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Bournemouth University Partner

Ngôi trường có chất lượng đào tạo Top đầu Anh Quốc

Total students
Tuition fee

Bournemouth University (BU) là một trong những trường đại học mới hàng đầu tại UK, được thành lập vào năm 1992, nằm ven biển phía Nam Bournemouth - Vương Quốc Anh, hiện nay Bournemouth University có gần 20,000 sinh viên theo học, với khoảng 2,600 sinh viên quốc tế tới từ hơn 120 quốc gia khác nhau.

Trường đã khẳng định được chất lượng đào tạo thuộc Top đầu UK qua việc đào tạo những sinh viên với tư duy tân tiến, sáng tạo, được trang bị những kỹ năng và khả năng linh hoạt để thành công trong suốt con đường nghề nghiệp của mình. BU thu hút sinh viên từ khắp nơi trên thế giới với rất nhiều lựa chọn ngành học. Sinh viên sẽ có cơ hội mở ra cánh cửa để bước vào thế giới của những ngành nghề thú vị như: Hoạt hình Máy tính và Hiệu ứng Thị giác, Sản xuất Truyền thông & Truyền thông, Pháp y & Khảo cổ học, Thể thao & Quản lý Sự kiện, Lịch sử, Kinh doanh Quốc tế và Quản trị, Chính trị & Nghiên cứu Xã hội… Nghiên cứu là một phần quan trọng của BU, học tập tại trường, sinh viên được chủ động đăng ký tham gia nghiên cứu những ngành nghề, chủ đề, dự án thích hợp với mình dưới sự hướng dẫn của những giáo sư, tiến sĩ, chuyên gia trong ngành.

Thành phố

Poole BH12 5BB, Vương quốc Anh

Bournemouth là một trung tâm du lịch và khu vực để giải trí, vui chơi, văn hóa và giải trí. Đây là thành phố phi công nghiệp lớn nhất châu Âu và cũng là đầu mối thông thương kinh tế, văn hoá và giải trí lớn nhất bờ biển phía Nam Anh Quốc.

Xem trên bản đồ

Các thông tin nổi bật

  • Xếp hạng 99 các trường Đại học tốt nhất UK (Theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp thứ 41 trên Thế giới và đứng thứ nhất ở Vương quốc Anh ( theo THE Young University Rankings 2023)
  • Xếp hạng 88 tại các trường Đại học tại UK (theo Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024)
  • Xếp hạng 401 - 500 các trường Đại học trên Thế giới (Theo Times Higher Education World University, 2023)
  • Top 20 Thế giới và Top 3 tại UK ngành Hospitality, event management and tourism (theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Top 4 tại Vương Quốc Anh ngành History (theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Top 13 tại Vương Quốc Anh ngành Creative writing (theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Top 13 tại Vương Quốc Anh ngành Paramedic science (theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • Top 14 tại Vương Quốc Anh ngành Nutrition and food science (theo The Guardian University Guide 2024)
  • 94% nghiên cứu của BU được đánh giá là được quốc tế công nhận trở lên, với 19% được xếp hạng là dẫn đầu thế giới
  • Xếp thứ 29 trong số 1.591 các trường đại học theo Mục tiêu Phát triển Bền vững của Liên hợp quốc (UN SDGs) và đứng thứ 5 ở Anh (theo THE Impact Rankings 2023)
  • BU’s Business School được Hiệp hội nâng cao các trường kinh doanh đại học (AACSB) công nhận và là một trong 6% các trường kinh doanh được công nhận trên toàn thế giới. 
  • National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA) nằm trong top 3 thế giới (thứ hai ở Châu Âu và thứ nhất ở Anh) (theo Animation Career Review 2023).

Cơ sở vật chất


Trở thành sinh viên tại Bournemouth University, bạn sẽ có cơ hội trải nghiệm rất nhiều các hoạt động vô cùng thú vị tại 2 Campus chính của trường cùng những tòa nhà vô cùng hiện đại và được đầu tư chỉn chu.

Talbot Campus

Talbot Campus chỉ cách trung tâm Bournemouth một quãng đường di chuyển ngắn bằng xe bus, Talbot là nơi đặt Khoa Truyền thông & Truyền thông, Khoa Khoa học & Công nghệ và Kinh doanh Đại học Bournemouthđây là campus rộng rãi và sôi động nhất của BU với nhiều tòa nhà hiện đại:

Tòa nhà Poole Gateway:

  • Là công trình mới nhất tại Talbot Campus, với không gian rộng 5.000 mét vuông được thiết kế thân thiện với môi trường và có một số biện pháp giảm lượng carbon
  • Gồm 2 studio truyền hình được trang bị camera 4K, sân khấu âm thanh, phòng thu âm nhạc, phòng chiếu, phòng chỉnh sửa, phòng thu màn hình xanh và ghi chuyển động.
  • Tòa nhà còn có các phòng thí nghiệm hoạt hình, trò chơi PC và Mac, được trang bị hệ sinh thái chỉnh sửa hậu kỳ mới nhất
  • Chủ yếu được sử dụng bởi sinh viên Khoa Truyền thông và Khoa học & Công nghệ, nhưng cũng được mở cho sinh viên từ các khoa khác

Tòa nhà Christchurch and Dorset:

  • Gồm một số phòng thí nghiệm và các cơ sở mô phỏng hiện trường vụ án của các sinh viên Khoa học Pháp y
  • Christchurch House là nơi đặt cơ sở của Khoa Khảo cổ học & Nhân chủng học.
  • Phòng thí nghiệm Khảo cổ học lưu giữ tài liệu tham khảo về bộ xương, trong khi Phòng thí nghiệm Nhân chủng học với hơn 1.000 bộ hài cốt của con người - một trong những bộ sưu tập lớn nhất trong số các trường đại học ở Vương quốc Anh.

Tòa nhà Weymouth:

  • Dành cho sinh viên Truyền thông & Báo chí
  • Gồm một phòng tin tức chuyên dụng được trang bị hơn 20 iMac, tất cả đều đi kèm bộ ứng dụng máy tính để bàn Adobe Creative Cloud, bao gồm Premiere, Photoshop, InDesign và Audition để sản xuất tin tức hiện đại.
  • Ngoài ra còn có bốn phòng thu phát thanh được bố trí cho các chương trình tạp chí, chương trình phát sóng bên ngoài, kịch và đài phát thanh.

Tòa nhà Fusion:

  • Gồm ba giảng đường, 27 phòng hội thảo, không gian nghiên cứu, phòng thí nghiệm PC và nhiều cơ sở phục vụ ăn uống, trên cùng là mái vòm bằng kính nổi bật.
  • Tòa nhà sử dụng một loạt công nghệ để giảm tác động đến môi trường, bao gồm các tấm pin mặt trời, hệ thống chiếu sáng cảm biến và máy bơm nhiệt nguồn mặt đất giúp giảm lượng khí thải carbon và sưởi ấm tòa nhà vào mùa đông đồng thời làm mát tòa nhà vào mùa hè.
  • Xếp hạng Xuất sắc - Chứng nhận công trình bền vững BREEAM
  • Không chỉ dừng lại ở đó, bạn cũng sẽ tìm thấy ba tổ ong trên mái nhà - giúp đa dạng sinh học địa phương đồng thời sản xuất mật ong 'Fusion'.

Ngoài ra, tại Talbot Campus còn có những tiện nghi vô cùng hiện đại như nhà thể chất, phòng máy tính, thư viện, trung tâm đổi mới, phòng nghệ thuật,...

Lansdowne Campus

Nằm ở trung tâm Bournemouth và bãi biển chỉ cách đó một đoạn đi bộ ngắn và Lansdowne Campus được hưởng lợi từ các tuyến giao thông thuận tiện. Cách Talbot Campus 10 phút đi xe buýt và ga xe lửa Bournemouth cũng như trung tâm xe buýt National Express đều ở gần đó.

Tòa nhà Bournemouth Gateway:

  • Được đầu tư 48 triệu Bảng Anh, với 7 tầng và rộng 10.000 mét vuông
  • Chủ yếu dành cho khoa Khoa học Xã hội & Sức khỏe
  • Được thiết kế để sinh viên thực hành gồm phòng mổ, phòng mô phỏng xe cứu thương, phòng kỹ năng linh hoạt, phòng đỡ, phòng hộ sinh và khu mô phỏng.
  • Tòa nhà Bournemouth Gateway cũng là nơi có Thư viện Weston (nhà ở chủ yếu dành cho Khoa Khoa học Xã hội & Sức khỏe và Trường Kinh doanh BU), Nhà hát Giảng đường Wolfson, Quán cà phê Cựu sinh viên, các phòng hội thảo và nhiều không gian nghỉ ngơi tràn ngập ánh sáng .

Tòa nhà Executive Business Centre:

  • Tọa lạc trên Đường Holdenhurst nhộn nhịp của Bournemouth,
  • Đây là một tòa nhà hiện đại, tràn ngập ánh sáng, bao gồm ba giảng đường nhỏ, thư viện điện tử, khu vực học tập và một loạt phòng họp và hội thảo.
  • Ngoài ra còn có Viện Nghiên cứu Chỉnh hình của BU, nơi đặt Phòng thí nghiệm ORI Gait, cho phép các nhà nghiên cứu từ khắp các khoa của BU nghiên cứu chuyển động của con người để cải thiện thành tích thể thao và điều trị chấn thương và viêm khớp.

Tất cả các khu ký túc xá của trường chỉ nằm trong khoảng vài dặm của khu Talbot và Lansdowne với môi trường sống năng động:


Bailey Point

  • Bailey Point nằm trong Lansdowne Campus, là một nơi ở hiện đại dành cho sinh viên, sinh viên có thể đi bộ đến trung tâm thị trấn, bãi biển và nhà ga chính.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: ££192,66 - £236,64/ tuần

Chesil House

  • Chesil House là một khu nhà ở tương đối nhỏ - chỉ có hơn 200 sinh viên - nằm trong Lansdowne Campus.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: £163,29 - £193,72/tuần

Corfe House

  • Corfe House là một trong những khu nhà ở nhỏ, nơi sinh sống của khoảng 300 sinh viên. Nó nằm cách Cảng Poole chỉ một đoạn ngắn và có thể đi bộ đến trung tâm Poole, ga xe lửa và xe khách cũng như bến xe buýt, nơi bạn có thể bắt xe buýt để đến cả hai cơ sở của Aston.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: £163,29 - £193,72/ tuần

Cranborne House

  • Cranborne House là một trong những khu nhà ở sôi động nằm trong Lansdowne Campus, nơi sinh sống của khoảng 500 sinh viên đại học.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học
  • Giá thuê: £150,59 - £179,24/ tuần

Dorchester House

  • Dorchester House là một khu nhà ở sôi động, là nơi ở của 590 sinh viên, phần lớn trong số họ là sinh viên đại học năm đầu tiên, mặc dù có 60 căn hộ studio dành cho sinh viên sau đại học. Từ đây có thể đi bộ đến Lansdowne Campus, trung tâm thị trấn Bournemouth và nhà ga xe lửa chính.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: £177,83 - £221,83/ tuần

Lyme Regis House

  • Lyme Regis House là một khu nhà ở sôi động, là nơi sinh sống của khoảng 400 sinh viên, chủ yếu là những sinh viên đang theo học bậc đại học. Nó nằm ở trung tâm của Lansdowne Campus, có thể dễ dàng đi bộ đến trung tâm thị trấn Bournemouth, bãi biển và nhà ga xe lửa chính.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học
  • Giá thuê: £173,83 - £192,03/ tuần

Okeford House

  • Okeford House là một khu nhà ở nhỏ, chỉ có tổng cộng dưới 100 cư dân. Nó chỉ cách Winton High Street một đoạn ngắn, nơi tập trung nhiều cửa hàng, quán cà phê, nhà hàng và quán bar.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: £162,92 - £192,03/ tuần

Purbeck House

  • Purbeck House là một khu nhà ở thân thiện và sôi động, nằm ở trung tâm Lansdowne Campus, là nơi sinh sống của hơn 500 sinh viên đại học.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học
  • Giá thuê: £165,59 - £196,52/ tuần

Student Village

  • Student Village là một khu nhà ở nhỏ nằm ở rìa Talbot Campus. Ngoài việc có thể đi bộ đến các cơ sở của trường, bạn có thể dễ dàng đến Lansdowne Campus và trung tâm của Bournemouth bằng dịch vụ xe buýt của trường.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học và sau đại học
  • Giá thuê: £142,01 - £254,53/ tuần

Unilet (shared houses)

  • Là những ngôi nhà chung lớn, được trang bị đầy đủ tiện nghi, nằm ở các khu vực Bournemouth và Poole được sinh viên ưa chuộng.
  • Dành cho: sinh viên đại học
  • Giá thuê: £141,48 - £141,48/ tuần

Chương trình giảng dạy

Trường chia ra làm 04 khoa chính:

Departments: Accounting, Finance & Economics | People & Organisations | Marketing, Strategy & Innovation | Sport and Events Management

Departments: Medical Science & Public Health | Midwifery & Health Sciences | Nursing Science | Rehabilitation & Sport Sciences | Social Sciences & Social Work

Departments: Communication & Journalism | Humanities & Law | Media Production | National Centre for Computer Animation

Departments: Archaeology & Anthropology | Computing & Informatics | Creative Technology | Design & Engineering | Life & Environmental Sciences | Psychology

Học phí

Đại học
Sau đại học


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí £17,800
Nhà ở £6,768
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500


Năm 2024/2025
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (GBP)
Học phí £16,000
Nhà ở £7,776
Ăn uống £2,000 - £2,500

Học bổng

Academic Excellence Scholarship (£3,750)

What is it? The Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship for international students is designed to recognise outstanding academic achievement.

Who is it for? Any overseas applicant for either a full-time taught or part-time structured postgraduate course delivered on campus or Master's by research delivered on campus (GPA 2.8/4.00 orr 7/10)

How much is it worth? £3,750 (tuition fee reduction)

How do I apply? No - you will automatically be considered for this award if you meet the criteria

Chevening Scholarship scheme (100%)

What is it? The Chevening Scholarship is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and BU. Application and selection is managed by the FCO

Who is it for? Any international student applying for a full-time taught Master's degree at BU

- You must hold an undergraduate degree that is equivalent to at least an upper-second class Honours degree in the UK

- Have achieved the minimum Chevening English language requirement - minimum IELTS (Academic) 6.5 with minimum 5.5 in each component or equivalent

- Have completed at least two years' work experience before applying.

How much is it worth? The scholarship is paid as a full tuition fee waiver and as a monthly allowance for other expenses

How do I apply? Need to fill in an application

BU Music scholarships (£600)

What is it? The music scholarship has provided me with the extra funds I needed so that I could attend weekly lessons, perform both with the university and other local orchestras and have also been given paid solo performance opportunities at prestigious university events

Who is it for? Any applicant for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at BU (9/2024 and 1/2025)

How much is it worth? Music scholars receive free music lessons and other benefits in kind, such as examination fees and assistance with buying music. This amounts to approximately £600 per year.

How do I apply? Need to fill in an application. In your application, you need to demonstrate how you wish to develop musically, as well as academically. If you are shortlisted, you’ll be invited for an audition and will find out whether you’ve won a scholarship within two weeks.

Deadline: 31/8/2024 if your course starts in September and 30/11/2024 if your course starts in January.

BU Sport Scholarship (£500 to £5,000)


What is it? The BU Sport Scholarship is available to high-level sporting athletes coming to study at either undergraduate or postgraduate level at BU. The scholarship is designed to provide you with the funding you need to develop your sporting abilities and take them to the next level.

Who is it for? Any applicant for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate course at BU (9/2024 and 1/2025)

How much is it worth? £500 to £5,000 (45 - 50 slots)

How do I apply? Need to fill in an application.

Khóa học

Tất cả
Đại học
Sau đại học
Cao đẳng

BA (Hons) Accounting (with Foundation Year option)

This course will give you specialist knowledge of accounting, as well as professional, intellectual, and interpersonal skills sought by employers. You will gain expertise in areas of business tax and auditing, financial reporting, and corporate finance.

BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance (with Foundation Year option)

This degree will give you an excellent working knowledge of accounting and finance as well as a grounding in business – providing you with the financial expertise, analytical skills, and strategic insight needed to pursue a career in the financial sector.

BA (Hons) Finance (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a thorough understanding of the workings of national and global capital markets and financial systems with our Finance degree. Areas of focus include the pricing of financial assets, risk management and the behaviours of financial institutions.

BSc (Hons) Economics (with Foundation Year option)

Our Economics degree stands out by exposing you to the fundamentals of economics as well as to a broad set of economic specialisms. It also provides you with an advanced skill set related to statistics and econometrics.


BA (Hons) Archaeology

This course is among the first to receive joint accreditation from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas, and the University Archaeology UK group (UAUK). Choosing an accredited degree is widely recognised as the first step on a career path leading to professional status.


BA (Hons) International Finance (Top-up)

This course is delivered by the AASCB-accredited Bournemouth University Business School, an accreditation which places us within the top institutions globally for business degrees. Less than 5% of business schools worldwide have attained this hallmark of excellence which recognises a focus on excellence in all areas, including teaching and students learning.

BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology

Alongside specialist units you’ll get a comprehensive grounding in the practical elements of archaeology and anthropology through working in cutting-edge labs and out in the field

BSc (Hons) Anthropology

On this course you will be taught by a range of staff with relevant expertise and knowledge appropriate to the content of the unit. This will include senior academic staff, qualified professional practitioners, demonstrators, technicians and research students

BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences

You will be assessed by coursework culminating in your final year research project, and you will also undertake group work and written exams. The assessment methods for each unit can be found in the programme specification for your course.


BSc (Hons) Archaeology

This course is among the first to receive joint accreditation from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas, and the University Archaeology UK group (UAUK). Choosing an accredited degree is widely recognised as the first step on a career path leading to professional status.


BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) (with Foundation Year option)

Learn about the key processes, systems and practices that contribute to effective project management, including stakeholder engagement, organisational behaviours, cultural & ethical factors, analysis and decision-making.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (with Foundation Year option)

Study at a university with over 35 years of teaching experience in this area, excellent industry connections and an international reputation
You'll be career-ready with 95% of our graduates in employment or further studies, fifteen months after graduating.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Top-up)

This dynamic and challenging course is for students who have already completed, or are completing, an HND, Foundation degree or equivalent Level 5 qualification, and offers you the chance to successfully achieve an Honours degree in Business & Management.


BA (Hons) International Business & Management (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and behaviours that will enable you to conduct yourself professionally, credibly and responsibly in an international working environment.


MSc Corporate Governance

Delivered entirely online for GTA students (Channels Islands only) by Bournemouth University, this course will provide you with a specialised set of skills and develop your ability to appreciate and influence the factors governing corporate affairs.


MSc in Finance

Serious disruption is occurring within the financial industry with digital tech and Big Data. This progression course will provide you with advanced financial skills required to thrive in an evolving financial environment.


MSc International Accounting & Finance

Designed for graduates looking for a career change, this course will help you develop a sought-after skillset ensuring you can manage modern international corporations financial reporting, qualifying you to make a real difference in businesses.


MSc International Finance & Economics

This course is ideal for graduates who want to change subjects or career direction. It has been developed with two key features in mind – the development of strong economic and finance skills, and the ability to apply them into practice.


MSc Tourism Marketing Management

On this conversion course you will learn the principles of tourism marketing management, providing you with a framework to understand business development and marketing planning in an increasingly fast-paced, global industry.

MSc Tourism Management

Advance your management, research and analytical skills with this conversion course, ideal for graduates who would like to develop a critical understanding of the increasingly global, dynamic tourism industry.


MSc Sport Management

Advance your knowledge of the processes that have contributed to the emergence of sport as a global phenomenon and learn to critically assess and act on the implications for the future development and management of sport.

MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management

This multi-accredited conversion course will develop your critical understanding of the international hospitality and tourism industry with a managerial perspective.


MSc Events Management BU

Gain essential academic knowledge and skills for working at the forefront of an ever-changing events industry, including the theories and processes of project and operational management.


MA Social Work

This Master’s degree is both an academic qualification and a professional qualification. As it is approved by Social Work England you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a social worker on successful completion of the course.


MSc Psychology (conversion course)

This BPS accredited conversion course will cover all areas of psychology to provide you with the knowledge and understanding to start a career in this field.


MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology

Study a course specialising in examining the theoretical and investigative aspects of forensic psychology to prepare you for the entire criminal justice process, from crime scene to courtroom. Benefit from our great facilities and expert academics.


MSc Health Psychology

On this British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course, you will gain advanced knowledge and understanding of Health Psychology theory and practice, and apply it across all aspects of health, illness and disability.


MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Study a well-recognised and respected Master’s course with a patient-centred focus, teaching the origins and range of clinical psychology.


MSc Cognitive Neuroscience

This research-inspired course will equip you for a career in cognitive neuroscience. With a focus on neuroimaging, electrophysiology and brain stimulation, this course delivers theoretical understanding and practical applications.


MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology

A course with diverse modules, focusing on the normal and abnormal changes that occur in the human brain from childhood through to adulthood through to old age.


MSc Sustainable Economic Development & Emerging Markets

Examine the issues surrounding sustainable development involved in emerging market economies. This conversion course will equip you with skills enabling you to analyse, understand and interpret data to address significant issues facing humanity.


MSc Bioarchaeology

Bioarchaeology covers the investigation of human and animal skeletal remains to understand the lives of individuals and communities in the past, in relation to their social, cultural, economic, palaeoenvironmental and evolutionary contexts.


Master of Business Administration

Developed in response to the needs of businesses, this course has been carefully tailored to take your career to the next level. Learn how to operate as a global leader who understands responsible business practices in an increasingly changing environment


MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship

This course will develop you into a lateral thinker, giving you the ability to approach entrepreneurship with enthusiasm and success.

MSc International Management

This conversion course will empower you with essential business skills and acumen to help you become a dynamic leader, prepared for the challenges of global business.


MSc Management with Business Analytics

On this course you will develop an in-demand analytical and management skillset. You will be able to quickly identify organisational problems and emerging market trends and react to them to maximise profits and efficiency.


MSc Management with Human Resources

Develop an ideal blend of specialist human resource and management expertise in order to stand out in the highly competitive HR career market.


LLM Intellectual Property

Taught by academics from our renowned Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM), the syllabus for this course has been developed with input from intellectual property practitioners from some of the UK’s leading companies and practices.


LLM International Commercial Law

This course draws primarily upon the common law tradition but is intended to provide the widest possible perspective through groundings in international economic law and a contemporary economic and financial context.


LLM International Tax Law

This course is aimed at those considering a career in international tax consultancy or within in-house tax departments of multinational companies and staff of foreign government finance ministries and tax authorities who wish to learn about tax policy.


LLM in Legal Practice

The LLM in Legal Practice will enable you to develop skills and knowledge to the high standard required to succeed in your legal professional career.


LLM Public International Law

You’ll develop transferable skills such as critically evaluating, problem-solving, and working collaboratively to apply your knowledge of Public International Law in today’s continuously expanding globalised world.


MSc Marketing Management

This Master’s degree is a conversion course which is ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction. This course will provide you with an advanced understanding of business and marketing management techniques and methods.


MA 3D Computer Animation

This Master’s is the perfect launch-pad for a career in a wide range of disciplines, including concept design, character and creature animation, modelling, lighting, rigging, texturing, compositing and simulation.


MA Digital Effects

This truly international course will provide you with a strong theoretical and technical underpinning for the principal areas of study focusing on the integration of computer graphics into film footage.


MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media

Artificial Intelligence technologies have brought significant breakthrough in media production. The job opportunities related to machine learning are surging drastically; this course will provide you with the skills to enhance your market competitiveness.


MSc Computer Animation & Visual Effects

Develop skills in the technical aspects of computer animation and graduate with the range and depth of knowledge necessary to become future Technical Directors, Artists or Research and Development Engineers within the computer animation and games sectors.


MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development

Combining a blend of Games Development, AI and data science, this conversion course prepares you for a range of careers.


MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors

You will gain plenty of expertise in cyber security to ensure you're ready to take on the growing security challenges faced by enterprise, industry and government in this complex community.


MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

This course provides you with advanced knowledge, methods and processes as an enabler for deploying data science and artificial intelligence. This will lead to solving 21st century world problems with greater scalability and efficiencies.


MSc Digital Health

Technology and data science is revolutionising the way health and social care is delivered around the world. This course will fuse your understanding of computer science and healthcare, teaching you the technological skills needed to drive global change.


MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), ubiquitous sensing and wearable technologies have rapidly led to their adoption in digital healthcare. Hospitals and healthcare industries are using AI to provide effective and smart solutions for patients care.


MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence

Become equipped with the skills for a career in AI and data science with this conversion course.


MSc Information Technology

On this course you’ll develop your understanding of IT from a business perspective, learn how to create a systematic view of business system development, as well implement IT systems.


MSc Internet of Things

We live in a world of billions of connected things. Smart cities, autonomous vehicles and next generation networks are here. Learn the skills to drive the 4th Industrial Revolution and work in an industry forecast to be worth £1.5 trillion.


MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security

We live in a world of billions of connected things. Evermore connecting devices in this huge industry need skilled professionals to manage security challenges threatening smart homes, personal devices, connected vehicles, and more.


MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics

We live in a world of billions of connected things generating vast amounts of data. Smart cities, autonomous vehicles and next generation networks all generate IoT data that requires skilled professionals to drive this industry forward.

MA Criminology & Criminal Justice

Take your understanding of criminality and criminal justice to the next level. Whether you are developing your career or moving on from undergraduate study, this course will help advance your skills to meet the demands of crime and criminal justice roles.


MSc Engineering Project Management

Develop an understanding of project management methods and tools, and how to employ them in the planning and execution of projects, as well as becoming fully aware of engineering design methods and tools.


MSc Mechanical Engineering Design

During this business-driven and dual accredited course you will apply your knowledge and a variety of models to solve engineering design problems.


MSc Robotics

Gain a comprehensive understanding of multidisciplinary Robotic systems, preparing you for a range of technology careers.


MA Political Psychology

This course offers a unique opportunity to study how psychological insights can throw light on politics. The course covers the roots of political violence, propaganda, the appeal of political ideologies, effective political leadership and much more.

MA International Political Communication

Develop an advanced understanding of the issues and debates surrounding political communication, focusing on areas such as diplomacy, campaigning, reporting and media effects contextualised within the 21st Century communication and media environment.


MA Scriptwriting

Gain the skills required to collaborate and work effectively across the creative industries as a scriptwriter. You will also develop script editing skills working closely with other students within the Media Production framework.


MA Production Management

Learn to understand and manage the entire production process, from development and planning, to working on location and overseeing creative post-production work.


MA Producing Film & Television

Whether you plan to manage the next generation of film and TV programmes, shape a career in development or production, run your own company, or effect social change with the subjects you tackle this course gives you the grounding to achieve your ambitions


MSc Disaster Management

This course will prepare you with advanced knowledge and skills to lead on disaster management. Learn risk reduction, resilience strategies and develop major incident management systems that respond to, and help recovery from a range of disasters.


MA Advanced Practice

Aimed at those already working as health and social care professionals who want to enhance their practice, this course is delivered on a part-time and CPD basis in recognition of the highly flexible requirements of practitioners.


MA Post Production Editing

Receive industry-standard training in state-of-the-art facilities and turn your ideas into reality. This course provides practical and theoretical opportunities for you to develop your narrative, technical and collaborative skills as an editor.


MA Film and Television

As screen-based media play a more central role in our lives, this course nurtures an advanced understanding of them, combining the critical skills needed to change the media industries with innovative, hands-on engagement with their inner workings.


MA Directing Film & Television

You’ll have many opportunities for practical production across different platforms and genres in both factual and fictional filmmaking whilst enhancing your skills and technical understanding of film, television and transmedia production


MA Cinematography for Film & Television

This course will help you develop key intellectual and practical skills to meet and exceed current industry practices and expectations. Studying cinematography allows you to orchestrate camera, lens, lights, and motion to create visual aesthetics.


MSc Marketing Management (Retail)

This Master’s degree is a conversion course which is ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction. The course deals with the learning and practical application of concepts for operating and marketing a retail business.


MSc Marketing Management (Digital)

This Master’s degree is a conversion course – ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction in response to the growing demand for graduates in managerial roles with the skills to design and manage digital marketing strategies.


MSc Marketing & User Experience

This course will suit those with a background in business, management, marketing, computer science or information and technology management who wish to advance and reorient their marketing and user experience skills, knowledge and techniques.


MA Marketing Communications

Develop insights into the latest techniques of marketing communications research and practice. You'll be equipped with key knowledge and skills allowing you to meet the ever-changing industry challenges whilst influencing ethical and sustainable marketing


MSc Green Economy

This distance learning course provides the scientific and interdisciplinary insight into the challenges a transition to a green economy represents and how to address them. The development of a green economy is a political and socio-economic imperative.


MSc Biodiversity Conservation

Learn about all the latest developments in conservation science on this accredited course, taught in a biodiverse hotspot on the Dorset coast.


MA Multimedia Journalism

The mix of broadcasting and online writing in this intensely practical course sharpens the defining elements of cutting-edge journalism. Using industry-standard facilities, you’ll take key roles on all of our media outlets.


MA English & Literary Media

This unique course de-privileges the idea of printed text and considers it alongside narrative in other media, exploring how developments in media and technology offer interactive forms of storytelling for authors and communication practitioners.


MA Creative Writing and Publishing

You’ll develop creative writing across a variety of forms, focusing on transmedia storytelling and skills to independently publish your work as a publisher; learning skills in editing, PR and marketing, design, production, and budgeting.


MSc Public Health

Reflecting local, national and international public health agendas, this academic course gives you the opportunity to explore in-depth public health issues with public health academics, researchers and practitioners.

MSc/PG Dip Physician Associate Studies

This intensive two-year clinical course prepares you to work as a Physician Associate (PA) in the NHS and is open to applicants with a first-degree in a health or science-related subject.


MSc Nutrition & Behaviour

Accredited by the Association for Nutrition (AfN) this is the first course of its kind in the UK to explore the bi-directional impact of nutrition on behaviour and the brain, and the impact of behaviour on diet.


MSc Mental Health Nursing

This Master’s course is open to applicants with a first-degree or a higher degree, making use of the Nursing & Midwifery Council’s (NMC) provision for prior learning to achieve professional registration as a nurse via a two-year postgraduate level course.


MSc Medical Imaging with Management

This new inter-disciplinary course is designed to suit the progression and career development of scientists, radiographers, medical physicists, engineers and medical students wishing to intercalate and prepare for a career in radiology.


MA Leading & Developing Services

This pathway of units provides experienced health and social care professionals with the opportunity to develop and extend their knowledge of management theory and enhance their practice.


MSc Adult Nursing

This Master’s degree is open to applicants with a first-degree or a higher degree, making use of the Nursing & Midwifery Council’s (NMC) provision for prior learning to achieve professional registration as a nurse via a two-year postgraduate level course.


MSc Advanced Clinical Practice – Apprenticeship (advanced clinical practitioner integrated degree route)

This three-year part-time apprenticeship programme will support you to gain the knowledge and skills required for the development of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner or Advanced Clinical Practice role


MSc Games Design and Development

Combine creative and technical aspects in this exciting new degree designed to provide you with the skills for a career in the games industry.


MA Media & Communication

Develop a highly employable skill set applicable to a wide variety of communication and media careers, whilst expanding your professional ability to engage with theoretical concepts and display critical understanding and analysis.


BA (Hons) Visual Effects (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to work in the feature film visual effects industry or associated areas, this is the perfect course. You'll embrace the complete visual effects post-production pipeline and focus on theory, principles and production of assets and shots.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) (with Foundation Year option)

On this pathway, you’ll develop a good understanding of the economic, qualitative and quantitative techniques and ideas used to analyse and solve business problems in a global marketplace. 

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Foundation Year option)

If you have ambitions of starting and managing your own business, this dynamic course will help you develop a critical appreciation of the issues relating to intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial activity.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) (with Foundation Year option)

Develop an understanding of the financial, accounting and reporting skills that are becoming increasingly valued and sought after in a wide variety of business and organisational contexts.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) (with Foundation Year option)

On this pathway, learn how global operations and supply chain can achieve competitive advantages through planning, sourcing, making, delivering products and services to global businesses and their customers.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) (with Foundation Year option)

On this Human Resource Management pathway, explore the main issues and themes in employment relations, learning and development, as well as people resourcing, and how these relate to the wider HRM function.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) (with Foundation Year option)

Marketing is a vital tool in today’s highly competitive business environment. On this pathway, you’ll gain an understanding of various marketing functions and examine concepts, principles and activities in strategic and digital marketing.  

BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design (with Foundation Year option)

This cutting-edge course explores the creative side of computer animation, including art directing, design and character animation. Combining art and technical disciplines, you’ll develop the skills to bring concept art and scripts to life on screen.

BA (Hons) Computer Animation Technical Arts (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to create art and animation using computer code, and describe technical ideas using film and animation, this is the course for you. Our graduates work all over the world in some of the leading animation and production houses.

BA (Hons) Visual Effects (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to work in the feature film visual effects industry or associated areas, this is the perfect course. You'll embrace the complete visual effects post-production pipeline and focus on theory, principles and production of assets and shots.

BSc (Hons) Games Design (with Foundation Year option)

Specialise exclusively in the art and design aspects of video game creation - explore everything from the theory behind the creation of successful digital entertainment titles to the generation of dedicated art and content for them.

BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

Apply programming techniques to modern games creation, whilst developing your knowledge of artificial intelligence, physics, game engines and graphics programming. 

BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics (with Foundation Year option)

Global businesses are constantly developing and implementing information technology to achieve their goals. On this course, you will acquire technical and operational skills to prepare you for cutting-edge work in a variety of business contexts.

BSc (Hons) Computer Science (with Foundation Year option)

Specialise in software development while also having the opportunity to cover a broad range of emerging topics, preparing you for an exciting career in computing.

BSc (Hons) Computing (with Foundation Year option)

Be part of the creation of new technologies that change our lives and the world around us. Learn to solve everyday organisational and end-user problems by analysing, designing and developing technical solutions.

BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management (with Foundation Year option)

Are you interested in understanding and contributing to addressing the evolving security threats posed by cybercriminals, malware, and large-scale cyber-attacks? The rate and prevalence of such threats mean cybersecurity professionals are in high demand.

BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the versatility and personal qualities to manage, implement and assess the security of business activities in a global context Build and improve your applied technical skills to weaponise technology to prevent or respond to security incidents in any organisation

BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (with Foundation Year option)

Preparing you for cutting edge work and an exciting career in a growing field of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence.

BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security (with Foundation Year option)

This course prepares you with industry-relevant skills and latest networking knowledge for a career in a world that is increasingly connected in all aspects of life and business.

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

As we rely more on technology as a part of everyday life, there is an increasing demand for people with the skills to update, maintain and improve the software we depend on. This course gives you the skills to work in the fast-moving software industry.

BA (Hons) Product Design

This cutting-edge course will give you the skills and guidance to develop successful commercial products. Take a creative and innovative approach to problem solving, while addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

BEng (Hons) Engineering (Part-time) pathway options

This part-time/flexible course is designed for practicing engineers who are already qualified to HND, FdEng, FdSc or degree level and who want to gain the academic qualifications necessary to achieve Incorporated Engineer (IEng) status.

BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

This degree develops high-calibre engineers who are able to function both as an engineer and a technology leader in sectors such as aerospace, marine, automotive, alternative energy, oil and gas, and other high-tech industries.

BSc (Hons) Design Engineering (Top-up)

This course brings together sophisticated computer tools, engineering and creativity to produce design engineers for the twenty-first century.

BSc (Hons) Design Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

You’ll develop an expert technical knowledge, while being encouraged to think creatively about design problems. This course integrates technology, arts, market awareness and the skills needed to use advanced product development tools.

BSc (Hons) Product Design

This course will give you the skills to develop successful commercial products. You’ll be encouraged to take a creative and innovative approach to problem-solving, while also addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

MDes (Hons) Product Design

This integrated Master’s course will give you the skills to develop successful commercial products. You’ll be encouraged to take an innovative approach to problem-solving, while also addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

MEng (Hons) Engineering (Part-time)

This part-time/flexible course is designed for practising engineers who are already qualified to HND, FdEng, FdSc or degree level who want to gain the academic qualifications necessary to achieve Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.

MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

This integrated masters degree develops high-calibre engineers who are able to function both as an engineer and a technology leader in sectors such as aerospace, marine, automotive, alternative energy, oil and gas, and other high-tech industries.

BA (Hons) Social Work

Both an academic qualification and, crucially, also a professional qualification, this course is approved by Social Work England – meaning you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a social worker on successful completion of your degree.

BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (with Foundation Year option)

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this course blends theory with real-world experience to help you develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to register and practice as a registered (adult) nurse. 

BSc (Hons) Children’s & Young People’s Nursing

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this course will prepare you to become a caring and compassionate professional who delivers quality care for children and young people.

BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (Advanced Standing)

Many nurses may wish to undertake training for a different part of the nursing register at some point in their career. This course provides a conversion opportunity for those who wish to move from one part of the nursing register to mental health nursing.

BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (with Foundation Year option)

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this degree, with its strong focus on real-world experience, is an ideal choice for those looking to gain the expert knowledge and practical skills needed to enter the mental health care profession.

BSc (Hons) Midwifery (with Foundation Year option)

What career could be more rewarding than one that supports women as they bring new life into the world? This course, with an accreditation by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, will enable you to do just that.

BSc (Hons) Nutrition (with Foundation Year option)

Discover the significance behind the relationship between diet and health. As more and more health issues are linked to diet, the field of nutrition has grown in importance, causing a substantial rise in related career opportunities.

BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy (with Foundation Year option)

Occupational therapists work to improve the everyday life skills of people who experience physical, social, and psychological challenges by helping them to engage in meaningful tasks and occupations.

BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice (with Foundation Year option)

Become a vital part of the operating department team. Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) are responsible for delivering safe, high-quality care to patients during anaesthesia, surgery and post anaesthesia (recovery).

BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science

With a blend of theory and practical elements, this course will prepare you to fulfil the dynamic role of a modern-day paramedic, ready for an evolving career.

BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

You will gain healthcare skills to help maximise each patient’s potential through your knowledge of human movement and function.

BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy

Qualifying as a sports therapist enables you to provide advice and treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries - to empower people of all athletic levels to achieve optimal potential and performance.

BA (Hons) Criminology

Delve into the social study of crime, deviance and the criminal justice system. Understand crime and investigate the ways that it relates to areas such as social inequality, as well as different sections of society.

BA (Hons) Criminology with Law (with Foundation Year option)

Does crime shape our legal system or does the law dictate our social reaction to crime? This course examines the nature of crime, its causes and the legal responses to it.

BA (Hons) History (with Foundation Year option)

As the only history degree in the UK sat within a Faculty of Media & Communication, with a focus on Modern History, Media History, and Public History, you’ll develop practical and professional skills ensuring you graduate equipped for a range of careers.

BA (Hons) Politics & Economics (with Foundation Year option)

Should states have the power to strip people of their citizenship? How do we survive ecological collapse? What does the vast wealth of a few powerful individuals mean for democracy? Come to study and debate these questions with us.

BA (Hons) Politics (with Foundation Year option)

Should states have the power to strip people of their citizenship? How do we survive ecological collapse? What do algorithms mean for democracy? How about the fascination with authoritarian leaders and their followers? Come study and debate with us.

BA (Hons) Sociology

Discover what makes society tick, what the glue that holds it together is and the threats that could rip it apart; sociology is rapidly becoming more relevant in our contemporary world. 

BA (Hons) Sociology & Criminology

Shining a spotlight on criminology from a sociological perspective, find out whether some people are more likely to commit crime or be a victim of crime and discover what social factors can drive a person in a criminal direction.

BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology

Explore the social and cultural dimensions of human experience, and discover universalities and diversities in how humans live. Study identity, class, cultural practices and social change, and their impact on everyday life around the world.

BSc (Hons) Anthropology

This degree - one of just a handful at UK universities to offer complementary units covering social anthropology alongside the core focus on biological anthropology – provides a firm foundation for understanding how societies work.

BA (Hons) Communication & Media (with Foundation Year option)

Communication and media affects everything from identities on social media to global challenges such as 'fake news', political division, and climate change. You’ll gain the expertise to understand, analyse, and produce effective communication strategies.

BA (Hons) English (with Foundation Year option)

This modern degree leads to a range of career paths. Differing from traditional approaches to English, you’ll study and analyse literary texts within the context of the media and learn to write creatively and professionally for a variety of audiences.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications (with Foundation Year option)

Develop strategic skills and learn how to use the marketing communications toolkit to the best effect for clients and organisations by developing persuasive communications and campaigns that draw on marketing, advertising, digital media, and PR.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising (with Foundation Year option)

Become a visionary marketing communications professional with a second-to-none understanding of the strategy, development and planning of advertising in conjunction with other marketing activities.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media (with Foundation Year option)

Explore the value of digital media in marketing communications and develop a command of cutting-edge digital media practices and communications that will enable you to be innovative, strategic, and creative in your own practice.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a solid understanding of marketing communications with a specific focus on public relations. Build lasting relationships and positive reputations, through communication with an organisation's stakeholder groups, achieving mutually beneficial gains

BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism (with Foundation Year option)

If you’d like an exciting career in the fast-paced world of journalism then this is the course for you. Develop the skills needed to work in a multi-disciplinary media environment including TV, radio, print and online journalism.

BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism (with Foundation Year option)

If you’d like an exciting career in the fast-paced, deadline-driven world of sports journalism then this is the course for you. Gain the knowledge and skills needed to work in a multi-platform and increasingly digitally focused sports journalism industry.

LLB (Hons) Law (with Foundation Year option)

Taught by experts with strong links to the legal profession, this course will provide you with an excellent overview of the field and equip you with the tools and knowledge to tackle real-world issues within the legal sector.

LLB (Hons) Law with Politics (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the knowledge and specialist skills for a career in political policy. Study contemporary, historical and global issues in politics, enabling you to appreciate the wider political context in which law is created and operates.

LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries (with Foundation Year option)

The media industry is evolving and changing, impacted by new and emerging technologies, meaning the laws that govern it are too. Develop the knowledge to get ahead in the areas of intellectual property and media regulation on this exciting law degree.

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (with Foundation Year option)

Develop biological knowledge and practical skills to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. From genes to ecosystems, explore the fundamentals of life on Earth and how to make positive changes to individuals, societies and global environments.

BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation (with Foundation Year option)

There’s a growing demand for professionals with skills in wildlife protection, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. This course will give you a solid scientific grounding in the science of ecology and how it can be used to conserve species.

BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (with Foundation Year option)

This degree has been developed to give you a solid overview in the discipline of environmental science, as well as looking at how humans shape the world around us and how humanity can tackle the issues arising from this.

BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology (with Foundation Year option)

Whether it’s working on criminal investigations to analyse crime scenes and identify victims, working in the field of endangered species to identify illegal trading, or investigating diseases, Forensic Biologists are in growing demand

BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation (with Foundation Year option)

Designed specifically for those interested in the investigative side of forensics, the course deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of forensic investigation of crime scenes and disaster investigations.

BSc (Hons) Forensic Science (with Foundation Year option)

Exploring crime scene science, toxicology, chemistry, and molecular biology, this degree is designed to be one of the most modern and relevant of its kind. It has been engineered to give you an understanding of the theory and practice of forensic science.

BSc (Hons) Geography (with Foundation Year option)

Our course examines the natural, social, economic, and political factors that influence our ever-changing world and will help you understand ways of managing our environment sustainably and deal with social and environmental conflicts affecting our world.

BSc (Hons) Marine Ecology & Conservation (Top-up)

This top-up degree will build on Foundation courses in Marine, Freshwater or Coastal Conservation to provide a university experience and opportunity to co-create research with academics in the discipline.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications (with Foundation Year option)

Develop strategic skills and learn how to use the marketing communications toolkit to the best effect for clients and organisations by developing persuasive communications and campaigns that draw on marketing, advertising, digital media, and PR.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising (with Foundation Year option)

Become a visionary marketing communications professional with a second-to-none understanding of the strategy, development and planning of advertising in conjunction with other marketing activities.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media (with Foundation Year option)

Explore the value of digital media in marketing communications and develop a command of cutting-edge digital media practices and communications that will enable you to be innovative, strategic, and creative in your own practice.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a solid understanding of marketing communications with a specific focus on public relations. Build lasting relationships and positive reputations, through communication with an organisation's stakeholder groups, achieving mutually beneficial gains

BSc (Hons) Marketing (with Foundation Year option)

This course will provoke you to consider forward-thinking strategies and cutting-edge business practices. We’ll equip you with analytical and strategic skills to enable you to think critically about marketing scenarios and make informed decisions.

BA (Hons) Film (with Foundation Year option)

Develop skills in all areas of film production – from idea development to distribution, concept to completion. You’ll graduate as an enterprising and entrepreneurial practitioner capable of working in today’s film industry as well as shaping its future.

BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography

Become a creative, collaborative and reflective practitioner able to contribute and shape the present and future film, television and related industries.

BA (Hons) Media Production (with Foundation Year option)

From audio to visual, fact to fiction, digital development and beyond, this course will prepare you for a career in an ever-changing industry as a content creator, storyteller and future leader of media production.

BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production

Develop your audio creation skills by utilising cutting-edge technology and various sound production techniques to create music and sound in a range of contexts.

BA (Hons) Photography (with Foundation Year option)

Explore different styles and forms of photography while developing a portfolio that showcases your individual skills. You'll graduate as an enterprising and entrepreneurial photographer capable of working in and shaping the future of the media industries.

BA (Hons) Television Production (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to produce Netflix box sets, direct BBC news, live sport outside broadcasts, or award-winning music videos, this degree will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to turn your dreams into reality.

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science (with Foundation Year option)

Biomedical science forms an important component of medical science, informing, supporting and improving human healthcare and medicine. It is a broad-based science degree which studies the biological mechanisms of human health and disease.

BSc (Hons) Medical Science (with Foundation Year option)

Medical Science focuses on the cutting-edge science that underpins modern medicine, fostering new discoveries and technologies which improve healthcare. Learn how our bodies work, how disease is treated and how new technology is evolving in this field.

BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology (with Foundation Year option)

This emerging new field examines how the behaviour of individuals, groups, organisations and societies are influenced by technology. This covers a wide range of areas, including education, entertainment, social media and cyber security.

BSc (Hons) Psychology (with Foundation Year option)

Through research-inspired teaching you’ll cover a range of subjects including social, biological, developmental and cognitive psychology, and specialist topics, such as forensic, clinical, cyber, consumer, educational psychology, and neuropsychology.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling (with Foundation Year option)

Counselling psychology uses theory and research in therapy to help clients with difficult life issues and/or mental health conditions. A particular strength of this degree is the excellent communication skills and awareness of diversity you’ll develop.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation (with Foundation Year option)

Focusing on current research and practice, this course covers psychological theories and processes within the criminal justice system and will give you an in-depth understanding of the UK criminal investigation process.

BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year option)

Covering a wide range of areas including physiology, psychology, biomechanics and nutrition, this course will help you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of exercise on health and performance.

BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching (with Foundation Year option)

Become a sports coach who changes people’s lives. With a focus on coaching practice, sport psychology, and coaching sciences, this degree will give you the skills to evaluate sport coaching contexts and influence ethical and sustainable coaching practice.

BSc (Hons) Sport Management (with Foundation Year option)

Developed via consultation with industry bodies and commercial sport operators, this dynamic course will prepare you for a career in an ever-changing industry.

BA (Hons) Events Management (with Foundation Year option)

This multi-accredited course provides the knowledge and skillset needed to create and manage diverse events from product launches to mega-events like the Olympic Games.

BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Business Management (with Foundation Year option)

This innovative and exciting joint degree allows you to study Hospitality and Business together. It will allow you to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills, opening up a wide variety of employment options.

BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management (Top-up)

This course is specifically designed for students with appropriate existing qualifications (such as an HND or Foundation degree) in Hospitality, Tourism or allied subjects to continue their studies to degree level.

BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management (with Foundation Year option)

This innovative and exciting joint degree allows you to study Tourism and Business together. It will allow you to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills, opening up a wide variety of employment options.

BA (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality Management (with Foundation Year option)

Underpinned by our long-standing and internationally recognised research in tourism and hospitality, this multi-accredited course is suitable for those with career aspirations related to global hospitality and the wider travel and tourism industry.

BA (Hons) Tourism Management (with Foundation Year option)

Studying this internationally-focused and multi-accredited course you will come across leading industry speakers, consultancy projects, ‘live’ scenarios, and field trips to tourism hotspots.

BA (Hons) Accounting (with Foundation Year option)

This course will give you specialist knowledge of accounting, as well as professional, intellectual, and interpersonal skills sought by employers. You will gain expertise in areas of business tax and auditing, financial reporting, and corporate finance.

BA (Hons) Accounting & Finance (with Foundation Year option)

This degree will give you an excellent working knowledge of accounting and finance as well as a grounding in business – providing you with the financial expertise, analytical skills, and strategic insight needed to pursue a career in the financial sector.

BA (Hons) Finance (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a thorough understanding of the workings of national and global capital markets and financial systems with our Finance degree. Areas of focus include the pricing of financial assets, risk management and the behaviours of financial institutions.

BSc (Hons) Economics (with Foundation Year option)

Our Economics degree stands out by exposing you to the fundamentals of economics as well as to a broad set of economic specialisms. It also provides you with an advanced skill set related to statistics and econometrics.


BA (Hons) Archaeology

This course is among the first to receive joint accreditation from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas, and the University Archaeology UK group (UAUK). Choosing an accredited degree is widely recognised as the first step on a career path leading to professional status.


BA (Hons) International Finance (Top-up)

This course is delivered by the AASCB-accredited Bournemouth University Business School, an accreditation which places us within the top institutions globally for business degrees. Less than 5% of business schools worldwide have attained this hallmark of excellence which recognises a focus on excellence in all areas, including teaching and students learning.

BA (Hons) Archaeology & Anthropology

Alongside specialist units you’ll get a comprehensive grounding in the practical elements of archaeology and anthropology through working in cutting-edge labs and out in the field

BSc (Hons) Anthropology

On this course you will be taught by a range of staff with relevant expertise and knowledge appropriate to the content of the unit. This will include senior academic staff, qualified professional practitioners, demonstrators, technicians and research students

BSc (Hons) Archaeological, Anthropological & Forensic Sciences

You will be assessed by coursework culminating in your final year research project, and you will also undertake group work and written exams. The assessment methods for each unit can be found in the programme specification for your course.


BSc (Hons) Archaeology

This course is among the first to receive joint accreditation from the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), the leading professional body representing archaeologists working in the UK and overseas, and the University Archaeology UK group (UAUK). Choosing an accredited degree is widely recognised as the first step on a career path leading to professional status.


BA (Hons) Business & Management (Project Management) (with Foundation Year option)

Learn about the key processes, systems and practices that contribute to effective project management, including stakeholder engagement, organisational behaviours, cultural & ethical factors, analysis and decision-making.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (with Foundation Year option)

Study at a university with over 35 years of teaching experience in this area, excellent industry connections and an international reputation
You'll be career-ready with 95% of our graduates in employment or further studies, fifteen months after graduating.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Top-up)

This dynamic and challenging course is for students who have already completed, or are completing, an HND, Foundation degree or equivalent Level 5 qualification, and offers you the chance to successfully achieve an Honours degree in Business & Management.


BA (Hons) International Business & Management (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and behaviours that will enable you to conduct yourself professionally, credibly and responsibly in an international working environment.


BA (Hons) Visual Effects (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to work in the feature film visual effects industry or associated areas, this is the perfect course. You'll embrace the complete visual effects post-production pipeline and focus on theory, principles and production of assets and shots.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Economics) (with Foundation Year option)

On this pathway, you’ll develop a good understanding of the economic, qualitative and quantitative techniques and ideas used to analyse and solve business problems in a global marketplace. 

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Entrepreneurship) (with Foundation Year option)

If you have ambitions of starting and managing your own business, this dynamic course will help you develop a critical appreciation of the issues relating to intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial activity.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Finance) (with Foundation Year option)

Develop an understanding of the financial, accounting and reporting skills that are becoming increasingly valued and sought after in a wide variety of business and organisational contexts.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Global Operations) (with Foundation Year option)

On this pathway, learn how global operations and supply chain can achieve competitive advantages through planning, sourcing, making, delivering products and services to global businesses and their customers.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (HRM) (with Foundation Year option)

On this Human Resource Management pathway, explore the main issues and themes in employment relations, learning and development, as well as people resourcing, and how these relate to the wider HRM function.

BA (Hons) Business & Management (Marketing) (with Foundation Year option)

Marketing is a vital tool in today’s highly competitive business environment. On this pathway, you’ll gain an understanding of various marketing functions and examine concepts, principles and activities in strategic and digital marketing.  

BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design (with Foundation Year option)

This cutting-edge course explores the creative side of computer animation, including art directing, design and character animation. Combining art and technical disciplines, you’ll develop the skills to bring concept art and scripts to life on screen.

BA (Hons) Computer Animation Technical Arts (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to create art and animation using computer code, and describe technical ideas using film and animation, this is the course for you. Our graduates work all over the world in some of the leading animation and production houses.

BA (Hons) Visual Effects (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to work in the feature film visual effects industry or associated areas, this is the perfect course. You'll embrace the complete visual effects post-production pipeline and focus on theory, principles and production of assets and shots.

BSc (Hons) Games Design (with Foundation Year option)

Specialise exclusively in the art and design aspects of video game creation - explore everything from the theory behind the creation of successful digital entertainment titles to the generation of dedicated art and content for them.

BSc (Hons) Games Software Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

Apply programming techniques to modern games creation, whilst developing your knowledge of artificial intelligence, physics, game engines and graphics programming. 

BSc (Hons) Business Computing with Analytics (with Foundation Year option)

Global businesses are constantly developing and implementing information technology to achieve their goals. On this course, you will acquire technical and operational skills to prepare you for cutting-edge work in a variety of business contexts.

BSc (Hons) Computer Science (with Foundation Year option)

Specialise in software development while also having the opportunity to cover a broad range of emerging topics, preparing you for an exciting career in computing.

BSc (Hons) Computing (with Foundation Year option)

Be part of the creation of new technologies that change our lives and the world around us. Learn to solve everyday organisational and end-user problems by analysing, designing and developing technical solutions.

BSc (Hons) Cyber Security Management (with Foundation Year option)

Are you interested in understanding and contributing to addressing the evolving security threats posed by cybercriminals, malware, and large-scale cyber-attacks? The rate and prevalence of such threats mean cybersecurity professionals are in high demand.

BSc (Hons) Cyber Security with Digital Forensics (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the versatility and personal qualities to manage, implement and assess the security of business activities in a global context Build and improve your applied technical skills to weaponise technology to prevent or respond to security incidents in any organisation

BSc (Hons) Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (with Foundation Year option)

Preparing you for cutting edge work and an exciting career in a growing field of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence.

BSc (Hons) Networks and Cyber Security (with Foundation Year option)

This course prepares you with industry-relevant skills and latest networking knowledge for a career in a world that is increasingly connected in all aspects of life and business.

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

As we rely more on technology as a part of everyday life, there is an increasing demand for people with the skills to update, maintain and improve the software we depend on. This course gives you the skills to work in the fast-moving software industry.

BA (Hons) Product Design

This cutting-edge course will give you the skills and guidance to develop successful commercial products. Take a creative and innovative approach to problem solving, while addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

BEng (Hons) Engineering (Part-time) pathway options

This part-time/flexible course is designed for practicing engineers who are already qualified to HND, FdEng, FdSc or degree level and who want to gain the academic qualifications necessary to achieve Incorporated Engineer (IEng) status.

BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

This degree develops high-calibre engineers who are able to function both as an engineer and a technology leader in sectors such as aerospace, marine, automotive, alternative energy, oil and gas, and other high-tech industries.

BSc (Hons) Design Engineering (Top-up)

This course brings together sophisticated computer tools, engineering and creativity to produce design engineers for the twenty-first century.

BSc (Hons) Design Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

You’ll develop an expert technical knowledge, while being encouraged to think creatively about design problems. This course integrates technology, arts, market awareness and the skills needed to use advanced product development tools.

BSc (Hons) Product Design

This course will give you the skills to develop successful commercial products. You’ll be encouraged to take a creative and innovative approach to problem-solving, while also addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

MDes (Hons) Product Design

This integrated Master’s course will give you the skills to develop successful commercial products. You’ll be encouraged to take an innovative approach to problem-solving, while also addressing the functional, social and economic needs of your design.

MEng (Hons) Engineering (Part-time)

This part-time/flexible course is designed for practising engineers who are already qualified to HND, FdEng, FdSc or degree level who want to gain the academic qualifications necessary to achieve Chartered Engineer (CEng) status.

MEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering (with Foundation Year option)

This integrated masters degree develops high-calibre engineers who are able to function both as an engineer and a technology leader in sectors such as aerospace, marine, automotive, alternative energy, oil and gas, and other high-tech industries.

BA (Hons) Social Work

Both an academic qualification and, crucially, also a professional qualification, this course is approved by Social Work England – meaning you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a social worker on successful completion of your degree.

BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing (with Foundation Year option)

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this course blends theory with real-world experience to help you develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to register and practice as a registered (adult) nurse. 

BSc (Hons) Children’s & Young People’s Nursing

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this course will prepare you to become a caring and compassionate professional who delivers quality care for children and young people.

BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (Advanced Standing)

Many nurses may wish to undertake training for a different part of the nursing register at some point in their career. This course provides a conversion opportunity for those who wish to move from one part of the nursing register to mental health nursing.

BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing (with Foundation Year option)

Accredited by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), this degree, with its strong focus on real-world experience, is an ideal choice for those looking to gain the expert knowledge and practical skills needed to enter the mental health care profession.

BSc (Hons) Midwifery (with Foundation Year option)

What career could be more rewarding than one that supports women as they bring new life into the world? This course, with an accreditation by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative, will enable you to do just that.

BSc (Hons) Nutrition (with Foundation Year option)

Discover the significance behind the relationship between diet and health. As more and more health issues are linked to diet, the field of nutrition has grown in importance, causing a substantial rise in related career opportunities.

BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy (with Foundation Year option)

Occupational therapists work to improve the everyday life skills of people who experience physical, social, and psychological challenges by helping them to engage in meaningful tasks and occupations.

BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice (with Foundation Year option)

Become a vital part of the operating department team. Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs) are responsible for delivering safe, high-quality care to patients during anaesthesia, surgery and post anaesthesia (recovery).

BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science

With a blend of theory and practical elements, this course will prepare you to fulfil the dynamic role of a modern-day paramedic, ready for an evolving career.

BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

You will gain healthcare skills to help maximise each patient’s potential through your knowledge of human movement and function.

BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy

Qualifying as a sports therapist enables you to provide advice and treatment for the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries - to empower people of all athletic levels to achieve optimal potential and performance.

BA (Hons) Criminology

Delve into the social study of crime, deviance and the criminal justice system. Understand crime and investigate the ways that it relates to areas such as social inequality, as well as different sections of society.

BA (Hons) Criminology with Law (with Foundation Year option)

Does crime shape our legal system or does the law dictate our social reaction to crime? This course examines the nature of crime, its causes and the legal responses to it.

BA (Hons) History (with Foundation Year option)

As the only history degree in the UK sat within a Faculty of Media & Communication, with a focus on Modern History, Media History, and Public History, you’ll develop practical and professional skills ensuring you graduate equipped for a range of careers.

BA (Hons) Politics & Economics (with Foundation Year option)

Should states have the power to strip people of their citizenship? How do we survive ecological collapse? What does the vast wealth of a few powerful individuals mean for democracy? Come to study and debate these questions with us.

BA (Hons) Politics (with Foundation Year option)

Should states have the power to strip people of their citizenship? How do we survive ecological collapse? What do algorithms mean for democracy? How about the fascination with authoritarian leaders and their followers? Come study and debate with us.

BA (Hons) Sociology

Discover what makes society tick, what the glue that holds it together is and the threats that could rip it apart; sociology is rapidly becoming more relevant in our contemporary world. 

BA (Hons) Sociology & Criminology

Shining a spotlight on criminology from a sociological perspective, find out whether some people are more likely to commit crime or be a victim of crime and discover what social factors can drive a person in a criminal direction.

BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology

Explore the social and cultural dimensions of human experience, and discover universalities and diversities in how humans live. Study identity, class, cultural practices and social change, and their impact on everyday life around the world.

BSc (Hons) Anthropology

This degree - one of just a handful at UK universities to offer complementary units covering social anthropology alongside the core focus on biological anthropology – provides a firm foundation for understanding how societies work.

BA (Hons) Communication & Media (with Foundation Year option)

Communication and media affects everything from identities on social media to global challenges such as 'fake news', political division, and climate change. You’ll gain the expertise to understand, analyse, and produce effective communication strategies.

BA (Hons) English (with Foundation Year option)

This modern degree leads to a range of career paths. Differing from traditional approaches to English, you’ll study and analyse literary texts within the context of the media and learn to write creatively and professionally for a variety of audiences.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications (with Foundation Year option)

Develop strategic skills and learn how to use the marketing communications toolkit to the best effect for clients and organisations by developing persuasive communications and campaigns that draw on marketing, advertising, digital media, and PR.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising (with Foundation Year option)

Become a visionary marketing communications professional with a second-to-none understanding of the strategy, development and planning of advertising in conjunction with other marketing activities.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media (with Foundation Year option)

Explore the value of digital media in marketing communications and develop a command of cutting-edge digital media practices and communications that will enable you to be innovative, strategic, and creative in your own practice.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a solid understanding of marketing communications with a specific focus on public relations. Build lasting relationships and positive reputations, through communication with an organisation's stakeholder groups, achieving mutually beneficial gains

BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism (with Foundation Year option)

If you’d like an exciting career in the fast-paced world of journalism then this is the course for you. Develop the skills needed to work in a multi-disciplinary media environment including TV, radio, print and online journalism.

BA (Hons) Multimedia Sports Journalism (with Foundation Year option)

If you’d like an exciting career in the fast-paced, deadline-driven world of sports journalism then this is the course for you. Gain the knowledge and skills needed to work in a multi-platform and increasingly digitally focused sports journalism industry.

LLB (Hons) Law (with Foundation Year option)

Taught by experts with strong links to the legal profession, this course will provide you with an excellent overview of the field and equip you with the tools and knowledge to tackle real-world issues within the legal sector.

LLB (Hons) Law with Politics (with Foundation Year option)

Develop the knowledge and specialist skills for a career in political policy. Study contemporary, historical and global issues in politics, enabling you to appreciate the wider political context in which law is created and operates.

LLB (Hons) Law, Media & Creative Industries (with Foundation Year option)

The media industry is evolving and changing, impacted by new and emerging technologies, meaning the laws that govern it are too. Develop the knowledge to get ahead in the areas of intellectual property and media regulation on this exciting law degree.

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences (with Foundation Year option)

Develop biological knowledge and practical skills to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. From genes to ecosystems, explore the fundamentals of life on Earth and how to make positive changes to individuals, societies and global environments.

BSc (Hons) Ecology & Wildlife Conservation (with Foundation Year option)

There’s a growing demand for professionals with skills in wildlife protection, biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. This course will give you a solid scientific grounding in the science of ecology and how it can be used to conserve species.

BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (with Foundation Year option)

This degree has been developed to give you a solid overview in the discipline of environmental science, as well as looking at how humans shape the world around us and how humanity can tackle the issues arising from this.

BSc (Hons) Forensic Biology (with Foundation Year option)

Whether it’s working on criminal investigations to analyse crime scenes and identify victims, working in the field of endangered species to identify illegal trading, or investigating diseases, Forensic Biologists are in growing demand

BSc (Hons) Forensic Investigation (with Foundation Year option)

Designed specifically for those interested in the investigative side of forensics, the course deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of forensic investigation of crime scenes and disaster investigations.

BSc (Hons) Forensic Science (with Foundation Year option)

Exploring crime scene science, toxicology, chemistry, and molecular biology, this degree is designed to be one of the most modern and relevant of its kind. It has been engineered to give you an understanding of the theory and practice of forensic science.

BSc (Hons) Geography (with Foundation Year option)

Our course examines the natural, social, economic, and political factors that influence our ever-changing world and will help you understand ways of managing our environment sustainably and deal with social and environmental conflicts affecting our world.

BSc (Hons) Marine Ecology & Conservation (Top-up)

This top-up degree will build on Foundation courses in Marine, Freshwater or Coastal Conservation to provide a university experience and opportunity to co-create research with academics in the discipline.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications (with Foundation Year option)

Develop strategic skills and learn how to use the marketing communications toolkit to the best effect for clients and organisations by developing persuasive communications and campaigns that draw on marketing, advertising, digital media, and PR.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Advertising (with Foundation Year option)

Become a visionary marketing communications professional with a second-to-none understanding of the strategy, development and planning of advertising in conjunction with other marketing activities.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Digital Media (with Foundation Year option)

Explore the value of digital media in marketing communications and develop a command of cutting-edge digital media practices and communications that will enable you to be innovative, strategic, and creative in your own practice.

BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with Public Relations (with Foundation Year option)

Develop a solid understanding of marketing communications with a specific focus on public relations. Build lasting relationships and positive reputations, through communication with an organisation's stakeholder groups, achieving mutually beneficial gains

BSc (Hons) Marketing (with Foundation Year option)

This course will provoke you to consider forward-thinking strategies and cutting-edge business practices. We’ll equip you with analytical and strategic skills to enable you to think critically about marketing scenarios and make informed decisions.

BA (Hons) Film (with Foundation Year option)

Develop skills in all areas of film production – from idea development to distribution, concept to completion. You’ll graduate as an enterprising and entrepreneurial practitioner capable of working in today’s film industry as well as shaping its future.

BA (Hons) Film Production & Cinematography

Become a creative, collaborative and reflective practitioner able to contribute and shape the present and future film, television and related industries.

BA (Hons) Media Production (with Foundation Year option)

From audio to visual, fact to fiction, digital development and beyond, this course will prepare you for a career in an ever-changing industry as a content creator, storyteller and future leader of media production.

BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production

Develop your audio creation skills by utilising cutting-edge technology and various sound production techniques to create music and sound in a range of contexts.

BA (Hons) Photography (with Foundation Year option)

Explore different styles and forms of photography while developing a portfolio that showcases your individual skills. You'll graduate as an enterprising and entrepreneurial photographer capable of working in and shaping the future of the media industries.

BA (Hons) Television Production (with Foundation Year option)

If you want to produce Netflix box sets, direct BBC news, live sport outside broadcasts, or award-winning music videos, this degree will give you the skills, knowledge and confidence to turn your dreams into reality.

BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science (with Foundation Year option)

Biomedical science forms an important component of medical science, informing, supporting and improving human healthcare and medicine. It is a broad-based science degree which studies the biological mechanisms of human health and disease.

BSc (Hons) Medical Science (with Foundation Year option)

Medical Science focuses on the cutting-edge science that underpins modern medicine, fostering new discoveries and technologies which improve healthcare. Learn how our bodies work, how disease is treated and how new technology is evolving in this field.

BSc (Hons) Cyberpsychology (with Foundation Year option)

This emerging new field examines how the behaviour of individuals, groups, organisations and societies are influenced by technology. This covers a wide range of areas, including education, entertainment, social media and cyber security.

BSc (Hons) Psychology (with Foundation Year option)

Through research-inspired teaching you’ll cover a range of subjects including social, biological, developmental and cognitive psychology, and specialist topics, such as forensic, clinical, cyber, consumer, educational psychology, and neuropsychology.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Counselling (with Foundation Year option)

Counselling psychology uses theory and research in therapy to help clients with difficult life issues and/or mental health conditions. A particular strength of this degree is the excellent communication skills and awareness of diversity you’ll develop.

BSc (Hons) Psychology with Forensic Investigation (with Foundation Year option)

Focusing on current research and practice, this course covers psychological theories and processes within the criminal justice system and will give you an in-depth understanding of the UK criminal investigation process.

BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science (with Foundation Year option)

Covering a wide range of areas including physiology, psychology, biomechanics and nutrition, this course will help you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of exercise on health and performance.

BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching (with Foundation Year option)

Become a sports coach who changes people’s lives. With a focus on coaching practice, sport psychology, and coaching sciences, this degree will give you the skills to evaluate sport coaching contexts and influence ethical and sustainable coaching practice.

BSc (Hons) Sport Management (with Foundation Year option)

Developed via consultation with industry bodies and commercial sport operators, this dynamic course will prepare you for a career in an ever-changing industry.

BA (Hons) Events Management (with Foundation Year option)

This multi-accredited course provides the knowledge and skillset needed to create and manage diverse events from product launches to mega-events like the Olympic Games.

BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Business Management (with Foundation Year option)

This innovative and exciting joint degree allows you to study Hospitality and Business together. It will allow you to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills, opening up a wide variety of employment options.

BA (Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management (Top-up)

This course is specifically designed for students with appropriate existing qualifications (such as an HND or Foundation degree) in Hospitality, Tourism or allied subjects to continue their studies to degree level.

BA (Hons) International Tourism & Business Management (with Foundation Year option)

This innovative and exciting joint degree allows you to study Tourism and Business together. It will allow you to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills, opening up a wide variety of employment options.

BA (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality Management (with Foundation Year option)

Underpinned by our long-standing and internationally recognised research in tourism and hospitality, this multi-accredited course is suitable for those with career aspirations related to global hospitality and the wider travel and tourism industry.

BA (Hons) Tourism Management (with Foundation Year option)

Studying this internationally-focused and multi-accredited course you will come across leading industry speakers, consultancy projects, ‘live’ scenarios, and field trips to tourism hotspots.

MSc Corporate Governance

Delivered entirely online for GTA students (Channels Islands only) by Bournemouth University, this course will provide you with a specialised set of skills and develop your ability to appreciate and influence the factors governing corporate affairs.


MSc in Finance

Serious disruption is occurring within the financial industry with digital tech and Big Data. This progression course will provide you with advanced financial skills required to thrive in an evolving financial environment.


MSc International Accounting & Finance

Designed for graduates looking for a career change, this course will help you develop a sought-after skillset ensuring you can manage modern international corporations financial reporting, qualifying you to make a real difference in businesses.


MSc International Finance & Economics

This course is ideal for graduates who want to change subjects or career direction. It has been developed with two key features in mind – the development of strong economic and finance skills, and the ability to apply them into practice.


MSc Tourism Marketing Management

On this conversion course you will learn the principles of tourism marketing management, providing you with a framework to understand business development and marketing planning in an increasingly fast-paced, global industry.

MSc Tourism Management

Advance your management, research and analytical skills with this conversion course, ideal for graduates who would like to develop a critical understanding of the increasingly global, dynamic tourism industry.


MSc Sport Management

Advance your knowledge of the processes that have contributed to the emergence of sport as a global phenomenon and learn to critically assess and act on the implications for the future development and management of sport.

MSc International Hospitality & Tourism Management

This multi-accredited conversion course will develop your critical understanding of the international hospitality and tourism industry with a managerial perspective.


MSc Events Management BU

Gain essential academic knowledge and skills for working at the forefront of an ever-changing events industry, including the theories and processes of project and operational management.


MA Social Work

This Master’s degree is both an academic qualification and a professional qualification. As it is approved by Social Work England you’ll be eligible to apply for registration as a social worker on successful completion of the course.


MSc Psychology (conversion course)

This BPS accredited conversion course will cover all areas of psychology to provide you with the knowledge and understanding to start a career in this field.


MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology

Study a course specialising in examining the theoretical and investigative aspects of forensic psychology to prepare you for the entire criminal justice process, from crime scene to courtroom. Benefit from our great facilities and expert academics.


MSc Health Psychology

On this British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited course, you will gain advanced knowledge and understanding of Health Psychology theory and practice, and apply it across all aspects of health, illness and disability.


MSc Foundations of Clinical Psychology

Study a well-recognised and respected Master’s course with a patient-centred focus, teaching the origins and range of clinical psychology.


MSc Cognitive Neuroscience

This research-inspired course will equip you for a career in cognitive neuroscience. With a focus on neuroimaging, electrophysiology and brain stimulation, this course delivers theoretical understanding and practical applications.


MSc Clinical & Developmental Neuropsychology

A course with diverse modules, focusing on the normal and abnormal changes that occur in the human brain from childhood through to adulthood through to old age.


MSc Sustainable Economic Development & Emerging Markets

Examine the issues surrounding sustainable development involved in emerging market economies. This conversion course will equip you with skills enabling you to analyse, understand and interpret data to address significant issues facing humanity.


MSc Bioarchaeology

Bioarchaeology covers the investigation of human and animal skeletal remains to understand the lives of individuals and communities in the past, in relation to their social, cultural, economic, palaeoenvironmental and evolutionary contexts.


Master of Business Administration

Developed in response to the needs of businesses, this course has been carefully tailored to take your career to the next level. Learn how to operate as a global leader who understands responsible business practices in an increasingly changing environment


MSc Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship

This course will develop you into a lateral thinker, giving you the ability to approach entrepreneurship with enthusiasm and success.

MSc International Management

This conversion course will empower you with essential business skills and acumen to help you become a dynamic leader, prepared for the challenges of global business.


MSc Management with Business Analytics

On this course you will develop an in-demand analytical and management skillset. You will be able to quickly identify organisational problems and emerging market trends and react to them to maximise profits and efficiency.


MSc Management with Human Resources

Develop an ideal blend of specialist human resource and management expertise in order to stand out in the highly competitive HR career market.


LLM Intellectual Property

Taught by academics from our renowned Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management (CIPPM), the syllabus for this course has been developed with input from intellectual property practitioners from some of the UK’s leading companies and practices.


LLM International Commercial Law

This course draws primarily upon the common law tradition but is intended to provide the widest possible perspective through groundings in international economic law and a contemporary economic and financial context.


LLM International Tax Law

This course is aimed at those considering a career in international tax consultancy or within in-house tax departments of multinational companies and staff of foreign government finance ministries and tax authorities who wish to learn about tax policy.


LLM in Legal Practice

The LLM in Legal Practice will enable you to develop skills and knowledge to the high standard required to succeed in your legal professional career.


LLM Public International Law

You’ll develop transferable skills such as critically evaluating, problem-solving, and working collaboratively to apply your knowledge of Public International Law in today’s continuously expanding globalised world.


MSc Marketing Management

This Master’s degree is a conversion course which is ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction. This course will provide you with an advanced understanding of business and marketing management techniques and methods.


MA 3D Computer Animation

This Master’s is the perfect launch-pad for a career in a wide range of disciplines, including concept design, character and creature animation, modelling, lighting, rigging, texturing, compositing and simulation.


MA Digital Effects

This truly international course will provide you with a strong theoretical and technical underpinning for the principal areas of study focusing on the integration of computer graphics into film footage.


MSc Artificial Intelligence for Media

Artificial Intelligence technologies have brought significant breakthrough in media production. The job opportunities related to machine learning are surging drastically; this course will provide you with the skills to enhance your market competitiveness.


MSc Computer Animation & Visual Effects

Develop skills in the technical aspects of computer animation and graduate with the range and depth of knowledge necessary to become future Technical Directors, Artists or Research and Development Engineers within the computer animation and games sectors.


MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence for Games Development

Combining a blend of Games Development, AI and data science, this conversion course prepares you for a range of careers.


MSc Cyber Security & Human Factors

You will gain plenty of expertise in cyber security to ensure you're ready to take on the growing security challenges faced by enterprise, industry and government in this complex community.


MSc Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

This course provides you with advanced knowledge, methods and processes as an enabler for deploying data science and artificial intelligence. This will lead to solving 21st century world problems with greater scalability and efficiencies.


MSc Digital Health

Technology and data science is revolutionising the way health and social care is delivered around the world. This course will fuse your understanding of computer science and healthcare, teaching you the technological skills needed to drive global change.


MSc Digital Health & Artificial Intelligence

Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), ubiquitous sensing and wearable technologies have rapidly led to their adoption in digital healthcare. Hospitals and healthcare industries are using AI to provide effective and smart solutions for patients care.


MSc Human Centred Artificial Intelligence

Become equipped with the skills for a career in AI and data science with this conversion course.


MSc Information Technology

On this course you’ll develop your understanding of IT from a business perspective, learn how to create a systematic view of business system development, as well implement IT systems.


MSc Internet of Things

We live in a world of billions of connected things. Smart cities, autonomous vehicles and next generation networks are here. Learn the skills to drive the 4th Industrial Revolution and work in an industry forecast to be worth £1.5 trillion.


MSc Internet of Things with Cyber Security

We live in a world of billions of connected things. Evermore connecting devices in this huge industry need skilled professionals to manage security challenges threatening smart homes, personal devices, connected vehicles, and more.


MSc Internet of Things with Data Analytics

We live in a world of billions of connected things generating vast amounts of data. Smart cities, autonomous vehicles and next generation networks all generate IoT data that requires skilled professionals to drive this industry forward.

MA Criminology & Criminal Justice

Take your understanding of criminality and criminal justice to the next level. Whether you are developing your career or moving on from undergraduate study, this course will help advance your skills to meet the demands of crime and criminal justice roles.


MSc Engineering Project Management

Develop an understanding of project management methods and tools, and how to employ them in the planning and execution of projects, as well as becoming fully aware of engineering design methods and tools.


MSc Mechanical Engineering Design

During this business-driven and dual accredited course you will apply your knowledge and a variety of models to solve engineering design problems.


MSc Robotics

Gain a comprehensive understanding of multidisciplinary Robotic systems, preparing you for a range of technology careers.


MA Political Psychology

This course offers a unique opportunity to study how psychological insights can throw light on politics. The course covers the roots of political violence, propaganda, the appeal of political ideologies, effective political leadership and much more.

MA International Political Communication

Develop an advanced understanding of the issues and debates surrounding political communication, focusing on areas such as diplomacy, campaigning, reporting and media effects contextualised within the 21st Century communication and media environment.


MA Scriptwriting

Gain the skills required to collaborate and work effectively across the creative industries as a scriptwriter. You will also develop script editing skills working closely with other students within the Media Production framework.


MA Production Management

Learn to understand and manage the entire production process, from development and planning, to working on location and overseeing creative post-production work.


MA Producing Film & Television

Whether you plan to manage the next generation of film and TV programmes, shape a career in development or production, run your own company, or effect social change with the subjects you tackle this course gives you the grounding to achieve your ambitions


MSc Disaster Management

This course will prepare you with advanced knowledge and skills to lead on disaster management. Learn risk reduction, resilience strategies and develop major incident management systems that respond to, and help recovery from a range of disasters.


MA Advanced Practice

Aimed at those already working as health and social care professionals who want to enhance their practice, this course is delivered on a part-time and CPD basis in recognition of the highly flexible requirements of practitioners.


MA Post Production Editing

Receive industry-standard training in state-of-the-art facilities and turn your ideas into reality. This course provides practical and theoretical opportunities for you to develop your narrative, technical and collaborative skills as an editor.


MA Film and Television

As screen-based media play a more central role in our lives, this course nurtures an advanced understanding of them, combining the critical skills needed to change the media industries with innovative, hands-on engagement with their inner workings.


MA Directing Film & Television

You’ll have many opportunities for practical production across different platforms and genres in both factual and fictional filmmaking whilst enhancing your skills and technical understanding of film, television and transmedia production


MA Cinematography for Film & Television

This course will help you develop key intellectual and practical skills to meet and exceed current industry practices and expectations. Studying cinematography allows you to orchestrate camera, lens, lights, and motion to create visual aesthetics.


MSc Marketing Management (Retail)

This Master’s degree is a conversion course which is ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction. The course deals with the learning and practical application of concepts for operating and marketing a retail business.


MSc Marketing Management (Digital)

This Master’s degree is a conversion course – ideal for graduates who would like to change subjects or career direction in response to the growing demand for graduates in managerial roles with the skills to design and manage digital marketing strategies.


MSc Marketing & User Experience

This course will suit those with a background in business, management, marketing, computer science or information and technology management who wish to advance and reorient their marketing and user experience skills, knowledge and techniques.


MA Marketing Communications

Develop insights into the latest techniques of marketing communications research and practice. You'll be equipped with key knowledge and skills allowing you to meet the ever-changing industry challenges whilst influencing ethical and sustainable marketing


MSc Green Economy

This distance learning course provides the scientific and interdisciplinary insight into the challenges a transition to a green economy represents and how to address them. The development of a green economy is a political and socio-economic imperative.


MSc Biodiversity Conservation

Learn about all the latest developments in conservation science on this accredited course, taught in a biodiverse hotspot on the Dorset coast.


MA Multimedia Journalism

The mix of broadcasting and online writing in this intensely practical course sharpens the defining elements of cutting-edge journalism. Using industry-standard facilities, you’ll take key roles on all of our media outlets.


MA English & Literary Media

This unique course de-privileges the idea of printed text and considers it alongside narrative in other media, exploring how developments in media and technology offer interactive forms of storytelling for authors and communication practitioners.


MA Creative Writing and Publishing

You’ll develop creative writing across a variety of forms, focusing on transmedia storytelling and skills to independently publish your work as a publisher; learning skills in editing, PR and marketing, design, production, and budgeting.


MSc Public Health

Reflecting local, national and international public health agendas, this academic course gives you the opportunity to explore in-depth public health issues with public health academics, researchers and practitioners.

MSc/PG Dip Physician Associate Studies

This intensive two-year clinical course prepares you to work as a Physician Associate (PA) in the NHS and is open to applicants with a first-degree in a health or science-related subject.


MSc Nutrition & Behaviour

Accredited by the Association for Nutrition (AfN) this is the first course of its kind in the UK to explore the bi-directional impact of nutrition on behaviour and the brain, and the impact of behaviour on diet.


MSc Mental Health Nursing

This Master’s course is open to applicants with a first-degree or a higher degree, making use of the Nursing & Midwifery Council’s (NMC) provision for prior learning to achieve professional registration as a nurse via a two-year postgraduate level course.


MSc Medical Imaging with Management

This new inter-disciplinary course is designed to suit the progression and career development of scientists, radiographers, medical physicists, engineers and medical students wishing to intercalate and prepare for a career in radiology.


MA Leading & Developing Services

This pathway of units provides experienced health and social care professionals with the opportunity to develop and extend their knowledge of management theory and enhance their practice.


MSc Adult Nursing

This Master’s degree is open to applicants with a first-degree or a higher degree, making use of the Nursing & Midwifery Council’s (NMC) provision for prior learning to achieve professional registration as a nurse via a two-year postgraduate level course.


MSc Advanced Clinical Practice – Apprenticeship (advanced clinical practitioner integrated degree route)

This three-year part-time apprenticeship programme will support you to gain the knowledge and skills required for the development of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner or Advanced Clinical Practice role


MSc Games Design and Development

Combine creative and technical aspects in this exciting new degree designed to provide you with the skills for a career in the games industry.


MA Media & Communication

Develop a highly employable skill set applicable to a wide variety of communication and media careers, whilst expanding your professional ability to engage with theoretical concepts and display critical understanding and analysis.


Yêu cầu đầu vào

Đại học
International Year 1


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 12
GPA 7.0
IELTS 5.5 (minimum 5.0)
TOEFL 46-59
PTE 51
KITE (Kaplan International Tools for English) 396-425
Cambridge C1 Advanced  162
Tổ chức đào tạo Kaplan International Pathways


Năm 2024/2025
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình lớp 12
GPA 7.0
IELTS 5.5 (minimum 5.0)
TOEFL 46-59
PTE 51
KITE (Kaplan International Tools for English) 396-425
Cambridge C1 Advanced  162
Tổ chức đào tạo Kaplan International Pathways


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