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Lakehead University Partner

Top 10 trường Đại học công lập hàng đầu Canada

Total students
Tuition fee

Thành lập năm 1965, Lakehead University là trường đại học công lập toàn diện tọa lạc tại tỉnh Ontario, cung cấp hơn 85 chương trình đào tạo bậc Đại học và bậc Sau Đại học. Trường có nhiều chương trình co-op và hợp tác liên kết với nhiều công ty trong nước và quốc tế. Lakehead University là trường đại học uy tín, nổi tiếng toàn cầu về chất lượng nghiên cứu xuất sắc, Lakehead University còn sở hữu một trong những trường kinh doanh hàng đầu thế giới đạt kiểm định AACSB.

Tại Lakehead luôn luôn khuyến khích những lối tư duy và phương pháp giảng dạy mới thông qua các giờ học và hơn 100 ngày làm việc tại hơn 50 School Boards trong tỉnh bang Ontario.

Lakehead University được xây dựng với một lối kiến trúc hiện đại, các khuôn viên rộng rãi, thoáng đãng, cơ sở vật chất đáp ứng tối đa nhu cầu dạy và học của các giảng viên và sinh viên. Trường đã được Huffington Post vinh danh là một trong những viên ngọc tiềm ẩn của Canada, đồng thời là một trong những ngôi trường có học xá tươi đẹp nhất cả nước.

Thành phố

CPCQ+CP Vịnh Thunder, Ontario, Canada

Thunder Bay là trung tâm của Tây Bắc Ontario, cung cấp các tiện nghi thu hút toàn bộ khu vực, có khu giải trí năng động, nghệ thuật và văn hóa sôi động, cũng như một loạt cửa hàng bán đồ thủ công địa phương và các cửa hàng bán lẻ nổi tiếng.

Xem trên bản đồ

Các thông tin nổi bật

  • #1 Nghiên cứu bậc Cử nhân Đại Học ở Canada (RESEARCH Infosource 2015 - 2019)
  • #10 Đại học Canada - Đại học Lakehead xếp thứ 10 trong tổng số hơn 90 trường đại học công lập ở Canada đào tạo chương trình cử nhân tốt nhất (Canada's Best Primarily Undergraduate Universities: Rankings 2023)
  • #100 Trường Đại học tốt nhất Canada (Theo Timeshighereducation 2023)
  • #1 trong số các trường đại học ở tỉnh Ontario về tổng số tiền đầu tư cho nghiên cứu, khoa học xã hội và nhân văn nhận được và chi phí cho thư viện
  • Quỹ học bổng 11 triệu đô mỗi năm cho sinh viên. Sinh viên quốc tế có cơ hội nhận được học bổng lên tới 40,000 CAD cho 4 năm học tại Lakehead
  • Bằng cấp đại học Canada ĐƯỢC CÔNG NHẬN TOÀN THẾ GIỚI.
  • Sau khi tốt nghiệp: Sinh viên quốc tế đủ điều kiện xin cấp giấy phép thường trú nhân tại Canada và làm việc trong chương trình giấy phép lao động sau khi tốt nghiệp tối đa 3 năm kể từ khi tốt nghiệp.

Cơ sở vật chất


Khu trường sở của Lakehead

  • Thunder Bay

Tọa lạc ở trung tâm thành phố, khu trường sở Thunder Bay chỉ cách các khu mua sắm, nhà hàng, khu vui chơi và giải trí vài phút.
Phòng học theo kiểu hội thảo, giảng đường lớn hơn, phòng thí nghiệm tiên tiến, thư viện, phòng máy tính, văn phòng dịch vụ sinh viên, cơ sở vật chất phục vụ giải trí, ký túc xá, căng tin và quán cà phê, và một Trung Tâm Quốc Tế và Sảnh Chờ mới tinh ngay ở giữa khuôn viên trường. 

  • Orillia 

Khu trường sở Orillia mang lại những trải nghiệm học đại học hoàn chỉnh với tòa nhà học tập Simcoe Hall, các phòng thí nghiệm tiên tiến, không gian học tập chung sôi nổi, các lớp học tràn đầy ánh sáng tự nhiên, khu nhà ở, hiệu sách và quán cà phê không gian mở. 

Một cơ sở rộng 30,000 foot vuông (2.787 mét vuông) bao gồm:

  • Phòng tạ
  • Hồ bơi cỡ Olympic
  • Máy tập tim mạch
  • Phòng Aerobics
  • Các sân thể thao ngoài trời
  • Sân bóng chuyền bãi biển
  • Phòng yoga nóng
  • Phòng thay đồ và xông hơi
  • Phòng tập thể dục
  • Trung tâm Khúc côn cầu Hiệu suất cao
  • Đường chạy 200 mét trong nhà
  • Sân cỏ nhân tạo hạng chuyên nghiệp
  • Khu vực aerobic và tim mạch
  • Phòng tập Thể dục
  • Phòng tập gym, phòng tập cardio và tập tạ cỡ lớn

Ký túc xá Orillia

1. Residence Housing at Orillia Awaits :

  • Phù hợp với những người thích cuộc sống cộng đồng và sự tiện lợi không căng thẳng khi ở trong khuôn viên trường
  • Học sinh được xếp vào một phòng đơn chỉ có 2 học sinh dùng chung phòng tắm
  • Khu ký túc xá hiện tại, 7 tầng
  • Giường đôi dài có 2 ngăn kéo lớn bên dưới (80"L x 54"W)
  • Bàn, ghế bàn và đèn bàn
  • Tủ sách
  • Tủ có kệ và thanh treo quần áo
  • Thùng rác & thùng tái chế
  • Rèm cửa sổ
  • Tủ lạnh ăn nhẹ
  • Chiếc gương đứng soi được cả người
  • Bồn rửa trong phòng
  • Wifi
  • Kết nối truyền hình cáp (Không bao gồm TV)

2. Phòng Ký Túc Xá Đơn: 16,5 m2

  • $13.288 - $13.828 CAD cho 8 tháng * bao gồm tiền ăn
  • WiFi, tủ lạnh mini
  • Sảnh chờ, phòng học, dịch vụ giặt ủi
  • Bồn rửa trong phòng
  • Phòng đơn, phòng tắm liền kề dùng chung với một phòng khác
  • Kế hoạch bữa ăn bắt buộc (chọn từ kế hoạch 5 hoặc 7 ngày một tuần, ăn lượng không giới hạn)

Ký túc xá ở Thunderbay

1. Phòng Ký Túc Xá Đơn: 18 m2

  • $12.716 CAD cho 8 tháng* bao gồm ăn uống
  • WiFi, tủ lạnh mini
  • Buồng giặt, phòng vệ sinh và sảnh chờ dùng chung
  • Kế hoạch bữa ăn bắt buộc (7 ngày một tuần, ăn lượng không giới hạn)

2. Nhà phố: 93 m2

  • $8.153 CAD cho 8 tháng*
  • Mỗi nhà phố có 4 phòng ngủ riêng biệt
  • Phòng khách sử dụng chung 1 phòng vệ sinh
  • Nhà bếp đầy đủ nội thất
  • WiFi

3. Căn hộ: 77 m2

  • $7.571 CAD cho 8 tháng*
  • Mỗi căn hộ có 4 phòng ngủ riêng biệt
  • Phòng khách sử dụng chung
  • 2 phòng vệ sinh
  • Nhà bếp đầy đủ nội thất
  • WiFi

Chương trình giảng dạy

  • Quản trị Kinh doanh

Khi tham gia học tập tại ngôi trường kinh doanh đạt kiểm định AACSB này, sinh viên sẽ có được một nền tảng kinh doanh vững chắc với nhiều phân ngành để theo học chuyên sâu vào các năm học cuối. Ngoài ra, do trường cung cấp nhiều các yếu tố hợp tác và vừa học vừa làm nên sẽ đảm bảo sinh viên tốt nghiệp sẽ được trang bị sẵn sàng để làm việc trong môi trường chuyên môn.

  • Giáo dục

Tại Lakehead luôn luôn khuyến khích những lối tư duy và phương pháp giảng dạy mới thông qua các giờ học và hơn 100 ngày làm việc tại trường.

  • Kỹ thuật

Đây là trường đại học duy nhất ở Canada nơi sinh viên nhận được chứng chỉ và bằng kỹ thuật chỉ trong vòng 4 năm. Trong đó, trường Lakehead sẽ cung cấp một chương trình học kết hợp lý thuyết và thực hành. Điều này sẽ đảm bảo sinh viên tốt nghiệp có khả năng được tuyển dụng cao.

  • Y tế và Khoa học Hành vi

Trường Lakehead vốn là mái nhà chung của nhiều khoa và trường trực thuộc. Do đó sinh viên có thể lựa chọn theo học một trong số rất nhiều chuyên ngành thuộc lĩnh vực y tế. Và tại đây, trường sẽ thực hiện đào tạo kết hợp cân bằng giữa lý thuyết, làm việc tại phòng thí nghiệm, thực tập và làm việc thực tế.

  • Quản lý tài nguyên tự nhiên

Các chương trình đào tạo ngành này sẽ đem đến người học quan điểm cân bằng về quản lý hệ sinh thái bền vững. Đồng thời cân nhắc các vấn đề xã hội, kinh tế và môi trường trên thế giới. Đây cũng chính là ngành học có tỉ lệ 100% sinh viên tìm được việc làm sau tốt nghiệp.

  • Khoa học và Khoa học Môi trường

Khoa cung cấp rất nhiều chương trình đào tạo đa dạng. Trong đó có thể kể đến như: Nhân chủng học, Khoa học Đời sống Ứng dụng, Tin sinh học, Sinh học, Hóa học, Khoa học Máy tính, Khoa học Trái đất, Kinh tế, Khoa học Môi trường, Địa lý và Khoa học Tài nguyên nước cùng nhiều khóa học khác.

  • Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn

Sinh viên có thể lựa chọn từ nhiều chương trình đào tạo để tham gia học tập. Các chương trình sẽ bao gồm: Tội phạm học hay Phương tiện Truyền thông, Phim ảnh & Truyền thông. Các chương trình được thiết kế nhằm giúp người học sẵn sàng bước vào môi trường làm việc sau tốt nghiệp. Các công việc có thể tham gia đảm nhiệm trải dài từ hoạt động cộng đồng cho đến các vai trò trong chính phủ.

Học phí

Đại học
Sau đại học


Năm 2023/2024
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (CAD)
Học phí $27,295 - $36,000
Nhà ở $7,740 - $13,828
Ăn uống $3,000
Bảo hiểm $756


Năm 2023/2024
Phân loại Mức chi phí trên năm (CAD)
Học phí $23,000 - $32,000
Học phí MBA $41,000 - $49,000
Nhà ở $11,122 - $18,000
Ăn uống $3000
Bảo hiểm $756

Học bổng

International Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships ($40,000 CAD)

The scholarship is available to the top international students applying to Lakehead University for 2023-2024.

How and When are Entrance Scholarship Offers Made?

Entrance Scholarship averages are awarded based on the Canadian equivalent of your average used for admission consideration. Scholarship Offers will be extended in two rounds. A limited number of International Entrance Scholarships are available. International students considering Lakehead University are encouraged to apply to the University early in order to be considered for the two Entrance Scholarship rounds.

Can my entrance scholarship be applied to my academic English program costs?

No. Your Entrance Scholarship will be applied to your first-year tuition to an undergraduate degree program once you have successfully completed Lakehead University's Academic English Program. *International Entrance Scholarships 2023-2024: up to $40,000/ 4 years (Automatically considered. No scholarship application is required)

International Graduate Scholarships ($11,457 CAD)

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistant appointments may be offered to some full-time graduate students (including Visa students) at a rate of $10,506.69 CAD at the Master's level and $11,457.79 CAD at the Doctoral level (2021- 2022 rates). A regular appointment constitutes a maximum of 270 hrs of work over the Fall and Winter terms, averaging not more than 10 hours of work per week.

Faculty Research Awards for Graduate Students

Some graduate students may also receive a Faculty Research Award. This stipend may be paid to a full–time degree candidate for research or academic activities relevant and related to the student's field(s) of study within the academic program. Faculty Research Awards are awarded by the student's supervisor.

International Lakehead-Georgian Scholarships ($4,000 CAD)

Rewarding Excellence 

International Entrance Scholarships & International Visionary Award 2023-2024

Automatically considered.

No scholarship application is required.

Non-Canadian citizens who are entering Lakehead-Georgian from a high school, or who are transferring from an international college or university, will be considered for Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships. The scholarship is available to the top international students applying to Lakehead-Georgian for 2023-2024. In addition to the entrance scholarships (based on academic merit), international Lakehead-Georgian students starting Fall 2023 are eligible for the $4,000 International

Khóa học

Tất cả
Đại học
Sau đại học
Cao đẳng

Anthropology Programs

Our courses blend in-class lecture with seminars, labs and field work to provide you with a well-rounded background in both the theoretical and practical applications of your area of interest. You will have access to world-class laboratories and anthropological collections which have contributed to groundbreaking findings and been utilized by some of the foremost leaders in the field

Applied Life Sciences

Explore the modern applications of bio-molecular research in anthropology, chemistry, biology, and physics as a student of Applied Life Sciences. This interdisciplinary program focuses on the study of living organisms at the bio-molecular or cellular level, and the human manipulation of molecular biological processes, with hands-on learning through laboratory courses, research opportunities, and internships.

Applied Life Sciences (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

Explore how life works. Our life sciences program teaches you about the chemistry, biology and physiology of diverse forms of life and prepares you for a career in the health sector.


Bioinformatics is the application of information technology to the field of molecular biology. As a relatively new area of study, we are one of the very few universities in Canada that offer this program from year one.


Lakehead University’s Faculty of Business Administration has one of the finest undergraduate business programs in Canada, producing exceptional business leaders through innovative programming that includes mentorship, consulting opportunities, and participation in national and international business competitions.

Computer Science (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

Design, build and analyze. From hardware to software, computer scientists are solving problems and delivering value in a variety of business, scientific and social settings.


Criminology involves the study of crime, including victimization, criminality, and criminal justice agents and institutions among other areas. The field is multi-disciplinary, including Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, and various other academic fields.

Education - Concurrent

Concurrent Education allows you to start your teaching career faster and earn two degrees at the same time. Study the program of your choice, while also taking classes within the Faculty of Education, before spending two years exclusively with the Faculty of Education in order to qualify for certification by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT

Education - Consecutive

Our Faculty of Education prepares prospective teachers for a dynamic and rewarding career through unique and innovative programming. By emphasizing critical thinking skills and collaborative learning, we give you the flexibility to explore the teaching methods, concepts, and values that are meaningful to you.


Engineering is a broad discipline primarily focused on the design and maintenance of technological and industrial systems. Our Faculty of Engineering programs require a creative and inquisitive mind to navigate high-level problem-solving strategies across a variety of environmental, mathematical, ethical and science-based topics

Engineering - Chemical

As a chemical engineer, you will be skilled in the development, design, construction, and operation of industrial plants in which natural resources are transferred into useful products.Additionally, you’ll be involved in the manufacture of such commodities as synthetic fibres, plastics, fertilizers, detergents, salts, foods, pharmaceuticals, resins, petroleum products, and pulp and paper.

Engineering - Civil

s a civil engineer, you will be involved in the planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation of engineering projects including as buildings, airports, highways, dams and power, water supply, bridges, and industrial facilities

Engineering - Electrical

As an electrical engineer, you will work on the development and manufacturing of electrical and electronics equipment. You will learn the fundamentals of physical science, as well as more practical areas in the design and operation of industrial control systems, communication systems, electronic circuits, and the generation and distribution of electrical power.

Engineering - Electrical (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

This unique program gives you the chance to graduate with a professional degree and a technology diploma in just four years. You’ll gain hands-on skills and advanced technical knowledge to prepare you to become a professional engineer. An optional 16-month co-op is available.

Engineering - Mechanical

Mechanical engineers are employed in many sectors of the economy such as power generation, transportation, and renewable energy, employing engineering sciences to solve complex problems that face our civilization.

Engineering - Mechatronics

Mechatronics Engineering is the design of robotics, control systems, and electromechanical systems. This is a new and rapidly-growing multi-disciplinary branch of engineering at the intersection of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, and Computer Science.

Engineering - Software

As a software engineer, you will apply engineering methodologies and good practices for managing the creation of software from conception to the release of the finished product, including analysis, design, coding, testing and deploying software systems.

Environmental Management

As part of the Faculty of Natural Resources Management, our Environmental Management program will provide you with a sound understanding of natural processes in environmental ecosystems, including a strong background in forest environments and technical experience using industry-standard geomatics tools.

Environmental Sustainability

Studying Environmental Sustainability will prepare you to play a crucial role in protecting the ecosystems and living organisms that make up our environment. You will gain both the scientific expertise and practical experience needed to solve modern sustainability challenges in Canada and around the world

Environmental Sustainability (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

The specialization in ecosystem management will allow you to select additional topics complementing the environmental sustainability degree-diploma including, but not limited to environmental impact assessment, environmental biomonitoring, geomatics, and more.

Forestry (HBSCF)

Our Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry shares a common curriculum with the Honours Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management for the first two years.Through a specialization, you will delve deeper into the areas of Forest Management, Forest Health and Protection, or the emerging area of Forest Products and Marketing.

Gender and Women's Studies

Our faculty members are prominent in the fields of feminist legal studies, women’s health, queer studies, cultural and new media studies and teach related courses that easily springboard our students into the Masters of Social Justice and related postgraduate programs, law schools across Canada, midwifery, policing, and many others.

General Arts

Our General Arts program is a great choice if you are looking for a multidisciplinary education that allows you the freedom to explore your interests. It is very easy to move from the General Arts program into a specific major at any point – this is recommended if you wish to apply to graduate or professional school after

General Science

Our General Science program is a great choice if you are looking for a multidisciplinary education that allows you the freedom to explore your interests. It is very easy to move from the General Science program into a specific major at any point during your undergraduate degree.


The program is a collaboration between the departments of Anthropology, Geography, and Geology, and focuses on applying the concepts and methods in these fields to interpret artifacts left behind by ancient societies.


Our Geography programs focus on physical geography, dealing with spatial aspects of land, water and the atmosphere, as well as human geography which explores the cultural, political and economic forces behind the distribution of human activities.

Indigenous Education

Our programs combine in-class learning with experiential community-based learning opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills to teach Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Keewatinase works closely with each student on their educational journey to become a professional teacher certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT).

Indigenous Language Instructor's Program

As a student, you will learn Native language structure, pedagogical principles, and teaching techniques in an environment that respects, encompasses, and promotes traditional teaching practices and beliefs.

Indigenous Learning

We focus on the current reality of Aboriginal Peoples as opposed to the traditional, anthropological approach. While history is a component of your Indigenous Learning studies, it will be within the context of lived implications in order to challenge assumptions and mistaken understandings about Aboriginal Peoples.

Indigenous Nursing Entry Program

Our innovative programming honours and celebrates Indigenous heritage while providing culturally appropriate supports and services. Academic counselling and tutoring are available, as well as other supports, such as Elder visits, cultural activities, personal counselling, and assistance with community connections for services such as housing and child care.

Indigenous STEM Access Program (ISTEM)

The ISTEM Program is designed to provide the necessary skills and academic preparation for successful transition into first year studies in many of the programs in the faculties of Science and Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management and Health and Behavioural Sciences.

Indigenous Teacher Education Program

As a student, you will attend core program courses that reflect diverse Aboriginal culture, leadership, and identity and have regular access to academic advising, referral, and tutoring. As well, your staff and faculty will prove devoted and encouraging as they strive to support your academic success.

Indigenous Transition Year Program

Our Indigenous Transition Year Program is intended for students of Indigenous ancestry who have not met the regular or mature university entry requirements, or who require academic preparation to become eligible for admission to a Lakehead University program.

Interdisciplinary Studies

You will develop advanced critical thinking skills, problem-solving strategies and specialized knowledge pertaining to a variety of topics. We also offer the ability to pursue concentrations in Environment in Politics and Culture, Human Nature, Social Justice, and International Conflict and Human Rights. 

Lakehead Arts One

Are you interested in a Bachelor of Arts, but feeling uncertain as to which program is right for you? Lakehead Arts One allows you to explore a range of disciplines from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities without having to select a particular major until the end of your first year

Lakehead Science One

Our Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies is small and comprehensive, creating ample opportunity to access professors and teaching assistants and benefit from the intimate and interactive learning environment. We enjoy helping you find your passion as a student, and shape your future as a prospective graduate


As economic and cultural ties between countries continue to make our world smaller, the need to communicate as global citizens is becoming more important. Languages are instruments of discovery. The study of language facilitates communication as well as the understanding of broader cultural and historical contexts that influence the way we live.


We blend the study of legal doctrine with the hands-on learning of practical skills. Unlike other law schools, our law graduates are exempted from the articling requirement as a result of the integrated practical skills in all three years of our legal program. Law graduates may immediately sit for the bar exams and enter the legal profession practice-ready.


Mathematics seeks hidden patterns that help us to understand life and the complex problems that surround us. This discipline of numbers, quantity, and space can be applied to many fields and industries, from Life Science to Finance.

Media, Film and Communications

Our Media, Film and Communications program will particularly allow you to immerse yourself in the cutting-edge world of social media – from production to dissemination to analysis – and beyond.


As a student, you will explore the various dimensions of music through courses taught by teachers of national and international stature as well as receive mentorship opportunities from seasoned musicians and professionals in the field.

Natural Resources Management

Natural resources management is the stewardship of forested public and private landscapes, with the intention of creating a balanced approach to sustainable ecosystem management with regard to many of the social, economic, and environmental challenges which face us now and into the future.

Natural Science

Each year you will have the flexibility to choose electives from other Faculties to supplement your Biology education, and gain a well-rounded and multidisciplinary understanding of living organisms and the environmen.


You will learn to become an active member of an interprofessional health care team that can meet the needs of society while maximizing healthcare outcomes through communication, health promotion, and health protection strategies.

Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism

It is our goal to prepare you for success in this challenging and rapidly changing industry, from planning and leading guided tours to assessing and creating visitor experiences for communities and parks organizations.


By studying philosophy, you will learn about the intellectual foundations of our society, but you will also develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that will enable you to re-examine society with an inquisitive mind and a discerning lens.

Political Science

Our Political Science program studies the institutions, ideas, practices, and power that shape government and policy at all levels. Students will gain a thorough understanding of political systems - with a particular focus on Canadian politics - and overarching notions of freedom, equality, and justice.


Throughout your undergraduate degree, you will gain at least one credit of exposure to all elements of the disciplines and sub-fields including Biological, Cognitive-Affective, Individual, Social, Abnormal, and Developmental, in addition to your stream electives.

Resource and Environmental Economics

As a Resource and Environmental Economics student, you will examine resource allocation and decision-making processes with respect to policies related to water quality, air pollution, waste disposal, and climate change. The natural resources component of the program will focus on the economics of resource extraction, resource depletion, and sustainability.

Visual Arts

Our small size allows our faculty to focus on you as an individual artist and offer personal attention within the studio class setting. We also attend a field trip each year to visit museums and galleries, to supplement the structure of in-class learning. Our classes have visited art and cultural centres in Toronto, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa, Minneapolis, and New York.

Water Resource Science

Our Water Resource Science program is the only undergraduate program of its kind in Canada, and will provide you with the necessary skills and scientific knowledge to protect and advocate for our most valuable resource.

Archaeological Science

Students with a strong anthropology background will learn to apply analytical methods from cognate disciplines such as chemistry, physics, geology and biology to archaeological research, and students from the cognate disciplines will learn about archaeological research and methods in order to more effectively apply their discipline-specific knowledge


Our Department of Biology offers a graduate program in the biological sciences, under the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies. Students who successfully complete the program will achieve a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

Business Administration (MBA)

Students develop analytical, decision-making, and communication skills and enhance their abilities to examine ethical considerations in business. This program achieves these goals through intensive and stimulating lectures, energetic class discussions, contemporary and relevant case studies, and experiential learning projects.

Business Management

The Master of Science in Management program is designed for students with degrees in business and related fields to prepare for professional careers in management. Building upon their undergraduate studies, students have an opportunity to closely examine a particular aspect of business, while developing advanced skills in management and research.


Our Department of Chemistry offers a graduate program that provides students with diverse opportunities across the subdisciplines of analytical, biochemical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Students who successfully complete the program will achieve a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

Computer Science

The Master's program in computer science provides an opportunity to explore the breadth and depth of advanced knowledge in the discipline. Students benefit from a selection of advanced courses and a chance to pursue research that aligns with their interests and aspirations.


The purpose of the co-op option is to provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom and to obtain new insights and educational experiences. Two four-month work terms (which may be taken consecutively) follow the first two terms of study.


Our Master of Education (MEd) program provides you with a unique learning opportunity, which addresses the current landscape of both education and research. Our program consists of two distinct fields of study, Educational Studies and Education for Change.

Engineering: Electrical & Computer

The program is directed to graduates from the existing undergraduate Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering programs at Lakehead University and graduates from undergraduate programs at other universities. The program fosters independent research abilities of students. Students will achieve these objectives through a combination of course work and research towards the completion of a thesis.

Engineering: Environmental

Our extensive research capabilities are supported by outstanding laboratory facilities, including a centralized instrumentation laboratory. Our faculty members and graduate students conduct cutting-edge research in both fundamental studies and applied science and engineering to address the global environmental issues, such as climate change, water crisis, and energy crisis etc.

Engineering: Chemical

Students in the MSc program have the opportunity to work collaboratively with world-class researchers, research facilities and research institutes, all within a collegial learning environment. Graduate students will benefit from participating in industrially driven projects, a collegial environment, and close supervisor-student interactions.

Engineering: Civil

Several laboratories are equipped to support the broad range of advanced experimental research, including a new state-of-the-art Structural Fire Testing and Research Laboratory. This world-class facility has a large fire testing furnace that allows study of the fire resistance of various large-scale building components, such as beams, columns and floor assemblies.

Engineering: Mechanical

Lakehead University’s Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSc-ME) program aims to foster students’ independent research abilities through a combination of course work and systematic research. This MSc-ME program provides a dynamic and unique curriculum to train graduates to tackle mechanical engineering challenges faced by industries and communities effectively and efficiently.


We provide a valuable learning experience to those students interested in the MA as a terminal degree, while also providing those students interested in further study with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue doctoral studies. Graduates with a BA, HBA or Concurrent Education degree majoring in English have a number of good reasons to continue their study of literature with us.

Environmental Studies

Graduates of this program will have the skills to meet the challenges of environmental and cultural issues faced by communities, industries, and services in northern areas. The research focus of the program will be the boreal north - the area covered by the boreal forest and the ecotone between the forest and tundra - although research in the Arctic and far north will not be excluded


Petrochemistry is deemed to include: Field and laboratory studies of ore deposits, igneous, metamorphic, and lithified sedimentary rocks. Tectonophysics is deemed to include: Field and laboratory studies of structural geology, rock magnetism, and basin analysis.

Health Sciences

The Department of Health Sciences offers an on-campus, thesis-based, Master of Health Sciences (MHSc) program that is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skill to undertake a supervised research study in a relevant area of concern, within the broad definition of health.


The study of history encompasses all aspects of human experience in all parts of the world, and recognizes that the lives of ordinary people are as full of interest and significance as those of famous leaders. Students of history become involved in the process of creating a shared understanding of past events, but also pursue areas of history which are relevant to their own concerns.


The thesis-based degree program employs a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on the study of human performance from a scientific perspective

Mathematical Sciences

Graduate students will work on research in the area of expertise of one or more of our faculty members. Current areas of specialization include: Algebra, graph theory, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, numerical analysis, operator algebras, optimization, operations research, partial differential equations, and probability and statistics.

Natural Resources Management: Master of Forest Management (course-based)

The Course-based Master’s degree (Master’s in Forest Management) emphasizes professional development in forest management, policy, geomatics, and ecology. The degree entails 4 terms of coursework (16 months). Three terms are on campus and one term, comprised of an internship and field school, is off-campus.

Natural Resources Management: Master of Science in Forestry (thesis-based)

The MSc-F (thesis-based masters program) is a research-oriented degree. Most often students undertake research in one or more of the natural/biophysical fields of forest sciences, however social science research projects (and methodologies), as well as research at the intersection of the natural and social sciences, are also common and are supported by the program

Nursing - Advanced Practice Specialization

The Master of Nursing (MN) program is a coursework master’s program, which includes a clinical placement component. The Advanced Practice Specialization stream is primarily intended to prepare Advanced Practice nurses to meet the needs of a diverse population. The program may be of interest to individuals looking to pursue careers in nursing education, research, leadership and/or policy.

Nursing - Nurse Practitioner Specialization

The MN Nurse Practitioner Specialization is primarily intended to prepare students interested in completing the MN Nurse Practitioner program that leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse (Extended Class) Nurse Practitioner. The Nurse Practitioner Primary Health Care Program at Lakehead University is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario. Current graduates from this program are eligible to apply for Extended Class registration as a Nurse Practitioner in Ontario.


Students benefit from close working relationships with their advisors. These relationships help to facilitate students' research in Condensed Matter & Optical Physics (semiconductor, surface science, soft-condensed matter, and fibre optics). Our collaboration with the medical physics staff at the Regional Cancer Centre also provides a number of applicable research opportunities with Medical Physics professionals.

Psychology: Clinical

The MA Clinical program strives to develop and nurture skills within students that are grounded in science, critical thinking, and ethics, so that they may serve as competent researchers, clinicians, and educators. The program adheres closely to the scientist-practitioner model of training and practice in psychology

Psychology: Psychological Science

The Master of Science in Psychological Science is a research-intensive program that addresses all areas of psychology including biological, cognitive, and individual and social bases of behaviour. The Psychological Science curriculum is based on an apprenticeship model, which includes flexible core courses that are appropriate to a student's area of research.

Public Health

In the Master of Public Health program, students will focus on current issues in the science and/or service of public health, so that they may gain experience through opportunities in any of the fundamental disciplines that underlie public health. The program is primarily intended to prepare graduates for a career in public health practic

Public Health: Nursing Specialization

In the Master of Public Health with Specialization in Nursing program, students will focus on current issues in the science and/or service of public health, so that they may gain experience through opportunities in any of the fundamental disciplines that underlie public health. The program is primarily intended to prepare graduates for a career in public health practice.

Social Justice Studies

The program allows students to pursue a 4 FCE course based degree or, with the approval of the Social Justice Studies Committee, complete a practicum, a creative project, or a research project in lieu of the final 1 FCE of coursework. The program prepares students to work, research and advocate towards a more socially just society which values equality, solidarity and human rights and recognizes the citizenship of each human being.

Social Work

The curriculum focuses on the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for professional practice in environments characterized by urban regional centres, rural and remote communities, large geographic distances, low population density, diverse First Nations communities and people, and a mix of formal services.


The Department of Sociology offers a graduate program dedicated to enhancing students' knowledge of the societies in which they live, while increasing their ability to think independently and critically about important social issues.

Gender and Women's Studies

The aim of the program is to encourage the development and integration of gendered teaching, learning, and research within the university community and the community at large. This Collaborative Master's program allows students to combine advanced disciplinary research with gendered scholarship from the interdisciplinary field of Gender and Women's Studies.


The Gerontology Program collaborates with five departments including Psychology, to provide students with an innovative, interdisciplinary learning perspective. Students have the opportunity to access multifaceted resources and work together with complementary disciplines.

Graduate Diploma in Accounting

Lakehead University’s Graduate Diploma in Accounting (GDA) is a one semester professional accounting program which prepares students to pursue the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. The GDA seamlessly integrates with the Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting Major) and enhances the technical and enabling competencies of our undergraduate students by further developing critical thinking, analytical, integrative and ethical reasoning, and communication skills.

Graduate Diploma in Professional Kinesiology

The Graduate Diploma in Professional Kinesiology provides professional training and clinical skill upgrading for current and future practitioners of Kinesiology. Individuals will gain advanced theoretical knowledge and practical experience to help prepare them to work within the scope of practice of a Kinesiologist.

Anthropology Programs

Our courses blend in-class lecture with seminars, labs and field work to provide you with a well-rounded background in both the theoretical and practical applications of your area of interest. You will have access to world-class laboratories and anthropological collections which have contributed to groundbreaking findings and been utilized by some of the foremost leaders in the field

Applied Life Sciences

Explore the modern applications of bio-molecular research in anthropology, chemistry, biology, and physics as a student of Applied Life Sciences. This interdisciplinary program focuses on the study of living organisms at the bio-molecular or cellular level, and the human manipulation of molecular biological processes, with hands-on learning through laboratory courses, research opportunities, and internships.

Applied Life Sciences (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

Explore how life works. Our life sciences program teaches you about the chemistry, biology and physiology of diverse forms of life and prepares you for a career in the health sector.


Bioinformatics is the application of information technology to the field of molecular biology. As a relatively new area of study, we are one of the very few universities in Canada that offer this program from year one.


Lakehead University’s Faculty of Business Administration has one of the finest undergraduate business programs in Canada, producing exceptional business leaders through innovative programming that includes mentorship, consulting opportunities, and participation in national and international business competitions.

Computer Science (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

Design, build and analyze. From hardware to software, computer scientists are solving problems and delivering value in a variety of business, scientific and social settings.


Criminology involves the study of crime, including victimization, criminality, and criminal justice agents and institutions among other areas. The field is multi-disciplinary, including Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, and various other academic fields.

Education - Concurrent

Concurrent Education allows you to start your teaching career faster and earn two degrees at the same time. Study the program of your choice, while also taking classes within the Faculty of Education, before spending two years exclusively with the Faculty of Education in order to qualify for certification by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT

Education - Consecutive

Our Faculty of Education prepares prospective teachers for a dynamic and rewarding career through unique and innovative programming. By emphasizing critical thinking skills and collaborative learning, we give you the flexibility to explore the teaching methods, concepts, and values that are meaningful to you.


Engineering is a broad discipline primarily focused on the design and maintenance of technological and industrial systems. Our Faculty of Engineering programs require a creative and inquisitive mind to navigate high-level problem-solving strategies across a variety of environmental, mathematical, ethical and science-based topics

Engineering - Chemical

As a chemical engineer, you will be skilled in the development, design, construction, and operation of industrial plants in which natural resources are transferred into useful products.Additionally, you’ll be involved in the manufacture of such commodities as synthetic fibres, plastics, fertilizers, detergents, salts, foods, pharmaceuticals, resins, petroleum products, and pulp and paper.

Engineering - Civil

s a civil engineer, you will be involved in the planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation of engineering projects including as buildings, airports, highways, dams and power, water supply, bridges, and industrial facilities

Engineering - Electrical

As an electrical engineer, you will work on the development and manufacturing of electrical and electronics equipment. You will learn the fundamentals of physical science, as well as more practical areas in the design and operation of industrial control systems, communication systems, electronic circuits, and the generation and distribution of electrical power.

Engineering - Electrical (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

This unique program gives you the chance to graduate with a professional degree and a technology diploma in just four years. You’ll gain hands-on skills and advanced technical knowledge to prepare you to become a professional engineer. An optional 16-month co-op is available.

Engineering - Mechanical

Mechanical engineers are employed in many sectors of the economy such as power generation, transportation, and renewable energy, employing engineering sciences to solve complex problems that face our civilization.

Engineering - Mechatronics

Mechatronics Engineering is the design of robotics, control systems, and electromechanical systems. This is a new and rapidly-growing multi-disciplinary branch of engineering at the intersection of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, and Computer Science.

Engineering - Software

As a software engineer, you will apply engineering methodologies and good practices for managing the creation of software from conception to the release of the finished product, including analysis, design, coding, testing and deploying software systems.

Environmental Management

As part of the Faculty of Natural Resources Management, our Environmental Management program will provide you with a sound understanding of natural processes in environmental ecosystems, including a strong background in forest environments and technical experience using industry-standard geomatics tools.

Environmental Sustainability

Studying Environmental Sustainability will prepare you to play a crucial role in protecting the ecosystems and living organisms that make up our environment. You will gain both the scientific expertise and practical experience needed to solve modern sustainability challenges in Canada and around the world

Environmental Sustainability (Lakehead-Georgian Partnership)

The specialization in ecosystem management will allow you to select additional topics complementing the environmental sustainability degree-diploma including, but not limited to environmental impact assessment, environmental biomonitoring, geomatics, and more.

Forestry (HBSCF)

Our Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry shares a common curriculum with the Honours Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management for the first two years.Through a specialization, you will delve deeper into the areas of Forest Management, Forest Health and Protection, or the emerging area of Forest Products and Marketing.

Gender and Women's Studies

Our faculty members are prominent in the fields of feminist legal studies, women’s health, queer studies, cultural and new media studies and teach related courses that easily springboard our students into the Masters of Social Justice and related postgraduate programs, law schools across Canada, midwifery, policing, and many others.

General Arts

Our General Arts program is a great choice if you are looking for a multidisciplinary education that allows you the freedom to explore your interests. It is very easy to move from the General Arts program into a specific major at any point – this is recommended if you wish to apply to graduate or professional school after

General Science

Our General Science program is a great choice if you are looking for a multidisciplinary education that allows you the freedom to explore your interests. It is very easy to move from the General Science program into a specific major at any point during your undergraduate degree.


The program is a collaboration between the departments of Anthropology, Geography, and Geology, and focuses on applying the concepts and methods in these fields to interpret artifacts left behind by ancient societies.


Our Geography programs focus on physical geography, dealing with spatial aspects of land, water and the atmosphere, as well as human geography which explores the cultural, political and economic forces behind the distribution of human activities.

Indigenous Education

Our programs combine in-class learning with experiential community-based learning opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills to teach Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. Keewatinase works closely with each student on their educational journey to become a professional teacher certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT).

Indigenous Language Instructor's Program

As a student, you will learn Native language structure, pedagogical principles, and teaching techniques in an environment that respects, encompasses, and promotes traditional teaching practices and beliefs.

Indigenous Learning

We focus on the current reality of Aboriginal Peoples as opposed to the traditional, anthropological approach. While history is a component of your Indigenous Learning studies, it will be within the context of lived implications in order to challenge assumptions and mistaken understandings about Aboriginal Peoples.

Indigenous Nursing Entry Program

Our innovative programming honours and celebrates Indigenous heritage while providing culturally appropriate supports and services. Academic counselling and tutoring are available, as well as other supports, such as Elder visits, cultural activities, personal counselling, and assistance with community connections for services such as housing and child care.

Indigenous STEM Access Program (ISTEM)

The ISTEM Program is designed to provide the necessary skills and academic preparation for successful transition into first year studies in many of the programs in the faculties of Science and Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management and Health and Behavioural Sciences.

Indigenous Teacher Education Program

As a student, you will attend core program courses that reflect diverse Aboriginal culture, leadership, and identity and have regular access to academic advising, referral, and tutoring. As well, your staff and faculty will prove devoted and encouraging as they strive to support your academic success.

Indigenous Transition Year Program

Our Indigenous Transition Year Program is intended for students of Indigenous ancestry who have not met the regular or mature university entry requirements, or who require academic preparation to become eligible for admission to a Lakehead University program.

Interdisciplinary Studies

You will develop advanced critical thinking skills, problem-solving strategies and specialized knowledge pertaining to a variety of topics. We also offer the ability to pursue concentrations in Environment in Politics and Culture, Human Nature, Social Justice, and International Conflict and Human Rights. 

Lakehead Arts One

Are you interested in a Bachelor of Arts, but feeling uncertain as to which program is right for you? Lakehead Arts One allows you to explore a range of disciplines from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities without having to select a particular major until the end of your first year

Lakehead Science One

Our Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies is small and comprehensive, creating ample opportunity to access professors and teaching assistants and benefit from the intimate and interactive learning environment. We enjoy helping you find your passion as a student, and shape your future as a prospective graduate


As economic and cultural ties between countries continue to make our world smaller, the need to communicate as global citizens is becoming more important. Languages are instruments of discovery. The study of language facilitates communication as well as the understanding of broader cultural and historical contexts that influence the way we live.


We blend the study of legal doctrine with the hands-on learning of practical skills. Unlike other law schools, our law graduates are exempted from the articling requirement as a result of the integrated practical skills in all three years of our legal program. Law graduates may immediately sit for the bar exams and enter the legal profession practice-ready.


Mathematics seeks hidden patterns that help us to understand life and the complex problems that surround us. This discipline of numbers, quantity, and space can be applied to many fields and industries, from Life Science to Finance.

Media, Film and Communications

Our Media, Film and Communications program will particularly allow you to immerse yourself in the cutting-edge world of social media – from production to dissemination to analysis – and beyond.


As a student, you will explore the various dimensions of music through courses taught by teachers of national and international stature as well as receive mentorship opportunities from seasoned musicians and professionals in the field.

Natural Resources Management

Natural resources management is the stewardship of forested public and private landscapes, with the intention of creating a balanced approach to sustainable ecosystem management with regard to many of the social, economic, and environmental challenges which face us now and into the future.

Natural Science

Each year you will have the flexibility to choose electives from other Faculties to supplement your Biology education, and gain a well-rounded and multidisciplinary understanding of living organisms and the environmen.


You will learn to become an active member of an interprofessional health care team that can meet the needs of society while maximizing healthcare outcomes through communication, health promotion, and health protection strategies.

Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Tourism

It is our goal to prepare you for success in this challenging and rapidly changing industry, from planning and leading guided tours to assessing and creating visitor experiences for communities and parks organizations.


By studying philosophy, you will learn about the intellectual foundations of our society, but you will also develop critical thinking and problem solving skills that will enable you to re-examine society with an inquisitive mind and a discerning lens.

Political Science

Our Political Science program studies the institutions, ideas, practices, and power that shape government and policy at all levels. Students will gain a thorough understanding of political systems - with a particular focus on Canadian politics - and overarching notions of freedom, equality, and justice.


Throughout your undergraduate degree, you will gain at least one credit of exposure to all elements of the disciplines and sub-fields including Biological, Cognitive-Affective, Individual, Social, Abnormal, and Developmental, in addition to your stream electives.

Resource and Environmental Economics

As a Resource and Environmental Economics student, you will examine resource allocation and decision-making processes with respect to policies related to water quality, air pollution, waste disposal, and climate change. The natural resources component of the program will focus on the economics of resource extraction, resource depletion, and sustainability.

Visual Arts

Our small size allows our faculty to focus on you as an individual artist and offer personal attention within the studio class setting. We also attend a field trip each year to visit museums and galleries, to supplement the structure of in-class learning. Our classes have visited art and cultural centres in Toronto, Chicago, Montreal, Ottawa, Minneapolis, and New York.

Water Resource Science

Our Water Resource Science program is the only undergraduate program of its kind in Canada, and will provide you with the necessary skills and scientific knowledge to protect and advocate for our most valuable resource.

Archaeological Science

Students with a strong anthropology background will learn to apply analytical methods from cognate disciplines such as chemistry, physics, geology and biology to archaeological research, and students from the cognate disciplines will learn about archaeological research and methods in order to more effectively apply their discipline-specific knowledge


Our Department of Biology offers a graduate program in the biological sciences, under the Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies. Students who successfully complete the program will achieve a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

Business Administration (MBA)

Students develop analytical, decision-making, and communication skills and enhance their abilities to examine ethical considerations in business. This program achieves these goals through intensive and stimulating lectures, energetic class discussions, contemporary and relevant case studies, and experiential learning projects.

Business Management

The Master of Science in Management program is designed for students with degrees in business and related fields to prepare for professional careers in management. Building upon their undergraduate studies, students have an opportunity to closely examine a particular aspect of business, while developing advanced skills in management and research.


Our Department of Chemistry offers a graduate program that provides students with diverse opportunities across the subdisciplines of analytical, biochemical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Students who successfully complete the program will achieve a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree.

Computer Science

The Master's program in computer science provides an opportunity to explore the breadth and depth of advanced knowledge in the discipline. Students benefit from a selection of advanced courses and a chance to pursue research that aligns with their interests and aspirations.


The purpose of the co-op option is to provide students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom and to obtain new insights and educational experiences. Two four-month work terms (which may be taken consecutively) follow the first two terms of study.


Our Master of Education (MEd) program provides you with a unique learning opportunity, which addresses the current landscape of both education and research. Our program consists of two distinct fields of study, Educational Studies and Education for Change.

Engineering: Electrical & Computer

The program is directed to graduates from the existing undergraduate Electrical Engineering and Software Engineering programs at Lakehead University and graduates from undergraduate programs at other universities. The program fosters independent research abilities of students. Students will achieve these objectives through a combination of course work and research towards the completion of a thesis.

Engineering: Environmental

Our extensive research capabilities are supported by outstanding laboratory facilities, including a centralized instrumentation laboratory. Our faculty members and graduate students conduct cutting-edge research in both fundamental studies and applied science and engineering to address the global environmental issues, such as climate change, water crisis, and energy crisis etc.

Engineering: Chemical

Students in the MSc program have the opportunity to work collaboratively with world-class researchers, research facilities and research institutes, all within a collegial learning environment. Graduate students will benefit from participating in industrially driven projects, a collegial environment, and close supervisor-student interactions.

Engineering: Civil

Several laboratories are equipped to support the broad range of advanced experimental research, including a new state-of-the-art Structural Fire Testing and Research Laboratory. This world-class facility has a large fire testing furnace that allows study of the fire resistance of various large-scale building components, such as beams, columns and floor assemblies.

Engineering: Mechanical

Lakehead University’s Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MSc-ME) program aims to foster students’ independent research abilities through a combination of course work and systematic research. This MSc-ME program provides a dynamic and unique curriculum to train graduates to tackle mechanical engineering challenges faced by industries and communities effectively and efficiently.


We provide a valuable learning experience to those students interested in the MA as a terminal degree, while also providing those students interested in further study with the skills and knowledge they need to pursue doctoral studies. Graduates with a BA, HBA or Concurrent Education degree majoring in English have a number of good reasons to continue their study of literature with us.

Environmental Studies

Graduates of this program will have the skills to meet the challenges of environmental and cultural issues faced by communities, industries, and services in northern areas. The research focus of the program will be the boreal north - the area covered by the boreal forest and the ecotone between the forest and tundra - although research in the Arctic and far north will not be excluded


Petrochemistry is deemed to include: Field and laboratory studies of ore deposits, igneous, metamorphic, and lithified sedimentary rocks. Tectonophysics is deemed to include: Field and laboratory studies of structural geology, rock magnetism, and basin analysis.

Health Sciences

The Department of Health Sciences offers an on-campus, thesis-based, Master of Health Sciences (MHSc) program that is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skill to undertake a supervised research study in a relevant area of concern, within the broad definition of health.


The study of history encompasses all aspects of human experience in all parts of the world, and recognizes that the lives of ordinary people are as full of interest and significance as those of famous leaders. Students of history become involved in the process of creating a shared understanding of past events, but also pursue areas of history which are relevant to their own concerns.


The thesis-based degree program employs a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on the study of human performance from a scientific perspective

Mathematical Sciences

Graduate students will work on research in the area of expertise of one or more of our faculty members. Current areas of specialization include: Algebra, graph theory, functional analysis, harmonic analysis, numerical analysis, operator algebras, optimization, operations research, partial differential equations, and probability and statistics.

Natural Resources Management: Master of Forest Management (course-based)

The Course-based Master’s degree (Master’s in Forest Management) emphasizes professional development in forest management, policy, geomatics, and ecology. The degree entails 4 terms of coursework (16 months). Three terms are on campus and one term, comprised of an internship and field school, is off-campus.

Natural Resources Management: Master of Science in Forestry (thesis-based)

The MSc-F (thesis-based masters program) is a research-oriented degree. Most often students undertake research in one or more of the natural/biophysical fields of forest sciences, however social science research projects (and methodologies), as well as research at the intersection of the natural and social sciences, are also common and are supported by the program

Nursing - Advanced Practice Specialization

The Master of Nursing (MN) program is a coursework master’s program, which includes a clinical placement component. The Advanced Practice Specialization stream is primarily intended to prepare Advanced Practice nurses to meet the needs of a diverse population. The program may be of interest to individuals looking to pursue careers in nursing education, research, leadership and/or policy.

Nursing - Nurse Practitioner Specialization

The MN Nurse Practitioner Specialization is primarily intended to prepare students interested in completing the MN Nurse Practitioner program that leads to licensure as a Registered Nurse (Extended Class) Nurse Practitioner. The Nurse Practitioner Primary Health Care Program at Lakehead University is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario. Current graduates from this program are eligible to apply for Extended Class registration as a Nurse Practitioner in Ontario.


Students benefit from close working relationships with their advisors. These relationships help to facilitate students' research in Condensed Matter & Optical Physics (semiconductor, surface science, soft-condensed matter, and fibre optics). Our collaboration with the medical physics staff at the Regional Cancer Centre also provides a number of applicable research opportunities with Medical Physics professionals.

Psychology: Clinical

The MA Clinical program strives to develop and nurture skills within students that are grounded in science, critical thinking, and ethics, so that they may serve as competent researchers, clinicians, and educators. The program adheres closely to the scientist-practitioner model of training and practice in psychology

Psychology: Psychological Science

The Master of Science in Psychological Science is a research-intensive program that addresses all areas of psychology including biological, cognitive, and individual and social bases of behaviour. The Psychological Science curriculum is based on an apprenticeship model, which includes flexible core courses that are appropriate to a student's area of research.

Public Health

In the Master of Public Health program, students will focus on current issues in the science and/or service of public health, so that they may gain experience through opportunities in any of the fundamental disciplines that underlie public health. The program is primarily intended to prepare graduates for a career in public health practic

Public Health: Nursing Specialization

In the Master of Public Health with Specialization in Nursing program, students will focus on current issues in the science and/or service of public health, so that they may gain experience through opportunities in any of the fundamental disciplines that underlie public health. The program is primarily intended to prepare graduates for a career in public health practice.

Social Justice Studies

The program allows students to pursue a 4 FCE course based degree or, with the approval of the Social Justice Studies Committee, complete a practicum, a creative project, or a research project in lieu of the final 1 FCE of coursework. The program prepares students to work, research and advocate towards a more socially just society which values equality, solidarity and human rights and recognizes the citizenship of each human being.

Social Work

The curriculum focuses on the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for professional practice in environments characterized by urban regional centres, rural and remote communities, large geographic distances, low population density, diverse First Nations communities and people, and a mix of formal services.


The Department of Sociology offers a graduate program dedicated to enhancing students' knowledge of the societies in which they live, while increasing their ability to think independently and critically about important social issues.

Gender and Women's Studies

The aim of the program is to encourage the development and integration of gendered teaching, learning, and research within the university community and the community at large. This Collaborative Master's program allows students to combine advanced disciplinary research with gendered scholarship from the interdisciplinary field of Gender and Women's Studies.


The Gerontology Program collaborates with five departments including Psychology, to provide students with an innovative, interdisciplinary learning perspective. Students have the opportunity to access multifaceted resources and work together with complementary disciplines.

Graduate Diploma in Accounting

Lakehead University’s Graduate Diploma in Accounting (GDA) is a one semester professional accounting program which prepares students to pursue the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation. The GDA seamlessly integrates with the Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting Major) and enhances the technical and enabling competencies of our undergraduate students by further developing critical thinking, analytical, integrative and ethical reasoning, and communication skills.

Graduate Diploma in Professional Kinesiology

The Graduate Diploma in Professional Kinesiology provides professional training and clinical skill upgrading for current and future practitioners of Kinesiology. Individuals will gain advanced theoretical knowledge and practical experience to help prepare them to work within the scope of practice of a Kinesiologist.

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Năm 2023/2024
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GPA 7.0+
IELTS 6.0 (minimum 5.5)
TOEFL iBT 80 overall
PTE 58 overall
Doulingo 115
CAEL 60 overall


Năm 2023/2024
Danh sách Yêu cầu
Bằng cấp Hoàn thành chương trình Đại học
GPA 3.0/4.0
IELTS Overall 6.5 (no subscore below 6.0) 
TOEFL 80 overall
PTE 58 overall
Doulingo 115
CAEL 60 overall



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