Hons)

Property development and planning is fundamental to the growth of the property industry – from scheme proposal, site identification and analysis, through to design, viability, finance and marketing.

Property Finance and Investment - BSc (Hons)

This is the course for you if you want to become an expert in providing specialist investment and finance knowledge in the property industry.

Real Estate - BSc (Hons)

The property industry is a dynamic field that reacts to macroeconomic trends like interest rates, population growth and economic strength. As such there is a constant demand for graduates with skills in management, planning investment and negotiation — all things you'll learn about on this course.

Sociology - BA (Hons)

Society is rapidly changing. Our multicultural and diverse world is becoming increasingly complex - bringing about challenges and problems that we, as sociologists, seek to tackle. At NTU, our role is to deliver you as a sociology graduate ready for the real world, well-prepared to address these changes.

Content Creation (London) - BA (Hons)

Master the art of producing compelling content that cuts through the noise with this hands-on degree. Confetti’s unique links with the creative industries make it the perfect place to develop your portfolio. What better place to study this degree than in London, a global creative city.

Virtual Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

From The Mandalorian on Disney+ to the BBC’s coverage of Tokyo 2020, this rapidly growing area of content production creates an environment where physical and digital content co-exist and interact in real-time.

Visual Effects Production Technology - FdSc

Visual Effects (VFX) has become an integral part of the production process for film, television and advertising. This new course will give you the opportunity to explore the VFX industry for moving image products while developing the skills required of the VFX specialist. You'll explore the different areas through studio practice and academic research and study. By the end of the course you will have developed a strong portfolio tailored to your own career aspirations.

Graphic Design - BA (Hons)

Learn and develop as an ambitious graphic designer on this studio-based degree. You'll work alongside like-minded creatives, exploring all aspects of visual communication in a vibrant studio environment.

Motion Graphics - BA (Hons)

Operating at the intersection of design and creative technologies this Motion Graphics BA Hons course offers a diverse and engaging ideas led curriculum where you will be challenged to think broadly, combining technology, creative thinking, and graphic design fundamentals to test, craft, and shape your individual identity as a motion-based thinker and designer.

Visual Effects Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

VFX has become an integral part of the production process for film, television and advertising. On this course you’ll explore the VFX industry for moving image products while developing the skills required of a VFX artist across a range of disciplines.

Agriculture - BSc (Hons)

Feeding an increasing population against a backdrop of different weather patterns induced by climate change presents a major challenge to the farming industry’s future. This course focuses on innovative approaches to agriculture, providing you with the skills and knowledge needed to apply sustainable agriculture practices and play a part in global food security. Designed in consultation with the National Trust – one of the largest landowners in the UK – it gives you the opportunity to study on the University’s 200-hectare farm and rural estate, based at our Brackenhurst Campus.

Business Management (Accelerated) - BA (Hons)

This course is designed to provide you with a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to business and management that will enable you to excel in a wide range of jobs once you graduate.

Wildlife Conservation - BSc (Hons)

You will learn about the theory and practice of species conservation through a range of lectures, practicals and fieldwork combining the scientific principles of animal function and behaviour with conservation biology. You’ll explore current areas of global concern, including the effects of habitat loss on wild species, alongside approaches to their conservation. This course will give you sound knowledge of ecological processes and theories while developing the skills to identify, monitor and manage wild animals and their habitats.

Criminal Justice (Top-up) - Mansfield - BA (Hons)

The Criminal Justice (Top-up) course is designed for you if you are an FdA Criminal Justice graduate and want to top up your qualification to BA honours degree level.

Computing with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

Are you ready to take the first step towards a future in education? The FdA Education course covers how people learn and develop throughout their lives – enabling you to make a difference to learners of all ages.

Education and Professional Practice (Top-up) - Mansfield - BA (Hons)

Are you ready for a future in education but want to keep your career options open? Our dynamic BA (Hons) Education Studies degree lets you do just that. You will take learning beyond the classroom, as you study education in its broadest sense. This unique course covers early years through to adult education - exploring a diverse range of subject areas, including sociology, policy, globalisation, technology, and social justice.

Education Studies - BA (Hons)

Education has the power to improve lives. With this BA (Hons) Education Studies and Psychology degree, you will recognise the importance of education, as well as explore the psychological factors that inhibit and motivate learning. Studying at NTU, you will engage in the most relevant contemporary issues of our time - including well-being, mental health, social media and relationships – gaining skills and confidence along the way.

Education: Policy and Practice - FdA

This one year, part-time course is specifically designed to enable practitioners with an education related foundation degree or similar qualifications to gain full graduate status. It will equip you with the skills and knowledge to gain a greater understanding and critical analysis of education.

English with Secondary Education (QTS) - BA (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of English as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a difference to the lives of learners of all ages with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)? In an increasingly diverse global society, there is a developing awareness of systems, practices and environments which enable people to achieve and develop to their individual potential. With our unique BA (Hons) Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion degree, you will explore the role of education in promoting inclusion, helping you to gain experience and specialist knowledge to enable you to achieve your professional aspirations. This degree is for those planning a fulfilling career in a diverse range of areas, including primary or further education teaching, as well as roles in the community.

Fashion Business Analytics - BSc (Hons)

If you are a creative analytical thinker, enjoy problem solving, with an entrepreneurial mindset, this course allows you to shape the physical and digital fashion experience by interpreting product and consumer data. Data is at the heart of all fashion organisations, helping to improve sales, better understand consumer behaviour and offer a more personalised shopping experience.

Fashion Communication and Promotion - BA (Hons)

On this course you will investigate, develop and create meaningful and forward-thinking forms of visual communication, promotion and advertising. The focus is on the visual communication of brands through which innovative messages and narratives for products and services are built for the global fashion and lifestyle industries.

Fashion Design - BA (Hons)

Our BA (Hons) Fashion Design course has an established reputation, with exceptional national and international links within the fashion Industry, as well as a recognised global presence.

Games Art - FdA

Our FdA Games Art is designed for those who want a career in the growing games industry. Game artists create the visual elements of an interactive computer game, crafting assets like 2D graphics, 3D characters and environment models, surface textures and user interface components. This course will give you the opportunity to experience a range of techniques and software used in the games industry, while developing specialist skills to support career goals within your chosen art role.

Games Technology - FdSc

Experience the core roles and learn the technology skills required for a graduate career in Games Technology. This course has been designed to be responsive to the needs of the global games industry and as a result you will be taught the current relevant skills required by employers. The use of the latest hardware, software and technology and the introduction of current industry-standard practices and work flow is at the forefront of delivery.

Games Production - BSc (Hons)

This course focuses on the practical and theoretical disciplines and processes within the field of games technology and provides you with the industry-standard software and technology skills necessary to forge a career in the games industry.

Design for Film and Television - BA (Hons)

Created in close collaboration with the film and television industry, this course will prepare you for a successful career as a production designer, art director or other art department role. Learn a wide range of art department skills including set design, visualisation and drafting.

Filmmaking - BA (Hons)

This exciting new degree has been created in response to the global success of the UK film and screen industries.

Nursing (Mental Health) - Clifton Campus - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Nursing (Mental Health) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

Playing a huge part in day-to-day healthcare, the role of a nurse is deeply rewarding. Becoming a nurse is so much more than a career, it’s a vocation.

Paramedic Science - BSc (Hons)

Today’s Paramedic is a highly skilled healthcare practitioner, who provides high quality urgent or emergency care to patients in a wide range of exciting, fast-paced and challenging environments. The Paramedic profession is at the forefront of the developing modern NHS, with paramedics extending their role in to an increasing range of new and exciting areas.

Politics - BA (Hons)

Politics is everywhere and everything. Understand it, and you’ll understand your own world; know its rules, and you can start to play the game on your own terms. This course is for the brave, the curious, and the rebels searching for a cause. It’s about making the political personal, and being the kind of change you want to see.

Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Educational and Development Psychology) degree focuses on the psychological development within educational settings as well as inclusion and support needs within educational Institutions. Our students benefit from over 90 academic experts and weekly research seminars, and have access to first-class laboratory suites.

Health and Social Care - BA (Hons)

Our exciting Health and Social Care degree offers you the opportunity to develop a broad understanding of health and social care that includes a range of issues about living in communities and society. During the course you will be able to tailor your learning by specialising in key areas of health and social care, and boost your career prospects by undertaking work-based learning.

Social Work - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a difference to people's lives? Then our Social Work degree is for you. You will gain the knowledge and skills that could really change someone's life.

Finance and Investment Banking - MSc

Our MSc Finance and Investment Banking course will teach you about analysing and valuing investment products, critical analysis of information in derivatives markets and portfolio and investment management. You will explore the operation of markets, their major participants and the regulatory environments, as well as building a firm understanding of corporate finance, basic accounting and financial analysis.

Level 7 Architect Degree Apprenticeship - MArch; PGDip

This programme is the next step for professionals who are aiming to achieve postgraduate qualifications equivalent to the Architects Registration Board (ARB) / Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Parts 2 and 3, whilst continuing to gain relevant experience in practice.

Human Resource Management

Our MSc Human Resource Management (HRM) course is ideal for students from any academic discipline who want to build a successful career in HR. The course is designed specifically to enable those who are seeking to start such a career, to gain a Masters qualification in HRM through completing a course of study that has been approved by the professional body for HRM practitioners, namely the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship - MSc

The MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship course has been designed for individuals with an entrepreneurial mind-set. It is open to students from any academic discipline who are looking to set up their own business, become future entrepreneurs or those looking to take over their family business. This course combines rigorous academic theory with the practical skills, hands-on experience and valuable networks you need to make your business a success.

International Business (Dual Award) - MSc

Our unique MSc International Business (Dual Award) degree gives you an exceptional opportunity to gain two Master degrees in just 15 months, providing you with a clear competitive advantage. With the opportunity to study in the UK and abroad and an in-depth academic project, this is a career-defining degree that will change the way you see the world.

Management and International Business - MSc

Our MSc Management and International Business course explores how to manage effectively in an increasingly global work environment. It builds the powerful, practical skills you need to deal with the problems faced by managers working internationally.

Chemistry - MRes

You can gain the opportunity to develop a competitive research edge to your CV, which is vital when entering the growing Chemistry market within the UK and internationally. This Chemistry postgraduate course enables you to choose from our extensive range of Chemistry modules - allowing you to match the modules with your interests and career aspirations.

Chemistry / Chemistry (Professional Practice) - MSc

You can take this accredited MSc Chemistry degree as a one year full-time study option, or alternatively you can undertake this course as a one year full-time study with a year long work placement for the MSc Chemistry (Professional Practice) route.

Pharmaceutical Analysis - MRes

Develop and further your knowledge of pharmaceutical analysis on this accredited Master's course which includes a substantial research-led project.

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science - MRes

Develop your knowledge of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science by studying the complexities of organic synthesis, synthesis of biologically important molecules and NMR spectra.

Biodiversity Conservation - MRes; MSc

Increasing pressure on land-use across the world has led to a growing demand for postgraduates with environmental surveying qualifications. This course provides you with the knowledge you'll need to work within the environmental and ecological consulting and conservation professions. The MSc course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

Criminology - MA

This Criminology Masters course gives you the opportunity to gain a critical and informed understanding of criminology, by exploring the debates at the forefront of the field. There is a particular emphasis upon the practical realities, uncertainties, complexities and solutions available for criminal justice and crime reduction.

Engineering Management - MSc

Combines the theory and practice of engineering with the study of business and resource-based management, entrepreneurial leadership, new business ventures and small-to-medium enterprises.

Corporate Law - LLM

Nottingham Law School has a leading reputation in the field of Corporate Law and students on this course will benefit from our research and expert teaching staff.

International Energy Law - LLM

LLM International Energy Law aims to provide you with a critical understanding of current issues relating to energy and environmental policy and regulation at an international level. The course introduces you to key international legal principles and frameworks regulating the energy sector and considers their application to global energy industries at a moment when the international community is seeking to address the challenges of climate change.

International Environmental Law - LLM

This course enables students to gain in-depth analytical knowledge of environmental law and issues within the law while offering a highly flexible, bespoke and personalised learning opportunity.

Politics - MA

This course offers you the opportunity to study Politics at an advanced and specialised level, emphasising the interplay between the national, regional and global arenas. The underpinning theme of the Politics Masters degree is participation - an issue that has, and looks likely to continue to be a key debate within political discourse.

Occupational Psychology - MSc

Accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), our MSc Occupational Psychology course is targeted at high-calibre psychology graduates who are intending to pursue a career in occupational psychology in its various guises and other associated careers.

Biomedical Science by Flexible Learning - MSc

Study part-time and online for an accredited Biomedical Science Master's qualification while continuing to work.

Career Development - PGCert

The Postgraduate Certificate in Career Development course is designed to equip you with the skills, qualities and knowledge required of a professional practitioner working in the career development and employability sector, enabling you to meet the needs of clients in a variety of settings.

Computer Science - MSc

Building on a practical foundation comprising the understanding of operating systems, network protocols security and how to develop secured code, you will learn how to critically assess the security risks to IT organisations and how to evaluate the information security solution to mitigate them. In addition, you will gain the research skills necessary to investigate the continually changing issues in computer forensics and security in Cloud infrastructures.

Construction Management - MSc

Construction is an exciting global industry and Construction Managers play a crucial role at the heart of it, responsible for directing operations within building projects - from project planning, contract administration and safety management, through to cost and quality control.

Animation - MA

MA Animation is a taught MA, with equal value placed on developing your authorial voice, unique vision and creative originality, alongside your advanced technical skills and professional practice development

News Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course prepares you to work in an editorial team to supply material across a multi-platform newsroom. You will seek out original stories, conduct incisive interviews and produce crisp and engaging copy. You will train to be what Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez calls the best job in the world – a journalist.

Advertising and Marketing Communications - MSc

Creative marketers are in high demand as organisations, brands and agencies look for fresh perspectives on how to tackle existing and emerging challenges faced today. With the rapid inception of new technologies and channels, and changes in consumer behaviours and perceptions, the industry needs new thinking. Created in close consultation with senior marketing professionals and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Advertising and Marketing Communications degree will prepare you for the dynamic world of marketing communications, equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make your mark.

Digital Marketing - MSc

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing, most dynamic areas of the marketing industry. This constantly evolving field continually pioneers new technology, channels and pushes the boundaries of marketing practice. It's helping to redefine the nature of customer relationships, along with the increased use of global marketing strategies, more sophisticated branding techniques, integrated marketing communications and e-commerce.

Marketing - MSc

Today's marketers need to be adept in a range of areas from analysing market trends to developing strong marketing strategies and effective product development processes. Understanding the theory and frameworks that underpin contemporary marketing thinking is critical. Created in close consultation with the marketing industry and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Marketing degree develops the strengths, abilities and understanding that employers are looking for.

Marketing and Brand Management - MSc

The fragmentation of media and complex and competitive nature of business highlights how important a strong brand is to an organisation. Understanding the brand development process, brand strategies and metrics is imperative to marketing professionals. Created in close consultation with senior marketing professionals and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Marketing and Brand Management degree will give you an exciting and stimulating opportunity to reflect on how organisations can rise to the increasing challenges of marketing and branding in today's world.

Marketing and Data Analytics - MSc

The significance of data analytics needs no acknowledgement. Companies across industries have leveraged data science in combination with marketing to enhance productivity and to build long-term relationship with customers. Over the last decade, marketing has been revolutionised by data analytics, allowing brands to improve brand strategies and business management and therefore, to deliver better experience through personalised communication.

Creative Technologies - MA

As technology develops, the need for globally-minded and technically savvy creatives is growing. This course will enable open-minded and ambitious students to explore the boundaries of creative technology, through collaborative work.

Filmmaking - MA

Situated within the Nottingham School of Art & Design, the MA in Filmmaking challenges students to innovate within and beyond the boundaries of moving-image-making practices. You will be exploring and experimenting in both film production and exhibition, enhanced by intellectually stimulating discussions and workshops.

Media and Globalisation - MA

This innovative practical-based course explores issues from media to culture, politics, globalisation, the creative industries and digital multimedia practices. It’s designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the main debates surrounding the roles and processes of media systems in the context of globalisation.

Creative Technologies - MSc

As technology develops, the need for globally-minded and technically savvy creatives is growing. This course will enable open-minded and ambitious students to explore the boundaries of creative technology, through collaborative work.

Philosophy (by research) - MA

Nottingham Trent University is home to a modern philosophy department which concentrates on contemporary aspects of Philosophy with particular strengths in 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Everyday Life, Film and Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion.

Medical Imaging - MRes

Working with imaging physicists and biomedical NHS collaborators and using industry-standard equipment such as MRI scanners, you will learn how medical imaging techniques play a role in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring disease. This course is ideal for those working in the industry and looking to upskill.

Physics - MSc

What does a 21st Century physicist look like? You will learn to communicate to a broad audience and make physics accessible for all on current topics in physics. You will present your understanding through innovative techniques, including vlogging, infographics, patents, apps, outreach experiments and articles for The Conversation.

Design: Products and Furniture - MA

Our MA Design: Products and Furniture course is aimed at designers looking to master their approach to develop innovative products, furniture, systems or services. Underpinned by a focus on your own specialism, you’ll explore the multidisciplinary field of design, challenge the norms in design thinking and engage with the realities of designing for new and emerging markets.

Design: Products and Technology - MSc

MSc Design: Products and Technology embraces an extensive range of approaches to design practice – from manufacturing, computer science and advanced internet techniques, to artificial intelligence for control, robotics, project management and inclusive design. It's designed for you to strengthen your technological and manufacturing skills and you’ll develop a comprehensive appreciation of the principles and techniques that underpin advanced design solutions.

Building Surveying - MSc

Building surveyors are advisors for the property and construction industry: the glue that helps clients to learn more about the importance of design, construction, maintenance and repair of buildings.

International Real Estate Investment and Finance - MSc

This degree is designed for those looking to specialise in global property investment, finance and business. With a focus on real estate markets and institutions, you’ll develop the competencies necessary to work on both the advisory side and client side for investors.

Property Development and Planning - MSc

Our MSc Property Development and Planning course equips you with expert knowledge of town and country planning from a developer’s perspective.

Real Estate - MSc

Our MSc Real Estate course will introduce you to a wide range of aspects of commercial and residential property, including valuation, asset management, development, sustainability, agency, town and country planning, funding and the UK legal system.

Sociology - MA

This Sociology Masters degree offers you an exciting opportunity to study sociology at an advanced and specialised level with a distinctive focus on the tradition and contemporary forms of public sociology.

Graphic Communication - MA

The MA Graphic Communication course recognises exciting new directions in the ever-diversifying professional industry and offers you the chance to explore these through your own practice. Whether your personal interest is in typography, packaging, print, branding, digital, moving image, UX/UI or speculative design, on this course you will be able to personalise your learning journey through a modular course structure.

Illustration - MA

Our Masters in Illustration is specifically designed to help you develop and craft your personal visual language, taking your illustrative practice to the next level. Combining theory and practice, you will create a bespoke portfolio that truly represents you as a creative. You will have the opportunity to engage in three areas of Illustration Research Excellence: Narrative, Entrepreneurial and Experimental Illustration. You will join other creative minds and collaborate with postgraduate students across the School of Art and Design; and you will focus on your professional journey as an illustrator/academic.

Content Creation - MA

If you want to produce cutting-edge, high-end content that reaches a diverse global audience then this Masters degree is for you. It’s at Confetti where you’ll have countless opportunities to develop your skills and build your portfolio, thanks to our industry connections and our very own creative commercial businesses.

Mathematical Sciences - MRes

This Mathematical Sciences Masters course will prepare you for the challenges of research in mathematics or statistics. Supported by relevant taught models and by academic supervisors, and experts in your chosen specialist subject, you will undertake a year-long research project in which you will experience all stages of the research process.

Project Management (Construction) - MSc

Construction is an exciting global industry and Project Managers play a crucial role ensuring the success of construction projects - from overseeing that timeframe targets and budgets are met, through to logistics tasks, such as planning, execution, monitoring, control and closure.

Fashion - MA

With over 40 years of expertise in fashion design, this course has been designed to help you to develop your creative, academic and professional potential. You will work alongside other MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear Design students in our dedicated postgraduate studio,

Luxury Fashion Brand Management - MA

International luxury fashion brands inspire and inform the zeitgeist of the global fashion industry. The management of these elite organisations requires the application of creativity and strong business acumen at every level. Our MA Luxury Fashion Brand Management course aims to provide advanced skills and knowledge in contemporary and emerging branding and fashion management practice and theory.

Documentary Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course will prepare you to research and produce long-form documentary stories for online, radio and film. It includes all the steps of the process from research and production across multiplatforms, to making a pitch, the commissioning process, costing and budgets.

Virtual Production - BSc (Hons)

From The Mandalorian on Disney+ to the BBC’s coverage of Tokyo 2020, this rapidly growing area of content production creates an environment where physical and digital content co-exist and interact in real-time.

Horticulture (final year top-up) - BSc (Hons)

This course develops your academic and applied horticultural skills to degree level. You’ll deepen your knowledge of plant and crop development, as well as looking at green-space management. Your learning will include the modern production methods and management of plant crops, agronomy, and post-harvest issues. You’ll explore the current issue of international food security, developing the scientific and technical knowledge, skills and experience to help tackle this challenge.

Fashion Management - BA (Hons)

Combine your interest in fashion with business management skills. This course focuses on the management of the entire fashion chain with our unique emphasis on fashion product – from design development and sourcing, to buying and merchandising, sales and marketing, and promotion to the consumer.

Television Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

Do you want to work on the next big TV drama, be part of the crew on the biggest sporting events or maybe make the next big documentary?

Nursing (Adult) - Clifton Campus - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Finance - MSc

Our MSc Finance degree provides you with an in-depth understanding of core financial concepts, theories and tools used in a wide variety of organisations worldwide. This course is designed for ambitious individuals who don't necessarily have a background in finance but can evidence a good level of quantitative ability.

Management - MSc

Our MSc Management courses will help you shape your leadership and management skills to become an effective manager, able to operate in dynamic and complex organisational environments. You will gain an excellent understanding of the core subjects, enabling you to put to theory and contemporary thinking into practice.

Management and Marketing - MSc

Our MSc Management and Marketing course has been designed for aspiring leaders and aims to underpin knowledge associated with the practice of marketing. You will become familiar with the fundamental issues and concepts relating to marketing practice.

Structural Engineering with Management - MSc

This course focuses on enhancing the key management skills required of leaders in civil engineering and construction. Through it you'll explore the sustainability, management and environmental impact of structural engineering and applied technical themes.

Structural Engineering with Materials - MSc

Designed for professionals aspiring to technical leadership positions within structural engineering design practice, this course focuses on applying engineering principles, advanced materials behaviour and technical themes within structural engineering.

Human Rights - LLM

Nottingham Law School has significant academic expertise in the areas of human rights. The course parallels the historical and contemporary significance of these aspects of law, in particular their growth as topics of both domestic and international importance over recent decades.

Politics and Public Policy - MSc

Following recent global events, politics—as we know it—is in crisis. Alongside the gradual decline in ‘formal’ political engagement, there has arisen a deep suspicion of the twentieth-century promise of globalisation, and in this so-called ‘post-truth’ context many of the values and institutions of the liberal democratic order have been brought into question. This includes debates concerning the role of the citizen and reconsideration of various public policies.

Biotechnology - MSc

This exciting biotechnology postgraduate degree is designed to give you the theoretical and practical skills needed for a career in Biotechnology within companies and research organisations.

Education - Doctor of

The Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) is designed for those in a range of education and education-related professions and provides an opportunity to study part-time for a doctorate in an area connected to professional practice.

Education, Full-time - MA; PGCert; PGDip

The general aim of the course is to produce graduates who are autonomous, able to carry out ethical research studies in different educational contexts, and who can recognised the importance of the application of education theories and research to understand education debates and policies across a range of educational settings and contexts.

TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - MA

This course is ideal for both experienced English Language teachers and those with little or no experience in the area who wish to become an English language teacher to speakers of other languages. The course helps you develop employability and enterprise skills, and offers a lot of teaching practice as well as an optional placement.

Fashion Knitwear - MA

Our MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear courses provide a platform for diverse and creative thinking and design practice to challenge and drive the future of fashion and textiles.

Horticulture / Horticulture: Garden Design - FdSc

Explore the life of plants on these highly vocational and practical courses. Based on understanding and interpreting the landscape around us, they explore horticultural production and growing, along with the principles of plant and soil science. Horticulture is a diverse subject area that covers plant and soil science; commercial crop production; ornamental flower and plant growing; landscape and garden design; and green-space management.

Architectural Technology - BSc (Hons)

This professionally focused course is your gateway to a successful career in the exciting architecture industry.

Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1) - BArch (Hons)

Prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) and validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), this creative, project-driven course is designed to help you develop your own design approach and style.

Mathematics with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of Maths as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)

Linguistics is the science of how language works. And language influences all the big questions in everyday life, from culture and gender, to technology, discrimination, health, law, social justice, ecology, and conservation.

Fashion Marketing and Branding - BA (Hons)

This course focuses on marketing and brand strategy in the fashion and lifestyle industry. Explore how brands become distinctive and desirable, discovering how they identify their unique selling points to position themselves in the market. You’ll then look at how brands communicate with consumers through innovative ideas, strategic delivery and visual communication.

Textile Design - BA (Hons)

Fashion and Textiles at NTU is internationally recognised for the quality of its creative, industry-ready graduates.

Games Art - BA (Hons)

The global games industry is a rapidly expanding technology driven industry with a growing demand for graduates with industry specific creative software skills combined with the ability to be innovative, adaptable, self-directed and demonstrate problem solving abilities within an artistic workflow. This BA (Hons) Games Art degree responds to those needs by giving you the opportunity to focus your study on establishing a career in a practical, industry relevant environment.

Business Management and Marketing - BA (Hons)

Today’s businesses are more competitive than ever and are constantly looking for new ideas to keep them ahead of their rivals. Marketing plays a vital role in any organisation activity and is the most crucial factor to the success of any business.

Politics and International Relations - BA (Hons)

Our world is a complex, contradictory place. In many ways, we’re broader minded and better connected than ever before; in others, the impact of war, disease, intolerance and instability threatens to undermine our progress. With divisive, post-factual ‘truths’ continuing to infiltrate the news, it’s often hard to know what’s really happening — but we’ll give you the critical skills to hear through that noise.

Psychology (Forensic Psychology) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Forensic Psychology) degree explores our psychological understanding and response to offending behaviour, encompassing the police, the courts, the prison system and offenders.

Youth Work (JNC) - BA (Hons)

NTU has a national reputation as a leading institution for teaching and research in relation to working with young people. BA (Hons) Youth Work / Youth Development is for students wishing to work with young people. The course combines full-time academic study with placements and a practice pathway for JNC qualification, which is the recognised entry route for professional Youth Work. For those more interested in the academic study of youth our Youth Development pathway draws upon sociology, education studies, social work, politics and psychology, which generates insights, research and theoretical knowledge of what it means to be young.

Finance and Accounting - MSc

A fundamental requirement of any successful organisation is to be able to manage its accounting and financial activities efficiently and effectively. This requirement has become more obvious in recent times as organisations have faced turbulent economic conditions, lending difficulties, risk management issues and the criticisms of governance. Our MSc Finance and Accounting degree is designed to enable you to become a critical member of an organisation’s core management team.

Management and Business Analytics - MSc

Our MSc Management and Business Analytics course introduces you to the world of ‘big data’ and the impact it is having within businesses across the globe.

Creative Writing - MA

Creative Writing is one of the longest established postgraduate courses of its kind in the UK, with a strong record of publication and related industry success by its graduates, and close links to publishers and the writing industries. Designed for talented, committed writers, the course is taught by a team of award-winning, widely-published tutor-writers, all at the forefront of screenwriting, fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.

History - MA

The MA History represents an exciting opportunity to study new areas of historical enquiry, and to then undertake your own primary research in a field of your choice.

Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health - MSc

The Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health Masters degree is designed to equip you with an in-depth knowledge of psychological theory relevant to the improvement and maintenance of psychological wellbeing and sound mental health in adults. It's ideal if you are intending to work – or are already employed – in health care, counselling, social care and related areas.

Neuropharmacology - MRes

With our Neuropharmacology Masters course, you will also study a number of hot topics in molecular and cellular neuroscience, selected from the current scientific literature.

Level 6 Teaching Apprenticeship - PGCE

This teacher training course is suitable for applicants with subject experience from a wide variety of areas and industries. It leads to a teaching qualification in the post-compulsory education and training sector. The awards meet the national professional standards, and will enable you to register through NTU for professional formation in order to achieve Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status (QTLS). Registration for QTLS through NTU in the academic year immediately following qualification is free of charge to completing students. QTLS is the badge of professionalism for the sector and has been recognised as equivalent to QTS allowing holders to work in secondary schools.

Primary and Secondary: School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) - PGCE

Inspiring Leaders Teacher Training (ILTT) are a School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme who work in partnership with Nottingham Institute of Education, at Nottingham Trent University. Together we have developed an exciting and innovative new course for potential trainee teachers.

School Direct Training Programme (Secondary) - PGCE

School Direct is a training route which allows you to work and study within a school of your choice while studying towards a postgraduate qualification (PGCE degree) and Qualified Teacher Status.

Textiles - MA

Our MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear courses provide a platform for diverse and creative thinking and design practice to challenge and drive the future of fashion and textiles.

Secondary Physics - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Physics at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Special Educational Needs Coordination - National Award

The Nottingham Institute of Education offers a very successful National SENCO Award. This fourteen-month programme is available to existing and aspiring SENCOs from any school or educational setting in the UK and meets the certification requirement that SENCOs must achieve within three years of their appointment. It enables you to develop your professional attributes, and improve your knowledge, skills and understanding so that you can carry out your SENCO role effectively and with confidence.

Research degrees in Arts and Humanities - PhD

The School of Arts and Humanities offer opportunities for postgraduate study leading to a PhD, by both full-time and part time study, across a wide range of disciplines.

Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting - MA

This practice-led MA in Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting will encourage creative thinking, experimentation and problem-solving to develop practical skills and innovative approaches to pattern cutting and garment design. While exploring and advancing knowledge of historical and traditional cutting techniques, you will become conversant with specialist digital technologies and incorporate it within practice.

Fashion and Textiles - MA

This specialist, flexible part-time course provides the opportunity for you to explore and develop your own specialism within Fashion, Textiles or Knitwear Design.

Fashion Communications - MA

MA Fashion Communications provides the essential conduit between fashion organisations and their consumers, stakeholders, and the wider fashion environment. This subject area combines visual, audio and written media to communicate the creative essence of the fashion industry. The course aims to prepare you for a career within the fashion industry in roles as diverse as fashion journalism, PR, advertising, trend prediction, fashion styling and art direction, digital and social media management, and visual merchandising management.

Fashion Marketing - MA

As the third industrial revolution gathers pace, the practice of fashion marketing and the roles associated with the sector are rapidly evolving. Our MA Fashion Marketing course examines new and emerging marketing methods and processes, and established practice from an international perspective.

International Fashion Management - MA

MA International Fashion Business aims to develop agile and resilient fashion managers who can respond to the opportunities and challenges arising in the sector.

Broadcast Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course prepares you to work in radio and television newsrooms and factual programming. You will be taught how to research and write your own stories, conduct effective interviews and record and edit for audio and video using the latest digital technology.

Magazine Journalism - MA; PGDip

Do you want to work in magazines? Are you passionate about the written word, whether it’s online or in print? Would you like to do in-depth interviews, learn how to shoot videos professionally and explore design and photography to create beautiful magazines? If so this is the perfect course for you.

Content Creation - BA (Hons)

We’ve been running our own commercial creative businesses for almost 30 years. From broadcast studios, a live music and events venue, and an esports and virtual production hub, our seasoned pros will guide you, challenge you and ultimately help develop your skillset, knowledge, and portfolio in areas such as production, post-production, and motion graphics. We have broadcasters, storytellers, streamers, producers, graphic designers, filmmakers…the list goes on!

Graphics and Digital Design - FdA

This foundation degree in Graphics and Digital Design is geared towards creating ambitious graduates for the graphic design industry. Studying in a creative technologies institute, you'll gain valuable skills and experience that reflect current and future industry practice, building a professional portfolio tailored to your aspirations. After successful completion, you'll have the option to go straight into a career or top-up to a full honours degree.

Education: Policy and Practice - BA (Hons)

This one year, part-time course is specifically designed to enable practitioners with an education related foundation degree or similar qualifications to gain full graduate status. It will equip you with the skills and knowledge to gain a greater understanding and critical analysis of education.

Physics with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of physics as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Esports Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

Esports is considered one of the fastest growing sports, it's leading the way in live events production, broadcasting and streaming, and content creation. The industry is made up of professional players, games publishers, event specialists, broadcast/streaming providers like Twitch and Youtube, and global sponsors and technology providers.

History - BA (Hons)

History is being made right now. It is a living, breathing subject that is constantly renewing, evolving and revealing new information that teaches us about the past, anchors us to the present and informs our future. Historians are passionate, focused, curious, intellectual and open to new experiences and information. If this sounds like you, then read on.

Broadcast Journalism - BA (Hons)

Do you aspire to work in radio or TV in front of the camera as a news presenter, reporter or foreign correspondent or want to work behind the scenes as a producer, editor or researcher?

Film Production Technology - FdSc

An appreciation and understanding of the science behind film making is at the heart of this innovative new course. You will be equipped with the skills required to work across a variety of technical roles within the film production process giving you breadth of experience yet whilst developing a specific area of expertise. By the end of the course you will have a strong portfolio of film work, tailored to your own career aspirations, and be ready to launch your career in the film industry.

Photography - BA (Hons)

Explore all aspects of what it means to be a professional photographer in the 21st Century on this degree course.

History with Politics - BA (Hons)

Knowledge and understanding of the past helps us understand the present. History with Politics provides a unique opportunity to explore key historical and political events that have shaped today's society.

International Relations - BA (Hons)

The world of the future is globalised. Our planet is shared, our economy is interconnected, and the challenges we face demand co-operation — but international politics remains divided. This is the fundamental problem that students of International Relations (IR) must unravel, by confronting the critical issues we face as global citizens: from war and conflict, to climate change, global poverty, gender violence, and racial injustice.

Psychology - BSc (Hons)

Explore the secrets of what makes us human, what it means to be alive, and why we behave in the ways we do.

Psychology (Mental Health) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Mental Health) degree is focused on the theories and treatment of psychopathologies including trauma, psychosis and addictive behaviours.

Psychology with Counselling - BSc (Hons)

This exciting new British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course provides the opportunity to study the fascinating world of psychology in combination with counselling. The course is ideal for those who want to acquire a breadth of experience and knowledge in psychology, whilst following a specialised and distinctive programme in the ever-evolving field of counselling.

Psychology with Criminology - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology with Criminology degree combines a comprehensive training in Psychology with the study of criminal behaviour, types of crime, and knowledge of the criminal justice system.

Psychology with Sociology - BSc (Hons)

The BSc (Hons) Psychology with Sociology degree is a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course that combines comprehensive training in psychology with the study of the structure and dynamics of social systems and society as a whole. Our students benefit from weekly research seminars, over 80 academic experts, and they have access to first-class laboratory suites.

Level 6 Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship - BA (Hons)

The Social Work Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity for those in paid employment with a social work/care provider to undertake a combination of on-the-job training and degree learning to become a registered social worker. Once qualified, you will be able to engage in a career characterised by working in partnership with adults, as well as children and families to promote positive change in their lives. The role will also see you engage in the vital activity of protecting people from harm, abuse and exploitation.

Applied Sport Science (top-up) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

This top-up degree gives you a hands-on approach to learning. You’ll be taught in small groups with access to lots of practical and lab-based work. This approach makes you think and behave like a professional sport scientist. Modules have been designed to give you practical skills and industry knowledge. Regular guest speakers bring the subject to life through their insights into what’s happening right now in the industry.

Sport and Exercise Science - BSc (Hons)

Building on your passion for sport and exercise, we’ll support you to understand the how and the why of optimising athletic performance.

Youth Justice - BA (Hons)

Youth Justice is all about working with young people who offend or are at risk of offending. This course links academic theory to contemporary practice through placements, visits and guest speakers.

FinTech and Financial Markets - MSc

Our MSc FinTech and Financial Markets degree is designed to provide you with an understanding of contemporary issues and conceptual frameworks used to adopt financial technology in organisations. You will build a solid foundation of global financial markets, principles of FinTech and Blockchain as well as coding and data analytics for finance and FinTech.

Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) - MArch

MArch Architecture (ARB / RIBA Part 2) is a two-year full-time course that produces graduate architects who are fully equipped for a career in the architectural profession. It is designed to be the next step towards pursuing an accredited pathway to become a registered architect.

International Business (Single Award) - MSc

Globalisation represents a great opportunity for those who can acquire knowledge and skills that foster an international perspective, the ability to interact with stakeholders from all over the world, and the ability to operate in a labour market that crosses national borders. Our MSc International Business (Single Award) is for students who want to broaden their knowledge of the international business environment, global strategy, and cross-cultural management.

Management and Finance - MSc

Our MSc Management and Finance course starts with exploring the global finance companies' structure, markets, regulatory functions and their changing roles within society. You will also focus on the analysis of financial statements to improve management decision-making, as well as the role of ethics and sustainability.

Management and Global Supply Chain Management - MSc

Our MSc Management and Global Supply Chain Management course is a unique course for those considering a career within logistics, operations and supply chain management. You’ll explore the management of operations at a strategic level, before developing your understanding of the global supply chain and how organisations within it perform in relation to one another.

Master of Business Administration - Master of Business Administration

The Nottingham Business School MBA is designed to enhance your management knowledge, your leadership capabilities, your global perspective and your professional career. It has been awarded a Dual Award status by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Project Management - MSc

Our MSc Project Management course has been designed to equip you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to design, plan and execute projects successfully. Project Management is a growing field with a strong focus on finding graduates with strong theoretical background in Project and Programme Management.

Advanced Materials Chemistry - MRes

This Advanced Materials Chemistry Masters course enables you to develop and further your knowledge on a range of core modules, culminating in a materials engineering-led research project within one of our diverse range of research groups.

Analytical Chemistry - MRes

Are you an analytical professional seeking to refresh your knowledge of analytical chemistry? Are you a recent graduate in a wide range of sciences allied to chemistry?

Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation - MRes; MSc

Delivered in collaboration with the internationally-renowned Durrell Conservation Academy, this postgraduate degree provides you with an international outlook on species recovery. You'll help meet the global need for academically proficient and technically expert individuals, who can bridge the gap between in-situ and ex-situ approaches to conservation.

Master of Laws - LLM

Our LLM Master of Laws provides an exciting and flexible approach to postgraduate study, allowing you to build an LLM course to suit your specialist interests and requirements.

Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner - MSc

The MSc Advanced Clinical Practice and Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship Programme are designed for practitioners to develop in-depth knowledge, skills, values, and behaviours as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner within your speciality, setting or sector.

Nursing (Mental Health) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Mental Health Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in mental health nursing.

Paramedic Science - MSc

Today’s Paramedic is a highly skilled healthcare practitioner, who provides high quality urgent or emergency care to patients in a wide range of exciting, fast-paced and challenging environments. The Paramedic profession is at the forefront of the developing modern NHS, with paramedics extending their role in to an increasing range of new and exciting areas.

Public Health - MA

Our Public Health Masters degree has been designed in response to contemporary international debates about the changing nature and shifting boundaries of multidisciplinary public health. It will allow you to develop an extensive knowledge of public health with a critical awareness of the philosophical, theoretical and method logical aspects of the discipline and following graduation you'll be enthused about the potential to act as change agents within multi-disciplinary public health settings. You'll also be able to adopt an independent and reflective approach to your learning and future careers.

Public Policy - MSc

This MSc Public Policy course offers a hands-on, locally embedded and multidisciplinary course in the study of Public Policy at an advanced and specialized level. You will have the opportunity to take part in exciting contemporary discussions of Public Policy that explore core concepts, key trends and developments within the field, critical reflections on policy in practice and the current state of research and analysis of policy issues.

Security Studies - MA

This new MA Security Studies course offers an opportunity to take part in rapidly evolving contemporary discussions on security and may serve as a pathway to doctoral studies. It focuses both on theoretical underpinnings of traditional Security Studies as well as more contemporary theorisation of Critical Security Studies.

Applied Child Psychology - MSc

This Applied Child Psychology Masters degree combines an in-depth look and critical evaluation of the advanced study of psychological development with regard to children and adolescents. You'll focus on the implications of psychological theory and research for policy and practice across a range of applied settings, for example, education, clinical and social contexts as well as undertake advanced training in relevant research methods.

Cyberpsychology - MSc

Our MSc Cyberpsychology degree will provide you with the opportunity to develop the relevant academic and professional skills to commence a successful career in cyberpsychology, the psychological study of the Internet and digital technologies. Experts in the areas of cyberpsychology, Internet and technology will deliver the course.

Forensic Psychology - MSc

This British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Forensic Psychology Masters degree is designed to prepare psychology graduates with the academic knowledge and skills necessary to conduct practical work and research within a forensic context. The BPS accreditation means that by obtaining the MSc in Forensic Psychology you'll be completing the first stage in your professional training required by the BPS to become a qualified practitioner within the field of forensic psychology (Chartered Forensic Psychologist).

Forensic Psychology - Doctor of Psychology

The Doctor of Psychology in Forensic Psychology (DPsych in Forensic Psychology) is a research-based professional doctoral course for practicing forensic psychologists and aims to develop reflective researching practitioners.

Psychological Research Methods - MRes; MSc

Our Psychological Research Methods Masters degree provides extensive training if you are looking to develop a broad range of transferable skills relevant to independent research and beyond. The course has been designed specifically to prepare graduates in Psychology or related disciplines for:

Psychology - MSc; PGDip

Our British Psychological Society (BPS) conversion courses are designed for graduates of other disciplines who wish to pursue a career in psychology but whose first degree is not recognised by the BPS. Entry on to the MSc Psychology does not require you to have studied any psychology previously.

MA Advanced Social Work Practice - MA

The MA Advanced Social Work Practice is a flexible course that offers you, as a registered social worker, an integrated academic and professional qualification in the areas of adult and childcare social work.

Exercise Physiology - MRes

Develop your expertise primarily within the area of sport and exercise physiology.

Performance Analysis - MRes

This Performance Analysis postgraduate degree will develop your range of practical and empirical skills that will be transferable across industry, sport and health sectors. You will conduct a research project over the entire year of study whereby you will develop and submit work of publishable quality. You'll learn a strong complement of applied and research skills, balanced with how to communicate key information to relevant sport industry partners.

Sport Science - MRes

Current practical, technical and research skills are embedded in the course to reflect the needs of sport-related careers - you'll be able to enter the industry or use this degree as a stepping stone to a PhD. You can choose to do a research project in any sport-related sub-discipline. Examples include but are not limited to: sports performance, performance analysis, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, including environmental physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology and sports injuries, and sports psychology.

Youth Work Leadership and Practice - MA

If you have a degree, and ideally experience of working with young people, then this is the course for you. You may want to become a (JNC) Professionally Recognised Youth Worker or gain a Masters level postgraduate qualification, or both! This course will provide you with an opportunity to both study and work in Children and Young People Services across differing settings and contexts giving you the freedom to guide your career the way you want to.

Biomedical Science - MSc

This accredited Biomedical Science postgraduate degree will provide a biological understanding of human disease processes, the treatment principles of such diseases, and the underlying biological disciplines that enable their study and explanation.

Biotechnology - MRes

The MRes courses are divided into taught elements (60 credit points) and a laboratory-based research project (120 credit points). You will complete the extended research project in one of our highly rated research teams.

Cancer Biology - MRes

The MRes courses are divided into taught elements (60 credit points) and a laboratory-based research project (120 credit points). You will complete the extended research project in one of our highly rated research teams.

Cell Biology - MRes

Based at the Clifton Campus, Biosciences students are primarily based in the Erasmus Darwin and Rosalind Franklin buildings, which house some of the UK's best interactive teaching laboratories to support research activities in: immunology cell-based therapy bio-materials science neuroscience pharmacology toxicology

Molecular Biology - MRes

You will explore molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and look at how genomes are mutated, analysed and manipulated in the detection, study and therapy of disease.

Career Guidance Practice - Postgraduate Certificate in

With today’s continually changing labour market, along with and reforms in education and skills, careers guidance practice has become an increasingly significant part of education, employment, and training.

Cyber Security - MSc

You will experience the analysis, design and development of computing systems solutions relevant to the computing industry. You will develop your ability to research and critically assess material and techniques relevant to a particular problem or project. Equally important, you will improve your knowledge of computer technology, architecture and digital communications to develop computer-based systems in industrial and business environments.

Quantity Surveying - MSc

Quantity surveyors play a crucial role managing the commercial aspects of building and civil engineering projects — from handling finances, through to procurement and contracts. They set the tone for everything needed to deliver construction projects to a high standard.

Early Years Initial Teacher Training - PGCE

This one-year part-time PGCE will train you to teach young children from 0 to 5 years of age. You will need to be employed in an early years setting.

Primary Education - PGCE

The PGCE in Primary Education enables you to become a confident and competent Primary Teacher who can enable children to learn effectively across the whole curriculum. The course also develops your understanding of the demands of the National Curriculum, the Curriculum for the Foundation Stage and other Government initiatives.

Research degrees in Education - PhD

Nottingham Trent University offers opportunities to study for a PhD by research. Supervision is available by full-time or part-time study, and can sometimes be provided by distance learning.

School Direct Training Programme (Primary) - PGCE

School Direct is a training route which allows you to work and study within a school of your choice while studying towards a postgraduate qualification (PGCE) degree and Qualified Teacher Status.

Secondary Biology - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Biology at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Business Education - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Business Education at secondary level. Time is spent in the University in lectures and seminars and in the classroom on placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Chemistry - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Chemistry at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Computer Science with ICT - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach the ICT and Computer Science at secondary school level. Time is spent in the University in lectures and seminars and in the classroom on placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Education (Design and Technology) - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach design and technology subjects at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary English - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach English at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Mathematics - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Mathematics at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Music - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Music at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Business - BA (Hons)

Developed with companies and reflecting the changing corporate world, this highly relevant course covers a broad range of management functions, processes and techniques associated with running a business. It is the ideal choice if you want to keep your options open and shape your career aspirations during your studies.

Childhood: Health and Wellbeing - BA (Hons)

Ready to take the next step towards providing children with a healthy start in life? Our unique BA (Hons) Childhood: Health and Wellbeing degree will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to help you achieve your goals. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, this degree is for those planning a rewarding future in a variety of areas including education, social care and health care.

Animation - BA (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their Chemistry knowledge as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively in a chosen subject specialism.

Chemistry with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of Computing as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Education - Mansfield - FdA

The BA (Hons) Education and Professional Practice (Top-up) course is designed for you if you are an FdA Education graduate and want to top up your qualification to BA honours degree level.

Education Studies and Psychology - BA (Hons)

This course is designed for people already employed in education roles and draws on the knowledge and experience gained through this employment. It specifically intendeds to meet the needs and interests of those who want to combine employment with further learning to enhance their future career. Students must be employed in an education setting for a minimum of 15 hours a week for the duration of the course.

Primary Education (QTS) - BA (Hons)

Primary education is a fundamental part of any child’s development. Through primary education, children learn the skills that equip them for their future. By studying this BA (Hons) Primary Education degree at NTU, you’ll be prepared for a career as a Primary or Early Years teacher - making a real difference to young learners.

Creative Direction and Curation for Fashion - BA (Hons)

The role of the creative director and curator is becoming increasingly important across the full fashion and lifestyle spectrum and this course responds to the need for visual outcomes with contextual understanding and grounding.

Fashion and Material Technology - BSc (Hons)

Innovation and sustainability are central to any forward-thinking fashion business, ensuring that they exceed the future needs of people and the planet. This course, based in The Nottingham School of Art and Design, combines fashion management practices with emerging technologies and material science to inform fashion, textile, and lifestyle design.

Food Science and Technology - BSc (Hons)

Accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology and endorsed by the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink, this course covers a wide range of disciplines. You will develop your scientific and technical knowledge and skills, allowing you to help tackle the challenge of producing food sustainably for a growing global population. Focusing on the chemistry, biochemistry and physics that underpin food manufacturing, you will also study nutrition and the physiology of the human diet. Your learning will incorporate food production methods, product development and food regulation.

Esports Production - BSc (Hons)

Esports is considered one of the fastest growing sports, it's leading the way in live events production, broadcasting and streaming, and content creation. The industry is made up of professional players, games publishers, event specialists, broadcast/streaming providers like Twitch and Youtube, and global sponsors and technology providers.

Film Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

This course will help you develop the skills required to work across a variety of technical roles within the film production process, giving you breadth of experience whilst developing a specific area of expertise, with a strong portfolio of film work.

Level 6 Paramedic Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Paramedic Science)

This apprenticeship is aimed at employees working in the NHS or independent ambulance services.

Level 6 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons)

This programme is suitable for individuals employed in health or social care who would like to complete a degree in nursing.

Nursing (Learning Disabilities) - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Working with Children, Young People and Families - Mansfield - FdA

Are you ready to take the first step towards making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families? On the FdA Working with Children, Young People and Families course, you’ll study a range of modules to help you become a confident, knowledgeable and effective practitioner.

Digital Architecture and Construction - MSc

Digital technologies have altered the field of architecture significantly in recent years, resulting in an increasing demand for digital specialists in the profession.

Interior Architecture and Design - MA

Our Masters course in Interior Architecture and Design offers a multi-dimensional platform that explores and interrogates crucial discussions surrounding interior, spatial, and architectural design. Now more than ever this specialised intersection is essential to redefining how we interact with the worlds around us; from the immediately personal, to the collectively experiential.

International Legal Studies (Distance learning) - LLM

Nottingham Law School provides an LLM (Masters in Law) award through distance learning to “top-up” professional legal qualifications or experience.

Nursing (Adult) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Adult Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Clinical Associate in Psychology Apprenticeship - Level 7 - MSc

This degree apprenticeship will allow psychology graduates to gain the core skills required to pursue a career as a Clinical Associate in Psychology. Applicants can choose one of the following pathways to specialise in a specific clinical area.

Forensic Mental Health - MSc

The Forensic Mental Health Masters degree is ideal if you are currently employed in / or desire to be employed in a forensic mental health setting. The course is designed to equip you with an extensive knowledge of theoretical and practical issues in forensic mental health and a critical awareness of the current philosophical, theoretical and methodological problems, debates and insights that shape the discipline. During the course you'll also gain a critical appreciation of ethical, cultural, and legal issues arising from mental health practice and research.

Software Engineering - MSc

This Software Engineering postgraduate degree will give you experience in the analysis, design and development of computing systems solutions relevant to a wide range of applications in industry and business. You will be able to devise multi-tasking software solutions using high-level languages to implement suitable architecture-software constraints for computer applications. You will develop project management skills that will allow you to effectively contribute to the creation and management of large computing projects and to appreciate the techniques employed in managing such projects.

Illustration - BA (Hons)

This course takes you on a journey into the exhilarating world of illustrative practice. Our aim is to help you locate your unique personal direction as an illustrator and prepare you for industry.

Interior Architecture and Design - BA (Hons)

Dynamic, creative and hands-on, this course will equip you with the skills to create spaces that are beautiful, functional and sustainable.

Ecology and Conservation - BSc (Hons)

The world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, which threaten the future of plants, animals and people. You'll focus on ecological concepts, the natural world, and how we conserve it, through exploring community and ecosystem ecology of habitats, plants and the people who use them.

Criminal Justice - Mansfield - FdA

The FdA Criminal Justice course is your first step towards a rewarding career in the sector. You’ll get to grips with today’s all-important issues - empowering you to make a difference.

Marketing - BA (Hons)

This course is specifically designed for those who see their future in marketing and is designed as a launch-pad for your career.

Media Production - BA (Hons)

This course will develop your skills in digital media production, technology and media analysis, supporting your development as a creative media professional.

International Law Enforcement - MSc; PGCert; PGDip

International law enforcement operates within an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Crime too is complex and is in constant flux, changing in type, scale, spread and impact. Traditional borders and boundaries are increasingly irrelevant, and law enforcement organisations respond by locating their efforts within an international frame of reference, and with a workforce that demonstrates high-quality, specialist law enforcement education.

Research degrees in Law - MRes; PhD

NLS has a diverse and vibrant community of postgraduate research candidates who are an integral part of our community. The School offers opportunities to study for a PhD by full-time or part-time study, and is now also available by distance learning.

Sports Law - LLM

Sport has become increasingly important as a business and can involve significant financial stakes. There is a growing demand for appropriately qualified sports law professionals and this course has been designed so that you'll have the knowledge required to enter this exciting area of law.

International Relations - MA

The International Relations Masters degree is designed to develop global awareness, an understanding of the complexity of contemporary international arenas, and a sense of how policies can address rapid, sophisticated change.

International Relations and Security - MA

International security is a complex and rapidly evolving concern for many organisations, institutions and governments. From global climate emergency to the increased threats from terrorist groups, the risks these treats pose to many long-established security policies have led to a rapid development in the field of Security Studies.

Social Practice - Doctor of

The Professional Doctorate in Social Practice has been designed to provide those who work in the broad area of the public, private and independent sector professions an opportunity to study part-time for a doctorate.

Social Work - MA

If you have a degree and experience in the Health and Social Care sectors and you wish to become a qualified social worker then this is the course for you. The course, which starts in January 2024, will provide you with an opportunity to both study and work in Children and Families as well as Adult Social Work giving you the freedom to plan and take forward your career the way you want to.

Careers Leadership - Postgraduate Certificate in

With today’s continually changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, careers education and leadership have become a significant part of education, employment and training.

Artificial Intelligence - MSc

In this course, you'll learn how to deploy, manage, and maintain AI technologies within the business value chain. You will gain the skills to work as part of an interdisciplinary team that include AI expert practitioners, who will be tasked with designing and developing systems that meet business requirements.

Cloud and Enterprise Computing - MSc

You will learn the principles and techniques necessary for designing, developing, and evaluating Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) that are distributed, interoperable, intelligent, and adaptive to change. In addition, the major project element of the course will allow you an opportunity to develop a greater subject specialism in one specific Cloud or Enterprise computing topic of your choice.

Data Science - MSc

This course covers the fundamentals of Data Science including Big Data infrastructure, AI and statistical analysis and the mining of data. Development of your understanding of deriving value from the data analytics functions is also a focus of this course.

Engineering (Electronics) - MSc

This Engineering (Electronics) postgraduate degree will furnish graduates with a greater understanding of imaging and display technology and smart mathematical techniques for engineering design and optimisation. The course emphasises the importance of independent learning, problem solving and self-organisation.

Pharmacology - MRes

This Pharmacology postgraduate degree is particularly relevant if you: are a recently qualified undergraduate and are looking for the professional skills needed to obtain a job in a bioscience company are working in an organisation and want a masters-level qualification to give you a competitive edge require the skills and experience needed to study for a research degree are an international student who would like to study abroad would like the chance for extended research work in the lab of an experienced research academic want to use cutting-edge facilities to develop your own learning and research.

Pharmacology - MSc

Develop the theoretical and practical skills needed for a career in pharmacology by familiarising yourself with the latest advances in commercial pharmacological science.

Career Guidance and Leadership - MA

With today’s continuously changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, career guidance and leadership have become an increasingly significant part of education, employment and training.

Career Guidance and Leadership - Postgraduate Diploma in

With today’s continuously changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, career guidance and leadership have become an increasingly significant part of education, employment and training.

Nursing (Adult) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

Playing a huge part in day-to-day healthcare, the role of a nurse is deeply rewarding. Becoming a nurse is so much more than a career, it’s a vocation.

Sport Science and Coaching - BSc (Hons)

You can’t become a great coach without doing it for real. At NTU, we’ll give you lots of opportunities to do just that. Thanks to our fantastic links with NTU sports clubs, junior teams and local sports organisations, you’ll get to experience coaching at every level.

Economics - MSc

Our MSc Economics degree has been designed to give you an in-depth understanding of economic concepts, principles and techniques by focusing on the application of economics to contemporary real-world issues.

Holocaust and Genocide (by research) - MA

Pursue advanced independent research into your own area of interest in the field of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, supported by academics with world leading research expertise. While grounded in history, our approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on memory and heritage studies, the social sciences and more.

Technology Law - LLM

Technology Law is an exciting and increasingly important area of law, particularly internationally and EU-wide. On this course you'll have opportunities to explore disruptive technologies and develop an in depth knowledge of the main regulatory approaches, theories and controversies regarding blockchain and cryptoassets technologies.

International Development - MA

This course recognises that international development environments and related debates constantly evolve. It captures this dynamism in its multi-layered approach and it highlights the connections made between different disciplinary areas.

Sport and Exercise Psychology - MRes

Become an expert in the fields of sport and exercise psychology. Apply your psychological knowledge to enhance the personal development and performance of athletes, coaches, individuals, teams and organisations You will use psychological principles to promote exercise participation and motivation among the general population. You'll work with individuals to plan exercise regimes.

Equine Performance, Health and Welfare - MRes; MSc

This suite of postgraduate courses provides a thorough understanding of equine health, performance and welfare within the context of the human use of horses. The courses have been designed to meet the growing number of equestrian professions that require a high level of theoretical knowledge, and strong research skills. You can choose to specialise in key areas of interest, for example nutrition, behaviour, exercise physiology, genetics and reproduction.

Molecular Microbiology - MSc

You'll study the key concepts associated with molecular microbiology and use these when considering their role in health, disease and in the natural environment.

Neuropharmacology - MSc

Designed to give you the theoretical and practical skills needed to enter a career in neuropharmacology either in an academic institution, a research institute or in the industrial/business sector.

International Business - BA (Hons)

International business is defined as ‘multi commercial transactions (i.e. sales, investment, logistics and transportation) taking place between two or more regions or countries beyond their political boundaries’. Why is this important? In the fast-paced business world companies are looking to gain a more competitive global presence. Therefore, the demand for graduates with high international management knowledge and a broad understanding of business is critical.

Management - BSc (Hons)

This innovative, internationally focused programme will help you develop the necessary business acumen to pursue a successful career as an entrepreneur, or in a multinational organisation. We provide a diverse, dynamic, well-connected environment where you will learn from industry experts as you prepare to launch a global career in business and management.

Childhood and Psychology - BA (Hons)

Take the next step towards a future supporting children and young people with our unique BA (Hons) Childhood and Psychology degree. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, you’ll gain invaluable knowledge and skills to support your ambitions. This degree is for those planning a fulfilling career in a diverse range of sectors including education, social care and health care.

Childhood and Society - BA (Hons)

Are you ready to take the next step towards making a positive impact on children’s lives? Our unique BA (Hons) Childhood and Society degree will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to support your aspirations. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, this degree is for those planning a rewarding future in a diverse range of areas including education, social care and health care.

Sport Science and Management - BSc (Hons)

This course lets you apply management theory and sport science to the real world, preparing you to become a confident and work-ready graduate.

English Literary Research - MRes

The course is designed to provide you with the independence of a research degree with some of the guidance of a taught Masters. You will learn about approaches to the study of literature, and will have the opportunity to study authors, literary movements, themes or critical ideas in depth.

Linguistics (by research) - MA

This course gives you the opportunity to pursue research in the field of linguistics. It comprises independent research, and a course designed to develop knowledge of key research skills and practices.

Health Law - LLM

This course addresses the growing interest in the interface of medicine and law. With the increasing pressure on resource allocation within the National Health Service and current debates on an individual’s capacity to consent or refuse medical treatment, there is growing need for qualified legal professionals with an understanding of health law.

Post-Compulsory Education and Training - Cert Ed; PGCE; ProfGCE in

The Post-Compulsory Education and Training course is your gateway to a rewarding career in the sector. Leading to a teaching qualification in post-compulsory education, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the fulfilling role of a teacher or lecturer allowing you to make a real difference to the education and development of others.

Business Management and Human Resources - BA (Hons)

It is frequently said that an organisation’s most important assets are its people, so an awareness of how people react to each other, and to the organisation, is fundamental to how an organisation operates.

Level 7 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship - MSc

This course is for individuals with an undergraduate degree, are employed in a health or social care setting and wish to become a Registered Nurse. Our Level 7 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship allows healthcare professionals with a level 6 qualification in any subject area can gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Photography - MA

Our MA Photography is a practice-based course that aims to develop highly flexible, creative, and critical professionals able to respond and adapt to a plural and shifting work environment.

Molecular Cell Biology - MSc

Covering a wide range of up-to-date and industry relevant technologies, you will become familiar with the latest advances and commercial techniques in molecular cell biology.

Molecular Microbiology - MRes

This Molecular Microbiology Masters course is particularly relevant if you: are a recently qualified undergraduate and are looking for the professional skills needed to obtain a job in a bioscience company are working in an organisation and want a Masters-level qualification to give you a competitive edge require the skills and experience needed to study for a research degree are an international student who would like to study abroad would like the chance for extended research work in the lab of an experienced research academic want to use cutting-edge facilities to develop your own learning and research. immunology cell-based therapy bio-materials science neuroscience pharmacology toxicology

Business Management and Accounting and Finance - BA (Hons)

Our Business Management and Accounting and Finance course is designed to meet the needs of an ever-changing business world. It will provide you with a broad based understanding of business, while teaching you the importance of accounting and finance functions within an organisation.

Business Management and Entrepreneurship - BA (Hons)

This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to do so, as well as some exciting entrepreneurial opportunities along the way. Whether you want to end up working for a successful business or running your own, this degree will give you the knowledge and skills you need.

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship - BA (Hons)

The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) is a new trailblazer apprenticeship programme, created by the Chartered Institute (CMI), the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and higher education providers.

International Business (with French) - BA (Hons)

With today’s challenging market you will need something different to stand out from the other graduates. At Nottingham Business School we offer International Business (with French) as a specialist dual award course.

Wildlife Conservation - FdSc

This foundation degree (FdSc) course will equip you with the skills, knowledge and attributes to prepare you for a career in conservation. Combining theory with practice, you will become skilled in conserving the wildlife with which we share the planet, and the habitats they live in.

Criminology - BA (Hons)

Through an exciting combination of theory and practice, our BA (Hons) Criminology course will give you a unique opportunity to understand how crime relates to the real-world and how criminology can enable meaningful change.

Television Production Technology - FdSc

Do you want to work on the next big TV drama, be part of the crew on the biggest sporting events or maybe make the next big documentary?

Economics, Banking and Finance - MSc

Economics studies the behaviour of individuals, businesses, and governments in the face of various constraints. Our MSc Economics, Banking and Finance degree is designed to combine the analytical rigour of an Economics course with an in-depth coverage of major areas of Banking and Finance. You will systematically analyse and understand decision making in the context of economies and financial systems in a globalised world.

International Commercial Law - LLM

On this course you'll develop a high level of knowledge and critical insight into the scope, principles, effect and practice of Commercial Law.

Nursing (Learning Disabilities) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Learning Disabilities Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Forensic Science - MSc

If you have a strong chemistry or forensics background and want to gain more specialised knowledge of forensic toxicology or bioarchaeology, this course is for you.

Fashion Pattern Cutting - BA (Hons)

The fashion industry requires a range of creative and innovative roles to develop garments and one of these roles relates to pattern cutting and garment development. Pattern cutting is essential for realising and initiating creative ideas, and the product development of a garment. This inclusive BA course based at Nottingham School of Art & Design provides a platform for students to acquire current industry skills including manual and digital pattern cutting methods, pattern making, pattern drafting and draping. Working with industry standard technologies for creative garment development and production and responding to the needs for sustainability in the industry.

History with International Relations - BA (Hons)

Combine the study of global relations with understanding the past through a range of skills and approaches.

Museum and Heritage Development - MA; PGCert; PGDip

Museum and Heritage Development is an innovative professional practice-based course exploring new approaches to the successful and sustainable development of museums and heritage sites and the development of the workforce.

English and Media - BA (Hons)

In the second half of Year Two you can take your learning into your own hands and choose an extended work placement, learn at one of our many partner institutions worldwide, or continue to study here with a wide range of interesting optional modules to choose from.

Media and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Media have penetrated into every corner of our lives. Learn about the processes involved and the fundamental questions that they raise.

Sociology and Criminology - BA (Hons)

In today’s world, social justice is essential in truly understanding and challenging inequalities within and beyond the Criminal Justice System. With this BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology degree, you’ll see the world and the criminal justice system through a sociological lens. You’ll explore the issues that matter to you – empowering you to make meaningful change.

International Business (with Spanish) - BA (Hons)

Today’s global marketplace demands graduates to have the business know-how and the skills and knowledge to apply these within an international setting. At Nottingham Business School we offer International Business (with Spanish) as a specialist dual award course.

Early Childhood Studies - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a genuine and lasting difference to children’s lives, families and communities? Our BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies is an opportunity to get experience and knowledge for graduate roles in education, health, and social care.

Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles - BA (Hons)

This highly respected degree offers you full creative control over the design and creation of fabrics, garments and products for fashion or interiors. You will develop your creative potential through developing technical and design skills, including innovative digital knit processes that are in high demand in the fashion and textile industry.

Artisan Food Production - FdSc

This unique course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work in the artisan food industry, meeting the increasing demand for high quality food that is sustainably produced. This course is delivered by professional artisan food specialists at The School of Artisan Food – based on the Welbeck Estate – alongside food technology specialists at Nottingham Trent University. You’ll study the functionality of high-end food ingredients, and practical skills such as breadmaking, patisserie and viennoiserie, butchery, charcuterie and cheesemaking.

Sport Science, Health and Nutrition - BSc (Hons)

Ultimately, nothing is more important than our health. That is why we’ll develop your understanding of nutrition and exercise science understanding and provide you with the skills to apply this in the real world. These opportunities give you the experience employers expect to see.

Business Management and Economics - BA (Hons)

The world's recent turbulent economic times have demonstrated that a new, deeper understanding of this subject is needed. Our Business Management and Economics course will provide you with an introduction to economic theory within a business and management context.

Film & TV and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Explore the deepest questions of humanity and the richness of film and television to develop critical thinking, creativity, and a unique perspective on the world.

Communications and English - BA (Hons)

With these in focus, the course will offer an interdisciplinary approach to English and Communications in order to analyse and explain the complex interrelations between social, political, institutional and technological dimensions of speech, text and media, with a specific emphasis upon the way that an understanding of these is key to unlocking the employability potential of undergraduates in the Humanities for future, high skilled, professional roles.

Communications and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

This degree provides a comprehensive examination of the theory, practice, and socio-cultural implications of communications, film and television. With an interdisciplinary approach that combines critical thinking with creative practice and close attention to context, you’ll come to see how film, TV, advertising and print and digital media are important forms of communication with their own distinctive traditions, styles and ideologies.

Communications and History - BA (Hons)

A degree in Communications and History is a powerful combination that can equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to make a difference in the world. With a deep understanding of human communication and the historical context in which it occurs, graduates of this program are well-prepared to tackle the complex challenges of the contemporary world.

Communications and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

In the 21st century, as professional work becomes ever more specialised and shaped by the demands of the digital world, there will be a corresponding need for the next generation of graduates to become highly skilled communicators with a capacity to speak and write effectively, eloquently, with cultural sensitivity and technological sophistication – across a range of different media.

Linguistics and Media - BA (Hons)

Uncover the intricate relationship between language and digital communications. Explore the interplay between language and other forms of communication, and develop the skills necessary for success in diverse fields.

Linguistics and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Language is the element within which we live and move. To understand language is to understand what it means to be human and to empower ourselves as human beings.

Media Communications and Culture - BA (Hons)

Designed for those with a passion for communications, this course will develop your digital and media literacies for a range of audiences across different genres and media.

Communications and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

With these in focus, the course will offer an interdisciplinary approach to English and Communications in order to analyse and explain the complex interrelations between social, political, institutional and technological dimensions of speech, text and media, with a specific emphasis upon the way that an understanding of these is key to unlocking the employability potential of undergraduates in the Humanities for future, high skilled, professional roles.

English and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

The BA (Hons) English and Film & TV degree unlocks the power of storytelling. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines theory, analysis, and creative practice, you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the ways in which literature, film, and television shape our understanding of the world around us.

English and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

The course is both historical and contemporary in its focus and aims to show how philosophy can only be fully understood within a wider literary context, and that literature inescapably touches on issues of the highest moment.

English and History - BA (Hons)

Explore the relationship between literature and historical forces across space and time. You will learn to expertly analyse diverse literary texts from a range of periods and places, alongside exploring the value and meaning of extensive sources including letters, oral testimonies, images, archaeological evidence, and material objects. Combining English and History will give you the opportunity to uniquely understand the creative aspects of historical writing and the importance of locating human expression across chronological, geographical, and cultural contexts.

Film & TV and History - BA (Hons)

This degree allows you to study a comprehensive range of national and international film and TV industries and eras and wide geographical and chronological modules in history ranging from the medieval period to the 21st century. You can choose to maintain a breadth of subjects or specialise in particular areas as you progress through your degree and there are multiple opportunities for you to combine your knowledge and skills derived from both disciplines to generate new knowledge and communicate this in innovative ways to diverse audiences.

History and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

A degree in History and Linguistics provides an excellent grounding in understanding the contemporary world, preparing you for a wide range of professional careers. This degree combines analysis of language and communications with an understanding of the role played by history in shaping the present. This deep appreciation of the historic political, social and cultural roots of complex global challenges, coupled with critical understanding of the role that language plays in human communication provides a powerful platform for you to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence.

History and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

The need to understand the origins, character, significance and legacies of world-transforming ideas and human behaviours is central to BA (Hons) History and Philosophy. This course explores the history and communication of ideas across space and time. It will also develop your understanding of how patterns of human thinking and behaviours shape the trajectories of personal and professional life.

Content Creation (London) - MA

If you want to produce cutting-edge, high-end content that reaches a diverse global audience then this Masters degree is for you. It’s at Confetti where you’ll have countless opportunities to develop your skills and build your portfolio, thanks to our industry connections and our very own creative commercial businesses.

Virtual Production (London) - MSc

Virtual production has quickly established itself in the entertainment industries, connecting specialists across VFX, film and game technology.

Virtual Production - MSc

Virtual production has quickly established itself in the entertainment industries, connecting specialists across VFX, film and game technology.

Professional Policing - BA (Hons)

The exciting new BA (Hons) Professional Policing degree provides you with a strong understanding of policing through a combination of theory and real-world policing practice experience as a Special Constable.

Civil Engineering - MSc

Our MSc Civil Engineering course is developed from a mix of technical and management-based modules, aligning to current global issues relating to civil engineering. Your learning will focus on the civil engineering infrastructure and structural and management aspects of construction, as well as complex environmental problems affecting construction projects.

International Fashion Business (one year top-up) - BA (Hons)

This one-year top-up degree is for those who have completed two years of a fashion-related degree course or equivalent qualification, such as a specialist diploma, Foundation degree, or HND.

Computer Science (Games Technology) - BSc (Hons)

The course builds on and shares many modules with our Computer Science degree. We then combine this with specialised games technology modules to produce a distinct and unique course – perfect if you are interested in creative applications of computer technology.

Media and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

Combine your enthusiasm for media as business with the skills to help shape the ways in which people, groups, things, and events are represented on screen.

Fine Art - MFA

This course allows you to develop your artistic practice whilst engaging professionally with the rich and vibrant arts community in Nottingham, which is recognised as having one of the most active artist-led scenes outside London. You will critically engage with, interrogate, and resolve your own practice, as you develop an informed and established body of work.

Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship - LLB (Hons); PGDip

This six-year, distance learning apprenticeship is intended for post-A level school leavers, paralegals, chartered legal executives and those seeking a career change, who wish to qualify as a solicitor. Applicants will need to be sponsored by an employer to undertake an apprenticeship.

Journalism - BA (Hons)

This dynamic and vocational award-winning course combines practical training in news journalism on all platforms – newspaper, magazine, mobile and tablet.

Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)

Accounting and Finance is an integral function within the global business environment. This course enables you to make sense of a range of important real-world issues affecting our everyday lives and improve your decision-making skills in ways that are distinctive to the disciplines of accounting and finance. Taught by experienced staff from the profession, this degree not only looks at the theories and practices of accounting and finance, but also their context in a business setting and significance within contemporary society.

Business Management and Accounting and Finance BA (Hons)

Our Business Management and Accounting and Finance course is designed to meet the needs of an ever-changing business world. It will provide you with a broad based understanding of business, while teaching you the importance of accounting and finance functions within an organisation.

Animal Science FdSc

This course teaches a combination of scientific knowledge and animal management skills. It is vocational in nature, with strong industry links utilised during work experience and career planning. It aims to develop graduates with strong scientific knowledge and technical skills that are sought by the animal industry. You’ll focus on key themes in animal management, including animal nutrition, animal reproduction, animal behaviour and animal health and disease. These key themes are strengthened through on-site lectures and practical field activities. Your experience is further enhanced by the use of visiting speakers and alumni. The FdSc involves a slightly different pace of learning compared to our BSc (Hons) courses, combined with a greater emphasis on applied aspects.

Equine Behaviour, Health and Welfare BSc (Hons)

This course reflects the growing awareness of the need to develop a greater understanding of equine behaviour. This course covers all areas of equine behaviour, health and welfare, offering an extensive range of subjects from anatomy and physiology to equitation science. The course will help you build the fundamental knowledge of behaviour and physiology – as well as the laboratory skills – needed to optimise the welfare of horses in our care, allowing them to thrive and perform as required in industry.

Equine Sports Science BSc (Hons)

This course will give you a sound knowledge and understanding of the physiological principles of equine sports science, and enable you to relate them to different equestrian disciplines. It is specifically designed for students wishing to further their knowledge of the science behind the production, management and training of performance horses, and will develop their practical application of key scientific principles.

Veterinary Nursing FdSc

This foundation degree combines a solid grounding in scientific theory with technical and practical learning. It is accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), enabling successful graduates to register as fully qualified veterinary nurses. The course covers all elements of a veterinary nurse’s role, including the provision of skilled supportive care for sick animals; undertaking theatre work, laboratory diagnostic tests and radiography; assisting in consultation rooms; ordering medication; and ward work, including the general care and treatment of in-patients.

Veterinary Nursing Science (final year top-up) BSc (Hons)

This course is designed to provide FdSc Veterinary Nursing graduates and experienced veterinary nurses the opportunity to develop their academic qualification to the level of an honours degree. You’ll be introduced to the concepts of critical thinking and reflection on the knowledge and experience you have gained in prior learning. You’ll study the effects of global disease on animal health and welfare, rehabilitation strategies, and anaesthetic techniques.

Zoo Biology BSc (Hons)

This course represents a unique opportunity for you to study a wider range of species than those covered in traditional animal science degrees. Your learning will focus on the biology of exotic species, namely non-domestic and non-UK wildlife. Your lectures will cover major scientific principles, including anatomy and physiology, behaviour, genetics, ecology and nutrition. You’ll apply these principles to the management and conservation of zoo species.

Zoology BSc (Hons)

Zoology is a fundamental biological discipline that forms the basis of many applied animal science subjects. You will explore the animal kingdom and study a range of topics such as physiology, genetics, evolution, ecology, animal behaviour and data interpretation along with animal taxonomy and phylogenetics.

Biochemistry Master of Biology

We’ll bring together biology and chemistry in this course and we’ll support you as you discover disease prevention, diagnosis and treatments and how you can turn these into solutions for global challenges. And through studying the processes in living organisms you’ll be advancing your understanding of the underlying data with bioinformatics and how to communicate your finding.

Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry is the chemistry of life and on this course we bring it off the page. You’ll not only discover how this subject is vital to humanity, but even play a part in applying it to global challenges. Your journey will start with discovery of disease at a molecular level – preventing, diagnosing and treating – before looking at drug development, biological tools and genetically modified products. We show you how this fascinating subject can be applied in everyday life in from diabetes to cancer.

Biochemistry (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

Biochemistry is the chemistry of life and on this course we bring it off the page. You’ll not only discover how this subject is vital to humanity, but even play a part in applying it to global challenges. Your journey will start with discovery of disease at a molecular level – preventing, diagnosing and treating – before looking at drug development, biological tools and genetically modified products. We show you how this fascinating subject can be applied in everyday life in from diabetes to cancer.

Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)

You’ll start by building a strong foundation of the fundamental principles of biosciences. From there, you can take your degree anywhere you want - whether that’s microbiology, environmental studies, physiology, or biochemistry. Regardless of your interests in biosciences, we have you covered.

Biological Sciences (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

During the foundation year, you’ll develop core bioscience and study skills using an active and collaborative approach. This boosts your skills and knowledge before moving onto BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences in Year Two.

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Biomedical science is the application of science to health. It is focused on studying the human body in health and disease, including the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and complex health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. At NTU we focus on teaching you the practical skills you’ll need to be successful in this field.

Biomedical Science (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

Biomedical science is the application of science to health. It is focused on studying the human body in health and disease, including the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and complex health problems such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. At NTU we focus on teaching you the practical skills you’ll need to be successful in this field.

Level 6 Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Applied Biomedical Science)

This course offers existing staff in a relevant job role the opportunity to study BSc (Hons) Applied Biomedical Science alongside working full-time. Applicants may already have practical experience but wish to improve their theoretical understanding, want to develop their skills further and obtain an academic qualification, whilst also gaining professional recognition. You are required to hold a position in an IBMS-approved training laboratory in order to apply for this course.

Microbiology Master of Biology

Microbiology focuses on the amazing hidden world of microorganisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Microbes are everywhere and influence all aspects of our lives - their activities underpin the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even our own bodies are "mostly microbe"!

Microbiology BSc (Hons)

Microbiology focuses on the amazing hidden world of microorganisms that are too small to see with the naked eye. Microbes are everywhere and influence all aspects of our lives - their activities underpin the air we breathe, the food we eat, and even our own bodies are "mostly microbe"!

Microbiology (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

During the foundation year, you’ll develop core bioscience and study skills using an active and collaborative approach to your learning. This will enable you to build your confidence as you move onto BSc (Hons) Microbiology in Year Two. Learn about the micro-organisms associated with global health issues such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and influenza. Focusing on microbes of medical importance, you’ll explore their impacts on food safety, biotechnology and infection diagnostics.

Pharmacology Master of Biology

Discovering new medicines: More effective drugs: Safer treatments. Sounds impressive? It’s exactly what we’ll train you for at NTU. Not only will you develop advanced knowledge of clinical pharmacology and science communication skills but we’ll prepare you for the world of research by giving you time to really get to know your way around a pharmacology lab.

Pharmacology BSc (Hons)

You’ll get a deep understanding of the drug discovery process, through industry guest lectures, including our very own NTU pharmacology alumni, and through practical classes that mirror assays performed in the pharmaceutical industry. As well as giving you loads of practical experience, you’ll get an extra qualification recognised by industry and backed by the UK Government to address the shortage of pharmacological expertise.

Pharmacology (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

You’ll develop core bioscience and study skills during your foundation year using an active and collaborative approach to your learning. This builds your confidence before you move onto BSc (Hons) Pharmacology in Year Two. You’ll learn the science of drugs and how they have an impact on living systems and help to fight and control disease. Through guest lectures and practical classes that mimic assays performed in the pharmaceutical industry, you’ll develop a deep understanding of the drug discovery process.

Chemistry MChem (Hons)

An MChem course is a completely different way of learning. It’s about deeper chemistry knowledge and research.

Chemistry BSc (Hons)

Chemistry is a practical subject and we know there’s just no substitute for doing it yourself. That’s why on this course, you’ll get to use our analytical equipment and facilities including mass specs and x-ray crystallography, all in our state-of-the-art labs.

Chemistry (with foundation year) BSc (Hons)

This course is an integrated foundation degree, where you'll progress onto our BSc (Hons) Chemistry course, once you successfully complete your foundation year. If your interests lie in medicinal chemistry, you can also transfer to our BSc (Hons) Medicinal Chemistry course after your foundation year.

Medicinal Chemistry BSc (Hons)

To help you stand out in the pharmaceutical industry, this course gives you both a solid understanding of the theory and practical skills required to succeed. For working in big pharma, it’s everything you need it to be.

Computer Science BSc (Hons)

Programming is a fundamental part of being a computer scientist and at NTU we’re committed to developing graduates who have the right programming skills for industry.

Computer Science MComp (Hons)

Successful managers in the industry need graduates with the right balance of knowledge and experience. That’s why you’ll start with the fundamentals of computer science, develop your programming skills in the areas of AI and Cloud computing, and then take your studies to the next level with Master's level modules to give you a deeper understanding and the edge in the workplace.

Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) BSc (Hons)

This course is aimed at students who are interested and inspired by the new AI technologies and want to work to become a leader in meeting the challenges posed by AI and big data. This course will support students with a broad range of skills required to work in the field of AI - including machine learning, natural language processing, problem solving and other cognitive techniques, as well as an understanding of the professional and ethical considerations that surround AI.

Computer Science (Games Technology) BSc (Hons)

The course builds on and shares many modules with our Computer Science degree. We then combine this with specialised games technology modules to produce a distinct and unique course – perfect if you are interested in creative applications of computer technology.

Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) BSc (Hons)

Mathematics underpins the core features of computing and coding. This course focuses on this fascinating subject and supports you to develop a broad knowledge of mathematics and science in your foundation year. It provides you with a solid foundation from which to move on to BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Mathematics in your second year.

Computing BSc (Hons)

We’ll give you the best of both worlds by bringing together internet-based development with computing skills vital to supporting businesses.

Cyber Security BSc (Hons)

Protecting organisations from cyber-attacks is a valuable skill and graduates are highly sought after and it’s one we’ll prepare you for.

Level 6 Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship BSc (Hons)

The Data Scientist Degree Apprenticeship is suitable for individuals who have an interest in collecting, organising and studying data to provide new business insight that explores and visualises complex problems within industrial contexts. The apprenticeship leads to a BSc (Hons) in Data Science.

Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional (Software Engineering) Degree Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons)

The Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship is suitable for individuals who have an interest in creating digital and technology solutions that enable businesses to develop new products and services and increase productivity. The apprenticeship leads to a BSc (Hons) in Digital and Technology Solutions with the opportunity to specialise in Software Engineering.

Software Engineering BSc (Hons)

Software is critical to the industry. It can save lives, improve performance and help us predict future events. We’ll give you the skills and the knowledge to create high-quality software with plenty of opportunities to access our industry-standard facilities to test it.

Construction Management BSc (Hons)

This course is designed for students who want to undertake a leadership role in the global building construction process. With an emphasis on sustainability, technology and management, you’ll develop a wealth of knowledge and wide range of professional skills needed to successfully manage complex construction projects.

Future Homes Design and Construction - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

his new course is centred on modern methods of construction. Its focus is on sustainable and low carbon methods of future homes design and construction that help reduce the industry's carbon footprint. Through applied and practical work, you'll explore the technical, social, and economic challenges that need to be overcome in transitioning to zero carbon.

Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management - BSc (Hons)

Quantity surveyors are needed to manage the commercial aspects of construction and civil engineering projects, from the initial calculations to the final figures. Their role is to minimise costs and enhance value for money, delivering projects on time and to the required quality.

Costume Design and Construction - BA (Hons)

This specialist degree focuses on developing both your costume design and costume construction skills. You will learn how to translate your creative ideas into professional costumes for theatre, film and television, dance, opera and other performance areas.

Design for Theatre and Live Performance - BA (Hons)

Explore all aspects of contemporary design practice for theatre and the live performance, including set and costume design; construction; digital technologies and design; lighting design and audio visual; site-specific design; puppetry; heritage installation; and design for community and education. The course is facilitated by the highly skilled team of staff and technicians who have years of professional and academic knowledge.

Economics BSc (Hons)

You’ll study the key concepts of modern economics, learning how these principles are applied by individuals, businesses and governments. You’ll work with professionals and industry experts and test your knowledge in a range of real-world business environments.

Economics with Business BSc (Hons)

This course provides a solid grounding in the threshold concepts underpinning economic analysis, using its distinctive perspectives to critically analyse business decision-masking. You will learn about the industry and regulatory contexts surrounding decisions in an international setting as well as develop crucial employment skills.

Economics with International Finance and Banking BSc (Hons)

Our BSc (Hons) Economics with International Finance and Banking course uses the threshold concepts of economics to critically analyse decisions involving instruments of finance and banking. You will learn about the important role of finance and banking in affecting investment and growth and develop crucial employment skills in the tools and techniques of financial analysis.

Aerospace Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Among the fastest-growing industries in the UK, aeronautical and aerospace engineering offers a range of career prospects in research and development, testing, and maintenance. So we’ll train you up in everything you need to know, looking outside of traditional aerospace boundaries, and focusing on the future flight where you’ll explore novel propulsion and drone technology.

Aerospace Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Sustainability is a particularly pertinent issue for engineers as many products are designed to have short life-span. That’s why we teach you sustainable design which facilitates the re-use, re-purposing or recycling of materials and components – it’s the focus of one of your first year projects and we have a whole module dedicated to it in your final years.

Aerospace Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Mathematics underpins every great engineering solution. That’s why, in your first year, we focus on mathematics and support you to develop a broad knowledge of engineering and science. You’ll be ready for anything once you move on to BEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering in your second year.

Biomedical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Finding solutions to current and future health issues is tough, but at NTU we’ll support you to gain the right skills to face the challenge. Biomedical engineering is a very diverse field which is also developing rapidly. To help you to become a bioengineer of the future, we work closely with industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Biomedical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Applied learning is the heartbeat of our teaching. As well as live projects and placements. Our end of year Grand Challenge is a great opportunity – a company sets a group industry challenge for you and your team to work on. Biomedical engineering is a very diverse field which is also developing rapidly. To help you to become a bioengineer of the future, we work closely with the industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Biomedical Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Our Biomedical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry and medicine. On this course you’ll look at current health issues and develop materials, processes and devices that help prevent or treat disease or rehabilitate patients. Areas of bioengineering covered on this course are biomaterials, bioinstrumentation, biomechanics, medical imaging, rehabilitation, and cellular, tissue, and genetic engineering.

Civil Engineering - BSc (Hons)

Civil engineers find creative ways to solve real-world problems by developing the physical infrastructure society needs to exist – from bridges to houses, through to roads, hospitals and train stations.

Civil Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Civil engineers find creative ways to solve real-world problems by developing the physical infrastructure society needs to exist – from bridges to houses, through to roads, hospitals and train stations.

Civil Engineering Design and Construction - MEng (Hons)

Course content will enhance your knowledge and skills in architectural and building technology, sustainability in the built environment, health and safety, computer-aided design (CAD), hydraulics, ground engineering, structural engineering, and operational management in civil engineering.

Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

During this course, you will develop your knowledge and engineering skills by participating in several industry-led projects. These are set by external industry experts to make you think, work and behave like a professional engineer. You’ll learn to use the latest digital technologies to deliver creative and effective solutions for a wide range of engineering problems in electronic and electrical domains. We’ve embedded sustainability as a core part of our curriculum and you’ll spend time looking at solutions for environmental-related issues.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

We believe in putting theoretical knowledge to the practical test by giving you hands-on opportunities you need to really embed your skills. You’ll have opportunities to take part in our industry Grand Challenge, go on a work placement and learn how to develop creative and effective solutions for engineering problems – these all go towards developing you as a rounded, work-ready engineering graduate.

Engineering Management (top up) - Mansfield - BEng (Hons)

To maintain competitiveness in the current challenging environment, companies need effective leaders who understand both technology and business. Engineers with management training have opportunities to make valuable and lasting contributions. Therefore, there is an increasing global demand for specialists in engineering management, supply chain, continuous improvement techniques and sustainable development in both mechanical and manufacturing industry sectors.

General Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

General Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Level 6 Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship - BEng (Hons)

Our Level 6 Civil Engineer Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree, whilst developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage.

Manufacturing Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Manufacturing Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - MEng (Hons)

Our Mechanical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry. In this course, you’ll be guided on how to analyse and solve mechanical engineering problems by producing your own creative and innovative solutions using the latest technology.

Mechanical Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Diploma

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - Mansfield - Higher National Certificate

This course is ideal if you are already working in engineering and want to progress in your career as well as those who want to work in the engineering sector. You'll get a broad knowledge through studying a wide range of engineering subjects to develop technical, communication and management skills needed by today's technical engineers.

Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons)

Our Mechanical Engineering courses are highly practical and use real examples and projects from industry. In this course, you’ll be guided on how to analyse and solve mechanical engineering problems by producing your own creative and innovative solutions using the latest technology.

Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

Mechanical engineering is a large, established field of engineering. It covers the design and manufacture of small components and devices right through to large scale items and systems. Also, recent, rapid developments in technology, such as 3D printing, have changed the face of mechanical engineering. To help you to keep up-to-date with these changes and to become a mechanical engineer of the future, we work closely with industry to ensure you are as well-prepared as possible for a career in this exciting and rewarding industry.

Sport Engineering - BEng (Hons)

On this course, you’ll design and develop sport technology concepts and devices. You’ll be working on real projects set by organisations that could be looking at helping athletes get the most out of their training programmes, maximising sporting performance, or developing sports equipment and technology that gains advantages over competitors.

Sport Engineering - MEng (Hons)

The sport engineering industry looks to help solve problems associated with sports, health and exercise. It is a relatively new but rapidly expanding area which is attracting large interest and investment from professional sports clubs, sportswear and equipment manufacturers as well as health and wellbeing app and wearable technology developers.

Sport Engineering (with Foundation Year) - BEng (Hons)

On this course you’ll design and develop sport technology concepts and devices. You’ll be working on real projects set by organisations that could be looking at helping athletes get the most out of their training programmes, maximising sporting performance, or developing sport equipment and technology that gains advantages over competitors.

Creative Writing - BA (Hons)

In this Creative Writing degree you will develop your skills as a writer, through work-like projects involving writing, editing, publishing and pitching, supported by the study of English literature.

English - BA (Hons)

English at Nottingham Trent University is a future-facing course that interrogates the past. We encourage our students to think creatively about real world issues and focus on how knowledge of literature matters in today’s world. Flexibility and creativity in expression and thought is central to our teaching, learning, and assessment, all of which is carried out via a range of methodologies embracing both the traditional and the digital. The course team are all active researchers and writers, whose expertise in new developments in the discipline feeds directly into your modules. You will study texts from the Renaissance to the present and be encouraged to stretch yourself intellectually and imaginatively by exploring literature both as practitioners and critics.

English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics is a practical course designed to develop you into a highly skilled communicator. If you wish to specialise in English language teaching you can also gain the prestigious Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), a professional qualification that will open doors to employment worldwide.

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Explore what it means to be an artist in the 21st Century, considering the role of contemporary art in modern society. Develop your artistic work across the full range of contemporary fine art media, including drawing, installation, painting, sculpture, performance, photography, film, video, sound, and print.

Forensic Science - BSc (Hons)

Crime is evolving — and so are our ways of fighting it. Today, forensic specialists are the heroes of criminal investigations all around the world. It’s a subject that’s launched a thousand books, TV shows and true-crime podcasts, but there’s even more to forensics than you’ve read, heard, and seen.

Forensic Science - FdSc

It’s all about the way you learn. Not just in lectures or out of textbooks, but by getting hands-on in our state-of-the-art forensic science facilities.

Forensic Science - MSci (Hons)

This flexible MSci shares two common years with our popular BSc (Hons) Forensic Science, before branching into a host of advanced modules. You’ll secure a postgraduate (as opposed to undergraduate) degree, and you can choose the study path that best-suits your professional ambitions.

Climate Change - BSc (Hons)

The climate crisis is the most pressing issue of our time. This course isn’t just about you and your career – it’s about the future of life on Earth itself. It’s for the activists and the visionaries; those itching for change and searching for solutions. The world is in danger. It’s time for you to intervene.

Environmental Science - BSc (Hons)

This multidisciplinary course includes the scientific study of the physical, chemical and biological processes operating on and within the Earth. It is fully accredited by the Institution of Environmental Sciences. You will explore environmental issues including natural resources, waste management, conservation and sustainability. Other areas of focus include climate change, renewable energies, environmental hazard management, and law and policy.

Geography - BSc (Hons)

Disaster relief, the climate crisis, diminishing resources, and social inequity: where others see questions, geographers find answers. Our course attracts everyone from the environmentally curious to the ecologically inspired; people who are naturally passionate about how humans interact with the environment, and vice versa. With us, you won’t just learn how the world works — you’ll find out how to make a meaningful difference to it.

Business Law - LLB (Hons)

This LLB Business Law degree has specialist Business Law modules designed to give you sound legal and commercial awareness.

International Law - LLB (Hons)

Our LLB International Law degree enables you to study both domestic and international law with the option to remain at the Law School throughout your degree or to spend either the second half of your second year or the whole of your third year studying abroad (returning to the Law School for your final year).

Law (Distance Learning) - LLB (Hons)

Let us come to you. Join our internationally recognised degree, and study from anywhere in the world.

Law (Flexible Learning) - LLB (Hons)

This course has a flexible timetable designed to fit around your existing commitments.

Law (Sandwich) - LLB (Hons)

This course combines practical skills with academic learning by offering you the chance to spend your third year on a paid legal work placement, allowing you to apply what you have learnt and gain a valuable insight into professional practice. The year on placement will give you a head start in the jobs market after graduation.

Law Senior Status - LLB (Hons)

If you are a graduate who wants to gain a law degree, this course is for you. This compact degree is completed in just two years and is compliant with the requirements of the Bar Standards Board (BSB) for the purposes of professional qualification as a solicitor or barrister in England and Wales.

Law with Business - LLB (Hons)

This course will combine your study of Law with Business modules delivered by Nottingham Trent University's renowned Business School, ideal if you wish to broaden your knowledge by developing your commercial awareness and other skills highly valued by employers.

Law with Criminology - LLB (Hons)

A fascinating degree that combines our expertise in Law and Criminology to prepare you for employment in the legal profession and criminal justice system.

Law with Psychology - LLB (Hons)

A fascinating degree that draws upon the relationship between Law and Psychology with modules that are of real topical interest.

Computer Science and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and computer science go hand in hand, especially in an increasingly digital world. Being able to code someone else’s algorithms is useful but we’ll teach you to design and implement your own – taking your skills to the next level.

Computer Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics underpins the core features of computing and coding. This course focuses on this fascinating subject and supports you to develop a broad knowledge of mathematics and science in your foundation year. It provides you with a solid foundation from which to move on to BSc (Hons) in Computer Science and Mathematics in your second year.

Data Science - BSc (Hons)

Big data. Machine learning. Artificial intelligence. Data science underpins them all and at NTU we have one goal – to make you an expert.

Data Science (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Mathematics and science – the building blocks you’ll focus on during your foundation year, preparing you to move on to BSc (Hons) Data Science in your second year.

Financial Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Every journey starts with a single step and your foundation year is just the start. You’ll focus on mathematics while exploring science. This combination gets you off to a flying start as you move on to BSc (Hons) Financial Mathematics in your second year.

Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

Support. That’s what you’ll get from us – and lots of it. We know that mathematics is a beautiful subject, but it can also be challenging. Our staff are not only experts in a range of mathematical fields they’re also here to guide you on your journey and even inspire you to develop your research areas.

Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

You’re right at the start of your exciting mathematics journey and we’re here to build your mathematics and science skills. These will provide you with the foundations to excel when you move on to BSc (Hons) Mathematics in your second year.

Event Management (London) - BA (Hons)

The methodical planning; the long hours; the people managing; the last-minute changes and challenges; followed by the relief and excitement as thousands of event goers go home satisfied. Event management can be a rollercoaster ride, and not for the fainthearted. We know, because at Confetti we do it day-in, day-out.

Music Performance - BA (Hons)

This course is for active and passionate musicians and is designed to cultivate your continuing pursuit of excellence in your musical expression. It is a programme designed as a means of developing all areas of your craft and relating them directly to the industry in which you will find yourself.

Music Performance (London) - BA (Hons)

Develop your technical mastery of instrumental and vocal skills whilst broadening your understanding and experience in songwriting, composition, performance, and music management at Confetti – a specialist in music education.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production - BSc (Hons)

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Music Performance - FdA

Study our foundation degree in Music Performance and you’ll be equipped with a broad set of practical skills, while being given the opportunity to focus on your personal development as a professional musician. At key points during the course you’ll also have direct access to Confetti’s sister company - record label, Denizen - for advice and guidance.

Event Production - FdSc

This course sees you study in a real live event venue, working with industry-standard hardware and software and alongside well-connected tutors and guest speakers. By the end of the course you’ll have gained the technical, organisational, creative and professional skills needed to work successfully in the technical events industry.

Physics with Astrophysics - BSc (Hons)

Studying the universe is a pretty tall order but we’ll support you every step of the way. Not only will you study underpinning core physics but you’ll get to apply it to fascinating astronomy concepts including extragalactic astronomy, stellar evolution, cosmology and space science.

Product Design - BA (Hons)

Products, services, systems: three small words with a galaxy of applications. From TVs to trainers, we’ll help you navigate the evolving world of product design, growing your technical, practical, and interpersonal skills along the way.

Animal Biology BSc (Hons)

Explore the fascinating animal kingdom and the scientific principles that underpin this important and wide-ranging subject area. The course will give you a sound knowledge and understanding of animal biology. Your lectures will cover major scientific principles, including anatomy and physiology, behaviour, genetics, ecology, and nutrition. The course focuses on the study of companion and livestock species. Core scientific study is supported by practical animal handling in our specialist unit.

Law (Full-time) - LLB (Hons)

This course provides the intellectual, legal and practical skills you'll need for a successful career.

Financial Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

This course provides the perfect blend of learning. We’ll build your business and finance knowledge through real-world scenarios focusing on the accountancy, financial modelling and economics while underpinning this with a sound mathematics base in statistics, algebra and calculus.

MMath (Hons) Mathematics

We know that a Master's degree in Mathematics is never an easy option, but it’s a worthwhile journey and one that we’ll support you on every step of the way.

Mathematics with Statistics - BSc (Hons)

It’s all about applying your learning. Starting with algebra, calculus and statistics - the foundations of mathematics – before moving on to advanced topics like statistical modelling and computational statistics.

Mathematics with Statistics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

Think of your foundation year as a springboard – developing your base mathematical and science skills before leaping into BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Statistics, ready to face the challenge.

Physics and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

This course provides a combination of benefits – helping develop the crucial lab skills you’ll require as a physicist alongside a thorough understanding of the theories involved. When blended with mathematics, the study of physics becomes a powerful tool that you can use to explore the biggest questions known to humanity.

Physics and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

We’re here to support you as you set out on your journey. We’ll build your mathematics and science skills and knowledge so you’re ready for the challenge of moving on to BSc (Hons) Physics and Mathematics in your second year.

Sport Science and Mathematics - BSc (Hons)

We’ll give you the mathematics skills to unlock the complexities of the sport. It’s a powerful combination. You’ll develop the building blocks of mathematics – algebra, calculus and statistics while exploring sports psychology, physiology and biomechanics.

Sport Science and Mathematics (with Foundation Year) - BSc (Hons)

We know that people come onto a foundation year from a wide range of backgrounds and ability levels. That’s why in your first year you’ll work through the basics, building up solid foundations of understanding and practical applications of mathematics through supporting science modules.

Event Management - BA (Hons)

The methodical planning; the long hours; the people managing; the last-minute changes and challenges; followed by the relief and excitement as thousands of event goers go home satisfied. Event management can be a rollercoaster ride, and not for the fainthearted. We know, because at Confetti we do it day-in, day-out.

Music Business (London) - BA (Hons)

If you’re serious about building a career in the music industry, you need to train in the industry. Where better to do that than in London, one of the world's leading music cities.

Music Business - BA (Hons)

If you’re serious about building a career in the music industry, you need to train in the industry. It’s at Confetti where you’ll get the best industry connections, real-life work experience and unrivalled facilities.

Music Production (London) - BA (Hons)

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Music Production - BA (Hons)

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Event Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

For those wanting to forge an exciting career in the live event production industry, Confetti is the place to study.

Event Production - BSc (Hons)

On this three-year degree, you’ll learn and explore the technology that goes into live event production. This course is delivered at our contemporary music hub - Metronome - which houses a 300-capacity live event space and a 93m2 live events production workshop space.

Music Production - FdA

Learning in world-class studios, packed full of industry-standard kit, you'll explore music creation from a technical and creative standpoint and discover and nurture your own creative path. You’ll learn practical music theory and apply to your own compositions, whether that’s individually or collaboratively in your work in employable fields such as media composition or songwriting.

Sound Engineering & Audio Production - FdSc

The world of sound engineering and audio production offers many opportunities on a global scale, and on this course you’ll explore the technical world of sound recording, creation and processing in numerous applications.

Medical Physics - BSc (Hons)

Medical physics is the application of physics to the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. It is a vast and expanding field covering everything from the physics of the human body, nuclear medicine, and medical scanning and diagnosis using tools such as MRI, x-rays and ultrasound. Studying this course gives you the opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting and rapidly growing area, contributing to improvements in human healthcare and well-being.

Physics - BSc (Hons)

This course is perfect for you if you have a keen interest in physics. It really is the perfect blend of learning, both in the classroom and in the lab. We'll build your knowledge and theory whilst developing your hands-on skills in our well-equipped laboratories.

Physics - MSci (Hons)

If you want to be at the forefront of human knowledge we’ll teach you about the latest advances in physics. You’ll be part of our cutting-edge research teams during your final year project when you will be attempting to discover something that no one has ever understood before.

Physics (with foundation year) - BSc (Hons)

We believe in learning by doing – that’s why you’ll be building practical skills alongside an exploration of fundamental physics topics, such as the ideas of motion and mathematical techniques. During your foundation year we’ll build your physics skills and mathematics knowledge, and application of these concepts, so you are ready to move onto BSc (Hons) Physics in your second year.

Physics with Nuclear Technology - BSc (Hons)

Nuclear technology is the wonder of our age, and you’ll discover how it can power our cities and help cure illnesses.

Furniture and Product Design - BA (Hons)

The world is changing — and so are the private and professional spaces we live, learn, eat, sleep, work and relax in. If you’re a hands-on, experimentative designer who’s curious about furniture and product design, you’ve found the perfect course!

Product Design - BSc (Hons)

This course has both eyes (and hands) on the technological side of design — the making and manufacturing of products, systems, and services. It’s a great option if you’re naturally curious about design engineering, and looking for a practical, hands-on approach.

Building Surveying - BSc (Hons)

Building surveyors are advisors to the property and construction industry, identifying defects and suggesting options for maintenance and repair. They work on the development of new buildings, as well as restoring properties across residential, commercial, industrial and heritage projects.

Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship (Building Surveyor Pathway) - BSc (Hons)

Our Chartered Surveyor (Building Surveyor pathway) Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree while developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage*.

Level 6 Chartered Surveyor Degree Apprenticeship (Real Estate) - BSc (Hons)

Our Level 6 Chartered Surveyor (Real Estate) Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity to gain a full honours degree, while developing valuable industry-specific work experience and earning a wage.

Property Development and Planning - BSc (Hons)

Property development and planning is fundamental to the growth of the property industry – from scheme proposal, site identification and analysis, through to design, viability, finance and marketing.

Property Finance and Investment - BSc (Hons)

This is the course for you if you want to become an expert in providing specialist investment and finance knowledge in the property industry.

Real Estate - BSc (Hons)

The property industry is a dynamic field that reacts to macroeconomic trends like interest rates, population growth and economic strength. As such there is a constant demand for graduates with skills in management, planning investment and negotiation — all things you'll learn about on this course.

Sociology - BA (Hons)

Society is rapidly changing. Our multicultural and diverse world is becoming increasingly complex - bringing about challenges and problems that we, as sociologists, seek to tackle. At NTU, our role is to deliver you as a sociology graduate ready for the real world, well-prepared to address these changes.

Content Creation (London) - BA (Hons)

Master the art of producing compelling content that cuts through the noise with this hands-on degree. Confetti’s unique links with the creative industries make it the perfect place to develop your portfolio. What better place to study this degree than in London, a global creative city.

Virtual Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

From The Mandalorian on Disney+ to the BBC’s coverage of Tokyo 2020, this rapidly growing area of content production creates an environment where physical and digital content co-exist and interact in real-time.

Visual Effects Production Technology - FdSc

Visual Effects (VFX) has become an integral part of the production process for film, television and advertising. This new course will give you the opportunity to explore the VFX industry for moving image products while developing the skills required of the VFX specialist. You'll explore the different areas through studio practice and academic research and study. By the end of the course you will have developed a strong portfolio tailored to your own career aspirations.

Graphic Design - BA (Hons)

Learn and develop as an ambitious graphic designer on this studio-based degree. You'll work alongside like-minded creatives, exploring all aspects of visual communication in a vibrant studio environment.

Motion Graphics - BA (Hons)

Operating at the intersection of design and creative technologies this Motion Graphics BA Hons course offers a diverse and engaging ideas led curriculum where you will be challenged to think broadly, combining technology, creative thinking, and graphic design fundamentals to test, craft, and shape your individual identity as a motion-based thinker and designer.

Visual Effects Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

VFX has become an integral part of the production process for film, television and advertising. On this course you’ll explore the VFX industry for moving image products while developing the skills required of a VFX artist across a range of disciplines.

Agriculture - BSc (Hons)

Feeding an increasing population against a backdrop of different weather patterns induced by climate change presents a major challenge to the farming industry’s future. This course focuses on innovative approaches to agriculture, providing you with the skills and knowledge needed to apply sustainable agriculture practices and play a part in global food security. Designed in consultation with the National Trust – one of the largest landowners in the UK – it gives you the opportunity to study on the University’s 200-hectare farm and rural estate, based at our Brackenhurst Campus.

Business Management (Accelerated) - BA (Hons)

This course is designed to provide you with a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to business and management that will enable you to excel in a wide range of jobs once you graduate.

Wildlife Conservation - BSc (Hons)

You will learn about the theory and practice of species conservation through a range of lectures, practicals and fieldwork combining the scientific principles of animal function and behaviour with conservation biology. You’ll explore current areas of global concern, including the effects of habitat loss on wild species, alongside approaches to their conservation. This course will give you sound knowledge of ecological processes and theories while developing the skills to identify, monitor and manage wild animals and their habitats.

Criminal Justice (Top-up) - Mansfield - BA (Hons)

The Criminal Justice (Top-up) course is designed for you if you are an FdA Criminal Justice graduate and want to top up your qualification to BA honours degree level.

Computing with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

Are you ready to take the first step towards a future in education? The FdA Education course covers how people learn and develop throughout their lives – enabling you to make a difference to learners of all ages.

Education and Professional Practice (Top-up) - Mansfield - BA (Hons)

Are you ready for a future in education but want to keep your career options open? Our dynamic BA (Hons) Education Studies degree lets you do just that. You will take learning beyond the classroom, as you study education in its broadest sense. This unique course covers early years through to adult education - exploring a diverse range of subject areas, including sociology, policy, globalisation, technology, and social justice.

Education Studies - BA (Hons)

Education has the power to improve lives. With this BA (Hons) Education Studies and Psychology degree, you will recognise the importance of education, as well as explore the psychological factors that inhibit and motivate learning. Studying at NTU, you will engage in the most relevant contemporary issues of our time - including well-being, mental health, social media and relationships – gaining skills and confidence along the way.

Education: Policy and Practice - FdA

This one year, part-time course is specifically designed to enable practitioners with an education related foundation degree or similar qualifications to gain full graduate status. It will equip you with the skills and knowledge to gain a greater understanding and critical analysis of education.

English with Secondary Education (QTS) - BA (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of English as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a difference to the lives of learners of all ages with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)? In an increasingly diverse global society, there is a developing awareness of systems, practices and environments which enable people to achieve and develop to their individual potential. With our unique BA (Hons) Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion degree, you will explore the role of education in promoting inclusion, helping you to gain experience and specialist knowledge to enable you to achieve your professional aspirations. This degree is for those planning a fulfilling career in a diverse range of areas, including primary or further education teaching, as well as roles in the community.

Fashion Business Analytics - BSc (Hons)

If you are a creative analytical thinker, enjoy problem solving, with an entrepreneurial mindset, this course allows you to shape the physical and digital fashion experience by interpreting product and consumer data. Data is at the heart of all fashion organisations, helping to improve sales, better understand consumer behaviour and offer a more personalised shopping experience.

Fashion Communication and Promotion - BA (Hons)

On this course you will investigate, develop and create meaningful and forward-thinking forms of visual communication, promotion and advertising. The focus is on the visual communication of brands through which innovative messages and narratives for products and services are built for the global fashion and lifestyle industries.

Fashion Design - BA (Hons)

Our BA (Hons) Fashion Design course has an established reputation, with exceptional national and international links within the fashion Industry, as well as a recognised global presence.

Games Art - FdA

Our FdA Games Art is designed for those who want a career in the growing games industry. Game artists create the visual elements of an interactive computer game, crafting assets like 2D graphics, 3D characters and environment models, surface textures and user interface components. This course will give you the opportunity to experience a range of techniques and software used in the games industry, while developing specialist skills to support career goals within your chosen art role.

Games Technology - FdSc

Experience the core roles and learn the technology skills required for a graduate career in Games Technology. This course has been designed to be responsive to the needs of the global games industry and as a result you will be taught the current relevant skills required by employers. The use of the latest hardware, software and technology and the introduction of current industry-standard practices and work flow is at the forefront of delivery.

Games Production - BSc (Hons)

This course focuses on the practical and theoretical disciplines and processes within the field of games technology and provides you with the industry-standard software and technology skills necessary to forge a career in the games industry.

Design for Film and Television - BA (Hons)

Created in close collaboration with the film and television industry, this course will prepare you for a successful career as a production designer, art director or other art department role. Learn a wide range of art department skills including set design, visualisation and drafting.

Filmmaking - BA (Hons)

This exciting new degree has been created in response to the global success of the UK film and screen industries.

Nursing (Mental Health) - Clifton Campus - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Nursing (Mental Health) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

Playing a huge part in day-to-day healthcare, the role of a nurse is deeply rewarding. Becoming a nurse is so much more than a career, it’s a vocation.

Paramedic Science - BSc (Hons)

Today’s Paramedic is a highly skilled healthcare practitioner, who provides high quality urgent or emergency care to patients in a wide range of exciting, fast-paced and challenging environments. The Paramedic profession is at the forefront of the developing modern NHS, with paramedics extending their role in to an increasing range of new and exciting areas.

Politics - BA (Hons)

Politics is everywhere and everything. Understand it, and you’ll understand your own world; know its rules, and you can start to play the game on your own terms. This course is for the brave, the curious, and the rebels searching for a cause. It’s about making the political personal, and being the kind of change you want to see.

Psychology (Educational and Developmental Psychology) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Educational and Development Psychology) degree focuses on the psychological development within educational settings as well as inclusion and support needs within educational Institutions. Our students benefit from over 90 academic experts and weekly research seminars, and have access to first-class laboratory suites.

Health and Social Care - BA (Hons)

Our exciting Health and Social Care degree offers you the opportunity to develop a broad understanding of health and social care that includes a range of issues about living in communities and society. During the course you will be able to tailor your learning by specialising in key areas of health and social care, and boost your career prospects by undertaking work-based learning.

Social Work - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a difference to people's lives? Then our Social Work degree is for you. You will gain the knowledge and skills that could really change someone's life.

Virtual Production - BSc (Hons)

From The Mandalorian on Disney+ to the BBC’s coverage of Tokyo 2020, this rapidly growing area of content production creates an environment where physical and digital content co-exist and interact in real-time.

Horticulture (final year top-up) - BSc (Hons)

This course develops your academic and applied horticultural skills to degree level. You’ll deepen your knowledge of plant and crop development, as well as looking at green-space management. Your learning will include the modern production methods and management of plant crops, agronomy, and post-harvest issues. You’ll explore the current issue of international food security, developing the scientific and technical knowledge, skills and experience to help tackle this challenge.

Fashion Management - BA (Hons)

Combine your interest in fashion with business management skills. This course focuses on the management of the entire fashion chain with our unique emphasis on fashion product – from design development and sourcing, to buying and merchandising, sales and marketing, and promotion to the consumer.

Television Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

Do you want to work on the next big TV drama, be part of the crew on the biggest sporting events or maybe make the next big documentary?

Nursing (Adult) - Clifton Campus - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Finance - MSc

Our MSc Finance degree provides you with an in-depth understanding of core financial concepts, theories and tools used in a wide variety of organisations worldwide. This course is designed for ambitious individuals who don't necessarily have a background in finance but can evidence a good level of quantitative ability.

Horticulture / Horticulture: Garden Design - FdSc

Explore the life of plants on these highly vocational and practical courses. Based on understanding and interpreting the landscape around us, they explore horticultural production and growing, along with the principles of plant and soil science. Horticulture is a diverse subject area that covers plant and soil science; commercial crop production; ornamental flower and plant growing; landscape and garden design; and green-space management.

Architectural Technology - BSc (Hons)

This professionally focused course is your gateway to a successful career in the exciting architecture industry.

Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 1) - BArch (Hons)

Prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) and validated by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), this creative, project-driven course is designed to help you develop your own design approach and style.

Mathematics with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of Maths as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

English Language and Linguistics BA (Hons)

Linguistics is the science of how language works. And language influences all the big questions in everyday life, from culture and gender, to technology, discrimination, health, law, social justice, ecology, and conservation.

Fashion Marketing and Branding - BA (Hons)

This course focuses on marketing and brand strategy in the fashion and lifestyle industry. Explore how brands become distinctive and desirable, discovering how they identify their unique selling points to position themselves in the market. You’ll then look at how brands communicate with consumers through innovative ideas, strategic delivery and visual communication.

Textile Design - BA (Hons)

Fashion and Textiles at NTU is internationally recognised for the quality of its creative, industry-ready graduates.

Games Art - BA (Hons)

The global games industry is a rapidly expanding technology driven industry with a growing demand for graduates with industry specific creative software skills combined with the ability to be innovative, adaptable, self-directed and demonstrate problem solving abilities within an artistic workflow. This BA (Hons) Games Art degree responds to those needs by giving you the opportunity to focus your study on establishing a career in a practical, industry relevant environment.

Business Management and Marketing - BA (Hons)

Today’s businesses are more competitive than ever and are constantly looking for new ideas to keep them ahead of their rivals. Marketing plays a vital role in any organisation activity and is the most crucial factor to the success of any business.

Politics and International Relations - BA (Hons)

Our world is a complex, contradictory place. In many ways, we’re broader minded and better connected than ever before; in others, the impact of war, disease, intolerance and instability threatens to undermine our progress. With divisive, post-factual ‘truths’ continuing to infiltrate the news, it’s often hard to know what’s really happening — but we’ll give you the critical skills to hear through that noise.

Psychology (Forensic Psychology) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Forensic Psychology) degree explores our psychological understanding and response to offending behaviour, encompassing the police, the courts, the prison system and offenders.

Youth Work (JNC) - BA (Hons)

NTU has a national reputation as a leading institution for teaching and research in relation to working with young people. BA (Hons) Youth Work / Youth Development is for students wishing to work with young people. The course combines full-time academic study with placements and a practice pathway for JNC qualification, which is the recognised entry route for professional Youth Work. For those more interested in the academic study of youth our Youth Development pathway draws upon sociology, education studies, social work, politics and psychology, which generates insights, research and theoretical knowledge of what it means to be young.

Content Creation - BA (Hons)

We’ve been running our own commercial creative businesses for almost 30 years. From broadcast studios, a live music and events venue, and an esports and virtual production hub, our seasoned pros will guide you, challenge you and ultimately help develop your skillset, knowledge, and portfolio in areas such as production, post-production, and motion graphics. We have broadcasters, storytellers, streamers, producers, graphic designers, filmmakers…the list goes on!

Graphics and Digital Design - FdA

This foundation degree in Graphics and Digital Design is geared towards creating ambitious graduates for the graphic design industry. Studying in a creative technologies institute, you'll gain valuable skills and experience that reflect current and future industry practice, building a professional portfolio tailored to your aspirations. After successful completion, you'll have the option to go straight into a career or top-up to a full honours degree.

Education: Policy and Practice - BA (Hons)

This one year, part-time course is specifically designed to enable practitioners with an education related foundation degree or similar qualifications to gain full graduate status. It will equip you with the skills and knowledge to gain a greater understanding and critical analysis of education.

Physics with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of physics as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Esports Production (London) - BSc (Hons)

Esports is considered one of the fastest growing sports, it's leading the way in live events production, broadcasting and streaming, and content creation. The industry is made up of professional players, games publishers, event specialists, broadcast/streaming providers like Twitch and Youtube, and global sponsors and technology providers.

History - BA (Hons)

History is being made right now. It is a living, breathing subject that is constantly renewing, evolving and revealing new information that teaches us about the past, anchors us to the present and informs our future. Historians are passionate, focused, curious, intellectual and open to new experiences and information. If this sounds like you, then read on.

Broadcast Journalism - BA (Hons)

Do you aspire to work in radio or TV in front of the camera as a news presenter, reporter or foreign correspondent or want to work behind the scenes as a producer, editor or researcher?

Film Production Technology - FdSc

An appreciation and understanding of the science behind film making is at the heart of this innovative new course. You will be equipped with the skills required to work across a variety of technical roles within the film production process giving you breadth of experience yet whilst developing a specific area of expertise. By the end of the course you will have a strong portfolio of film work, tailored to your own career aspirations, and be ready to launch your career in the film industry.

Photography - BA (Hons)

Explore all aspects of what it means to be a professional photographer in the 21st Century on this degree course.

History with Politics - BA (Hons)

Knowledge and understanding of the past helps us understand the present. History with Politics provides a unique opportunity to explore key historical and political events that have shaped today's society.

International Relations - BA (Hons)

The world of the future is globalised. Our planet is shared, our economy is interconnected, and the challenges we face demand co-operation — but international politics remains divided. This is the fundamental problem that students of International Relations (IR) must unravel, by confronting the critical issues we face as global citizens: from war and conflict, to climate change, global poverty, gender violence, and racial injustice.

Psychology - BSc (Hons)

Explore the secrets of what makes us human, what it means to be alive, and why we behave in the ways we do.

Psychology (Mental Health) - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology (Mental Health) degree is focused on the theories and treatment of psychopathologies including trauma, psychosis and addictive behaviours.

Psychology with Counselling - BSc (Hons)

This exciting new British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course provides the opportunity to study the fascinating world of psychology in combination with counselling. The course is ideal for those who want to acquire a breadth of experience and knowledge in psychology, whilst following a specialised and distinctive programme in the ever-evolving field of counselling.

Psychology with Criminology - BSc (Hons)

This engaging British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Psychology with Criminology degree combines a comprehensive training in Psychology with the study of criminal behaviour, types of crime, and knowledge of the criminal justice system.

Psychology with Sociology - BSc (Hons)

The BSc (Hons) Psychology with Sociology degree is a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course that combines comprehensive training in psychology with the study of the structure and dynamics of social systems and society as a whole. Our students benefit from weekly research seminars, over 80 academic experts, and they have access to first-class laboratory suites.

Level 6 Social Worker Degree Apprenticeship - BA (Hons)

The Social Work Degree Apprenticeship offers the opportunity for those in paid employment with a social work/care provider to undertake a combination of on-the-job training and degree learning to become a registered social worker. Once qualified, you will be able to engage in a career characterised by working in partnership with adults, as well as children and families to promote positive change in their lives. The role will also see you engage in the vital activity of protecting people from harm, abuse and exploitation.

Applied Sport Science (top-up) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

This top-up degree gives you a hands-on approach to learning. You’ll be taught in small groups with access to lots of practical and lab-based work. This approach makes you think and behave like a professional sport scientist. Modules have been designed to give you practical skills and industry knowledge. Regular guest speakers bring the subject to life through their insights into what’s happening right now in the industry.

Sport and Exercise Science - BSc (Hons)

Building on your passion for sport and exercise, we’ll support you to understand the how and the why of optimising athletic performance.

Youth Justice - BA (Hons)

Youth Justice is all about working with young people who offend or are at risk of offending. This course links academic theory to contemporary practice through placements, visits and guest speakers.

Business - BA (Hons)

Developed with companies and reflecting the changing corporate world, this highly relevant course covers a broad range of management functions, processes and techniques associated with running a business. It is the ideal choice if you want to keep your options open and shape your career aspirations during your studies.

Childhood: Health and Wellbeing - BA (Hons)

Ready to take the next step towards providing children with a healthy start in life? Our unique BA (Hons) Childhood: Health and Wellbeing degree will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to help you achieve your goals. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, this degree is for those planning a rewarding future in a variety of areas including education, social care and health care.

Animation - BA (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their Chemistry knowledge as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively in a chosen subject specialism.

Chemistry with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)

This course is ideal for students who want to develop their knowledge of Computing as well as gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) which will allow them to teach in a secondary educational environment. Students on this course will be supported to become a confident and competent secondary school teacher who can enable children to learn effectively.

Education - Mansfield - FdA

The BA (Hons) Education and Professional Practice (Top-up) course is designed for you if you are an FdA Education graduate and want to top up your qualification to BA honours degree level.

Education Studies and Psychology - BA (Hons)

This course is designed for people already employed in education roles and draws on the knowledge and experience gained through this employment. It specifically intendeds to meet the needs and interests of those who want to combine employment with further learning to enhance their future career. Students must be employed in an education setting for a minimum of 15 hours a week for the duration of the course.

Primary Education (QTS) - BA (Hons)

Primary education is a fundamental part of any child’s development. Through primary education, children learn the skills that equip them for their future. By studying this BA (Hons) Primary Education degree at NTU, you’ll be prepared for a career as a Primary or Early Years teacher - making a real difference to young learners.

Creative Direction and Curation for Fashion - BA (Hons)

The role of the creative director and curator is becoming increasingly important across the full fashion and lifestyle spectrum and this course responds to the need for visual outcomes with contextual understanding and grounding.

Fashion and Material Technology - BSc (Hons)

Innovation and sustainability are central to any forward-thinking fashion business, ensuring that they exceed the future needs of people and the planet. This course, based in The Nottingham School of Art and Design, combines fashion management practices with emerging technologies and material science to inform fashion, textile, and lifestyle design.

Food Science and Technology - BSc (Hons)

Accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology and endorsed by the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink, this course covers a wide range of disciplines. You will develop your scientific and technical knowledge and skills, allowing you to help tackle the challenge of producing food sustainably for a growing global population. Focusing on the chemistry, biochemistry and physics that underpin food manufacturing, you will also study nutrition and the physiology of the human diet. Your learning will incorporate food production methods, product development and food regulation.

Esports Production - BSc (Hons)

Esports is considered one of the fastest growing sports, it's leading the way in live events production, broadcasting and streaming, and content creation. The industry is made up of professional players, games publishers, event specialists, broadcast/streaming providers like Twitch and Youtube, and global sponsors and technology providers.

Film Production Technology - BSc (Hons)

This course will help you develop the skills required to work across a variety of technical roles within the film production process, giving you breadth of experience whilst developing a specific area of expertise, with a strong portfolio of film work.

Level 6 Paramedic Degree Apprenticeship (BSc Hons Paramedic Science)

This apprenticeship is aimed at employees working in the NHS or independent ambulance services.

Level 6 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons)

This programme is suitable for individuals employed in health or social care who would like to complete a degree in nursing.

Nursing (Learning Disabilities) - BSc (Hons)

Care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment: these core NHS values are embedded in our teaching. The World Health Organisation has declared 2020 as “Year of the Nurse”, recognising the huge part they play in day-to-day healthcare. It’s an important and deeply rewarding role.

Working with Children, Young People and Families - Mansfield - FdA

Are you ready to take the first step towards making a positive impact on the lives of children and their families? On the FdA Working with Children, Young People and Families course, you’ll study a range of modules to help you become a confident, knowledgeable and effective practitioner.

Illustration - BA (Hons)

This course takes you on a journey into the exhilarating world of illustrative practice. Our aim is to help you locate your unique personal direction as an illustrator and prepare you for industry.

Interior Architecture and Design - BA (Hons)

Dynamic, creative and hands-on, this course will equip you with the skills to create spaces that are beautiful, functional and sustainable.

Ecology and Conservation - BSc (Hons)

The world faces unprecedented environmental challenges, which threaten the future of plants, animals and people. You'll focus on ecological concepts, the natural world, and how we conserve it, through exploring community and ecosystem ecology of habitats, plants and the people who use them.

Criminal Justice - Mansfield - FdA

The FdA Criminal Justice course is your first step towards a rewarding career in the sector. You’ll get to grips with today’s all-important issues - empowering you to make a difference.

Marketing - BA (Hons)

This course is specifically designed for those who see their future in marketing and is designed as a launch-pad for your career.

Media Production - BA (Hons)

This course will develop your skills in digital media production, technology and media analysis, supporting your development as a creative media professional.

Nursing (Adult) - Mansfield - BSc (Hons)

Playing a huge part in day-to-day healthcare, the role of a nurse is deeply rewarding. Becoming a nurse is so much more than a career, it’s a vocation.

Sport Science and Coaching - BSc (Hons)

You can’t become a great coach without doing it for real. At NTU, we’ll give you lots of opportunities to do just that. Thanks to our fantastic links with NTU sports clubs, junior teams and local sports organisations, you’ll get to experience coaching at every level.

International Business - BA (Hons)

International business is defined as ‘multi commercial transactions (i.e. sales, investment, logistics and transportation) taking place between two or more regions or countries beyond their political boundaries’. Why is this important? In the fast-paced business world companies are looking to gain a more competitive global presence. Therefore, the demand for graduates with high international management knowledge and a broad understanding of business is critical.

Management - BSc (Hons)

This innovative, internationally focused programme will help you develop the necessary business acumen to pursue a successful career as an entrepreneur, or in a multinational organisation. We provide a diverse, dynamic, well-connected environment where you will learn from industry experts as you prepare to launch a global career in business and management.

Childhood and Psychology - BA (Hons)

Take the next step towards a future supporting children and young people with our unique BA (Hons) Childhood and Psychology degree. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, you’ll gain invaluable knowledge and skills to support your ambitions. This degree is for those planning a fulfilling career in a diverse range of sectors including education, social care and health care.

Childhood and Society - BA (Hons)

Are you ready to take the next step towards making a positive impact on children’s lives? Our unique BA (Hons) Childhood and Society degree will equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to support your aspirations. Focusing on childhood from conception to 14 years, this degree is for those planning a rewarding future in a diverse range of areas including education, social care and health care.

Sport Science and Management - BSc (Hons)

This course lets you apply management theory and sport science to the real world, preparing you to become a confident and work-ready graduate.

Business Management and Human Resources - BA (Hons)

It is frequently said that an organisation’s most important assets are its people, so an awareness of how people react to each other, and to the organisation, is fundamental to how an organisation operates.

Business Management and Accounting and Finance - BA (Hons)

Our Business Management and Accounting and Finance course is designed to meet the needs of an ever-changing business world. It will provide you with a broad based understanding of business, while teaching you the importance of accounting and finance functions within an organisation.

Business Management and Entrepreneurship - BA (Hons)

This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to do so, as well as some exciting entrepreneurial opportunities along the way. Whether you want to end up working for a successful business or running your own, this degree will give you the knowledge and skills you need.

Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship - BA (Hons)

The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) is a new trailblazer apprenticeship programme, created by the Chartered Institute (CMI), the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and higher education providers.

International Business (with French) - BA (Hons)

With today’s challenging market you will need something different to stand out from the other graduates. At Nottingham Business School we offer International Business (with French) as a specialist dual award course.

Wildlife Conservation - FdSc

This foundation degree (FdSc) course will equip you with the skills, knowledge and attributes to prepare you for a career in conservation. Combining theory with practice, you will become skilled in conserving the wildlife with which we share the planet, and the habitats they live in.

Criminology - BA (Hons)

Through an exciting combination of theory and practice, our BA (Hons) Criminology course will give you a unique opportunity to understand how crime relates to the real-world and how criminology can enable meaningful change.

Television Production Technology - FdSc

Do you want to work on the next big TV drama, be part of the crew on the biggest sporting events or maybe make the next big documentary?

Fashion Pattern Cutting - BA (Hons)

The fashion industry requires a range of creative and innovative roles to develop garments and one of these roles relates to pattern cutting and garment development. Pattern cutting is essential for realising and initiating creative ideas, and the product development of a garment. This inclusive BA course based at Nottingham School of Art & Design provides a platform for students to acquire current industry skills including manual and digital pattern cutting methods, pattern making, pattern drafting and draping. Working with industry standard technologies for creative garment development and production and responding to the needs for sustainability in the industry.

History with International Relations - BA (Hons)

Combine the study of global relations with understanding the past through a range of skills and approaches.

English and Media - BA (Hons)

In the second half of Year Two you can take your learning into your own hands and choose an extended work placement, learn at one of our many partner institutions worldwide, or continue to study here with a wide range of interesting optional modules to choose from.

Media and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Media have penetrated into every corner of our lives. Learn about the processes involved and the fundamental questions that they raise.

Sociology and Criminology - BA (Hons)

In today’s world, social justice is essential in truly understanding and challenging inequalities within and beyond the Criminal Justice System. With this BA (Hons) Sociology and Criminology degree, you’ll see the world and the criminal justice system through a sociological lens. You’ll explore the issues that matter to you – empowering you to make meaningful change.

International Business (with Spanish) - BA (Hons)

Today’s global marketplace demands graduates to have the business know-how and the skills and knowledge to apply these within an international setting. At Nottingham Business School we offer International Business (with Spanish) as a specialist dual award course.

Early Childhood Studies - BA (Hons)

Do you want to make a genuine and lasting difference to children’s lives, families and communities? Our BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies is an opportunity to get experience and knowledge for graduate roles in education, health, and social care.

Fashion Knitwear Design and Knitted Textiles - BA (Hons)

This highly respected degree offers you full creative control over the design and creation of fabrics, garments and products for fashion or interiors. You will develop your creative potential through developing technical and design skills, including innovative digital knit processes that are in high demand in the fashion and textile industry.

Artisan Food Production - FdSc

This unique course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to work in the artisan food industry, meeting the increasing demand for high quality food that is sustainably produced. This course is delivered by professional artisan food specialists at The School of Artisan Food – based on the Welbeck Estate – alongside food technology specialists at Nottingham Trent University. You’ll study the functionality of high-end food ingredients, and practical skills such as breadmaking, patisserie and viennoiserie, butchery, charcuterie and cheesemaking.

Sport Science, Health and Nutrition - BSc (Hons)

Ultimately, nothing is more important than our health. That is why we’ll develop your understanding of nutrition and exercise science understanding and provide you with the skills to apply this in the real world. These opportunities give you the experience employers expect to see.

Business Management and Economics - BA (Hons)

The world's recent turbulent economic times have demonstrated that a new, deeper understanding of this subject is needed. Our Business Management and Economics course will provide you with an introduction to economic theory within a business and management context.

Film & TV and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Explore the deepest questions of humanity and the richness of film and television to develop critical thinking, creativity, and a unique perspective on the world.

Communications and English - BA (Hons)

With these in focus, the course will offer an interdisciplinary approach to English and Communications in order to analyse and explain the complex interrelations between social, political, institutional and technological dimensions of speech, text and media, with a specific emphasis upon the way that an understanding of these is key to unlocking the employability potential of undergraduates in the Humanities for future, high skilled, professional roles.

Communications and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

This degree provides a comprehensive examination of the theory, practice, and socio-cultural implications of communications, film and television. With an interdisciplinary approach that combines critical thinking with creative practice and close attention to context, you’ll come to see how film, TV, advertising and print and digital media are important forms of communication with their own distinctive traditions, styles and ideologies.

Communications and History - BA (Hons)

A degree in Communications and History is a powerful combination that can equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to make a difference in the world. With a deep understanding of human communication and the historical context in which it occurs, graduates of this program are well-prepared to tackle the complex challenges of the contemporary world.

Communications and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

In the 21st century, as professional work becomes ever more specialised and shaped by the demands of the digital world, there will be a corresponding need for the next generation of graduates to become highly skilled communicators with a capacity to speak and write effectively, eloquently, with cultural sensitivity and technological sophistication – across a range of different media.

Linguistics and Media - BA (Hons)

Uncover the intricate relationship between language and digital communications. Explore the interplay between language and other forms of communication, and develop the skills necessary for success in diverse fields.

Linguistics and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

Language is the element within which we live and move. To understand language is to understand what it means to be human and to empower ourselves as human beings.

Media Communications and Culture - BA (Hons)

Designed for those with a passion for communications, this course will develop your digital and media literacies for a range of audiences across different genres and media.

Communications and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

With these in focus, the course will offer an interdisciplinary approach to English and Communications in order to analyse and explain the complex interrelations between social, political, institutional and technological dimensions of speech, text and media, with a specific emphasis upon the way that an understanding of these is key to unlocking the employability potential of undergraduates in the Humanities for future, high skilled, professional roles.

English and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

The BA (Hons) English and Film & TV degree unlocks the power of storytelling. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines theory, analysis, and creative practice, you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the ways in which literature, film, and television shape our understanding of the world around us.

English and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

The course is both historical and contemporary in its focus and aims to show how philosophy can only be fully understood within a wider literary context, and that literature inescapably touches on issues of the highest moment.

English and History - BA (Hons)

Explore the relationship between literature and historical forces across space and time. You will learn to expertly analyse diverse literary texts from a range of periods and places, alongside exploring the value and meaning of extensive sources including letters, oral testimonies, images, archaeological evidence, and material objects. Combining English and History will give you the opportunity to uniquely understand the creative aspects of historical writing and the importance of locating human expression across chronological, geographical, and cultural contexts.

Film & TV and History - BA (Hons)

This degree allows you to study a comprehensive range of national and international film and TV industries and eras and wide geographical and chronological modules in history ranging from the medieval period to the 21st century. You can choose to maintain a breadth of subjects or specialise in particular areas as you progress through your degree and there are multiple opportunities for you to combine your knowledge and skills derived from both disciplines to generate new knowledge and communicate this in innovative ways to diverse audiences.

History and Linguistics - BA (Hons)

A degree in History and Linguistics provides an excellent grounding in understanding the contemporary world, preparing you for a wide range of professional careers. This degree combines analysis of language and communications with an understanding of the role played by history in shaping the present. This deep appreciation of the historic political, social and cultural roots of complex global challenges, coupled with critical understanding of the role that language plays in human communication provides a powerful platform for you to develop your skills, knowledge and confidence.

History and Philosophy - BA (Hons)

The need to understand the origins, character, significance and legacies of world-transforming ideas and human behaviours is central to BA (Hons) History and Philosophy. This course explores the history and communication of ideas across space and time. It will also develop your understanding of how patterns of human thinking and behaviours shape the trajectories of personal and professional life.

Professional Policing - BA (Hons)

The exciting new BA (Hons) Professional Policing degree provides you with a strong understanding of policing through a combination of theory and real-world policing practice experience as a Special Constable.

International Fashion Business (one year top-up) - BA (Hons)

This one-year top-up degree is for those who have completed two years of a fashion-related degree course or equivalent qualification, such as a specialist diploma, Foundation degree, or HND.

Computer Science (Games Technology) - BSc (Hons)

The course builds on and shares many modules with our Computer Science degree. We then combine this with specialised games technology modules to produce a distinct and unique course – perfect if you are interested in creative applications of computer technology.

Media and Film & TV - BA (Hons)

Combine your enthusiasm for media as business with the skills to help shape the ways in which people, groups, things, and events are represented on screen.

Journalism - BA (Hons)

This dynamic and vocational award-winning course combines practical training in news journalism on all platforms – newspaper, magazine, mobile and tablet.

Finance and Investment Banking - MSc

Our MSc Finance and Investment Banking course will teach you about analysing and valuing investment products, critical analysis of information in derivatives markets and portfolio and investment management. You will explore the operation of markets, their major participants and the regulatory environments, as well as building a firm understanding of corporate finance, basic accounting and financial analysis.

Level 7 Architect Degree Apprenticeship - MArch; PGDip

This programme is the next step for professionals who are aiming to achieve postgraduate qualifications equivalent to the Architects Registration Board (ARB) / Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Parts 2 and 3, whilst continuing to gain relevant experience in practice.

Human Resource Management

Our MSc Human Resource Management (HRM) course is ideal for students from any academic discipline who want to build a successful career in HR. The course is designed specifically to enable those who are seeking to start such a career, to gain a Masters qualification in HRM through completing a course of study that has been approved by the professional body for HRM practitioners, namely the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship - MSc

The MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship course has been designed for individuals with an entrepreneurial mind-set. It is open to students from any academic discipline who are looking to set up their own business, become future entrepreneurs or those looking to take over their family business. This course combines rigorous academic theory with the practical skills, hands-on experience and valuable networks you need to make your business a success.

International Business (Dual Award) - MSc

Our unique MSc International Business (Dual Award) degree gives you an exceptional opportunity to gain two Master degrees in just 15 months, providing you with a clear competitive advantage. With the opportunity to study in the UK and abroad and an in-depth academic project, this is a career-defining degree that will change the way you see the world.

Management and International Business - MSc

Our MSc Management and International Business course explores how to manage effectively in an increasingly global work environment. It builds the powerful, practical skills you need to deal with the problems faced by managers working internationally.

Chemistry - MRes

You can gain the opportunity to develop a competitive research edge to your CV, which is vital when entering the growing Chemistry market within the UK and internationally. This Chemistry postgraduate course enables you to choose from our extensive range of Chemistry modules - allowing you to match the modules with your interests and career aspirations.

Chemistry / Chemistry (Professional Practice) - MSc

You can take this accredited MSc Chemistry degree as a one year full-time study option, or alternatively you can undertake this course as a one year full-time study with a year long work placement for the MSc Chemistry (Professional Practice) route.

Pharmaceutical Analysis - MRes

Develop and further your knowledge of pharmaceutical analysis on this accredited Master's course which includes a substantial research-led project.

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science - MRes

Develop your knowledge of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Science by studying the complexities of organic synthesis, synthesis of biologically important molecules and NMR spectra.

Biodiversity Conservation - MRes; MSc

Increasing pressure on land-use across the world has led to a growing demand for postgraduates with environmental surveying qualifications. This course provides you with the knowledge you'll need to work within the environmental and ecological consulting and conservation professions. The MSc course is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

Criminology - MA

This Criminology Masters course gives you the opportunity to gain a critical and informed understanding of criminology, by exploring the debates at the forefront of the field. There is a particular emphasis upon the practical realities, uncertainties, complexities and solutions available for criminal justice and crime reduction.

Engineering Management - MSc

Combines the theory and practice of engineering with the study of business and resource-based management, entrepreneurial leadership, new business ventures and small-to-medium enterprises.

Corporate Law - LLM

Nottingham Law School has a leading reputation in the field of Corporate Law and students on this course will benefit from our research and expert teaching staff.

International Energy Law - LLM

LLM International Energy Law aims to provide you with a critical understanding of current issues relating to energy and environmental policy and regulation at an international level. The course introduces you to key international legal principles and frameworks regulating the energy sector and considers their application to global energy industries at a moment when the international community is seeking to address the challenges of climate change.

International Environmental Law - LLM

This course enables students to gain in-depth analytical knowledge of environmental law and issues within the law while offering a highly flexible, bespoke and personalised learning opportunity.

Politics - MA

This course offers you the opportunity to study Politics at an advanced and specialised level, emphasising the interplay between the national, regional and global arenas. The underpinning theme of the Politics Masters degree is participation - an issue that has, and looks likely to continue to be a key debate within political discourse.

Occupational Psychology - MSc

Accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), our MSc Occupational Psychology course is targeted at high-calibre psychology graduates who are intending to pursue a career in occupational psychology in its various guises and other associated careers.

Biomedical Science by Flexible Learning - MSc

Study part-time and online for an accredited Biomedical Science Master's qualification while continuing to work.

Career Development - PGCert

The Postgraduate Certificate in Career Development course is designed to equip you with the skills, qualities and knowledge required of a professional practitioner working in the career development and employability sector, enabling you to meet the needs of clients in a variety of settings.

Computer Science - MSc

Building on a practical foundation comprising the understanding of operating systems, network protocols security and how to develop secured code, you will learn how to critically assess the security risks to IT organisations and how to evaluate the information security solution to mitigate them. In addition, you will gain the research skills necessary to investigate the continually changing issues in computer forensics and security in Cloud infrastructures.

Construction Management - MSc

Construction is an exciting global industry and Construction Managers play a crucial role at the heart of it, responsible for directing operations within building projects - from project planning, contract administration and safety management, through to cost and quality control.

Animation - MA

MA Animation is a taught MA, with equal value placed on developing your authorial voice, unique vision and creative originality, alongside your advanced technical skills and professional practice development

News Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course prepares you to work in an editorial team to supply material across a multi-platform newsroom. You will seek out original stories, conduct incisive interviews and produce crisp and engaging copy. You will train to be what Nobel Prize winner Gabriel García Márquez calls the best job in the world – a journalist.

Advertising and Marketing Communications - MSc

Creative marketers are in high demand as organisations, brands and agencies look for fresh perspectives on how to tackle existing and emerging challenges faced today. With the rapid inception of new technologies and channels, and changes in consumer behaviours and perceptions, the industry needs new thinking. Created in close consultation with senior marketing professionals and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Advertising and Marketing Communications degree will prepare you for the dynamic world of marketing communications, equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make your mark.

Digital Marketing - MSc

Digital marketing is one of the fastest growing, most dynamic areas of the marketing industry. This constantly evolving field continually pioneers new technology, channels and pushes the boundaries of marketing practice. It's helping to redefine the nature of customer relationships, along with the increased use of global marketing strategies, more sophisticated branding techniques, integrated marketing communications and e-commerce.

Marketing - MSc

Today's marketers need to be adept in a range of areas from analysing market trends to developing strong marketing strategies and effective product development processes. Understanding the theory and frameworks that underpin contemporary marketing thinking is critical. Created in close consultation with the marketing industry and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Marketing degree develops the strengths, abilities and understanding that employers are looking for.

Marketing and Brand Management - MSc

The fragmentation of media and complex and competitive nature of business highlights how important a strong brand is to an organisation. Understanding the brand development process, brand strategies and metrics is imperative to marketing professionals. Created in close consultation with senior marketing professionals and the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), our MSc Marketing and Brand Management degree will give you an exciting and stimulating opportunity to reflect on how organisations can rise to the increasing challenges of marketing and branding in today's world.

Marketing and Data Analytics - MSc

The significance of data analytics needs no acknowledgement. Companies across industries have leveraged data science in combination with marketing to enhance productivity and to build long-term relationship with customers. Over the last decade, marketing has been revolutionised by data analytics, allowing brands to improve brand strategies and business management and therefore, to deliver better experience through personalised communication.

Creative Technologies - MA

As technology develops, the need for globally-minded and technically savvy creatives is growing. This course will enable open-minded and ambitious students to explore the boundaries of creative technology, through collaborative work.

Filmmaking - MA

Situated within the Nottingham School of Art & Design, the MA in Filmmaking challenges students to innovate within and beyond the boundaries of moving-image-making practices. You will be exploring and experimenting in both film production and exhibition, enhanced by intellectually stimulating discussions and workshops.

Media and Globalisation - MA

This innovative practical-based course explores issues from media to culture, politics, globalisation, the creative industries and digital multimedia practices. It’s designed to provide you with the in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of the main debates surrounding the roles and processes of media systems in the context of globalisation.

Creative Technologies - MSc

As technology develops, the need for globally-minded and technically savvy creatives is growing. This course will enable open-minded and ambitious students to explore the boundaries of creative technology, through collaborative work.

Philosophy (by research) - MA

Nottingham Trent University is home to a modern philosophy department which concentrates on contemporary aspects of Philosophy with particular strengths in 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Everyday Life, Film and Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion.

Medical Imaging - MRes

Working with imaging physicists and biomedical NHS collaborators and using industry-standard equipment such as MRI scanners, you will learn how medical imaging techniques play a role in diagnosing, treating, and monitoring disease. This course is ideal for those working in the industry and looking to upskill.

Physics - MSc

What does a 21st Century physicist look like? You will learn to communicate to a broad audience and make physics accessible for all on current topics in physics. You will present your understanding through innovative techniques, including vlogging, infographics, patents, apps, outreach experiments and articles for The Conversation.

Design: Products and Furniture - MA

Our MA Design: Products and Furniture course is aimed at designers looking to master their approach to develop innovative products, furniture, systems or services. Underpinned by a focus on your own specialism, you’ll explore the multidisciplinary field of design, challenge the norms in design thinking and engage with the realities of designing for new and emerging markets.

Design: Products and Technology - MSc

MSc Design: Products and Technology embraces an extensive range of approaches to design practice – from manufacturing, computer science and advanced internet techniques, to artificial intelligence for control, robotics, project management and inclusive design. It's designed for you to strengthen your technological and manufacturing skills and you’ll develop a comprehensive appreciation of the principles and techniques that underpin advanced design solutions.

Building Surveying - MSc

Building surveyors are advisors for the property and construction industry: the glue that helps clients to learn more about the importance of design, construction, maintenance and repair of buildings.

International Real Estate Investment and Finance - MSc

This degree is designed for those looking to specialise in global property investment, finance and business. With a focus on real estate markets and institutions, you’ll develop the competencies necessary to work on both the advisory side and client side for investors.

Property Development and Planning - MSc

Our MSc Property Development and Planning course equips you with expert knowledge of town and country planning from a developer’s perspective.

Real Estate - MSc

Our MSc Real Estate course will introduce you to a wide range of aspects of commercial and residential property, including valuation, asset management, development, sustainability, agency, town and country planning, funding and the UK legal system.

Sociology - MA

This Sociology Masters degree offers you an exciting opportunity to study sociology at an advanced and specialised level with a distinctive focus on the tradition and contemporary forms of public sociology.

Graphic Communication - MA

The MA Graphic Communication course recognises exciting new directions in the ever-diversifying professional industry and offers you the chance to explore these through your own practice. Whether your personal interest is in typography, packaging, print, branding, digital, moving image, UX/UI or speculative design, on this course you will be able to personalise your learning journey through a modular course structure.

Illustration - MA

Our Masters in Illustration is specifically designed to help you develop and craft your personal visual language, taking your illustrative practice to the next level. Combining theory and practice, you will create a bespoke portfolio that truly represents you as a creative. You will have the opportunity to engage in three areas of Illustration Research Excellence: Narrative, Entrepreneurial and Experimental Illustration. You will join other creative minds and collaborate with postgraduate students across the School of Art and Design; and you will focus on your professional journey as an illustrator/academic.

Content Creation - MA

If you want to produce cutting-edge, high-end content that reaches a diverse global audience then this Masters degree is for you. It’s at Confetti where you’ll have countless opportunities to develop your skills and build your portfolio, thanks to our industry connections and our very own creative commercial businesses.

Mathematical Sciences - MRes

This Mathematical Sciences Masters course will prepare you for the challenges of research in mathematics or statistics. Supported by relevant taught models and by academic supervisors, and experts in your chosen specialist subject, you will undertake a year-long research project in which you will experience all stages of the research process.

Project Management (Construction) - MSc

Construction is an exciting global industry and Project Managers play a crucial role ensuring the success of construction projects - from overseeing that timeframe targets and budgets are met, through to logistics tasks, such as planning, execution, monitoring, control and closure.

Fashion - MA

With over 40 years of expertise in fashion design, this course has been designed to help you to develop your creative, academic and professional potential. You will work alongside other MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear Design students in our dedicated postgraduate studio,

Luxury Fashion Brand Management - MA

International luxury fashion brands inspire and inform the zeitgeist of the global fashion industry. The management of these elite organisations requires the application of creativity and strong business acumen at every level. Our MA Luxury Fashion Brand Management course aims to provide advanced skills and knowledge in contemporary and emerging branding and fashion management practice and theory.

Documentary Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course will prepare you to research and produce long-form documentary stories for online, radio and film. It includes all the steps of the process from research and production across multiplatforms, to making a pitch, the commissioning process, costing and budgets.

Management - MSc

Our MSc Management courses will help you shape your leadership and management skills to become an effective manager, able to operate in dynamic and complex organisational environments. You will gain an excellent understanding of the core subjects, enabling you to put to theory and contemporary thinking into practice.

Management and Marketing - MSc

Our MSc Management and Marketing course has been designed for aspiring leaders and aims to underpin knowledge associated with the practice of marketing. You will become familiar with the fundamental issues and concepts relating to marketing practice.

Structural Engineering with Management - MSc

This course focuses on enhancing the key management skills required of leaders in civil engineering and construction. Through it you'll explore the sustainability, management and environmental impact of structural engineering and applied technical themes.

Structural Engineering with Materials - MSc

Designed for professionals aspiring to technical leadership positions within structural engineering design practice, this course focuses on applying engineering principles, advanced materials behaviour and technical themes within structural engineering.

Human Rights - LLM

Nottingham Law School has significant academic expertise in the areas of human rights. The course parallels the historical and contemporary significance of these aspects of law, in particular their growth as topics of both domestic and international importance over recent decades.

Politics and Public Policy - MSc

Following recent global events, politics—as we know it—is in crisis. Alongside the gradual decline in ‘formal’ political engagement, there has arisen a deep suspicion of the twentieth-century promise of globalisation, and in this so-called ‘post-truth’ context many of the values and institutions of the liberal democratic order have been brought into question. This includes debates concerning the role of the citizen and reconsideration of various public policies.

Biotechnology - MSc

This exciting biotechnology postgraduate degree is designed to give you the theoretical and practical skills needed for a career in Biotechnology within companies and research organisations.

Education - Doctor of

The Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) is designed for those in a range of education and education-related professions and provides an opportunity to study part-time for a doctorate in an area connected to professional practice.

Education, Full-time - MA; PGCert; PGDip

The general aim of the course is to produce graduates who are autonomous, able to carry out ethical research studies in different educational contexts, and who can recognised the importance of the application of education theories and research to understand education debates and policies across a range of educational settings and contexts.

TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - MA

This course is ideal for both experienced English Language teachers and those with little or no experience in the area who wish to become an English language teacher to speakers of other languages. The course helps you develop employability and enterprise skills, and offers a lot of teaching practice as well as an optional placement.

Fashion Knitwear - MA

Our MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear courses provide a platform for diverse and creative thinking and design practice to challenge and drive the future of fashion and textiles.

Finance and Accounting - MSc

A fundamental requirement of any successful organisation is to be able to manage its accounting and financial activities efficiently and effectively. This requirement has become more obvious in recent times as organisations have faced turbulent economic conditions, lending difficulties, risk management issues and the criticisms of governance. Our MSc Finance and Accounting degree is designed to enable you to become a critical member of an organisation’s core management team.

Management and Business Analytics - MSc

Our MSc Management and Business Analytics course introduces you to the world of ‘big data’ and the impact it is having within businesses across the globe.

Creative Writing - MA

Creative Writing is one of the longest established postgraduate courses of its kind in the UK, with a strong record of publication and related industry success by its graduates, and close links to publishers and the writing industries. Designed for talented, committed writers, the course is taught by a team of award-winning, widely-published tutor-writers, all at the forefront of screenwriting, fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction.

History - MA

The MA History represents an exciting opportunity to study new areas of historical enquiry, and to then undertake your own primary research in a field of your choice.

Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health - MSc

The Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health Masters degree is designed to equip you with an in-depth knowledge of psychological theory relevant to the improvement and maintenance of psychological wellbeing and sound mental health in adults. It's ideal if you are intending to work – or are already employed – in health care, counselling, social care and related areas.

Neuropharmacology - MRes

With our Neuropharmacology Masters course, you will also study a number of hot topics in molecular and cellular neuroscience, selected from the current scientific literature.

Level 6 Teaching Apprenticeship - PGCE

This teacher training course is suitable for applicants with subject experience from a wide variety of areas and industries. It leads to a teaching qualification in the post-compulsory education and training sector. The awards meet the national professional standards, and will enable you to register through NTU for professional formation in order to achieve Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills status (QTLS). Registration for QTLS through NTU in the academic year immediately following qualification is free of charge to completing students. QTLS is the badge of professionalism for the sector and has been recognised as equivalent to QTS allowing holders to work in secondary schools.

Primary and Secondary: School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) - PGCE

Inspiring Leaders Teacher Training (ILTT) are a School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme who work in partnership with Nottingham Institute of Education, at Nottingham Trent University. Together we have developed an exciting and innovative new course for potential trainee teachers.

School Direct Training Programme (Secondary) - PGCE

School Direct is a training route which allows you to work and study within a school of your choice while studying towards a postgraduate qualification (PGCE degree) and Qualified Teacher Status.

Textiles - MA

Our MA Fashion, Textiles and Knitwear courses provide a platform for diverse and creative thinking and design practice to challenge and drive the future of fashion and textiles.

Secondary Physics - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Physics at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Special Educational Needs Coordination - National Award

The Nottingham Institute of Education offers a very successful National SENCO Award. This fourteen-month programme is available to existing and aspiring SENCOs from any school or educational setting in the UK and meets the certification requirement that SENCOs must achieve within three years of their appointment. It enables you to develop your professional attributes, and improve your knowledge, skills and understanding so that you can carry out your SENCO role effectively and with confidence.

Research degrees in Arts and Humanities - PhD

The School of Arts and Humanities offer opportunities for postgraduate study leading to a PhD, by both full-time and part time study, across a wide range of disciplines.

Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting - MA

This practice-led MA in Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting will encourage creative thinking, experimentation and problem-solving to develop practical skills and innovative approaches to pattern cutting and garment design. While exploring and advancing knowledge of historical and traditional cutting techniques, you will become conversant with specialist digital technologies and incorporate it within practice.

Fashion and Textiles - MA

This specialist, flexible part-time course provides the opportunity for you to explore and develop your own specialism within Fashion, Textiles or Knitwear Design.

Fashion Communications - MA

MA Fashion Communications provides the essential conduit between fashion organisations and their consumers, stakeholders, and the wider fashion environment. This subject area combines visual, audio and written media to communicate the creative essence of the fashion industry. The course aims to prepare you for a career within the fashion industry in roles as diverse as fashion journalism, PR, advertising, trend prediction, fashion styling and art direction, digital and social media management, and visual merchandising management.

Fashion Marketing - MA

As the third industrial revolution gathers pace, the practice of fashion marketing and the roles associated with the sector are rapidly evolving. Our MA Fashion Marketing course examines new and emerging marketing methods and processes, and established practice from an international perspective.

International Fashion Management - MA

MA International Fashion Business aims to develop agile and resilient fashion managers who can respond to the opportunities and challenges arising in the sector.

Broadcast Journalism - MA; PGDip

This course prepares you to work in radio and television newsrooms and factual programming. You will be taught how to research and write your own stories, conduct effective interviews and record and edit for audio and video using the latest digital technology.

Magazine Journalism - MA; PGDip

Do you want to work in magazines? Are you passionate about the written word, whether it’s online or in print? Would you like to do in-depth interviews, learn how to shoot videos professionally and explore design and photography to create beautiful magazines? If so this is the perfect course for you.

FinTech and Financial Markets - MSc

Our MSc FinTech and Financial Markets degree is designed to provide you with an understanding of contemporary issues and conceptual frameworks used to adopt financial technology in organisations. You will build a solid foundation of global financial markets, principles of FinTech and Blockchain as well as coding and data analytics for finance and FinTech.

Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) - MArch

MArch Architecture (ARB / RIBA Part 2) is a two-year full-time course that produces graduate architects who are fully equipped for a career in the architectural profession. It is designed to be the next step towards pursuing an accredited pathway to become a registered architect.

International Business (Single Award) - MSc

Globalisation represents a great opportunity for those who can acquire knowledge and skills that foster an international perspective, the ability to interact with stakeholders from all over the world, and the ability to operate in a labour market that crosses national borders. Our MSc International Business (Single Award) is for students who want to broaden their knowledge of the international business environment, global strategy, and cross-cultural management.

Management and Finance - MSc

Our MSc Management and Finance course starts with exploring the global finance companies' structure, markets, regulatory functions and their changing roles within society. You will also focus on the analysis of financial statements to improve management decision-making, as well as the role of ethics and sustainability.

Management and Global Supply Chain Management - MSc

Our MSc Management and Global Supply Chain Management course is a unique course for those considering a career within logistics, operations and supply chain management. You’ll explore the management of operations at a strategic level, before developing your understanding of the global supply chain and how organisations within it perform in relation to one another.

Master of Business Administration - Master of Business Administration

The Nottingham Business School MBA is designed to enhance your management knowledge, your leadership capabilities, your global perspective and your professional career. It has been awarded a Dual Award status by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Project Management - MSc

Our MSc Project Management course has been designed to equip you with all the necessary skills and knowledge to design, plan and execute projects successfully. Project Management is a growing field with a strong focus on finding graduates with strong theoretical background in Project and Programme Management.

Advanced Materials Chemistry - MRes

This Advanced Materials Chemistry Masters course enables you to develop and further your knowledge on a range of core modules, culminating in a materials engineering-led research project within one of our diverse range of research groups.

Analytical Chemistry - MRes

Are you an analytical professional seeking to refresh your knowledge of analytical chemistry? Are you a recent graduate in a wide range of sciences allied to chemistry?

Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation - MRes; MSc

Delivered in collaboration with the internationally-renowned Durrell Conservation Academy, this postgraduate degree provides you with an international outlook on species recovery. You'll help meet the global need for academically proficient and technically expert individuals, who can bridge the gap between in-situ and ex-situ approaches to conservation.

Master of Laws - LLM

Our LLM Master of Laws provides an exciting and flexible approach to postgraduate study, allowing you to build an LLM course to suit your specialist interests and requirements.

Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner - MSc

The MSc Advanced Clinical Practice and Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship Programme are designed for practitioners to develop in-depth knowledge, skills, values, and behaviours as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner within your speciality, setting or sector.

Nursing (Mental Health) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Mental Health Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in mental health nursing.

Paramedic Science - MSc

Today’s Paramedic is a highly skilled healthcare practitioner, who provides high quality urgent or emergency care to patients in a wide range of exciting, fast-paced and challenging environments. The Paramedic profession is at the forefront of the developing modern NHS, with paramedics extending their role in to an increasing range of new and exciting areas.

Public Health - MA

Our Public Health Masters degree has been designed in response to contemporary international debates about the changing nature and shifting boundaries of multidisciplinary public health. It will allow you to develop an extensive knowledge of public health with a critical awareness of the philosophical, theoretical and method logical aspects of the discipline and following graduation you'll be enthused about the potential to act as change agents within multi-disciplinary public health settings. You'll also be able to adopt an independent and reflective approach to your learning and future careers.

Public Policy - MSc

This MSc Public Policy course offers a hands-on, locally embedded and multidisciplinary course in the study of Public Policy at an advanced and specialized level. You will have the opportunity to take part in exciting contemporary discussions of Public Policy that explore core concepts, key trends and developments within the field, critical reflections on policy in practice and the current state of research and analysis of policy issues.

Security Studies - MA

This new MA Security Studies course offers an opportunity to take part in rapidly evolving contemporary discussions on security and may serve as a pathway to doctoral studies. It focuses both on theoretical underpinnings of traditional Security Studies as well as more contemporary theorisation of Critical Security Studies.

Applied Child Psychology - MSc

This Applied Child Psychology Masters degree combines an in-depth look and critical evaluation of the advanced study of psychological development with regard to children and adolescents. You'll focus on the implications of psychological theory and research for policy and practice across a range of applied settings, for example, education, clinical and social contexts as well as undertake advanced training in relevant research methods.

Cyberpsychology - MSc

Our MSc Cyberpsychology degree will provide you with the opportunity to develop the relevant academic and professional skills to commence a successful career in cyberpsychology, the psychological study of the Internet and digital technologies. Experts in the areas of cyberpsychology, Internet and technology will deliver the course.

Forensic Psychology - MSc

This British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited Forensic Psychology Masters degree is designed to prepare psychology graduates with the academic knowledge and skills necessary to conduct practical work and research within a forensic context. The BPS accreditation means that by obtaining the MSc in Forensic Psychology you'll be completing the first stage in your professional training required by the BPS to become a qualified practitioner within the field of forensic psychology (Chartered Forensic Psychologist).

Forensic Psychology - Doctor of Psychology

The Doctor of Psychology in Forensic Psychology (DPsych in Forensic Psychology) is a research-based professional doctoral course for practicing forensic psychologists and aims to develop reflective researching practitioners.

Psychological Research Methods - MRes; MSc

Our Psychological Research Methods Masters degree provides extensive training if you are looking to develop a broad range of transferable skills relevant to independent research and beyond. The course has been designed specifically to prepare graduates in Psychology or related disciplines for:

Psychology - MSc; PGDip

Our British Psychological Society (BPS) conversion courses are designed for graduates of other disciplines who wish to pursue a career in psychology but whose first degree is not recognised by the BPS. Entry on to the MSc Psychology does not require you to have studied any psychology previously.

MA Advanced Social Work Practice - MA

The MA Advanced Social Work Practice is a flexible course that offers you, as a registered social worker, an integrated academic and professional qualification in the areas of adult and childcare social work.

Exercise Physiology - MRes

Develop your expertise primarily within the area of sport and exercise physiology.

Performance Analysis - MRes

This Performance Analysis postgraduate degree will develop your range of practical and empirical skills that will be transferable across industry, sport and health sectors. You will conduct a research project over the entire year of study whereby you will develop and submit work of publishable quality. You'll learn a strong complement of applied and research skills, balanced with how to communicate key information to relevant sport industry partners.

Sport Science - MRes

Current practical, technical and research skills are embedded in the course to reflect the needs of sport-related careers - you'll be able to enter the industry or use this degree as a stepping stone to a PhD. You can choose to do a research project in any sport-related sub-discipline. Examples include but are not limited to: sports performance, performance analysis, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, including environmental physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology and sports injuries, and sports psychology.

Youth Work Leadership and Practice - MA

If you have a degree, and ideally experience of working with young people, then this is the course for you. You may want to become a (JNC) Professionally Recognised Youth Worker or gain a Masters level postgraduate qualification, or both! This course will provide you with an opportunity to both study and work in Children and Young People Services across differing settings and contexts giving you the freedom to guide your career the way you want to.

Biomedical Science - MSc

This accredited Biomedical Science postgraduate degree will provide a biological understanding of human disease processes, the treatment principles of such diseases, and the underlying biological disciplines that enable their study and explanation.

Biotechnology - MRes

The MRes courses are divided into taught elements (60 credit points) and a laboratory-based research project (120 credit points). You will complete the extended research project in one of our highly rated research teams.

Cancer Biology - MRes

The MRes courses are divided into taught elements (60 credit points) and a laboratory-based research project (120 credit points). You will complete the extended research project in one of our highly rated research teams.

Cell Biology - MRes

Based at the Clifton Campus, Biosciences students are primarily based in the Erasmus Darwin and Rosalind Franklin buildings, which house some of the UK's best interactive teaching laboratories to support research activities in: immunology cell-based therapy bio-materials science neuroscience pharmacology toxicology

Molecular Biology - MRes

You will explore molecular biology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and look at how genomes are mutated, analysed and manipulated in the detection, study and therapy of disease.

Career Guidance Practice - Postgraduate Certificate in

With today’s continually changing labour market, along with and reforms in education and skills, careers guidance practice has become an increasingly significant part of education, employment, and training.

Cyber Security - MSc

You will experience the analysis, design and development of computing systems solutions relevant to the computing industry. You will develop your ability to research and critically assess material and techniques relevant to a particular problem or project. Equally important, you will improve your knowledge of computer technology, architecture and digital communications to develop computer-based systems in industrial and business environments.

Quantity Surveying - MSc

Quantity surveyors play a crucial role managing the commercial aspects of building and civil engineering projects — from handling finances, through to procurement and contracts. They set the tone for everything needed to deliver construction projects to a high standard.

Early Years Initial Teacher Training - PGCE

This one-year part-time PGCE will train you to teach young children from 0 to 5 years of age. You will need to be employed in an early years setting.

Primary Education - PGCE

The PGCE in Primary Education enables you to become a confident and competent Primary Teacher who can enable children to learn effectively across the whole curriculum. The course also develops your understanding of the demands of the National Curriculum, the Curriculum for the Foundation Stage and other Government initiatives.

Research degrees in Education - PhD

Nottingham Trent University offers opportunities to study for a PhD by research. Supervision is available by full-time or part-time study, and can sometimes be provided by distance learning.

School Direct Training Programme (Primary) - PGCE

School Direct is a training route which allows you to work and study within a school of your choice while studying towards a postgraduate qualification (PGCE) degree and Qualified Teacher Status.

Secondary Biology - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Biology at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Business Education - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Business Education at secondary level. Time is spent in the University in lectures and seminars and in the classroom on placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Chemistry - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Chemistry at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Computer Science with ICT - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach the ICT and Computer Science at secondary school level. Time is spent in the University in lectures and seminars and in the classroom on placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Education (Design and Technology) - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach design and technology subjects at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary English - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach English at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Mathematics - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Mathematics at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Secondary Music - PGCE

This teaching degree provides graduates with the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to teach Music at secondary level. Time is spent in the University and in classroom placements, ensuring that by the end of the course, trainees are confident professionals ready to begin teaching in secondary schools.

Digital Architecture and Construction - MSc

Digital technologies have altered the field of architecture significantly in recent years, resulting in an increasing demand for digital specialists in the profession.

Interior Architecture and Design - MA

Our Masters course in Interior Architecture and Design offers a multi-dimensional platform that explores and interrogates crucial discussions surrounding interior, spatial, and architectural design. Now more than ever this specialised intersection is essential to redefining how we interact with the worlds around us; from the immediately personal, to the collectively experiential.

International Legal Studies (Distance learning) - LLM

Nottingham Law School provides an LLM (Masters in Law) award through distance learning to “top-up” professional legal qualifications or experience.

Nursing (Adult) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Adult Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Clinical Associate in Psychology Apprenticeship - Level 7 - MSc

This degree apprenticeship will allow psychology graduates to gain the core skills required to pursue a career as a Clinical Associate in Psychology. Applicants can choose one of the following pathways to specialise in a specific clinical area.

Forensic Mental Health - MSc

The Forensic Mental Health Masters degree is ideal if you are currently employed in / or desire to be employed in a forensic mental health setting. The course is designed to equip you with an extensive knowledge of theoretical and practical issues in forensic mental health and a critical awareness of the current philosophical, theoretical and methodological problems, debates and insights that shape the discipline. During the course you'll also gain a critical appreciation of ethical, cultural, and legal issues arising from mental health practice and research.

Software Engineering - MSc

This Software Engineering postgraduate degree will give you experience in the analysis, design and development of computing systems solutions relevant to a wide range of applications in industry and business. You will be able to devise multi-tasking software solutions using high-level languages to implement suitable architecture-software constraints for computer applications. You will develop project management skills that will allow you to effectively contribute to the creation and management of large computing projects and to appreciate the techniques employed in managing such projects.

International Law Enforcement - MSc; PGCert; PGDip

International law enforcement operates within an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Crime too is complex and is in constant flux, changing in type, scale, spread and impact. Traditional borders and boundaries are increasingly irrelevant, and law enforcement organisations respond by locating their efforts within an international frame of reference, and with a workforce that demonstrates high-quality, specialist law enforcement education.

Research degrees in Law - MRes; PhD

NLS has a diverse and vibrant community of postgraduate research candidates who are an integral part of our community. The School offers opportunities to study for a PhD by full-time or part-time study, and is now also available by distance learning.

Sports Law - LLM

Sport has become increasingly important as a business and can involve significant financial stakes. There is a growing demand for appropriately qualified sports law professionals and this course has been designed so that you'll have the knowledge required to enter this exciting area of law.

International Relations - MA

The International Relations Masters degree is designed to develop global awareness, an understanding of the complexity of contemporary international arenas, and a sense of how policies can address rapid, sophisticated change.

International Relations and Security - MA

International security is a complex and rapidly evolving concern for many organisations, institutions and governments. From global climate emergency to the increased threats from terrorist groups, the risks these treats pose to many long-established security policies have led to a rapid development in the field of Security Studies.

Social Practice - Doctor of

The Professional Doctorate in Social Practice has been designed to provide those who work in the broad area of the public, private and independent sector professions an opportunity to study part-time for a doctorate.

Social Work - MA

If you have a degree and experience in the Health and Social Care sectors and you wish to become a qualified social worker then this is the course for you. The course, which starts in January 2024, will provide you with an opportunity to both study and work in Children and Families as well as Adult Social Work giving you the freedom to plan and take forward your career the way you want to.

Careers Leadership - Postgraduate Certificate in

With today’s continually changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, careers education and leadership have become a significant part of education, employment and training.

Artificial Intelligence - MSc

In this course, you'll learn how to deploy, manage, and maintain AI technologies within the business value chain. You will gain the skills to work as part of an interdisciplinary team that include AI expert practitioners, who will be tasked with designing and developing systems that meet business requirements.

Cloud and Enterprise Computing - MSc

You will learn the principles and techniques necessary for designing, developing, and evaluating Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) that are distributed, interoperable, intelligent, and adaptive to change. In addition, the major project element of the course will allow you an opportunity to develop a greater subject specialism in one specific Cloud or Enterprise computing topic of your choice.

Data Science - MSc

This course covers the fundamentals of Data Science including Big Data infrastructure, AI and statistical analysis and the mining of data. Development of your understanding of deriving value from the data analytics functions is also a focus of this course.

Engineering (Electronics) - MSc

This Engineering (Electronics) postgraduate degree will furnish graduates with a greater understanding of imaging and display technology and smart mathematical techniques for engineering design and optimisation. The course emphasises the importance of independent learning, problem solving and self-organisation.

Pharmacology - MRes

This Pharmacology postgraduate degree is particularly relevant if you: are a recently qualified undergraduate and are looking for the professional skills needed to obtain a job in a bioscience company are working in an organisation and want a masters-level qualification to give you a competitive edge require the skills and experience needed to study for a research degree are an international student who would like to study abroad would like the chance for extended research work in the lab of an experienced research academic want to use cutting-edge facilities to develop your own learning and research.

Pharmacology - MSc

Develop the theoretical and practical skills needed for a career in pharmacology by familiarising yourself with the latest advances in commercial pharmacological science.

Career Guidance and Leadership - MA

With today’s continuously changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, career guidance and leadership have become an increasingly significant part of education, employment and training.

Career Guidance and Leadership - Postgraduate Diploma in

With today’s continuously changing labour market, along with education and skills reforms, career guidance and leadership have become an increasingly significant part of education, employment and training.

Economics - MSc

Our MSc Economics degree has been designed to give you an in-depth understanding of economic concepts, principles and techniques by focusing on the application of economics to contemporary real-world issues.

Holocaust and Genocide (by research) - MA

Pursue advanced independent research into your own area of interest in the field of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, supported by academics with world leading research expertise. While grounded in history, our approach is interdisciplinary, drawing on memory and heritage studies, the social sciences and more.

Technology Law - LLM

Technology Law is an exciting and increasingly important area of law, particularly internationally and EU-wide. On this course you'll have opportunities to explore disruptive technologies and develop an in depth knowledge of the main regulatory approaches, theories and controversies regarding blockchain and cryptoassets technologies.

International Development - MA

This course recognises that international development environments and related debates constantly evolve. It captures this dynamism in its multi-layered approach and it highlights the connections made between different disciplinary areas.

Sport and Exercise Psychology - MRes

Become an expert in the fields of sport and exercise psychology. Apply your psychological knowledge to enhance the personal development and performance of athletes, coaches, individuals, teams and organisations You will use psychological principles to promote exercise participation and motivation among the general population. You'll work with individuals to plan exercise regimes.

Equine Performance, Health and Welfare - MRes; MSc

This suite of postgraduate courses provides a thorough understanding of equine health, performance and welfare within the context of the human use of horses. The courses have been designed to meet the growing number of equestrian professions that require a high level of theoretical knowledge, and strong research skills. You can choose to specialise in key areas of interest, for example nutrition, behaviour, exercise physiology, genetics and reproduction.

Molecular Microbiology - MSc

You'll study the key concepts associated with molecular microbiology and use these when considering their role in health, disease and in the natural environment.

Neuropharmacology - MSc

Designed to give you the theoretical and practical skills needed to enter a career in neuropharmacology either in an academic institution, a research institute or in the industrial/business sector.

English Literary Research - MRes

The course is designed to provide you with the independence of a research degree with some of the guidance of a taught Masters. You will learn about approaches to the study of literature, and will have the opportunity to study authors, literary movements, themes or critical ideas in depth.

Linguistics (by research) - MA

This course gives you the opportunity to pursue research in the field of linguistics. It comprises independent research, and a course designed to develop knowledge of key research skills and practices.

Health Law - LLM

This course addresses the growing interest in the interface of medicine and law. With the increasing pressure on resource allocation within the National Health Service and current debates on an individual’s capacity to consent or refuse medical treatment, there is growing need for qualified legal professionals with an understanding of health law.

Post-Compulsory Education and Training - Cert Ed; PGCE; ProfGCE in

The Post-Compulsory Education and Training course is your gateway to a rewarding career in the sector. Leading to a teaching qualification in post-compulsory education, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the fulfilling role of a teacher or lecturer allowing you to make a real difference to the education and development of others.

Level 7 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship - MSc

This course is for individuals with an undergraduate degree, are employed in a health or social care setting and wish to become a Registered Nurse. Our Level 7 Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship allows healthcare professionals with a level 6 qualification in any subject area can gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Photography - MA

Our MA Photography is a practice-based course that aims to develop highly flexible, creative, and critical professionals able to respond and adapt to a plural and shifting work environment.

Molecular Cell Biology - MSc

Covering a wide range of up-to-date and industry relevant technologies, you will become familiar with the latest advances and commercial techniques in molecular cell biology.

Molecular Microbiology - MRes

This Molecular Microbiology Masters course is particularly relevant if you: are a recently qualified undergraduate and are looking for the professional skills needed to obtain a job in a bioscience company are working in an organisation and want a Masters-level qualification to give you a competitive edge require the skills and experience needed to study for a research degree are an international student who would like to study abroad would like the chance for extended research work in the lab of an experienced research academic want to use cutting-edge facilities to develop your own learning and research. immunology cell-based therapy bio-materials science neuroscience pharmacology toxicology

Economics, Banking and Finance - MSc

Economics studies the behaviour of individuals, businesses, and governments in the face of various constraints. Our MSc Economics, Banking and Finance degree is designed to combine the analytical rigour of an Economics course with an in-depth coverage of major areas of Banking and Finance. You will systematically analyse and understand decision making in the context of economies and financial systems in a globalised world.

International Commercial Law - LLM

On this course you'll develop a high level of knowledge and critical insight into the scope, principles, effect and practice of Commercial Law.

Nursing (Learning Disabilities) - MSc

If you already hold an undergraduate degree and wish to become a Registered Learning Disabilities Nurse, this two-year accelerated course allows graduates with a level 6 qualification in any subject area to gain the qualifications needed to pursue a career in nursing.

Forensic Science - MSc

If you have a strong chemistry or forensics background and want to gain more specialised knowledge of forensic toxicology or bioarchaeology, this course is for you.

Museum and Heritage Development - MA; PGCert; PGDip

Museum and Heritage Development is an innovative professional practice-based course exploring new approaches to the successful and sustainable development of museums and heritage sites and the development of the workforce.

Content Creation (London) - MA

If you want to produce cutting-edge, high-end content that reaches a diverse global audience then this Masters degree is for you. It’s at Confetti where you’ll have countless opportunities to develop your skills and build your portfolio, thanks to our industry connections and our very own creative commercial businesses.

Virtual Production (London) - MSc

Virtual production has quickly established itself in the entertainment industries, connecting specialists across VFX, film and game technology.

Virtual Production - MSc

Virtual production has quickly established itself in the entertainment industries, connecting specialists across VFX, film and game technology.

Civil Engineering - MSc

Our MSc Civil Engineering course is developed from a mix of technical and management-based modules, aligning to current global issues relating to civil engineering. Your learning will focus on the civil engineering infrastructure and structural and management aspects of construction, as well as complex environmental problems affecting construction projects.

Fine Art - MFA

This course allows you to develop your artistic practice whilst engaging professionally with the rich and vibrant arts community in Nottingham, which is recognised as having one of the most active artist-led scenes outside London. You will critically engage with, interrogate, and resolve your own practice, as you develop an informed and established body of work.

Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship - LLB (Hons); PGDip

This six-year, distance learning apprenticeship is intended for post-A level school leavers, paralegals, chartered legal executives and those seeking a career change, who wish to qualify as a solicitor. Applicants will need to be sponsored by an employer to undertake an apprenticeship.

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dự bị Đại học
International Year 1
Đại học
Sau Đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 11
GPA 7.0
IELTS UKVI 5.0 (minimum 4.0)
Tổ chức đào tạo Kaplan International Pathways


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 12
GPA 7.0
IELTS UKVI 5.0 (minimum 4.5)
Tổ chức đào tạo Kaplan International Pathways


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Học hết năm nhất Đại học/ Học hết lớp 12 trường THPT chuyên
GPA 6.7/10 hoặc 2.6/4 (ĐH), 7.5/10 (lớp 12)
IELTS 6.0 (minimum 6.0)
TOEFL 74 (listening 17, reading 18, speaking 20 and writing 19)
PTE 59 (minimum 59)
Cambridge C2 Proficiency 180 (minimum162)
Cambridge C1 Advanced 169 (minimum 162)
Oxford Test of English 120 (minimum 111)
KITE (Kaplan International for English) 426 (minimum 425)
LanguageCert SELT B2 156 (minimum 33)


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình Đại học
GPA 6.7/10 hoặc 2.6/4
IELTS 6.5 (minimum 6.0)
TOEFL 81 (listening 17, reading 18, speaking 20 and writing 19)
PTE 62 (minimum 59)
Cambridge C2 Proficiency 180 (minimum162)
Cambridge C1 Advanced 176 (minimum 162)
Oxford Test of English 139 (minimum 111)
KITE (Kaplan International for English) 459 (minimum 425)
LanguageCert SELT B2 180 (minimum 33)


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